Trump, Huxley and Orwell.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The true genius of Donald Trump is his ability to recognize that America is living in a world that parallels Aldous Huxley’s dystopian vision in his novel, Brave New World. George Orwell’s offering in “1984” seems to have lost out to Huxley’s observation that humans can be led to complete serfdom by pleasuring themselves endlessly with banal distractions.

The only traces of Orwell’s fearful predictions exist in outposts like North Korea or in the Sharia Law of insular medieval remnants of the Crusades that still prevail in Islamic kingdoms. Even Russian and China are lining up with tickets to Huxley’s show as they addict their multitudes to the mesmerizing, masturbatory allure of modern, electro-technical social media.

The cognitively impoverished have all been herded into the Democratic Party in the United States and Trump knows this. Like the toothless front row a professional wrestling match they dutifully cheer and jeer, unaware that they are used and laughed at by their leadership.

When Trump orchestrated his hostile takeover of the Republican Party he mobilized the American voting community that can still make sense of their world. He activated a voting bloc that recognized the fact the when the light of day is shined on the American political establishment most are just rats chewing on the electrical cords that power our freedoms.

Trump highlighted the vermin that infests the American political system and the people listened. When he tweets and uses social media he is making use of Huxley’s reality to attack the toxic status quo. But make no mistake; Orwell’s world lurks in the shadows. It hides in our FBI, Departments of Justice and Homeland Security.

The usurpation and contamination of our security agencies is a dire warning that Orwell could yet be redeemed. The Untouchables may no longer exist; Eliot Ness is likely on the take. The sinister and shady use of FISA warrants to slander and destroy political opposition is going to be uncovered.

The insects that overrun our political matrix have been very successful at turning us into a banana republic. Trump has come to the fore to put an end to that. Don’t let Orwell’s admonition of a runaway security state take way the hard-fought liberties we all enjoy.

There’s still time before they turn us all into fat kids smoking marijuana and playing video games. Huxley’s idiocracy can lead to an Orwell outcome. Proof?-The Clintons’ are still free.
Huxley and Orwell were real people. Look them up.

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