Trump Gives Weird Babbling Speech Even By His Standards

Somebody is way up past their bedtime!! Why so grumpy, asshole? Just try to face reality and see how bizarrely incompetent and clueless Trump is and you won't get so upset when people point that out to you. Get it, sonny?
You meant to reply to mike, I think, not sealy. Mike is just a troll. You can safely ignore him.
Whichever one is somehow trying to defend Trump.
It’s not about defending Trump, anything that damages the federal government is a good thing for the country. There would be no trumpets there was no Obama
I don't understand why Trump backed down on defunding the special olympics. That is not government's job that's phylanthropic. So Republicans are hypocrites or afraid to do in the light of day what they do during lame duck sessions and in secrecy.
I do think it’s ridiculous that the government is involved with the Special Olympics, the Special Olympics does not deserve to be treated like crap like the government treats every other thing they touch....

The GOP wants to defund the special olympics but it would be extremely unpopular to do so Trump chickened out. And he blamed Devos

First, who's idea was it to defund the Special Olympics?

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, who wanted to defund the Special Olympics and then “correct[ed] the record” by confirming that she indeed wanted to defund the Special Olympics, is having a tough week, but that seems deserved given that she wanted to defund the Special Olympics.

Roughly an hour later, Donald Trump said he had “overridden my people”—the Special Olympics will not lose its federal funding.

Very quickly, DeVos released her own statement praising Trump for not defunding the Special Olympics, even though just this morning she had once again defended her proposal to defund the Special Olympic. The only thing that was accomplished in this entire process is that everyone now knows Betsy DeVos would love to defund the Special Olympics if she had the power to do so.
It’s not about defending Trump, anything that damages the federal government is a good thing for the country. There would be no trumpets there was no Obama
I don't understand why Trump backed down on defunding the special olympics. That is not government's job that's phylanthropic. So Republicans are hypocrites or afraid to do in the light of day what they do during lame duck sessions and in secrecy.
I do think it’s ridiculous that the government is involved with the Special Olympics, the Special Olympics does not deserve to be treated like crap like the government treats every other thing they touch....

The Special Olympics does not deserve federal dollars. It's unconstitutional.
No it isn’t. But ok
Socialism is always fucked up

It's not right our federal dollars are going to something like the special olympics. That's shit charity should be doing. Trump agrees with Betsy Devos but it was so unpopular he backed down and then threw her under the bus.

Trump Now Wants to Fund the Special Olympics After Submitting Three Budget Proposals Defunding It

This year, for the third year in a row, the Trump administration putforward a federal budget that eliminated funding for the Special Olympics. In its most recent budget proposal kicking around the Hill this week, the Trump White House again pushed defunding the world’s largest sports organization for people with intellectual and physical disabilities. It’s a move that would save a mere $17.6 million, as part of a broader $7 billion–plus proposed cut to the Department of Education budget. Slashing the Special Olympics funding is a cut so deeply unpopular on all sides that in the past two years, lawmakers have simply ignored the White House and continued to fund the charity

It is a gallingly cynical cut, of course, but one that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos dutifully spent three days defending, while simultaneously refusing to take responsibility for it. “As you know, [the] budget processwithin the administration is a collaborative one, and it’s been my responsibility to present the budget here on behalf of the administration, the president’s budget,” DeVos said during a Senate hearing Thursday. “We had to make tough choices and decisions around the budget priorities.”

I don't understand why Trump backed down on defunding the special olympics. That is not government's job that's phylanthropic. So Republicans are hypocrites or afraid to do in the light of day what they do during lame duck sessions and in secrecy.
I do think it’s ridiculous that the government is involved with the Special Olympics, the Special Olympics does not deserve to be treated like crap like the government treats every other thing they touch....

The Special Olympics does not deserve federal dollars. It's unconstitutional.
No it isn’t. But ok
Socialism is always fucked up

It's not right our federal dollars are going to something like the special olympics. That's shit charity should be doing. Trump agrees with Betsy Devos but it was so unpopular he backed down and then threw her under the bus.

