Trump Gives Weird Babbling Speech Even By His Standards

Yeah, the thread is based on Trump's WORDS. Which is biased nonsense, for sure.
Trump's words are not in question. The biased and hateful interpretation of them are. Duh...
There is no way to interpret lies and bullshit facts that Trump spews every damn day that could excuse the fact they are lies and bullshit, Bat-boy. Even trump supporters have to believe the huge number of obvious, blatant lies Trump can be seen spewing in all his stupid shit pep rallies shown on Fox as often as possible- are you saying he never said he wanted a huge beautiful wall from sea to shining sea (2000 miles) and Mexico would pay for it? And that was just a nonsensical lie HE SPEWED ON HIS FIRST DAY OF ANNOUNCING HIS CANDIDACY...he has lied over 6000 times since somehow assuming office, and I do mean "assuming." You are entitled to a clue. If you do not have a clue can be provided to you, like I just did in this post.

I love it when a dumbass trump voter (as if there is any other kind) takes the time and effort to just copy and paste a dumbass meme some other dumbass trump voter created to try and show his snowflake feelings were hurt by someone posting the truth because he just does not know enough words or how to spell them to possibly type out his own opinion....
Yeah, the thread is based on Trump's WORDS. Which is biased nonsense, for sure.
Trump's words are not in question. The biased and hateful interpretation of them are. Duh...
There is no way to interpret lies and bullshit facts that Trump spews every damn day that could excuse the fact they are lies and bullshit, Bat-boy. Even trump supporters have to believe the huge number of obvious, blatant lies Trump can be seen spewing in all his stupid shit pep rallies shown on Fox as often as possible- are you saying he never said he wanted a huge beautiful wall from sea to shining sea (2000 miles) and Mexico would pay for it? And that was just a nonsensical lie HE SPEWED ON HIS FIRST DAY OF ANNOUNCING HIS CANDIDACY...he has lied over 6000 times since somehow assuming office, and I do mean "assuming." You are entitled to a clue. If you do not have a clue can be provided to you, like I just did in this post.

I love it when a dumbass trump voter (as if there is any other kind) takes the time and effort to just copy and paste a dumbass meme some other dumbass trump voter created to try and show his snowflake feelings were hurt by someone posting the truth because he just does not know enough words or how to spell them to possibly type out his own opinion....
Says a control freak
I do think it’s ridiculous that the government is involved with the Special Olympics, the Special Olympics does not deserve to be treated like crap like the government treats every other thing they touch....

The Special Olympics does not deserve federal dollars. It's unconstitutional.
No it isn’t. But ok
Socialism is always fucked up

It's not right our federal dollars are going to something like the special olympics. That's shit charity should be doing. Trump agrees with Betsy Devos but it was so unpopular he backed down and then threw her under the bus.

Trump Now Wants to Fund the Special Olympics After Submitting Three Budget Proposals Defunding It

This year, for the third year in a row, the Trump administration putforward a federal budget that eliminated funding for the Special Olympics. In its most recent budget proposal kicking around the Hill this week, the Trump White House again pushed defunding the world’s largest sports organization for people with intellectual and physical disabilities. It’s a move that would save a mere $17.6 million, as part of a broader $7 billion–plus proposed cut to the Department of Education budget. Slashing the Special Olympics funding is a cut so deeply unpopular on all sides that in the past two years, lawmakers have simply ignored the White House and continued to fund the charity

It is a gallingly cynical cut, of course, but one that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos dutifully spent three days defending, while simultaneously refusing to take responsibility for it. “As you know, [the] budget processwithin the administration is a collaborative one, and it’s been my responsibility to present the budget here on behalf of the administration, the president’s budget,” DeVos said during a Senate hearing Thursday. “We had to make tough choices and decisions around the budget priorities.”
My husband helped sponsor the first few Special Olympics when they came out as far west as Wyoming. There was no federal funding for it back then, it was strictly held in friendly enough to allow their football stadiums to be used by Special Olympics sponsors and he special children who--at last--had a special event in which each of them could take home a meritorious award for something they worked hard to do. Before, they had nothing at all in the lifelong fitness arena they could latch onto, and their health went downhill because of it.

