Are you guys really going to nominate The Hildabeast?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014
Are you guys really going to nominate the Hildabeast given that she is incompetent, stupid, corrupt, untrustworthy, a Left Wing idiot, married to a scumbag and a liar not to mention a potential felon due to her disregard for national security?

Given the fact that the Democrat Party got its ass beat so bad in 2014 can't you come up with somebody better than her?
Are you guys really going to nominate the Hildabeast given that she is incompetent, stupid, corrupt, untrustworthy, a Left Wing idiot, married to a scumbag and a liar not to mention a potential felon due to her disregard for national security?

Given the fact that the Democrat Party got its ass beat so bad in 2014 can't you come up with somebody better than her?

Are you kidding?

Incompetent, stupid, corrupt, untrustworthy, a left wing idiot are virtues to the bed wetters. Look at the meat muppet queer. He is the embodiment of all those features and a pillow biter to top it off.

Are you guys really going to nominate the Hildabeast given that she is incompetent, stupid, corrupt, untrustworthy, a Left Wing idiot, married to a scumbag and a liar not to mention a potential felon due to her disregard for national security?

Given the fact that the Democrat Party got its ass beat so bad in 2014 can't you come up with somebody better than her?

The rank and file liberal/progressive has about as much control of the Democrat party as the rank and file conservative/Republican.

People don't get to pick their candidates, not in any real sense.

If they did, we would have a contest between Trump and Sanders. As it is, we won't have either of these candidates in the final contest, count on that.
Of course they will nominate the beast and Dems will vote for her because she's a Dem.

Don't know who the Reps will nominate but 2016 will be very interesting.
Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate for President by far

She will win easily
She's their best shot, what I don't understand is why they support the lying, evil, corrupt old bitch. It speaks volumes about the Democrats. Party first, push the agenda and ignore you candidate is prison material
Are you guys really going to nominate the Hildabeast given that she is incompetent, stupid, corrupt, untrustworthy, a Left Wing idiot, married to a scumbag and a liar not to mention a potential felon due to her disregard for national security?

Given the fact that the Democrat Party got its ass beat so bad in 2014 can't you come up with somebody better than her?

Well seeing the GOP is offering Trump or Cruz then I would say why not run Hillary Clinton and let see which one the General Public will vote for...
Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate for President by far

She will win easily

Qualified for what?

She was a lousy 4th rate Arkansas lawyer that was accused of corruption.

She screwed up the one job she was given as First Lady to enact health care reform.

She was handed the Senator seat in New York only because of her connection to President Scumbag.

She did absolutely nothing of substance as a Senator.

She was a failed Secretary of State with her stupid reset shit with Russia, failure in Benghazi, rise of ISIS, failure to insure stabilization if Iraq and participation in that disastrous agreement with Iran.

Then we find out she lies every time she opens her mouth. Everything from stolen valor in Bosnia to lying about Benghazi to blatant lies about her emails, which may be criminal.

On top of that she is a crook with using her government position to scam money out of foreign countries for the Clinton Foundation so she could get rich.

Of course she is a Left Wing turdbrain like most Democrats nowadays.

She may be qualified for a Democrat but the rest of America can do a lot better that that bitch.
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Well seeing the GOP is offering Trump or Cruz then I would say why not run Hillary Clinton and let see which one the General Public will vote for...

In the blue commie states the idiots will vote for her no matter what.

In the red free states she won't stand a chance.

The recent polls in the swing states have her losing to any Republican.

The Democrats had their asses handed to them in 2014 and the elections last month indicated the trend is continuing.

Not only does the Bitch have to justify her corruption and lies but she was also a part of the failed and weak Obama administration and that is a tremendous burden for her to have.

It doesn't look good for the Hildabeast.
She's their best shot, what I don't understand is why they support the lying, evil, corrupt old bitch. It speaks volumes about the Democrats. Party first, push the agenda and ignore you candidate is prison material
Hillary single handedly captured RouteIrish.

That's why.
Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate for President by far

She will win easily

Qualified for what?

She was a lousy 4th rate Arkansas lawyer that was accused of corruption.

She screwed up the one job she was given as First Lady to enact health care reform.

She was handed the Senator seat in New York only because of her onnection to President Scumbag.

She did absolutely nothing of substance as a Senator.

She was a failed Secretary of State with her stupid reset shit with Russia, failure in Benghazi, rise of ISIS, failure to insure stabilization if Iraq and participation in that disastrous agreement with Iran.

Then we find out she lies every time she opens her mouth. Everything from stolen valor in Bosnia to lying about Benghazi to blatant lies about her emails, which may be criminal.

On top of that she is a crook with using her government position to scam money out of foreign countries for the Clinton Foundation so she could get rich.

Of course she is a Left Wing turdbrain like most Democrats nowadays.

She may be qualified for a Democrat but the rest of America can do a lot better that that bitch.