Trump Now Wants to Fund the Special Olympics After Submitting Three Budget Proposals Defunding It

This year, for the third year in a row, the Trump administration putforward a federal budget that eliminated funding for the Special Olympics. In its most recent budget proposal kicking around the Hill this week, the Trump White House again pushed defunding the world’s largest sports organization for people with intellectual and physical disabilities. It’s a move that would save a mere $17.6 million, as part of a broader $7 billion–plus proposed cut to the Department of Education budget. Slashing the Special Olympics funding is a cut so deeply unpopular on all sides that in the past two years, lawmakers have simply ignored the White House and continued to fund the charity

It is a gallingly cynical cut, of course, but one that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos dutifully spent three days defending, while simultaneously refusing to take responsibility for it. “As you know, [the] budget processwithin the administration is a collaborative one, and it’s been my responsibility to present the budget here on behalf of the administration, the president’s budget,” DeVos said during a Senate hearing Thursday. “We had to make tough choices and decisions around the budget priorities.”
How much rent does trump pay you, freak?
I do think it’s ridiculous that the government is involved with the Special Olympics, the Special Olympics does not deserve to be treated like crap like the government treats every other thing they touch....

The Special Olympics does not deserve federal dollars. It's unconstitutional.
No it isn’t. But ok
Socialism is always fucked up

It's not right our federal dollars are going to something like the special olympics. That's shit charity should be doing. Trump agrees with Betsy Devos but it was so unpopular he backed down and then threw her under the bus.

Trump Now Wants to Fund the Special Olympics After Submitting Three Budget Proposals Defunding It

This year, for the third year in a row, the Trump administration putforward a federal budget that eliminated funding for the Special Olympics. In its most recent budget proposal kicking around the Hill this week, the Trump White House again pushed defunding the world’s largest sports organization for people with intellectual and physical disabilities. It’s a move that would save a mere $17.6 million, as part of a broader $7 billion–plus proposed cut to the Department of Education budget. Slashing the Special Olympics funding is a cut so deeply unpopular on all sides that in the past two years, lawmakers have simply ignored the White House and continued to fund the charity

It is a gallingly cynical cut, of course, but one that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos dutifully spent three days defending, while simultaneously refusing to take responsibility for it. “As you know, [the] budget processwithin the administration is a collaborative one, and it’s been my responsibility to present the budget here on behalf of the administration, the president’s budget,” DeVos said during a Senate hearing Thursday. “We had to make tough choices and decisions around the budget priorities.”
How much rent does trump pay you, freak?
Same amount Obama paid you.
Nice OP to start the day with. OMG.

Hey, just wanted to say welcome to the board. Don't get banned; we need all the liberals we can get.
You can never have too many trolls on the left, can you. Trump's words were "weird" and "babbling"? Only to a troll.
Nice OP to start the day with. OMG.

Hey, just wanted to say welcome to the board. Don't get banned; we need all the liberals we can get.
You can never have too many trolls on the left, can you. Trump's words were "weird" and "babbling"? Only to a troll.
Not at all.
He always babbles. Weird is an opinion, but no more trollish than your opinions.
Not at all.
He always babbles. Weird is an opinion, but no more trollish than your opinions.
I didn't create a thread based entirely on subjective partisan hate. This newly arrived troll did.

The thread is fact free and filled with biased nonsense. That's trolling!
The Special Olympics does not deserve federal dollars. It's unconstitutional.
No it isn’t. But ok
Socialism is always fucked up

It's not right our federal dollars are going to something like the special olympics. That's shit charity should be doing. Trump agrees with Betsy Devos but it was so unpopular he backed down and then threw her under the bus.