It's a wonderful thing, and if we are called upon to help, we, the American people, can volunteer and get the job done at no cost to taxpayers. These kids will still have their day in the winner's circle. That's what is important, not how much money it cost. It's good for a lot of people to get into helping out special kids. Really good. :)

I’m just going along with republicans. I don’t care how much good it does it’s not the federal governments job, and I shouldn’t have to pay taxes to fund a charity or social program not of my choosing, right?

See republicans like Betsy DeVos at least have the balls to try and cut programs that will probably not be very popular with the public when they do it, but republicans have been telling us for years they don’t like paying for these unconstitutional programs. Even the good ones.

Then I want to point to the fact the ceo of the special Olympics makes over $400,000 a year. I wonder how many make $300,000 and 200,000 and $100,000 working there.

Next social security and Medicare will be cut. I’d rather cut the special Olympics.
Actually, Trump's words themselves are ample fodder.
Perhaps fodder for leftist sheep to graze on. Or choke on, more appropriately. They have lost their minds because they hate Trump so much yet he constantly wins and picks up support.

Put some Bag Balm on your chapped ass.
There is no way to interpret lies and bullshit facts that Trump spews every damn day that could excuse the fact they are lies and bullshit, Bat-boy. Even trump supporters have to believe the huge number of obvious, blatant lies Trump can be seen spewing in all his stupid shit pep rallies shown on Fox as often as possible- are you saying he never said he wanted a huge beautiful wall from sea to shining sea (2000 miles) and Mexico would pay for it? And that was just a nonsensical lie HE SPEWED ON HIS FIRST DAY OF ANNOUNCING HIS CANDIDACY...he has lied over 6000 times since somehow assuming office, and I do mean "assuming." You are entitled to a clue. If you do not have a clue can be provided to you, like I just did in this post.
Good luck with the whole collusion thing. You should get some Bag Balm too. You sound as though your ass is raw
and chaffed.
Actually, Trump's words themselves are ample fodder.
Perhaps fodder for leftist sheep to graze on. Or choke on, more appropriately. They have lost their minds because they hate Trump so much yet he constantly wins and picks up support.

Put some Bag Balm on your chapped ass.
That's not very gentlemanly of you. I've lived in this country my whole life and was reared on the fairness of majority rule. So I am not grousing because I "lost." I am pointing out that Trump is the most bizarro president this country has EVER had and he is getting worse and worse, the more we accept his ranting and raving and loose, inaccurate and unprofessional diatribes.

Since the Mueller report came out, I don't like the aggressive, angry tone I hear in the President's voice, either. You'd think he'd be happy. What's up with that?
That's not very gentlemanly of you. I've lived in this country my whole life and was reared on the fairness of majority rule. So I am not grousing because I "lost." I am pointing out that Trump is the most bizarro president this country has EVER had and he is getting worse and worse, the more we accept his ranting and raving and loose, inaccurate and unprofessional diatribes.
I was born and raised here too. So what?
I've never seen anything like the pure, untainted hate that Trump has been subjected to.

He's been called Hitler so many times I've lost track of it all. He was called Putin's "dick holster". "traitor", orange baboon,
the little hands nonsense, etc.
I'm not fond of the way he has insulted his detractors but looking at things through a prism, as you are, that focuses entirely on Trump with zero context is certainly not fair by any means.

You have a lot of soul searching to go through begin you even start to attack the behavior of others.

Since the Mueller report came out, I don't like the aggressive, angry tone I hear in the President's voice, either. You'd think he'd be happy. What's up with that?
Instead of being cleared by an exhaustive two year investigation that has exonerated the president the left is now doubling down on a number of investigations that are targeting him and are designed to remove him from office.
The business of the democrat House leadership and members is not to make the nation safer or better but pure political vendetta.

