Trump Gives Weird Babbling Speech Even By His Standards

The best thing about watching a Trump rally presentation is when the idiot switches back and forth between prepared remarks and freestyle shit shoveling.

He uses the prepared remarks, which he reads without regard for commonly accepted emphasis on words or normal intonation, as cues. He’ll read a sentence or two and then his brain will recognize a cue...and then he goes off script with one of his dopey insults or riffs.

And you morons eat it up every time.
Trump derangement syndrome Is strong with this one...
President Donald Trump, emboldened by the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, unleashed against anyone and everything in his path during a rally Thursday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“The collusion delusion is over,” Trump declared. “The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction. ... This was nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory and to sabotage the will of the American people.”

The president’s comments came less than a week after Mueller delivered the report of his nearly two-year long inquiry into Russian interference in the last presidential election to the Justice Department. Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary Sunday, saying that, in his opinion, Mueller did not determine that the president or his team had colluded with the Russian government.

But, even though Trump has declared himself totally “exonerated,” Mueller wrote that, while his report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” according to Barr’s four-page summary.

Trump continued his rejection of that statement on Thursday and excoriated Democrats who said that Congress plans to continue to investigate his administration and past business dealings. Party leaders have demanded the full report, which is more than 300 pages, a Justice Department official told HuffPost on Thursday.

“The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit,” Trump said in Michigan.

The president also dredged up his familiar attacks on prominent lawmakers and his past political opponents, slamming former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He also demeaned Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the head of the House Intelligence Committee, amid calls from Republicans that Schiff resign his chairmanship over his past remarks (Trump has called for him to resign from Congress completely).

“Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam, but, more importantly, our country was hurt,” Trump said. He then said his opponents were on “artificial respirators right now.”

“They’re getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” the president continued. “Little pencil-neck Adam Schiff. He’s got the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen. He is not a long ball hitter.” (Not since President Lincoln have we heard such eloquent phrasing coming from a presidential speech. What a national treasure.)

Trump also championed his supporters on Thursday and attacked those he dubbed the “elite.”

“I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them. I went to the best schools. They didn’t,” he said. “Much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment. Much more beautiful everything. And I’m president, and they’re not.” ( Ah, the old Pee-Wee Herman gambit- "I know you are, but what am I?" He went on to spew, "But probably my best quality is how humble I am.")
Nice OP to start the day with. OMG.

Hey, just wanted to say welcome to the board. Don't get banned; we need all the liberals we can get.
You've already got too many. What we need is VARIETY. The endless "Trump is bad" wears thin. You guys need to diversify.
You just refuse to accept the truth. There is not an ally of this country, or its people, who are not freaking out a complete bozo like Trump is president of this country...They dislike him way way more than they disliked Bush even after he started a war on lies and authorized torturing prisoners in our custody. We have lost almost all the support of almost all our allies...but on the "plus" side, at least the worst dictators in the world now love our president and like to let him kiss their ass.
Says someone who trusts career politicians
President Donald Trump, emboldened by the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, unleashed against anyone and everything in his path during a rally Thursday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“The collusion delusion is over,” Trump declared. “The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction. ... This was nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory and to sabotage the will of the American people.”

The president’s comments came less than a week after Mueller delivered the report of his nearly two-year long inquiry into Russian interference in the last presidential election to the Justice Department. Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary Sunday, saying that, in his opinion, Mueller did not determine that the president or his team had colluded with the Russian government.

But, even though Trump has declared himself totally “exonerated,” Mueller wrote that, while his report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” according to Barr’s four-page summary.

Trump continued his rejection of that statement on Thursday and excoriated Democrats who said that Congress plans to continue to investigate his administration and past business dealings. Party leaders have demanded the full report, which is more than 300 pages, a Justice Department official told HuffPost on Thursday.

“The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit,” Trump said in Michigan.

The president also dredged up his familiar attacks on prominent lawmakers and his past political opponents, slamming former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He also demeaned Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the head of the House Intelligence Committee, amid calls from Republicans that Schiff resign his chairmanship over his past remarks (Trump has called for him to resign from Congress completely).

“Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam, but, more importantly, our country was hurt,” Trump said. He then said his opponents were on “artificial respirators right now.”

“They’re getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” the president continued. “Little pencil-neck Adam Schiff. He’s got the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen. He is not a long ball hitter.” (Not since President Lincoln have we heard such eloquent phrasing coming from a presidential speech. What a national treasure.)

Trump also championed his supporters on Thursday and attacked those he dubbed the “elite.”

“I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them. I went to the best schools. They didn’t,” he said. “Much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment. Much more beautiful everything. And I’m president, and they’re not.” ( Ah, the old Pee-Wee Herman gambit- "I know you are, but what am I?" He went on to spew, "But probably my best quality is how humble I am.")
Total nonsense.
Why don’t you want to see the report that supposedly totally vindicates trump?
Russia, Russia, Russia… Yawn

I'm ok with it as long as they are going to release the report. I wonder what they will redact.
President Donald Trump, emboldened by the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, unleashed against anyone and everything in his path during a rally Thursday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“The collusion delusion is over,” Trump declared. “The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction. ... This was nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory and to sabotage the will of the American people.”

The president’s comments came less than a week after Mueller delivered the report of his nearly two-year long inquiry into Russian interference in the last presidential election to the Justice Department. Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary Sunday, saying that, in his opinion, Mueller did not determine that the president or his team had colluded with the Russian government.

But, even though Trump has declared himself totally “exonerated,” Mueller wrote that, while his report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” according to Barr’s four-page summary.

Trump continued his rejection of that statement on Thursday and excoriated Democrats who said that Congress plans to continue to investigate his administration and past business dealings. Party leaders have demanded the full report, which is more than 300 pages, a Justice Department official told HuffPost on Thursday.

“The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit,” Trump said in Michigan.

The president also dredged up his familiar attacks on prominent lawmakers and his past political opponents, slamming former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He also demeaned Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the head of the House Intelligence Committee, amid calls from Republicans that Schiff resign his chairmanship over his past remarks (Trump has called for him to resign from Congress completely).

“Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam, but, more importantly, our country was hurt,” Trump said. He then said his opponents were on “artificial respirators right now.”

“They’re getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” the president continued. “Little pencil-neck Adam Schiff. He’s got the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen. He is not a long ball hitter.” (Not since President Lincoln have we heard such eloquent phrasing coming from a presidential speech. What a national treasure.)

Trump also championed his supporters on Thursday and attacked those he dubbed the “elite.”

“I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them. I went to the best schools. They didn’t,” he said. “Much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment. Much more beautiful everything. And I’m president, and they’re not.” ( Ah, the old Pee-Wee Herman gambit- "I know you are, but what am I?" He went on to spew, "But probably my best quality is how humble I am.")
Nice OP to start the day with. OMG.

Hey, just wanted to say welcome to the board. Don't get banned; we need all the liberals we can get.
You've already got too many. What we need is VARIETY. The endless "Trump is bad" wears thin. You guys need to diversify.
You just refuse to accept the truth. There is not an ally of this country, or its people, who are not freaking out a complete bozo like Trump is president of this country...They dislike him way way more than they disliked Bush even after he started a war on lies and authorized torturing prisoners in our custody. We have lost almost all the support of almost all our allies...but on the "plus" side, at least the worst dictators in the world now love our president and like to let him kiss their ass.
You mean The US Treasury Check Book has closed?
President Donald Trump, emboldened by the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, unleashed against anyone and everything in his path during a rally Thursday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“The collusion delusion is over,” Trump declared. “The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction. ... This was nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory and to sabotage the will of the American people.”

The president’s comments came less than a week after Mueller delivered the report of his nearly two-year long inquiry into Russian interference in the last presidential election to the Justice Department. Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary Sunday, saying that, in his opinion, Mueller did not determine that the president or his team had colluded with the Russian government.

But, even though Trump has declared himself totally “exonerated,” Mueller wrote that, while his report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” according to Barr’s four-page summary.

