Trump gets a chance at spelling ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Like it's foreign to the guy.I don't doubt he knew how to spell
the golf term { Mulligan } even before he could spell tough words like
" Insurrection " in grade school.Because he lives to prove himself.
That's the guys history.I do doubt his earnestness when it came to
producing his own super top shelf Designer Vodka.He does not drink.
Doesn't need it.He's found another way to exceed expectation.
Like his Board Game { N.Y.City Edition MONOPOLY }.
I bet even the Jail is cleaned than most White House servants
lavatory's.Especially after Joe used on the cuff.Because in Biden world
it's Free ... Freer than free.At least before election time.
So's it nice to see where Trump is back to his usual old self.
As in ... Winning.Or Winning anyone.That's his expertise.
I guess the guy might have an occasional bad day.Probably
more so with his Hair.LIke who gives a Bissonette { Bis-oh-nay }
Even Egbert Souse { W.C. Fields } - The Bank Dick - {1940}
would not hound the man with the very Yellow hair.
get the drift ?
I have lots of self - help tips for people like yourself who are so desperately obsessed .
I suspect that the Devil has added another six to your age and is now giggling to see you so stressed and suicidal .

Any more anecdotes ?
More for your cathartic relief than our interest .
Keep in mind folks that there are areas of human
existence that do not fit the personality,character or
style of a Donald Trump.
One that stands out is for Trump to try his hand
at being a Cloistered Monk.The required haircut { cruddy bowl-cut }
would indubitably cause him to reconsider drinking alcohol.
Maybe just Red wine.Or only France's best vintages of
Romanee*Conti.If caught misbehaving then it's one week of
Boone's Farm { apple wine }. No discussions about.Short of
Maybe just a week of only Bread { Think overtly white Bunny Bread }
Where even the most bratty kids have difficulty.No more
occassional Rich Sauces with fresh Truffles { can truffles be
fresh } and the best sausages from FRance.
I'm thinking of Actor Spencer Tracy.He had a nice bungalow
made available by Director George Cukor.It was similar to
the kind of rooms a monk would have.Just a bed and easy chair
and desk.Tracy who played Father Flanagan in - Boys Town - { 1938 }
Not exactly a role that fits Donald John Trump's eccentric personality.
Nor would a small bedroom with just wood everywhere.Not even a hint
of GOLD to be found.Such is Life.
I have lots of self - help tips for people like yourself who are so desperately obsessed .
I suspect that the Devil has added another six to your age and is now giggling to see you so stressed and suicidal .

Any more anecdotes ?
More for your cathartic relief than our interest .
I could assume that you never bothered with taking an
SAT or ACT test.Yourn displacement is accepted.
Instead of merely Atoms and Molecules,you are hampered
with Radicals or Free Range radicals the kind George Soros
likes.Keep in mind that Soros was the leading benefactor
to the ACLU the last 5 years.

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