You seem amazed that even a dog will growl when you've kicked him enough. What's up with your naive clueless surprise.
There is no way to interpret lies and bullshit facts that Trump spews every damn day that could excuse the fact they are lies and bullshit, Bat-boy. Even trump supporters have to believe the huge number of obvious, blatant lies Trump can be seen spewing in all his stupid shit pep rallies shown on Fox as often as possible- are you saying he never said he wanted a huge beautiful wall from sea to shining sea (2000 miles) and Mexico would pay for it? And that was just a nonsensical lie HE SPEWED ON HIS FIRST DAY OF ANNOUNCING HIS CANDIDACY...he has lied over 6000 times since somehow assuming office, and I do mean "assuming." You are entitled to a clue. If you do not have a clue can be provided to you, like I just did in this post.
Good luck with the whole collusion thing. You should get some Bag Balm too. You sound as though your ass is raw
and chaffed.
I know you are dim and real slow on the uptake, but is there some sort of denial of what I posted hidden in that reply or just another feeble attempt on your part to try and insult your betters after you just had your ass handed to you by facts? What part of my reply was not true? Who cares why you are focusing on chapped asses, that is your own personal perversion.
I know you are dim and real slow on the uptake, but is there some sort of denial of what I posted hidden in that reply or just another feeble attempt on your part to try and insult your betters after you just had your ass handed to you by facts? What part of my reply was not true? Who cares why you are focusing on chapped asses, that is your own personal perversion.
More ad hom garbage. You can play with yourself (take that any way you like) until you magically develop some manners and an actual thought or two of substance.

Be careful you don't flame out, noob.
That's not very gentlemanly of you. I've lived in this country my whole life and was reared on the fairness of majority rule. So I am not grousing because I "lost." I am pointing out that Trump is the most bizarro president this country has EVER had and he is getting worse and worse, the more we accept his ranting and raving and loose, inaccurate and unprofessional diatribes.
I was born and raised here too. So what?
I've never seen anything like the pure, untainted hate that Trump has been subjected to.

He's been called Hitler so many times I've lost track of it all. He was called Putin's "dick holster". "traitor", orange baboon,
the little hands nonsense, etc.
I'm not fond of the way he has insulted his detractors but looking at things through a prism, as you are, that focuses entirely on Trump with zero context is certainly not fair by any means.

You have a lot of soul searching to go through begin you even start to attack the behavior of others.

Since the Mueller report came out, I don't like the aggressive, angry tone I hear in the President's voice, either. You'd think he'd be happy. What's up with that?
Instead of being cleared by an exhaustive two year investigation that has exonerated the president the left is now doubling down on a number of investigations that are targeting him and are designed to remove him from office.

You seem amazed that even a dog will growl when you've kicked him enough. What's up with your naive clueless
give it a rest, lapdog. How many times has Trump and his guest loons at his bizarre neo-nazi pep rallies claimed Hillary was a crook and should be locked up despite 7 different republican led investigations, one special prosecutor investigation and one FBI investigation THAT ALL CAME UP ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, not even a public reprimand for any of her actions. But trump constantly accusing her of being guilty of crimes SHE HAS NEVER EVEN BEEN CHARGED WITH, and giving a public forum to others who repeat that shit like traitor General Flynn, is okay with you apparently, and Trump is okay to lie about that. If you look fairly at both sides even someone as slow on the draw as you must see when it comes to lying, to making senseless partisan attacks, to making hateful attacks on how a person looks (even republican Carly Fiorina who trump said was too ugly to be president), to being a corrupt, classless pig in way over his head way way above what any democrat in history has ever been.
President Donald Trump, emboldened by the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, unleashed against anyone and everything in his path during a rally Thursday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“The collusion delusion is over,” Trump declared. “The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction. ... This was nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory and to sabotage the will of the American people.”

The president’s comments came less than a week after Mueller delivered the report of his nearly two-year long inquiry into Russian interference in the last presidential election to the Justice Department. Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary Sunday, saying that, in his opinion, Mueller did not determine that the president or his team had colluded with the Russian government.