Yes...heard it all before
Nothing a liberal does qualifies as an "accomplishment" to conservatives

Hillary has more experience than the entire GOP field combined. But her biggest advantage is that she does not come off as batshit crazy like the current field of Republicans seems intent to do

Hillary will take all the blue states and three quarters of the swing states. That will leave the Republican with the batshit crazy red state vote

Depending on the Republican candidate, Hillary might even take Red States Georgia, South Carolina or Arizona
Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate for President by far

She will win easily

Qualified for what?

She was a lousy 4th rate Arkansas lawyer that was accused of corruption.

She screwed up the one job she was given as First Lady to enact health care reform.

She was handed the Senator seat in New York only because of her onnection to President Scumbag.

She did absolutely nothing of substance as a Senator.

She was a failed Secretary of State with her stupid reset shit with Russia, failure in Benghazi, rise of ISIS, failure to insure stabilization if Iraq and participation in that disastrous agreement with Iran.

Then we find out she lies every time she opens her mouth. Everything from stolen valor in Bosnia to lying about Benghazi to blatant lies about her emails, which may be criminal.

On top of that she is a crook with using her government position to scam money out of foreign countries for the Clinton Foundation so she could get rich.

Of course she is a Left Wing turdbrain like most Democrats nowadays.

She may be qualified for a Democrat but the rest of America can do a lot better that that bitch.

Yes...heard it all before
Nothing a liberal does qualifies as an "accomplishment" to conservatives

Hillary has more experience than the entire GOP field combined. But her biggest advantage is that she does not come off as batshit crazy like the current field of Republicans seems intent to do

Hillary will take all the blue states and three quarters of the swing states. That will leave the Republican with the batshit crazy red state vote

Depending on the Republican candidate, Hillary might even take Red States Georgia, South Carolina or Arizona

Hillary has more experience than the entire GOP field combined

Only at living in DC

But her biggest advantage is that she does not come off as batshit crazy

spoken like a true democrat

Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate for President by far

She will win easily

Qualified for what?

She was a lousy 4th rate Arkansas lawyer that was accused of corruption.

She screwed up the one job she was given as First Lady to enact health care reform.

She was handed the Senator seat in New York only because of her onnection to President Scumbag.

She did absolutely nothing of substance as a Senator.

She was a failed Secretary of State with her stupid reset shit with Russia, failure in Benghazi, rise of ISIS, failure to insure stabilization if Iraq and participation in that disastrous agreement with Iran.

Then we find out she lies every time she opens her mouth. Everything from stolen valor in Bosnia to lying about Benghazi to blatant lies about her emails, which may be criminal.

On top of that she is a crook with using her government position to scam money out of foreign countries for the Clinton Foundation so she could get rich.

Of course she is a Left Wing turdbrain like most Democrats nowadays.

She may be qualified for a Democrat but the rest of America can do a lot better that that bitch.

Yes...heard it all before
Nothing a liberal does qualifies as an "accomplishment" to conservatives

Hillary has more experience than the entire GOP field combined. But her biggest advantage is that she does not come off as batshit crazy like the current field of Republicans seems intent to do

Hillary will take all the blue states and three quarters of the swing states. That will leave the Republican with the batshit crazy red state vote

Depending on the Republican candidate, Hillary might even take Red States Georgia, South Carolina or Arizona

You are delusional. That is a common aliment for Moon Bats.

Hillary is getting hundreds (on a good day) at her rallies. The Republican front runner is getting tens of thousands.

The polls have the Hildabeast losing to every Republican in every swing state
so I don't know what the hell you base your prediction on.

You Moon Bats think that the Bitch can put together the same coalition of greedy dumbass shitheads that voted for Obama but that remains to be seen.

The 2014 elections indicated that coalition of greed is falling apart. For instance, we know the Blacks won't turn out in the same numbers to vote for the rich mean old White Woman that turned out for their Soul Brother. Some unions have indicated that don't her support her. The swing voters are picking any Republican over her. There is even indication the Jews, which normally vote heavily Democrat, have got tired of the Democrats.

The Bitch has a lot to answer for her lies, corruption and loony Left Wing positions in addition to having to answer for Obama's failed administration since she was part of it.

Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate for President by far

She will win easily

Qualified for what?

She was a lousy 4th rate Arkansas lawyer that was accused of corruption.

She screwed up the one job she was given as First Lady to enact health care reform.

She was handed the Senator seat in New York only because of her onnection to President Scumbag.

She did absolutely nothing of substance as a Senator.

She was a failed Secretary of State with her stupid reset shit with Russia, failure in Benghazi, rise of ISIS, failure to insure stabilization if Iraq and participation in that disastrous agreement with Iran.

Then we find out she lies every time she opens her mouth. Everything from stolen valor in Bosnia to lying about Benghazi to blatant lies about her emails, which may be criminal.

On top of that she is a crook with using her government position to scam money out of foreign countries for the Clinton Foundation so she could get rich.

Of course she is a Left Wing turdbrain like most Democrats nowadays.

She may be qualified for a Democrat but the rest of America can do a lot better that that bitch.
Yes, but she has a vagina.
Lies are a part of their political philosophy because it is the only way government can do whatever it wants without the people knowing. There are many lefties on record who have said such things.

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