Trump continued his rejection of that statement on Thursday and excoriated Democrats who said that Congress plans to continue to investigate his administration and past business dealings. Party leaders have demanded the full report, which is more than 300 pages, a Justice Department official told HuffPost on Thursday.

“The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit,” Trump said in Michigan.

The president also dredged up his familiar attacks on prominent lawmakers and his past political opponents, slamming former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He also demeaned Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the head of the House Intelligence Committee, amid calls from Republicans that Schiff resign his chairmanship over his past remarks (Trump has called for him to resign from Congress completely).

“Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam, but, more importantly, our country was hurt,” Trump said. He then said his opponents were on “artificial respirators right now.”

“They’re getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” the president continued. “Little pencil-neck Adam Schiff. He’s got the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen. He is not a long ball hitter.” (Not since President Lincoln have we heard such eloquent phrasing coming from a presidential speech. What a national treasure.)

Trump also championed his supporters on Thursday and attacked those he dubbed the “elite.”

“I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them. I went to the best schools. They didn’t,” he said. “Much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment. Much more beautiful everything. And I’m president, and they’re not.” ( Ah, the old Pee-Wee Herman gambit- "I know you are, but what am I?" He went on to spew, "But probably my best quality is how humble I am.")
Nice OP to start the day with. OMG.

Hey, just wanted to say welcome to the board. Don't get banned; we need all the liberals we can get.
You've already got too many. What we need is VARIETY. The endless "Trump is bad" wears thin. You guys need to diversify.
You just refuse to accept the truth. There is not an ally of this country, or its people, who are not freaking out a complete bozo like Trump is president of this country...They dislike him way way more than they disliked Bush even after he started a war on lies and authorized torturing prisoners in our custody. We have lost almost all the support of almost all our allies...but on the "plus" side, at least the worst dictators in the world now love our president and like to let him kiss their ass.
Says someone who trusts career politicians
Says someone who trusts the rich and corporations who have taken over our government. Idiot.

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes
They asked the people who attended his rally last night and they want to see the mueller report too
Total nonsense.
Why? They think it totally vindicates him. Why wouldn’t they want to see it?
Simple minded fantasy.
You won’t answer my question you lil bitch?
Somebody is way up past their bedtime!! Why so grumpy, asshole? Just try to face reality and see how bizarrely incompetent and clueless Trump is and you won't get so upset when people point that out to you. Get it, sonny?
Why? They think it totally vindicates him. Why wouldn’t they want to see it?
Simple minded fantasy.
You won’t answer my question you lil bitch?
Somebody is way up past their bedtime!! Why so grumpy, asshole? Just try to face reality and see how bizarrely incompetent and clueless Trump is and you won't get so upset when people point that out to you. Get it, sonny?
You meant to reply to mike, I think, not sealy. Mike is just a troll. You can safely ignore him.
Whichever one is somehow trying to defend Trump.
It’s not about defending Trump, anything that damages the federal government is a good thing for the country. There would be no trump if there was no Obama
Last edited:
President Donald Trump, emboldened by the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, unleashed against anyone and everything in his path during a rally Thursday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“The collusion delusion is over,” Trump declared. “The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction. ... This was nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory and to sabotage the will of the American people.”

The president’s comments came less than a week after Mueller delivered the report of his nearly two-year long inquiry into Russian interference in the last presidential election to the Justice Department. Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary Sunday, saying that, in his opinion, Mueller did not determine that the president or his team had colluded with the Russian government.

But, even though Trump has declared himself totally “exonerated,” Mueller wrote that, while his report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” according to Barr’s four-page summary.

Trump continued his rejection of that statement on Thursday and excoriated Democrats who said that Congress plans to continue to investigate his administration and past business dealings. Party leaders have demanded the full report, which is more than 300 pages, a Justice Department official told HuffPost on Thursday.

“The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit,” Trump said in Michigan.

The president also dredged up his familiar attacks on prominent lawmakers and his past political opponents, slamming former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He also demeaned Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the head of the House Intelligence Committee, amid calls from Republicans that Schiff resign his chairmanship over his past remarks (Trump has called for him to resign from Congress completely).

“Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam, but, more importantly, our country was hurt,” Trump said. He then said his opponents were on “artificial respirators right now.”

“They’re getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” the president continued. “Little pencil-neck Adam Schiff. He’s got the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen. He is not a long ball hitter.” (Not since President Lincoln have we heard such eloquent phrasing coming from a presidential speech. What a national treasure.)

Trump also championed his supporters on Thursday and attacked those he dubbed the “elite.”

“I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them. I went to the best schools. They didn’t,” he said. “Much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment. Much more beautiful everything. And I’m president, and they’re not.” ( Ah, the old Pee-Wee Herman gambit- "I know you are, but what am I?" He went on to spew, "But probably my best quality is how humble I am.")
Nice OP to start the day with. OMG.

Hey, just wanted to say welcome to the board. Don't get banned; we need all the liberals we can get.
You've already got too many. What we need is VARIETY. The endless "Trump is bad" wears thin. You guys need to diversify.
You just refuse to accept the truth. There is not an ally of this country, or its people, who are not freaking out a complete bozo like Trump is president of this country...They dislike him way way more than they disliked Bush even after he started a war on lies and authorized torturing prisoners in our custody. We have lost almost all the support of almost all our allies...but on the "plus" side, at least the worst dictators in the world now love our president and like to let him kiss their ass.
Says someone who trusts career politicians
Says someone who trusts the rich and corporations who have taken over our government. Idiot.

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes
I think it’s a great thing that the majority of Americans don’t trust career politicians... Federal elected officials should have single term limits. You don’t get any more corrupt than people like the Clintons, Bush’s and Obamas
Simple minded fantasy.
You won’t answer my question you lil bitch?
Somebody is way up past their bedtime!! Why so grumpy, asshole? Just try to face reality and see how bizarrely incompetent and clueless Trump is and you won't get so upset when people point that out to you. Get it, sonny?
You meant to reply to mike, I think, not sealy. Mike is just a troll. You can safely ignore him.
Whichever one is somehow trying to defend Trump.
It’s not about defending Trump, anything that damages the federal government is a good thing for the country. There would be no trumpets there was no Obama
I don't understand why Trump backed down on defunding the special olympics. That is not government's job that's phylanthropic. So Republicans are hypocrites or afraid to do in the light of day what they do during lame duck sessions and in secrecy.
You won’t answer my question you lil bitch?
Somebody is way up past their bedtime!! Why so grumpy, asshole? Just try to face reality and see how bizarrely incompetent and clueless Trump is and you won't get so upset when people point that out to you. Get it, sonny?
You meant to reply to mike, I think, not sealy. Mike is just a troll. You can safely ignore him.
Whichever one is somehow trying to defend Trump.
It’s not about defending Trump, anything that damages the federal government is a good thing for the country. There would be no trumpets there was no Obama
I don't understand why Trump backed down on defunding the special olympics. That is not government's job that's phylanthropic. So Republicans are hypocrites or afraid to do in the light of day what they do during lame duck sessions and in secrecy.
I do think it’s ridiculous that the government is involved with the Special Olympics, the Special Olympics does not deserve to be treated like crap like the government treats every other thing they touch....
President Donald Trump, emboldened by the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, unleashed against anyone and everything in his path during a rally Thursday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“The collusion delusion is over,” Trump declared. “The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction. ... This was nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory and to sabotage the will of the American people.”

The president’s comments came less than a week after Mueller delivered the report of his nearly two-year long inquiry into Russian interference in the last presidential election to the Justice Department. Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary Sunday, saying that, in his opinion, Mueller did not determine that the president or his team had colluded with the Russian government.

But, even though Trump has declared himself totally “exonerated,” Mueller wrote that, while his report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” according to Barr’s four-page summary.

Trump continued his rejection of that statement on Thursday and excoriated Democrats who said that Congress plans to continue to investigate his administration and past business dealings. Party leaders have demanded the full report, which is more than 300 pages, a Justice Department official told HuffPost on Thursday.

