Trump has already won 2020

Trump said he loves the poorly educated as much as anyone else and will make sure they are no longer pushed to the side in favor of invaders.
.....just liberals don’t know it yet [emoji631]
LOL yeah he's made so many friends since being outvoted in the last election

Yes he was outvoted, there was no way Trump could win, no fucking way...

By a 72000 vote total he won Penn Mich and Wisc Think that'll happen again?

No. I’ll be more

Yeah truth lol he's made so many friends All those women will now vote for him ,all those people of color too all Americans who respect the constitution who respect the work congress is SUPPOSED to do Yes truth they'll all flock to the voting booths and the only thing stopping them will be Repub voter suppression
NO. It is simply keeping government free of goofball behavior that diverts government activity on behalf of the American people, to activity that Democrats see as beneficial to THEM.

Let that sink in.
I'll address your specific comments first, then add Trump's "promises kept" at the end:
1. The corporate tax cut keeps corporations from moving overseas. The top tax rate needs to be raised, so why aren't the dems raising it as part of a 2020 Budget deal?
2. Obama policies were job killers, Obamacare is a disaster. Instead of healthcare we pay premiums and $10,000 deductibles.
3. Name any allies he's alienated. He is getting NATO freeloaders to pay up, and is supported by NATO for doing it Here's how NATO's budget actually works
4. China has to be stopped or they will dominate the world, even Schumer and Pelosi are cheering him on
5. Iran needs to be stopped from developing nukes. The Obama deal only had a 10-year delay, Trump said no nukes, period.
6. Declassifying illegal FISA warrants is a good thing. We need to prosecute the biggest scandal in US history, the Obama admin using the intel agencies to spy on the Trump campaign, and then illegally start an investigation into "Trump collusion", of which there was none.

Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
1) GOP tax bill rewards offshoring

2) unemployment went below historical norms under obama

3) Trump Again Alienates Allies & Compliments Enemies

4) China will simply trade with the rest of the world

5) Iran was complying with nuclear restrictions, until trump shit-canned it.

6) On the FISA warrant,they are still hunting, but still finding no law breaking
TFW you're caught doing crimes and you try to blame the cops for your own crimes. (aka actual witch hunt)

1. Bad link. GOP Bill rewards onshoring and repatriation, not offshoring. Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
2. Not complaining about unemployment, complaining about GDP and "those jobs are not coming back"

3. Trump kicked NATO into paying their commitments and not just depending on the US military, especially when Germany is buying gas from Russia.
4. The US-China trade war is a good thing. Its time to cut the cord and let China sink or swim w/o subsidies from the US
5. Iran was waiting for the 10-year time limit to build their nukes. Trump said no nukes, period.
6. From your article:

"Former FBI General Counsel James Baker said on Monday he expects the Justice Department inspector general to find "mistakes" committed by the bureau in its handling of the Trump-Russia investigation." So do we.

And I quote
In case you missed it, CNN recently dug up video footage(1999) of GOP Senators Mitch McConnell(KY), Lindsey Graham(SC), and Chuck Grassley(IA) explaining their reasons for supporting President Bill Clinton’s impeachment. Listening to the explanations given by Senators McConnell, Graham and Grassley in support of Clinton’s impeachment in 1999 and considering the fact that all of them are now staunch defenders, even abetters of President Trump who is accused of doing far worse, it is hard to avoid the shocking hypocrisy displayed by these three senior U.S. Senators.

Senator Mitch McConnell for example said on February 10, 1999, “The problem is lying under oath and obstructing justice. The subject matter[Monica Lewinsky] is not what is significant here. It is lying under oath and obstructing justice.”

Senator Lindsey Graham said on January 16, 1999, “The point I’m trying to make is you don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic. Impeachment is not about punishment, impeachment is about cleansing the office.”