Trump Now Wants to Fund the Special Olympics After Submitting Three Budget Proposals Defunding It

This year, for the third year in a row, the Trump administration putforward a federal budget that eliminated funding for the Special Olympics. In its most recent budget proposal kicking around the Hill this week, the Trump White House again pushed defunding the world’s largest sports organization for people with intellectual and physical disabilities. It’s a move that would save a mere $17.6 million, as part of a broader $7 billion–plus proposed cut to the Department of Education budget. Slashing the Special Olympics funding is a cut so deeply unpopular on all sides that in the past two years, lawmakers have simply ignored the White House and continued to fund the charity

It is a gallingly cynical cut, of course, but one that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos dutifully spent three days defending, while simultaneously refusing to take responsibility for it. “As you know, [the] budget processwithin the administration is a collaborative one, and it’s been my responsibility to present the budget here on behalf of the administration, the president’s budget,” DeVos said during a Senate hearing Thursday. “We had to make tough choices and decisions around the budget priorities.”
How much rent does trump pay you, freak?
Same amount Obama paid you.
You are lying scum. I never had much of anything to say about him when he in office and sure as hell didn't make up lies like you filth do.
President Donald Trump, emboldened by the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, unleashed against anyone and everything in his path during a rally Thursday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“The collusion delusion is over,” Trump declared. “The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction. ... This was nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory and to sabotage the will of the American people.”

The president’s comments came less than a week after Mueller delivered the report of his nearly two-year long inquiry into Russian interference in the last presidential election to the Justice Department. Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary Sunday, saying that, in his opinion, Mueller did not determine that the president or his team had colluded with the Russian government.

But, even though Trump has declared himself totally “exonerated,” Mueller wrote that, while his report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” according to Barr’s four-page summary.

Trump continued his rejection of that statement on Thursday and excoriated Democrats who said that Congress plans to continue to investigate his administration and past business dealings. Party leaders have demanded the full report, which is more than 300 pages, a Justice Department official told HuffPost on Thursday.

“The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit,” Trump said in Michigan.

The president also dredged up his familiar attacks on prominent lawmakers and his past political opponents, slamming former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He also demeaned Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the head of the House Intelligence Committee, amid calls from Republicans that Schiff resign his chairmanship over his past remarks (Trump has called for him to resign from Congress completely).

“Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam, but, more importantly, our country was hurt,” Trump said. He then said his opponents were on “artificial respirators right now.”

“They’re getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” the president continued. “Little pencil-neck Adam Schiff. He’s got the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen. He is not a long ball hitter.” (Not since President Lincoln have we heard such eloquent phrasing coming from a presidential speech. What a national treasure.)

Trump also championed his supporters on Thursday and attacked those he dubbed the “elite.”

“I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them. I went to the best schools. They didn’t,” he said. “Much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment. Much more beautiful everything. And I’m president, and they’re not.” ( Ah, the old Pee-Wee Herman gambit- "I know you are, but what am I?" He went on to spew, "But probably my best quality is how humble I am.")
Total nonsense.
Even Mikey agrees Trump's speech was total nonsense.
President Donald Trump, emboldened by the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, unleashed against anyone and everything in his path during a rally Thursday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“The collusion delusion is over,” Trump declared. “The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction. ... This was nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory and to sabotage the will of the American people.”

The president’s comments came less than a week after Mueller delivered the report of his nearly two-year long inquiry into Russian interference in the last presidential election to the Justice Department. Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary Sunday, saying that, in his opinion, Mueller did not determine that the president or his team had colluded with the Russian government.

But, even though Trump has declared himself totally “exonerated,” Mueller wrote that, while his report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” according to Barr’s four-page summary.

Trump continued his rejection of that statement on Thursday and excoriated Democrats who said that Congress plans to continue to investigate his administration and past business dealings. Party leaders have demanded the full report, which is more than 300 pages, a Justice Department official told HuffPost on Thursday.

“The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit,” Trump said in Michigan.

The president also dredged up his familiar attacks on prominent lawmakers and his past political opponents, slamming former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He also demeaned Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the head of the House Intelligence Committee, amid calls from Republicans that Schiff resign his chairmanship over his past remarks (Trump has called for him to resign from Congress completely).

“Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam, but, more importantly, our country was hurt,” Trump said. He then said his opponents were on “artificial respirators right now.”

“They’re getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” the president continued. “Little pencil-neck Adam Schiff. He’s got the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen. He is not a long ball hitter.” (Not since President Lincoln have we heard such eloquent phrasing coming from a presidential speech. What a national treasure.)

Trump also championed his supporters on Thursday and attacked those he dubbed the “elite.”

“I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them. I went to the best schools. They didn’t,” he said. “Much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment. Much more beautiful everything. And I’m president, and they’re not.” ( Ah, the old Pee-Wee Herman gambit- "I know you are, but what am I?" He went on to spew, "But probably my best quality is how humble I am.")
Nice OP to start the day with. OMG.

Hey, just wanted to say welcome to the board. Don't get banned; we need all the liberals we can get.
You've already got too many. What we need is VARIETY. The endless "Trump is bad" wears thin. You guys need to diversify.
If only Trump didn't lie & say stpid shit every day......
President Donald Trump, emboldened by the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, unleashed against anyone and everything in his path during a rally Thursday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“The collusion delusion is over,” Trump declared. “The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction. ... This was nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory and to sabotage the will of the American people.”

The president’s comments came less than a week after Mueller delivered the report of his nearly two-year long inquiry into Russian interference in the last presidential election to the Justice Department. Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary Sunday, saying that, in his opinion, Mueller did not determine that the president or his team had colluded with the Russian government.

But, even though Trump has declared himself totally “exonerated,” Mueller wrote that, while his report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” according to Barr’s four-page summary.

Trump continued his rejection of that statement on Thursday and excoriated Democrats who said that Congress plans to continue to investigate his administration and past business dealings. Party leaders have demanded the full report, which is more than 300 pages, a Justice Department official told HuffPost on Thursday.

“The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit,” Trump said in Michigan.

The president also dredged up his familiar attacks on prominent lawmakers and his past political opponents, slamming former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He also demeaned Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the head of the House Intelligence Committee, amid calls from Republicans that Schiff resign his chairmanship over his past remarks (Trump has called for him to resign from Congress completely).

“Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam, but, more importantly, our country was hurt,” Trump said. He then said his opponents were on “artificial respirators right now.”

“They’re getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” the president continued. “Little pencil-neck Adam Schiff. He’s got the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen. He is not a long ball hitter.” (Not since President Lincoln have we heard such eloquent phrasing coming from a presidential speech. What a national treasure.)

Trump also championed his supporters on Thursday and attacked those he dubbed the “elite.”

“I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them. I went to the best schools. They didn’t,” he said. “Much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment. Much more beautiful everything. And I’m president, and they’re not.” ( Ah, the old Pee-Wee Herman gambit- "I know you are, but what am I?" He went on to spew, "But probably my best quality is how humble I am.")
President Trump is mentally ill. And it is getting worse. And it is going to continue to get worse.
President Donald Trump, emboldened by the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, unleashed against anyone and everything in his path during a rally Thursday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“The collusion delusion is over,” Trump declared. “The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction. ... This was nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory and to sabotage the will of the American people.”

The president’s comments came less than a week after Mueller delivered the report of his nearly two-year long inquiry into Russian interference in the last presidential election to the Justice Department. Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary Sunday, saying that, in his opinion, Mueller did not determine that the president or his team had colluded with the Russian government.

But, even though Trump has declared himself totally “exonerated,” Mueller wrote that, while his report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” according to Barr’s four-page summary.

Trump continued his rejection of that statement on Thursday and excoriated Democrats who said that Congress plans to continue to investigate his administration and past business dealings. Party leaders have demanded the full report, which is more than 300 pages, a Justice Department official told HuffPost on Thursday.

“The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit,” Trump said in Michigan.

