Trump FINALLY Sees His Opportunity Regarding The Wall

why are refugees on our border, if not for naturalization issues.
Free tax payer-funded stuff....from stupid snowflakes And liberals....
naturalization issues? glad we agree. it cannot be a common defense issue.
Sorry, you tried this same shit earlier and failed.

1500 illegals crossing per day, when 4,000 member caravans are NOT physically crashing borders, tearing down fences, and attacking police to force their way into the country, is a security issue, snowflake, not a BS 'naturalization' issue.
Actually portions of the wall are already being built.
The Democrats have staunchly refused to allow President trump to build his wall to secure the US border.

Even when the caravans started coming - thousands of illegals illegally, criminally, violently pushing past Mexican police and military to continue their criminal trek to our SWern border, the President sparred with Democrats 100%-committed to preventing him from getting his wall.

Even after sending troops to defend the US BPAs, DHS, and ICE agents there ... even after the violent illegals attempted to tear down portions of US border fencing, attempted to scale the walls, and attacked US agents... President Trump attempted to work WITH the democrats....

I pointed out WEEKS ago that Trump was missing an opportunity...and he has finally seen it and looks like he may be taking action.

The military that was sent to the border has been putting up Constantia wire and other temp blockades at the border.....WHY?

President Trump, the Commander In Chief of the armed forces, responsible BY LAW / CONSTITUTION for protecting this nation from invasion, having declared the caravans and illegals criminally attempting to force their way into the US while attacking US federal agents, has every bit of legal authority to order the US military TO BUILD HIS WALL for the defense of the United States against the invasion!

....and he does not need Congressional approval or legislation passed to do so!


Trump says military to build border wall if Democrats refuse

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall."

NO legislation needed!
NO more 'Resist' / 100% Committed Obstruction!
No More Democrat-Facilitated Illegal Immigration / Invasion!
NO government shut-down!

It took him a while to get there - he is more patient than I am. Had I been President I would have given the order to the military to build the wall at the same time I gave the order to send the military to the border to help stop the invasion!
The military can’t build the wall without appropriated funds. Dems are not obstructing border security they are proposing a 1.3 billion dollar budget for it. They don’t want to waste money on Trumps vision of the wall. Trumps campaign promise was to build a wall AND Mexico will pay for it. He didn’t say he would build a wall with billions of tax payer funds and will shut down the government if he doesn’t get the money.
They are obstructing border security. $1.3 is pocket change. You have to be joking if you claim that's some kind of legitimate proposal. It's a plan to do absolutely fucking nothing, and anyone who defends it is a fucking douche nozzle.

Who cares what they want? They're open-borders traitors.
Pocket change? Ok, last year they got 1.3B for border security. Do you know how it was spent? Do you know how much of it was spent and on what?
why are refugees on our border, if not for naturalization issues.
Because we don’t need them here, They have no reason to come here and they made it to Mexico which is definitely NOT a shithole according to the left.
that doesn't solve the naturalization process.
Nobody gives a flying fuck about your naturalization or Ellis island bullshit. Illegals don’t give a shit so why should we?
It is Expressed in our Constitution.
The military can’t build the wall without appropriated funds.
Sorry to break it to you, but there is a special 'pot' of money earmarked for 'combatting terrorism' / 'protecting the US' - the same pot funding our wars in the ME (Afghanistan/Syria/etc...). It can be spent under the justification of 'combatting terrorism' / 'protecting the US' without requiring a specific approval from Congress for things like....ummm, funding the wall.
Interesting. When Obama went outside the process to get DACA done it was abuse of power but now you promote Trump going outside the lines to get his agenda done. You are so principled

You really can’t see the difference can you?
Good Americans support executive action which can only yield upside for good Americans.
The Kenyans DACA helped foreigners while fucking good Americans over. You knew that right?
So what? I’m not talking about political opinions and priorities I’m talking about legal process. You care about border security so you want a wall. They care about human rights so they support DACA. That’s all opinion and it’s debatable, but not what we were discussing
why are refugees on our border, if not for naturalization issues.
Free tax payer-funded stuff....from stupid snowflakes And liberals....
naturalization issues? glad we agree. it cannot be a common defense issue.
Sorry, you tried this same shit earlier and failed.