Senator Chuck Grassley said on January 9, 1999, “We are miraculously transformed from politicians to people who leave their Republican and Democrat labels at the door. We’re there to seek the truth and to find out whether the president is guilty or not guilty, and no stone should be left unturned to make that determination.”

From what we have seen so far, I think it is fair to conclude that Mitch McConnell will never vote to impeach Trump even if evidence was produced proving that Trump obstructed and is still obstructing justice. It is also fair to conclude that Senator Graham will never vote to impeach Trump without a conviction in an effort to “cleanse the office” even if a mountain of evidence was presented showing Trump has defiled/is still defiling the office. As for Senator Grassley, it is likewise fair to conclude that he will never shed his Republican label and vote to impeach Trump even if a determination was made that he was guilty of a crime.

Bottom line, it is not uncommon for politicians from both sides of the aisle to be caught in hypocritical stances. The Trump presidency however has brought political hypocrisy to a whole new alarming level.Simply put, no self-respecting individual who took issue with President Clinton’s lying and obstruction of justice would ever fervently defend Trump, a far worse and serial offender, as Senators Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley have. It is such sickening hypocrisy that turns a lot of young impressionable people away from politics–a sad state of affairs indeed.

1. Trump did not obstruct justice, just ask Barr & Rosenstein. Those 900 prosecutors are wrong. There is no Trump crime, the illegal investigation is the crime.
2. Clinton lost his Law license. Trump committed no crime. Whining for more investigation knowing that nothing will be found is a crime.
3. The real criminals are the deep state conspirators that tried to defeat Trump, and then failing that, had an "insurance policy" to investigate Trump for colluding with the Russians. After the Mueller investigation failed, the democrats want the House to keep investigating, even though no crime was committed.

Enough with the whiny bullshit. The dems need to do their jobs, or Trump and the GOP will boot them out in 2020.

Mueller's investigation DID NOT fail There are 10 or more crimes of trump to still be investigated by a congress NOT like the last one that kissed trumps butt

Got a quote for those 10 "crimes"?
Are you referring to the 10 "almost obstruction crimes" ?
Since there were no sealed indictments, that must be what you're referring to.
I can explain away the 10 "almost crimes", I'll give you one example:
1. Trump ordered McGhan to fire Mueller for "bias". Since Trump did not give Mueller the FBI job.
a. McGhan did NOT fire Mueller, so that one is moot. Even if he did fire Mueller, Rosenstein would have hired a replacement. Further, since Trump knew that there was no "collusion" and that the "investigation" was illegal, he had every right to protect the presidency, and that's not even driving thru the big "INTENT" loophole created by Comey for Hillary's crimes. Even so, Mueller was not obstructed in his investigation, and will testify such.

Your democrat congress can pound sand until they have proof of a crime. The Senate wouldn't even hold a trial, they'd send the Impeachment paper back to the House with a cartoon face on it.
.....just liberals don’t know it yet [emoji631]
LOL yeah he's made so many friends since being outvoted in the last election

Yes he was outvoted, there was no way Trump could win, no fucking way...

By a 72000 vote total he won Penn Mich and Wisc Think that'll happen again?

No. I’ll be more

Yeah truth lol he's made so many friends All those women will now vote for him ,all those people of color too all Americans who respect the constitution who respect the work congress is SUPPOSED to do Yes truth they'll all flock to the voting booths and the only thing stopping them will be Repub voter suppression

Ok sure
I'll address your specific comments first, then add Trump's "promises kept" at the end:
1. The corporate tax cut keeps corporations from moving overseas. The top tax rate needs to be raised, so why aren't the dems raising it as part of a 2020 Budget deal?
2. Obama policies were job killers, Obamacare is a disaster. Instead of healthcare we pay premiums and $10,000 deductibles.
3. Name any allies he's alienated. He is getting NATO freeloaders to pay up, and is supported by NATO for doing it Here's how NATO's budget actually works
4. China has to be stopped or they will dominate the world, even Schumer and Pelosi are cheering him on
5. Iran needs to be stopped from developing nukes. The Obama deal only had a 10-year delay, Trump said no nukes, period.
6. Declassifying illegal FISA warrants is a good thing. We need to prosecute the biggest scandal in US history, the Obama admin using the intel agencies to spy on the Trump campaign, and then illegally start an investigation into "Trump collusion", of which there was none.

Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
1) GOP tax bill rewards offshoring

2) unemployment went below historical norms under obama

3) Trump Again Alienates Allies & Compliments Enemies

4) China will simply trade with the rest of the world

5) Iran was complying with nuclear restrictions, until trump shit-canned it.

6) On the FISA warrant,they are still hunting, but still finding no law breaking
TFW you're caught doing crimes and you try to blame the cops for your own crimes. (aka actual witch hunt)

1. Bad link. GOP Bill rewards onshoring and repatriation, not offshoring. Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
2. Not complaining about unemployment, complaining about GDP and "those jobs are not coming back"

3. Trump kicked NATO into paying their commitments and not just depending on the US military, especially when Germany is buying gas from Russia.
4. The US-China trade war is a good thing. Its time to cut the cord and let China sink or swim w/o subsidies from the US
5. Iran was waiting for the 10-year time limit to build their nukes. Trump said no nukes, period.
6. From your article:

"Former FBI General Counsel James Baker said on Monday he expects the Justice Department inspector general to find "mistakes" committed by the bureau in its handling of the Trump-Russia investigation." So do we.

And I quote
In case you missed it, CNN recently dug up video footage(1999) of GOP Senators Mitch McConnell(KY), Lindsey Graham(SC), and Chuck Grassley(IA) explaining their reasons for supporting President Bill Clinton’s impeachment. Listening to the explanations given by Senators McConnell, Graham and Grassley in support of Clinton’s impeachment in 1999 and considering the fact that all of them are now staunch defenders, even abetters of President Trump who is accused of doing far worse, it is hard to avoid the shocking hypocrisy displayed by these three senior U.S. Senators.

Senator Mitch McConnell for example said on February 10, 1999, “The problem is lying under oath and obstructing justice. The subject matter[Monica Lewinsky] is not what is significant here. It is lying under oath and obstructing justice.”

Senator Lindsey Graham said on January 16, 1999, “The point I’m trying to make is you don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic. Impeachment is not about punishment, impeachment is about cleansing the office.”

Senator Chuck Grassley said on January 9, 1999, “We are miraculously transformed from politicians to people who leave their Republican and Democrat labels at the door. We’re there to seek the truth and to find out whether the president is guilty or not guilty, and no stone should be left unturned to make that determination.”

From what we have seen so far, I think it is fair to conclude that Mitch McConnell will never vote to impeach Trump even if evidence was produced proving that Trump obstructed and is still obstructing justice. It is also fair to conclude that Senator Graham will never vote to impeach Trump without a conviction in an effort to “cleanse the office” even if a mountain of evidence was presented showing Trump has defiled/is still defiling the office. As for Senator Grassley, it is likewise fair to conclude that he will never shed his Republican label and vote to impeach Trump even if a determination was made that he was guilty of a crime.

Bottom line, it is not uncommon for politicians from both sides of the aisle to be caught in hypocritical stances. The Trump presidency however has brought political hypocrisy to a whole new alarming level.Simply put, no self-respecting individual who took issue with President Clinton’s lying and obstruction of justice would ever fervently defend Trump, a far worse and serial offender, as Senators Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley have. It is such sickening hypocrisy that turns a lot of young impressionable people away from politics–a sad state of affairs indeed.

1. Trump did not obstruct justice, just ask Barr & Rosenstein. Those 900 prosecutors are wrong. There is no Trump crime, the illegal investigation is the crime.
2. Clinton lost his Law license. Trump committed no crime. Whining for more investigation knowing that nothing will be found is a crime.
3. The real criminals are the deep state conspirators that tried to defeat Trump, and then failing that, had an "insurance policy" to investigate Trump for colluding with the Russians. After the Mueller investigation failed, the democrats want the House to keep investigating, even though no crime was committed.

