Trump Family used Charity as a Campaign slush fund

I am certainly not a Clinton supporter. I think she's a snake. But I'm wondering why Trump supporters seem incapable of defending Trump's actions independent of Clinton or Obama. Why they try to justify some of the stuff Trump has pulled based on what Clinton/Obama did. Why they can't look at just Trump, by himself, and ask themselves, was this right or was it wrong. "He/she did it, so I'm going to do it too" is not a justification.

The only defense Trumpanzees have to this is whataboutism.

Guess what? Hillary is not president.

Let me repeat the title of this thread again. Trump Family used Charity as a Campaign slush fund.

How sick is that? They took money that was supposed to go to charity and used it for their personal expenses. Not only that, they deducted their own contributions from their taxes.

Trump and his 3 children who were on the board will face criminal, not just civil, charges.

Lock them up! start this 'I Hate Trump Thread Because He MIGHT Have Done What Hillary Did' thread....but attempt to declare no one can being up the fact that Hillary and the Clintons, who are under investigation for Influence Peddling and doing the same thing, actually did the same thing?

View attachment 235559

Good luck with that..... :p

Actually, the Clinton's did not do the same thing. The Clinton Foundation is a real charity and was not used for personal expenditures and campaign slush funds. The issue is completely different. The problem with the Clinton Foundation was that it could be seen as a conflict of interest when foreign entities make donations, then expect tit for tat.

The problem with the Clinton Foundation was nothing like the blatant criminality of the Trump Foundation. So yeah, bring it up, if you want...but it has nothing to do with the Trump Foundation scandal. Apples and oranges, kid.
/-----/ Oh yeah?

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