1500 illegals crossing per day, when 4,000 member caravans are NOT physically crashing borders, tearing down fences, and attacking police to force their way into the country, is a security issue, snowflake, not a BS 'naturalization' issue.
Ellis Island used to be able to handle ten thousand a day; let's upgrade it to solve our problem.
Really? Cause just today Trump was talking about how much of the wall has already been built and how effective it is. How did all that get done? Or was he lying
I dunno. I haven't investigated the matter.
Maybe you should research it before crying about wanting more money. Thought you were conservative, isnt that your thing?
Not needed. We need the wall. That's the bottom line.
You just admitted to being willfully ignorant. Nice. What if you heard that they got 1.3 billion last year for border security and they have spent less than 6% of it?? No biggie, still want 5 Billion for next year?
Who says they spent 6% of it? This diversion isn't fooling anyone. We all know the traitor Dims refused to approve any funding for the wall, period.
Schumer said it after his meeting with Trump today.
....and he does not need Congressional approval or legislation passed to do so!

So…when can we expect the wall from California to Brownsville to be complete?

I’m guessing about the same time we get a check from Mexico to pay for it all.

Our nations security is funny! Woohoo! Enjoying that box of wine?

No but “conservatives” wanting to spend billions on something that will not solve the problem it was intended to solve is very funny. Especially in light of your firmly held belief that Mexico is supposed to be paying for it.
Really? Cause just today Trump was talking about how much of the wall has already been built and how effective it is. How did all that get done? Or was he lying
I dunno. I haven't investigated the matter.
Maybe you should research it before crying about wanting more money. Thought you were conservative, isnt that your thing?
Not needed. We need the wall. That's the bottom line.
You just admitted to being willfully ignorant. Nice. What if you heard that they got 1.3 billion last year for border security and they have spent less than 6% of it?? No biggie, still want 5 Billion for next year?
Who says they spent 6% of it? This diversion isn't fooling anyone. We all know the traitor Dims refused to approve any funding for the wall, period.
Dems have been passing funding for border security for decades. They don’t support the propaganda around the “wall” so they will take a moral stand against it but that have and continue to support border security through fencing, agents, tech etc
Two idiots just walked into a buzz saw when they thought they were the badasses in the room. Trump handed them their asses and shit in their hats. There’s not a chance that wall doesn’t get funded unless Trump folds and I hope he doesn’t. The entire democrat party watched this today and are shitting themselves.
Sorry to burst your bubble but when you think Dems are shitting themselves they are really just shaking their heads at our President embarassing himself.
...The military can’t build the wall without appropriated funds...
Not even if he declares an Invasion imminent and thereby declares a State of National Emergency?

...Dems are not obstructing border security...
Yes they are - by proposing woefully inadequate funds for securing our Southern Border.

...they are proposing a 1.3 billion dollar budget for it...
Woefully inadequate.

...They don’t want to waste money on Trumps vision of the wall...
I agree with their "want" but I do not believe their intransigence will be viewed kindly in 2020.

...Trumps campaign promise was to build a wall AND Mexico will pay for it. He didn’t say he would build a wall with billions of tax payer funds and will shut down the government if he doesn’t get the money.
He lied.

Now, he's turning the screws to get his way, from another angle.

I wonder if he can actually get away with it.

We're going to see Rich Bitch Faction A playing "chicken" with Rich Bitch Faction B...

With The People and their Republic stuck playing Monkey-in-the-Middle, and suffering more and more as this drags on.

Who's gonna blink?

I think it'll be the chicken$hit Democrats, just as they did last year, but I might end-up being proven wrong... we'll know soon enough.
If Trump uses a fake invasion as an excuse to implement military funds it would be a distortion of the truth and abuse of power in my opinion. Why do you think the 1.3 Billion is inadequate? That’s what they got last year. Have you checked on how it was spent?
Actually portions of the wall are already being built.
The Democrats have staunchly refused to allow President trump to build his wall to secure the US border.

Even when the caravans started coming - thousands of illegals illegally, criminally, violently pushing past Mexican police and military to continue their criminal trek to our SWern border, the President sparred with Democrats 100%-committed to preventing him from getting his wall.

Even after sending troops to defend the US BPAs, DHS, and ICE agents there ... even after the violent illegals attempted to tear down portions of US border fencing, attempted to scale the walls, and attacked US agents... President Trump attempted to work WITH the democrats....