But, even though Trump has declared himself totally “exonerated,” Mueller wrote that, while his report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” according to Barr’s four-page summary.

Trump continued his rejection of that statement on Thursday and excoriated Democrats who said that Congress plans to continue to investigate his administration and past business dealings. Party leaders have demanded the full report, which is more than 300 pages, a Justice Department official told HuffPost on Thursday.

“The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit,” Trump said in Michigan.

The president also dredged up his familiar attacks on prominent lawmakers and his past political opponents, slamming former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He also demeaned Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the head of the House Intelligence Committee, amid calls from Republicans that Schiff resign his chairmanship over his past remarks (Trump has called for him to resign from Congress completely).

“Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam, but, more importantly, our country was hurt,” Trump said. He then said his opponents were on “artificial respirators right now.”

“They’re getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” the president continued. “Little pencil-neck Adam Schiff. He’s got the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen. He is not a long ball hitter.” (Not since President Lincoln have we heard such eloquent phrasing coming from a presidential speech. What a national treasure.)

Trump also championed his supporters on Thursday and attacked those he dubbed the “elite.”

“I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them. I went to the best schools. They didn’t,” he said. “Much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment. Much more beautiful everything. And I’m president, and they’re not.” ( Ah, the old Pee-Wee Herman gambit- "I know you are, but what am I?" He went on to spew, "But probably my best quality is how humble I am.")
Nice OP to start the day with. OMG.

Hey, just wanted to say welcome to the board. Don't get banned; we need all the liberals we can get.
There is no Liberals here. Just paid impostors. Liberals doesn't help out Big corporations. They are the enemies of the Liberals. All of a sudden, these fake liberals approves of Big Pharma raising their prices. And trying to get the tax payers to pay for everyone's healthcare. But while ignoring Big Pharma prices.


That's not very gentlemanly of you. I've lived in this country my whole life and was reared on the fairness of majority rule. So I am not grousing because I "lost." I am pointing out that Trump is the most bizarro president this country has EVER had and he is getting worse and worse, the more we accept his ranting and raving and loose, inaccurate and unprofessional diatribes.
I was born and raised here too. So what?
I've never seen anything like the pure, untainted hate that Trump has been subjected to.

He's been called Hitler so many times I've lost track of it all. He was called Putin's "dick holster". "traitor", orange baboon,
the little hands nonsense, etc.
I'm not fond of the way he has insulted his detractors but looking at things through a prism, as you are, that focuses entirely on Trump with zero context is certainly not fair by any means.

You have a lot of soul searching to go through begin you even start to attack the behavior of others.

Since the Mueller report came out, I don't like the aggressive, angry tone I hear in the President's voice, either. You'd think he'd be happy. What's up with that?
Instead of being cleared by an exhaustive two year investigation that has exonerated the president the left is now doubling down on a number of investigations that are targeting him and are designed to remove him from office.
The business of the democrat House leadership and members is not to make the nation safer or better but pure political vendetta.

You seem amazed that even a dog will growl when you've kicked him enough. What's up with your naive clueless surprise.
I'm not buying your explanation, but since neither of us knows what's up with him right now, there's no sense arguing about it anymore. I was just commenting--it is something new I had not heard before.
I'm not buying your explanation
There's a coincidence.

but since neither of us knows what's up with him right now, there's no sense arguing about it anymore. I was just commenting--it is something new I had not heard before.
Speak for yourself. I know exactly what's going on. Yes Trump has a horrible habit of personalizing attacks on critics
and the left has opened the floodgates of Hell in personal attacks on Trump and his family.
So they, and you, are hardly in a position to lecture or finger wag (with that one particular finger), are you?

Maybe you think Trump should just sit there and take unending insults, like Hitler and Putin's dick holster?
But he's a New York city business man...not Jesus Christ. If you want to see a more civil tone in America try turning down your rhetoric level first.

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