“The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit,” Trump said in Michigan.

The president also dredged up his familiar attacks on prominent lawmakers and his past political opponents, slamming former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He also demeaned Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the head of the House Intelligence Committee, amid calls from Republicans that Schiff resign his chairmanship over his past remarks (Trump has called for him to resign from Congress completely).

“Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam, but, more importantly, our country was hurt,” Trump said. He then said his opponents were on “artificial respirators right now.”

“They’re getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” the president continued. “Little pencil-neck Adam Schiff. He’s got the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen. He is not a long ball hitter.” (Not since President Lincoln have we heard such eloquent phrasing coming from a presidential speech. What a national treasure.)

Trump also championed his supporters on Thursday and attacked those he dubbed the “elite.”

“I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them. I went to the best schools. They didn’t,” he said. “Much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment. Much more beautiful everything. And I’m president, and they’re not.” ( Ah, the old Pee-Wee Herman gambit- "I know you are, but what am I?" He went on to spew, "But probably my best quality is how humble I am.")
Total nonsense.
Why don’t you want to see the report that supposedly totally vindicates trump?
Russia, Russia, Russia… Yawn

I'm ok with it as long as they are going to release the report. I wonder what they will redact.
Well with almost 2 years... They would’ve most definitely found out anything if there was anything to find out. Obviously it was a nothing burger
Somebody is way up past their bedtime!! Why so grumpy, asshole? Just try to face reality and see how bizarrely incompetent and clueless Trump is and you won't get so upset when people point that out to you. Get it, sonny?
You meant to reply to mike, I think, not sealy. Mike is just a troll. You can safely ignore him.
Whichever one is somehow trying to defend Trump.
It’s not about defending Trump, anything that damages the federal government is a good thing for the country. There would be no trumpets there was no Obama
I don't understand why Trump backed down on defunding the special olympics. That is not government's job that's phylanthropic. So Republicans are hypocrites or afraid to do in the light of day what they do during lame duck sessions and in secrecy.
I do think it’s ridiculous that the government is involved with the Special Olympics, the Special Olympics does not deserve to be treated like crap like the government treats every other thing they touch....

The Special Olympics does not deserve federal dollars. It's unconstitutional.
President Donald Trump, emboldened by the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, unleashed against anyone and everything in his path during a rally Thursday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“The collusion delusion is over,” Trump declared. “The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction. ... This was nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory and to sabotage the will of the American people.”

The president’s comments came less than a week after Mueller delivered the report of his nearly two-year long inquiry into Russian interference in the last presidential election to the Justice Department. Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary Sunday, saying that, in his opinion, Mueller did not determine that the president or his team had colluded with the Russian government.

But, even though Trump has declared himself totally “exonerated,” Mueller wrote that, while his report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” according to Barr’s four-page summary.

Trump continued his rejection of that statement on Thursday and excoriated Democrats who said that Congress plans to continue to investigate his administration and past business dealings. Party leaders have demanded the full report, which is more than 300 pages, a Justice Department official told HuffPost on Thursday.

“The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit,” Trump said in Michigan.

The president also dredged up his familiar attacks on prominent lawmakers and his past political opponents, slamming former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He also demeaned Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the head of the House Intelligence Committee, amid calls from Republicans that Schiff resign his chairmanship over his past remarks (Trump has called for him to resign from Congress completely).

“Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam, but, more importantly, our country was hurt,” Trump said. He then said his opponents were on “artificial respirators right now.”

“They’re getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” the president continued. “Little pencil-neck Adam Schiff. He’s got the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen. He is not a long ball hitter.” (Not since President Lincoln have we heard such eloquent phrasing coming from a presidential speech. What a national treasure.)

Trump also championed his supporters on Thursday and attacked those he dubbed the “elite.”