I pointed out WEEKS ago that Trump was missing an opportunity...and he has finally seen it and looks like he may be taking action.

The military that was sent to the border has been putting up Constantia wire and other temp blockades at the border.....WHY?

President Trump, the Commander In Chief of the armed forces, responsible BY LAW / CONSTITUTION for protecting this nation from invasion, having declared the caravans and illegals criminally attempting to force their way into the US while attacking US federal agents, has every bit of legal authority to order the US military TO BUILD HIS WALL for the defense of the United States against the invasion!

....and he does not need Congressional approval or legislation passed to do so!


Trump says military to build border wall if Democrats refuse

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall."

NO legislation needed!
NO more 'Resist' / 100% Committed Obstruction!
No More Democrat-Facilitated Illegal Immigration / Invasion!
NO government shut-down!

It took him a while to get there - he is more patient than I am. Had I been President I would have given the order to the military to build the wall at the same time I gave the order to send the military to the border to help stop the invasion!
The military can’t build the wall without appropriated funds. Dems are not obstructing border security they are proposing a 1.3 billion dollar budget for it. They don’t want to waste money on Trumps vision of the wall. Trumps campaign promise was to build a wall AND Mexico will pay for it. He didn’t say he would build a wall with billions of tax payer funds and will shut down the government if he doesn’t get the money.
They are obstructing border security. $1.3 is pocket change. You have to be joking if you claim that's some kind of legitimate proposal. It's a plan to do absolutely fucking nothing, and anyone who defends it is a fucking douche nozzle.

Who cares what they want? They're open-borders traitors.
Pocket change? Ok, last year they got 1.3B for border security. Do you know how it was spent? Do you know how much of it was spent and on what?
Yes because there has always been funding provided for border security
Did the check from Mexico bounce back ? Because cheetoman told the whole world, mexico will pay for it.

Yes and then Trump forced them to renegotiate on trade and got the money for the wall. Tissue? :auiqs.jpg:
Give us numbers and links....and a cheque that reads from mexico to trump to build a wall. And most importantly when does the construction starts?
So, you are not American. Why should it concern you?
Did the check from Mexico bounce back ? Because cheetoman told the whole world, mexico will pay for it.

Yes and then Trump forced them to renegotiate on trade and got the money for the wall. Tissue? :auiqs.jpg:
Give us numbers and links....and a cheque that reads from mexico to trump to build a wall. And most importantly when does the construction starts?
So, you are not American. Why should it concern you?
Did the check from Mexico bounce back ? Because cheetoman told the whole world, mexico will pay for it.

Yes and then Trump forced them to renegotiate on trade and got the money for the wall. Tissue? :auiqs.jpg:
Give us numbers and links....and a cheque that reads from mexico to trump to build a wall. And most importantly when does the construction starts?
My passport says I am :). Are you a settler?
Really? Yet you spell check as cheque...
So, you are not American. Why should it concern you?
Did the check from Mexico bounce back ? Because cheetoman told the whole world, mexico will pay for it.

Yes and then Trump forced them to renegotiate on trade and got the money for the wall. Tissue? :auiqs.jpg:
Give us numbers and links....and a cheque that reads from mexico to trump to build a wall. And most importantly when does the construction starts?
My passport says I am :). Are you a settler?
...The military can’t build the wall without appropriated funds...
Not even if he declares an Invasion imminent and thereby declares a State of National Emergency?

...Dems are not obstructing border security...
Yes they are - by proposing woefully inadequate funds for securing our Southern Border.

...they are proposing a 1.3 billion dollar budget for it...
Woefully inadequate.

...They don’t want to waste money on Trumps vision of the wall...
I agree with their "want" but I do not believe their intransigence will be viewed kindly in 2020.

...Trumps campaign promise was to build a wall AND Mexico will pay for it. He didn’t say he would build a wall with billions of tax payer funds and will shut down the government if he doesn’t get the money.
He lied.

Now, he's turning the screws to get his way, from another angle.

I wonder if he can actually get away with it.

We're going to see Rich Bitch Faction A playing "chicken" with Rich Bitch Faction B...

With The People and their Republic stuck playing Monkey-in-the-Middle, and suffering more and more as this drags on.

Who's gonna blink?