Enough with the whiny bullshit. The dems need to do their jobs, or Trump and the GOP will boot them out in 2020.

1) republicans say in private that Trump obstructed. Barr is just a Trump stooge.
2) Trump's lawyer lost his license, and is in jail.
3) The deep state never tried to defeat Trump. Voters didn't know about russia investigation during campaign or election. The "deep state" was only trying to keep tabs on russia influence into our election process, and even warned Trump campaign about it.

1. Republicans who say Trump obstructed won't be Republicans long. The investigation was illegal from the start, it was a deep state coup attempt.
2. Cohen's (and Manafort's) problems are not Trump's. A real lawyer (like McGhan) would know better.
3. Tap dancing already? Barr will tell us in no uncertain terms what the fucking deep state did when he indicts them.
Last edited:
Yeah truth lol he's made so many friends All those women will now vote for him ,all those people of color too all Americans who respect the constitution who respect the work congress is SUPPOSED to do Yes truth they'll all flock to the voting booths and the only thing stopping them will be Repub voter suppression
Why WOULDN'T people of color vote for him, when he has accomplished the lowest unemployment for blacks and Hispanics in US history ? Oh CNN "forgot" to tell you that ?

And why WOULDN'T women vote for him, when he has accomplished the lowest unemployment for them in over half a century ?

And why wouldn't people who respect the Constitution vote for him, when he tried to uphold the Constitution by banning Muslim immigration ? (when Islam is unconstitutional)

And why shouldn't they vote for him, when he supports the proper voter suppression of illegal voting by illegal aliens, welcomed and given sanctuary by Democrats ?

Yeah, Trump has made many friends, and many who aren't his friend, OUGHT TO BE.
Yeah truth lol he's made so many friends All those women will now vote for him ,all those people of color too all Americans who respect the constitution who respect the work congress is SUPPOSED to do Yes truth they'll all flock to the voting booths and the only thing stopping them will be Repub voter suppression
Why WOULDN'T people of color vote for him, when he has accomplished the lowest unemployment for blacks and Hispanics in US history ? Oh CNN "forgot" to tell you that ?

And why WOULDN'T women vote for him, when he has accomplished the lowest unemployment for them in over half a century ?

And why wouldn't people who respect the Constitution vote for him, when he tried to uphold the Constitution by banning Muslim immigration ? (when Islam is unconstitutional)

And why shouldn't they vote for him, when he supports the proper voter suppression of illegal voting by illegal aliens, welcomed and given sanctuary by Democrats ?

Yeah, Trump has made many friends, and many who aren't his friend, OUGHT TO BE.

The unemployment rate's been dropping for 9 years now. 8 of those years being before trump's tax cuts.

Trump moron sides with NK dictator to help him defeat his opponents Guess those NK missiles are ok now
The unemployment rate's been dropping for 9 years now. 8 of those years being before trump's tax cuts.

The unemployment drops of the Obama years are normal springback recoil after a severe recession, not anything attributable to Obama. Obama's last year was his only one that is his - and it was miserable.
The unemployment rate's been dropping for 9 years now. 8 of those years being before trump's tax cuts.

The unemployment drops of the Obama years are normal springback recoil after a severe recession, not anything attributable to Obama. Obama's last year was his only one that is his - and it was miserable.
And bushs last month of 750000 out of work was a great thing?? Obama is twice the man trump is Trump is nothing but a vile bully with a big mouth and 100 lawyers
Trump moron sides with NK dictator to help him defeat his opponents Guess those NK missiles are ok now
Why shouldn't NK have missles ? They need them to have leverage with Russia, China, Pakistan, and other nuclear power countries. Demanding that NK denuclearize is a bit ridiculous.

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