Trump first president to tell it like it is,the media is the enemy.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Trump tells it like it,they really ARE the enemy. They dont do any investigating,they are a TOOL for the government,THEIR mouthpiece.they only report what the government WANTS you to hear so he is telling it like it is that they are FAKE news:clap2:

the sheep around here dont get that.:rolleyes: they are the enemy because the LAMESTREAM media doesnt know what the word truth means as they omit facts and censor them as well.

Mitt Romney: Donald Trump's Vilification of the Media Is Unprecedented

Its the LAMESTREAM media,the media that is a tool for the government,that Trump rightfully says in the enemy of the people:thup:,he is NOT talking about the alternative media that reports what the government WONT tell you and suppresses from the american people.The alternative media unlike the lamestream media,does not have an agenda and is not biased in their reporting. Trump is fine with THAT media.:up:

thats why all the corrupt republicans such Romney and Bush hate him because he is a RINO not part of their corruption which of course is WHY the media hates him so much.:biggrin:
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Correct. Let's take the latest hot button issue, the caravan(s). The Media DELIBERATELY and CONSISTENTLY misrepresents to the American public the demographics of these people. All the national news outlets other than FOX push the "desperate families narrative" and always film Mothers walking with kids. They promptly turn the cameras off when the Moms and kids get picked up in a Truck. Or they turn the cameras off when the hoards of strong young men go marching by which incidentally makes up about 80% of the caravan headed toward our border. Sounds like what an enemy would do, try to deceive the American public and the President by diminishing the threat.
Yes....and Adolph us Germany and Joseph in Russia were the first for their country.....right?

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