“I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them. I went to the best schools. They didn’t,” he said. “Much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment. Much more beautiful everything. And I’m president, and they’re not.” ( Ah, the old Pee-Wee Herman gambit- "I know you are, but what am I?" He went on to spew, "But probably my best quality is how humble I am.")
Total nonsense.
Why don’t you want to see the report that supposedly totally vindicates trump?
Russia, Russia, Russia… Yawn

I'm ok with it as long as they are going to release the report. I wonder what they will redact.
Well with almost 2 years... They would’ve most definitely found out anything if there was anything to find out. Obviously it was a nothing burger

We only know what Barr thinks right now.
President Donald Trump, emboldened by the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, unleashed against anyone and everything in his path during a rally Thursday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“The collusion delusion is over,” Trump declared. “The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction. ... This was nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory and to sabotage the will of the American people.”

The president’s comments came less than a week after Mueller delivered the report of his nearly two-year long inquiry into Russian interference in the last presidential election to the Justice Department. Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary Sunday, saying that, in his opinion, Mueller did not determine that the president or his team had colluded with the Russian government.

But, even though Trump has declared himself totally “exonerated,” Mueller wrote that, while his report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” according to Barr’s four-page summary.

Trump continued his rejection of that statement on Thursday and excoriated Democrats who said that Congress plans to continue to investigate his administration and past business dealings. Party leaders have demanded the full report, which is more than 300 pages, a Justice Department official told HuffPost on Thursday.

“The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit,” Trump said in Michigan.

The president also dredged up his familiar attacks on prominent lawmakers and his past political opponents, slamming former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He also demeaned Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the head of the House Intelligence Committee, amid calls from Republicans that Schiff resign his chairmanship over his past remarks (Trump has called for him to resign from Congress completely).

“Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam, but, more importantly, our country was hurt,” Trump said. He then said his opponents were on “artificial respirators right now.”

“They’re getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” the president continued. “Little pencil-neck Adam Schiff. He’s got the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen. He is not a long ball hitter.” (Not since President Lincoln have we heard such eloquent phrasing coming from a presidential speech. What a national treasure.)

Trump also championed his supporters on Thursday and attacked those he dubbed the “elite.”

“I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them. I went to the best schools. They didn’t,” he said. “Much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment. Much more beautiful everything. And I’m president, and they’re not.” ( Ah, the old Pee-Wee Herman gambit- "I know you are, but what am I?" He went on to spew, "But probably my best quality is how humble I am.")
He can’t put 10 sentences together
You meant to reply to mike, I think, not sealy. Mike is just a troll. You can safely ignore him.
Whichever one is somehow trying to defend Trump.
It’s not about defending Trump, anything that damages the federal government is a good thing for the country. There would be no trumpets there was no Obama
I don't understand why Trump backed down on defunding the special olympics. That is not government's job that's phylanthropic. So Republicans are hypocrites or afraid to do in the light of day what they do during lame duck sessions and in secrecy.
I do think it’s ridiculous that the government is involved with the Special Olympics, the Special Olympics does not deserve to be treated like crap like the government treats every other thing they touch....

The Special Olympics does not deserve federal dollars. It's unconstitutional.
No it isn’t. But ok
Total nonsense.
Why don’t you want to see the report that supposedly totally vindicates trump?
Russia, Russia, Russia… Yawn

I'm ok with it as long as they are going to release the report. I wonder what they will redact.
Well with almost 2 years... They would’ve most definitely found out anything if there was anything to find out. Obviously it was a nothing burger

We only know what Barr thinks right now.
I suspect a lot more people have seen the report then are saying they have seen the report.
A lot of it seems to be revolving around “dirt” on Hildabeast, That “dirt” needed to be revealed...

Thank God we have the electoral college... lol
President Donald Trump, emboldened by the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, unleashed against anyone and everything in his path during a rally Thursday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“The collusion delusion is over,” Trump declared. “The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction. ... This was nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory and to sabotage the will of the American people.”

The president’s comments came less than a week after Mueller delivered the report of his nearly two-year long inquiry into Russian interference in the last presidential election to the Justice Department. Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary Sunday, saying that, in his opinion, Mueller did not determine that the president or his team had colluded with the Russian government.

But, even though Trump has declared himself totally “exonerated,” Mueller wrote that, while his report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” according to Barr’s four-page summary.