The president also dredged up his familiar attacks on prominent lawmakers and his past political opponents, slamming former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He also demeaned Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the head of the House Intelligence Committee, amid calls from Republicans that Schiff resign his chairmanship over his past remarks (Trump has called for him to resign from Congress completely).

“Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam, but, more importantly, our country was hurt,” Trump said. He then said his opponents were on “artificial respirators right now.”

“They’re getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” the president continued. “Little pencil-neck Adam Schiff. He’s got the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen. He is not a long ball hitter.” (Not since President Lincoln have we heard such eloquent phrasing coming from a presidential speech. What a national treasure.)

Trump also championed his supporters on Thursday and attacked those he dubbed the “elite.”

“I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them. I went to the best schools. They didn’t,” he said. “Much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment. Much more beautiful everything. And I’m president, and they’re not.” ( Ah, the old Pee-Wee Herman gambit- "I know you are, but what am I?" He went on to spew, "But probably my best quality is how humble I am.")
... and still no Russian connection
This is the transcript of the emails young Donnie, Jr. handed over to Congress concerning his meeting with a known Russian agent of Putin at Trump Tower, along with Jared and Trump Campaign Manager Manafort. Donnie lied and said the meeting was about Russian adoptions before admitting the obvious, that all 3 high up cronies in the Trump Campaign took this meeting knowing it was with an Agent sent from Putin, with supposed dirt on Hillary, designed to help Trump win, because Putin wanted Trump to win...This email in and of itself, submitted by Donnie himself, proves collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia to help Trump win the election..All by itself, this proves collusion-

On Tuesday, Donald Trump Jr. released copies of his emails with Rob Goldstone, a music publicist and acquaintance of Trump Jr., arranging a meeting with a “Russian attorney” to discuss potentially damaging information about Hillary Clinton. Below is a transcript of those emails, arranged in chronological order:

On June 3, 2016 at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump—helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this info to your father via Rhona (Trump's private secretary), but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.


Rob Goldstone

On June 3, 2016 at 10:53 AM, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?



Sent: Monday, June 06, 2016 at 12:40 PM

To: Donald Trump Jr.

Subject: Re: Russia - Clinton - private and confidential

Hi Don

Let me know when you are free to talk with Emin by phone about this Hillary info — you had mentioned early this week so wanted to try to schedule a time and day Best to you and family Rob Goldstone

On June 6, 2016 at 15:03, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

Rob could we speak now?

On Jun 6, 2016, at 16:38, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

Rob thanks for the help.


On Jun 7, 2016, at 4:20 PM, Rob Goldstone wrote:


Hope all is well

Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday.

I believe you are aware of the meeting — and so wondered if 3pm or later on Thursday works for you?

I assume it would be at your office.


Rob Goldstone

On Jun 7, 2016, at 5:16 PM, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

How about 3 at our offices? Thanks rob appreciate you helping set it up.


On June 7, 2016, at 5:19PM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Perfect… I won’t sit in on the meeting, but will bring them at 3 pm and introduce you etc.

I will send the names of the two people meeting with you for security when I have them later today.



On Jun 7, 2016, at 18:14, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

Great. It will likely be Paul Manafort (campaign boss) my brother in law and me. 725 Fifth Ave 25th floor.

Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2016 10:34 AM

To: Donald Trump Jr.

Subject: Re: Russia - Clinton - private and confidential

Good morning,

Would it be possible to move tomorrow meeting to 4pm as the Russian attorney is in court until 3 i was just informed.



On June 8, 2016, at 11:15, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

Yes Rob I could do that unless they wanted to do 3 today instead … just let me know and ill lock it in either way.


From: Donald Trump Jr.

Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2016 12:03PM

To: Jared Kushner; Paul Manafort

Subject: FW: Russia - Clinton - private and confidential

Meeting got moved to 4 tomorrow at my offices.


