Trump gets slammed, but where’s the outrage over what was just said about CHRISTIANS?

So this Weinstein fellow is the top candidate for the Democratic bid for the Presidency? Has he called for us to stop allowing Christian immigrants and to close all churches?
I missed it. To what do you object? your citation refers to public praying in a manner specific to a SPECIFIC RELIGION-----by military personnel which---according
to testimony by some members of the military has been COERCED upon them

You will have to try your response in English. I can't decipher whatever that is you just posted.

my post is clear. Your reading comprehension is defective. I will help.

"I missed it. To what do you object" Means I do not understand the objection of the poster to the fact that SOMEONE else objects to public prayer by military personnel IN UNIFORM in a manner which conforms only to a specific religion. Such an action suggests establishment by the military of a given religion.

my post goes on to note that some members of the military have stated that
they have been or felt they were being COERCED to join prayer activity in
a manner not conforming to their religious beliefs-----or lack thereof.

None of that has anything to do with what I was responding to. English is not your first language I am guessing, yes?

The OP was trying to collate Trump's ridiculous statements (Trump is running for President and is currently the GOP's top candidate) with some random guy who is trying to make the military more secular. I was asking how they were in any way related.

The OP presented the objection by the OBJECTOR as some kind of ATTACK
on Christianity. Not only is English my first language, I was DRAFTED into the
position of tutor of freshman college kids who could not manage to write well enough to satisfy the very exacting standards of the University I attended. I was
also a freshman at that time. The person who objected to the group kneeling in
prayer by a sport military sport team before 'the game'------noted that the prayer
form is related to Christianity and, therefore, promoted christianity
You are talking to an idiot that can only see what she wants, nothing more.
So this Weinstein fellow is the top candidate for the Democratic bid for the Presidency? Has he called for us to stop allowing Christian immigrants and to close all churches?

there has been virtually NO Christians migration of refugees allowed by this Administration.

No room in America for Christian refugees

That didn't answer my question. You're trying to make a comparison. It failed.

I guess you don't understand why Trump says what he says, at least in my opinion. I seriously doubt he thinks we are going to close Mosques. But what his rhetoric does is gets us to focus on the issues. Much better, in my opinion, then Obama's Kumbya foreign policy and blame the white guy domestic policy. Maybe it also has to do with saying what he thinks some people want to hear, but what politician doesn't?
Or maybe he means it. Does he have a history of making promises he doesn't keep? I don't think so.

And the people want it. The Islamic state declared war. It is reasonable to close the mosques and stop all international travel, and certainly Muslim immigration, until there is no longer ANY reasonable threat of attack. It's too bad for the cowardly Muslims seeking to escape their violent brothers rather than deal with them themselves, but meh.
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