Trump continued his rejection of that statement on Thursday and excoriated Democrats who said that Congress plans to continue to investigate his administration and past business dealings. Party leaders have demanded the full report, which is more than 300 pages, a Justice Department official told HuffPost on Thursday.

“The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit,” Trump said in Michigan.

The president also dredged up his familiar attacks on prominent lawmakers and his past political opponents, slamming former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He also demeaned Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the head of the House Intelligence Committee, amid calls from Republicans that Schiff resign his chairmanship over his past remarks (Trump has called for him to resign from Congress completely).

“Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam, but, more importantly, our country was hurt,” Trump said. He then said his opponents were on “artificial respirators right now.”

“They’re getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” the president continued. “Little pencil-neck Adam Schiff. He’s got the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen. He is not a long ball hitter.” (Not since President Lincoln have we heard such eloquent phrasing coming from a presidential speech. What a national treasure.)

Trump also championed his supporters on Thursday and attacked those he dubbed the “elite.”

“I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them. I went to the best schools. They didn’t,” he said. “Much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment. Much more beautiful everything. And I’m president, and they’re not.” ( Ah, the old Pee-Wee Herman gambit- "I know you are, but what am I?" He went on to spew, "But probably my best quality is how humble I am.")
Nice OP to start the day with. OMG.

Hey, just wanted to say welcome to the board. Don't get banned; we need all the liberals we can get.
Had your shot updated yet? :muahaha:
President Donald Trump, emboldened by the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, unleashed against anyone and everything in his path during a rally Thursday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“The collusion delusion is over,” Trump declared. “The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction. ... This was nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory and to sabotage the will of the American people.”

The president’s comments came less than a week after Mueller delivered the report of his nearly two-year long inquiry into Russian interference in the last presidential election to the Justice Department. Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary Sunday, saying that, in his opinion, Mueller did not determine that the president or his team had colluded with the Russian government.

But, even though Trump has declared himself totally “exonerated,” Mueller wrote that, while his report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” according to Barr’s four-page summary.

Trump continued his rejection of that statement on Thursday and excoriated Democrats who said that Congress plans to continue to investigate his administration and past business dealings. Party leaders have demanded the full report, which is more than 300 pages, a Justice Department official told HuffPost on Thursday.

“The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit,” Trump said in Michigan.

The president also dredged up his familiar attacks on prominent lawmakers and his past political opponents, slamming former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. He also demeaned Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the head of the House Intelligence Committee, amid calls from Republicans that Schiff resign his chairmanship over his past remarks (Trump has called for him to resign from Congress completely).

“Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam, but, more importantly, our country was hurt,” Trump said. He then said his opponents were on “artificial respirators right now.”

“They’re getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,” the president continued. “Little pencil-neck Adam Schiff. He’s got the smallest, thinnest neck I’ve ever seen. He is not a long ball hitter.” (Not since President Lincoln have we heard such eloquent phrasing coming from a presidential speech. What a national treasure.)

Trump also championed his supporters on Thursday and attacked those he dubbed the “elite.”

“I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them. I went to the best schools. They didn’t,” he said. “Much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment. Much more beautiful everything. And I’m president, and they’re not.” ( Ah, the old Pee-Wee Herman gambit- "I know you are, but what am I?" He went on to spew, "But probably my best quality is how humble I am.")
He can’t put 10 sentences together

Like trying to listen to a fucking Frenchman... lol
Whichever one is somehow trying to defend Trump.
It’s not about defending Trump, anything that damages the federal government is a good thing for the country. There would be no trumpets there was no Obama
I don't understand why Trump backed down on defunding the special olympics. That is not government's job that's phylanthropic. So Republicans are hypocrites or afraid to do in the light of day what they do during lame duck sessions and in secrecy.
I do think it’s ridiculous that the government is involved with the Special Olympics, the Special Olympics does not deserve to be treated like crap like the government treats every other thing they touch....

The Special Olympics does not deserve federal dollars. It's unconstitutional.
No it isn’t. But ok
Socialism is always fucked up

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