Yeah, the thread is based on Trump's WORDS. Which is biased nonsense, for sure.
Trump's words are not in question. The biased and hateful interpretation of them are. Duh...
There is no way to interpret lies and bullshit facts that Trump spews every damn day that could excuse the fact they are lies and bullshit, Bat-boy. Even trump supporters have to believe the huge number of obvious, blatant lies Trump can be seen spewing in all his stupid shit pep rallies shown on Fox as often as possible- are you saying he never said he wanted a huge beautiful wall from sea to shining sea (2000 miles) and Mexico would pay for it? And that was just a nonsensical lie HE SPEWED ON HIS FIRST DAY OF ANNOUNCING HIS CANDIDACY...he has lied over 6000 times since somehow assuming office, and I do mean "assuming." You are entitled to a clue. If you do not have a clue can be provided to you, like I just did in this post.
Yeah, the thread is based on Trump's WORDS. Which is biased nonsense, for sure.
Trump's words are not in question. The biased and hateful interpretation of them are. Duh...
There is no way to interpret lies and bullshit facts that Trump spews every damn day that could excuse the fact they are lies and bullshit, Bat-boy. Even trump supporters have to believe the huge number of obvious, blatant lies Trump can be seen spewing in all his stupid shit pep rallies shown on Fox as often as possible- are you saying he never said he wanted a huge beautiful wall from sea to shining sea (2000 miles) and Mexico would pay for it? And that was just a nonsensical lie HE SPEWED ON HIS FIRST DAY OF ANNOUNCING HIS CANDIDACY...he has lied over 6000 times since somehow assuming office, and I do mean "assuming." You are entitled to a clue. If you do not have a clue can be provided to you, like I just did in this post.
I don't understand why Trump backed down on defunding the special olympics. That is not government's job that's phylanthropic. So Republicans are hypocrites or afraid to do in the light of day what they do during lame duck sessions and in secrecy.
I do think it’s ridiculous that the government is involved with the Special Olympics, the Special Olympics does not deserve to be treated like crap like the government treats every other thing they touch....

The Special Olympics does not deserve federal dollars. It's unconstitutional.
No it isn’t. But ok
Socialism is always fucked up

It's not right our federal dollars are going to something like the special olympics. That's shit charity should be doing. Trump agrees with Betsy Devos but it was so unpopular he backed down and then threw her under the bus.

Trump Now Wants to Fund the Special Olympics After Submitting Three Budget Proposals Defunding It

This year, for the third year in a row, the Trump administration putforward a federal budget that eliminated funding for the Special Olympics. In its most recent budget proposal kicking around the Hill this week, the Trump White House again pushed defunding the world’s largest sports organization for people with intellectual and physical disabilities. It’s a move that would save a mere $17.6 million, as part of a broader $7 billion–plus proposed cut to the Department of Education budget. Slashing the Special Olympics funding is a cut so deeply unpopular on all sides that in the past two years, lawmakers have simply ignored the White House and continued to fund the charity

It is a gallingly cynical cut, of course, but one that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos dutifully spent three days defending, while simultaneously refusing to take responsibility for it. “As you know, [the] budget processwithin the administration is a collaborative one, and it’s been my responsibility to present the budget here on behalf of the administration, the president’s budget,” DeVos said during a Senate hearing Thursday. “We had to make tough choices and decisions around the budget priorities.”
My husband helped sponsor the first few Special Olympics when they came out as far west as Wyoming. There was no federal funding for it back then, it was strictly held in friendly enough to allow their football stadiums to be used by Special Olympics sponsors and he special children who--at last--had a special event in which each of them could take home a meritorious award for something they worked hard to do. Before, they had nothing at all in the lifelong fitness arena they could latch onto, and their health went downhill because of it.

It's a wonderful thing, and if we are called upon to help, we, the American people, can volunteer and get the job done at no cost to taxpayers. These kids will still have their day in the winner's circle. That's what is important, not how much money it cost. It's good for a lot of people to get into helping out special kids. Really good. :)

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