Trump Frustrated: Rollout Of Pence Was A Dud


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Trump Plans To Steal The Spotlight Back With Cabinet Announcements

The presumptive GOP nominee loves to make a huge splash in the news, but his VP announcement failed to deliver.

WASHINGTON ― Frustrated at the lack of enthusiasm for his vice presidential pick Mike Pence, Donald Trump is now telling those close to him that he wants a do-over of sorts, which he aims to get by rolling out the names of potential cabinet members, a source who spoke to Trump told The Huffington Post.

Trump was disappointed with the rollout of Pence, and the reaction to him, on several levels. He was first piqued that the news leaked before he’d gotten around to telling the runners-up, Newt Gingrich and Chris Christie, about his choice. He then had second thoughts, postponed the announcement and spent Thursday night trying to find a way to back out of his choice, according to multiple news reports and the source close to Trump.

Trump sees Pence as a politically safe but unexciting choice, the source said. When non-politicians fantasize about running for president, they delight in imagining the unorthodox, thrilling running mate they might choose. For Trump to have ended up paired with such a standard pol, after a year of violating every campaign norm in the book, must be a major letdown.

Multiple sources say that Trump wants to name Christie, the Republican governor of New Jersey, as his attorney general, although knowing Trump, he could change his mind at any moment. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law who plays a major role in the campaign, fought against Christie as a VP pick, as reported this week by HuffPost blogger Laura Goldman and later corroborated elsewhere.

Retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, whom Trump at one point floated as a potential VP, will surely be on the short list for defense secretary, unless of course Kid Rock makes himself available.

Trump Plans To Steal The Spotlight Back With Cabinet Announcements

What did Trump expect from naming Pence as VP? He should have known that Pence is like watching paint dry - along with his anti-abortion and anti-LGBT baggage.
There seems to be plenty of excitement on the part of lefties. They can't stop obsessing about the guy. The other guys had too much baggage, he made the right choice.
Trump Plans To Steal The Spotlight Back With Cabinet Announcements

The presumptive GOP nominee loves to make a huge splash in the news, but his VP announcement failed to deliver.

WASHINGTON ― Frustrated at the lack of enthusiasm for his vice presidential pick Mike Pence, Donald Trump is now telling those close to him that he wants a do-over of sorts, which he aims to get by rolling out the names of potential cabinet members, a source who spoke to Trump told The Huffington Post.

Trump was disappointed with the rollout of Pence, and the reaction to him, on several levels. He was first piqued that the news leaked before he’d gotten around to telling the runners-up, Newt Gingrich and Chris Christie, about his choice. He then had second thoughts, postponed the announcement and spent Thursday night trying to find a way to back out of his choice, according to multiple news reports and the source close to Trump.

Trump sees Pence as a politically safe but unexciting choice, the source said. When non-politicians fantasize about running for president, they delight in imagining the unorthodox, thrilling running mate they might choose. For Trump to have ended up paired with such a standard pol, after a year of violating every campaign norm in the book, must be a major letdown.

Multiple sources say that Trump wants to name Christie, the Republican governor of New Jersey, as his attorney general, although knowing Trump, he could change his mind at any moment. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law who plays a major role in the campaign, fought against Christie as a VP pick, as reported this week by HuffPost blogger Laura Goldman and later corroborated elsewhere.

Retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, whom Trump at one point floated as a potential VP, will surely be on the short list for defense secretary, unless of course Kid Rock makes himself available.

Trump Plans To Steal The Spotlight Back With Cabinet Announcements

What did Trump expect from naming Pence as VP? He should have known that Pence is like watching paint dry - along with his anti-abortion and anti-LGBT baggage.

Yeah--but keep in mind that not too many Republican Governors would have accepted an offer to be Trump's VP--so his pickin's were pretty slim. Only 4 GOP governors out of 36 are even bothering to show up at the convention. They're avoiding Trump like the black plague.

Since Pence was running for reelection, he probably had a pretty good idea that he wasn't going to win his seat back, and decided to take Trump's VP offer. And I imagine it had something to do with this. As if Trump didn't have enough problems with women already, he choose a VP that really has issues.
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump

Trump Plans To Steal The Spotlight Back With Cabinet Announcements

The presumptive GOP nominee loves to make a huge splash in the news, but his VP announcement failed to deliver.

WASHINGTON ― Frustrated at the lack of enthusiasm for his vice presidential pick Mike Pence, Donald Trump is now telling those close to him that he wants a do-over of sorts, which he aims to get by rolling out the names of potential cabinet members, a source who spoke to Trump told The Huffington Post.

Trump was disappointed with the rollout of Pence, and the reaction to him, on several levels. He was first piqued that the news leaked before he’d gotten around to telling the runners-up, Newt Gingrich and Chris Christie, about his choice. He then had second thoughts, postponed the announcement and spent Thursday night trying to find a way to back out of his choice, according to multiple news reports and the source close to Trump.

Trump sees Pence as a politically safe but unexciting choice, the source said. When non-politicians fantasize about running for president, they delight in imagining the unorthodox, thrilling running mate they might choose. For Trump to have ended up paired with such a standard pol, after a year of violating every campaign norm in the book, must be a major letdown.