I think it'll be the chicken$hit Democrats, just as they did last year, but I might end-up being proven wrong... we'll know soon enough.
If Trump uses a fake invasion as an excuse to implement military funds it would be a distortion of the truth and abuse of power in my opinion. Why do you think the 1.3 Billion is inadequate? That’s what they got last year. Have you checked on how it was spent?
You can't be this stupid. The wall is going to cost at least $25 billion, so how is $1.3 anything but a joke?
Actually portions of the wall are already being built.
The Democrats have staunchly refused to allow President trump to build his wall to secure the US border.

Even when the caravans started coming - thousands of illegals illegally, criminally, violently pushing past Mexican police and military to continue their criminal trek to our SWern border, the President sparred with Democrats 100%-committed to preventing him from getting his wall.

Even after sending troops to defend the US BPAs, DHS, and ICE agents there ... even after the violent illegals attempted to tear down portions of US border fencing, attempted to scale the walls, and attacked US agents... President Trump attempted to work WITH the democrats....

I pointed out WEEKS ago that Trump was missing an opportunity...and he has finally seen it and looks like he may be taking action.

The military that was sent to the border has been putting up Constantia wire and other temp blockades at the border.....WHY?

President Trump, the Commander In Chief of the armed forces, responsible BY LAW / CONSTITUTION for protecting this nation from invasion, having declared the caravans and illegals criminally attempting to force their way into the US while attacking US federal agents, has every bit of legal authority to order the US military TO BUILD HIS WALL for the defense of the United States against the invasion!

....and he does not need Congressional approval or legislation passed to do so!


Trump says military to build border wall if Democrats refuse

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall."

NO legislation needed!
NO more 'Resist' / 100% Committed Obstruction!
No More Democrat-Facilitated Illegal Immigration / Invasion!
NO government shut-down!

It took him a while to get there - he is more patient than I am. Had I been President I would have given the order to the military to build the wall at the same time I gave the order to send the military to the border to help stop the invasion!
The military can’t build the wall without appropriated funds. Dems are not obstructing border security they are proposing a 1.3 billion dollar budget for it. They don’t want to waste money on Trumps vision of the wall. Trumps campaign promise was to build a wall AND Mexico will pay for it. He didn’t say he would build a wall with billions of tax payer funds and will shut down the government if he doesn’t get the money.
They are obstructing border security. $1.3 is pocket change. You have to be joking if you claim that's some kind of legitimate proposal. It's a plan to do absolutely fucking nothing, and anyone who defends it is a fucking douche nozzle.

Who cares what they want? They're open-borders traitors.
Pocket change? Ok, last year they got 1.3B for border security. Do you know how it was spent? Do you know how much of it was spent and on what?
Yes because there has always been funding provided for border security
Not enough funding is provided, obviously, and almost never for a wall.
...The military can’t build the wall without appropriated funds...
Not even if he declares an Invasion imminent and thereby declares a State of National Emergency?

...Dems are not obstructing border security...
Yes they are - by proposing woefully inadequate funds for securing our Southern Border.

...they are proposing a 1.3 billion dollar budget for it...
Woefully inadequate.

...They don’t want to waste money on Trumps vision of the wall...
I agree with their "want" but I do not believe their intransigence will be viewed kindly in 2020.

...Trumps campaign promise was to build a wall AND Mexico will pay for it. He didn’t say he would build a wall with billions of tax payer funds and will shut down the government if he doesn’t get the money.
He lied.

Now, he's turning the screws to get his way, from another angle.

I wonder if he can actually get away with it.

We're going to see Rich Bitch Faction A playing "chicken" with Rich Bitch Faction B...

With The People and their Republic stuck playing Monkey-in-the-Middle, and suffering more and more as this drags on.

Who's gonna blink?

I think it'll be the chicken$hit Democrats, just as they did last year, but I might end-up being proven wrong... we'll know soon enough.
If Trump uses a fake invasion as an excuse to implement military funds it would be a distortion of the truth and abuse of power in my opinion. Why do you think the 1.3 Billion is inadequate? That’s what they got last year. Have you checked on how it was spent?
It wasn't a fake invasion. That would be "an abuse of power," but Obama legalizing 800,000 DACA aliens wasn't? How does that magic work?

Only an imbecile would claim $1.3 was adequate funding to build a 1400 mile wall.

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