Multiple sources say that Trump wants to name Christie, the Republican governor of New Jersey, as his attorney general, although knowing Trump, he could change his mind at any moment. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law who plays a major role in the campaign, fought against Christie as a VP pick, as reported this week by HuffPost blogger Laura Goldman and later corroborated elsewhere.

Retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, whom Trump at one point floated as a potential VP, will surely be on the short list for defense secretary, unless of course Kid Rock makes himself available.

Trump Plans To Steal The Spotlight Back With Cabinet Announcements

What did Trump expect from naming Pence as VP? He should have known that Pence is like watching paint dry - along with his anti-abortion and anti-LGBT baggage.

Pence was about as good as pick as crazy Joe...both boring as hell
Trump Plans To Steal The Spotlight Back With Cabinet Announcements

The presumptive GOP nominee loves to make a huge splash in the news, but his VP announcement failed to deliver.

WASHINGTON ― Frustrated at the lack of enthusiasm for his vice presidential pick Mike Pence, Donald Trump is now telling those close to him that he wants a do-over of sorts, which he aims to get by rolling out the names of potential cabinet members, a source who spoke to Trump told The Huffington Post.

Trump was disappointed with the rollout of Pence, and the reaction to him, on several levels. He was first piqued that the news leaked before he’d gotten around to telling the runners-up, Newt Gingrich and Chris Christie, about his choice. He then had second thoughts, postponed the announcement and spent Thursday night trying to find a way to back out of his choice, according to multiple news reports and the source close to Trump.

Trump sees Pence as a politically safe but unexciting choice, the source said. When non-politicians fantasize about running for president, they delight in imagining the unorthodox, thrilling running mate they might choose. For Trump to have ended up paired with such a standard pol, after a year of violating every campaign norm in the book, must be a major letdown.

Multiple sources say that Trump wants to name Christie, the Republican governor of New Jersey, as his attorney general, although knowing Trump, he could change his mind at any moment. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law who plays a major role in the campaign, fought against Christie as a VP pick, as reported this week by HuffPost blogger Laura Goldman and later corroborated elsewhere.

Retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, whom Trump at one point floated as a potential VP, will surely be on the short list for defense secretary, unless of course Kid Rock makes himself available.

Trump Plans To Steal The Spotlight Back With Cabinet Announcements

What did Trump expect from naming Pence as VP? He should have known that Pence is like watching paint dry - along with his anti-abortion and anti-LGBT baggage.

Pence was about as good as pick as crazy Joe...both boring as hell

Joe knows where the bodies are buried and how to negotiate Washington. Pence is a batshit crazy religious nut.
"Trump was disappointed with the rollout of Pence, and the reaction to him, on several levels. He was first piqued that the news leaked before he’d gotten around to telling the runners-up, Newt Gingrich and Chris Christie, about his choice."

Illustrating just how naïve and clueless Trump is.
Be honest Lakhota, are you gittin paid?

If she is, it's a penny a post...because it's not worth more. Every time I pin her down on some issue, she tucks tail and runs away.

Yeah, I just love you self-declared Internet winners...

Trump Plans To Steal The Spotlight Back With Cabinet Announcements

The presumptive GOP nominee loves to make a huge splash in the news, but his VP announcement failed to deliver.

WASHINGTON ― Frustrated at the lack of enthusiasm for his vice presidential pick Mike Pence, Donald Trump is now telling those close to him that he wants a do-over of sorts, which he aims to get by rolling out the names of potential cabinet members, a source who spoke to Trump told The Huffington Post.

Trump was disappointed with the rollout of Pence, and the reaction to him, on several levels. He was first piqued that the news leaked before he’d gotten around to telling the runners-up, Newt Gingrich and Chris Christie, about his choice. He then had second thoughts, postponed the announcement and spent Thursday night trying to find a way to back out of his choice, according to multiple news reports and the source close to Trump.

Trump sees Pence as a politically safe but unexciting choice, the source said. When non-politicians fantasize about running for president, they delight in imagining the unorthodox, thrilling running mate they might choose. For Trump to have ended up paired with such a standard pol, after a year of violating every campaign norm in the book, must be a major letdown.

Multiple sources say that Trump wants to name Christie, the Republican governor of New Jersey, as his attorney general, although knowing Trump, he could change his mind at any moment. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law who plays a major role in the campaign, fought against Christie as a VP pick, as reported this week by HuffPost blogger Laura Goldman and later corroborated elsewhere.

Retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, whom Trump at one point floated as a potential VP, will surely be on the short list for defense secretary, unless of course Kid Rock makes himself available.

Trump Plans To Steal The Spotlight Back With Cabinet Announcements

What did Trump expect from naming Pence as VP? He should have known that Pence is like watching paint dry - along with his anti-abortion and anti-LGBT baggage.

The only real duds I'm seeing around here is you spam threads on Pence.
Be honest Lakhota, are you gittin paid?

If she is, it's a penny a post...because it's not worth more. Every time I pin her down on some issue, she tucks tail and runs away.

Yeah, I just love you self-declared Internet winners...


It's not about "winning", it's about trying to get people to wake the fuck up. You seem to enjoy wallowing in your ignorance about everything. Your understanding of what is really going on is utterly pathetic. You are simply a flaming "knows-nothing" leftard parrot.....not trying to be mean but it is a fact.
Don't the mods here care when nutcases like the individual starting this thread posts content from others, the Huffington Post in this case, without quotes?

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