Trump erupts:"it's sad that R's, who were carried over the line on my back, do little to protect me"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
every saturday & every sunday, trump goes on a twitter rant. here's today's....

He has to wait till the weekend, to get back to WH South, to connect with
his dealer.
Jeb Bush calls out Republicans silent on Trump's Russia probe
Source: MSN/The Hill

Former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-Fla.) on Saturday called out Republicans for not speaking out about the investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Speaking at the OZY Fest in New York City on Saturday, the Florida Republican and former opponent to President Trump gave the crowd a series of rules for politics, what he called "Jeb's rules."

The first rule wasn't caught on camera, but Bush's second "rule" spoke directly to the Russia investigation swirling around the Trump administration.

"If your opponent does things that you, your head explodes on, if Barack Obama did something as it's related to Russia, you say 'this is outrageous,' all this stuff, then when your guy does the same thing, have the same passion to be critical," Bush said.

Read more: Jeb Bush calls out Republicans silent on Trump's Russia probe
He does have a point. Alot of his cabinet have not stood behind him and been outspoken. Can you imagine the Democrats if this were happening to Obama?

You have to grow a pair and accept that the nation chose a business person for a reason. Stand behind him and speak out against the witch hunt. These GOP aren't taking this investigation personal, and they should.
every saturday & every sunday, trump goes on a twitter rant. here's today's....

No worries. All those who have not been 100% behind President Trump - including all those names that will be added who don't vote to repeal Obamacare - are going to be voted out of office in the next election. The American people are going to have those names given to them and they won't forget the reason for why they must go.

I'm a she. :)

Sorry, I meant Trump's statement in the OP is right. ;)

I agree.
Donald Trump is just a whinny little Orange bitch LOL
Washington Post: “With his agenda stalled and Trump consumed by staff changes and investigations into Russian interference to help win election, Republicans are adding fuel to a political fire that is showing no signs of burning out. The conflict also heralds a potentially messy 2018 midterm campaign with fierce intra-party clashes that could draw resources away from fending off Democrats.”

“Winning control of both chambers and the White House has done little to fill in the deep and politically damaging ideological fault lines that plagued the GOP during Barack Obama’s presidency and ripped the party apart during the 2016 presidential primary. Now, Republicans have even more to lose.”
He does have a point. Alot of his cabinet have not stood behind him and been outspoken. Can you imagine the Democrats if this were happening to Obama?

You have to grow a pair and accept that the nation chose a business person for a reason. Stand behind him and speak out against the witch hunt. These GOP aren't taking this investigation personal, and they should.
The Nation by ten million voters wanted someone other than an Orange Shitgibbon like Trump to be POTUS
He does have a point. Alot of his cabinet have not stood behind him and been outspoken. Can you imagine the Democrats if this were happening to Obama?

You have to grow a pair and accept that the nation chose a business person for a reason. Stand behind him and speak out against the witch hunt. These GOP aren't taking this investigation personal, and they should.

Democrats are a different kind of animal. They always tend to fall in line lock-step behind whoever is at the top of the hive without any dissent, and regardless of whether their leader is right or wrong. Very similar to a hive of ants or bees, if you watch them closely. Which is also the reason you never hear anything unique or original from a single individual: They tend to parrot the "official" party meme collectively.
He does have a point. Alot of his cabinet have not stood behind him and been outspoken. Can you imagine the Democrats if this were happening to Obama?

You have to grow a pair and accept that the nation chose a business person for a reason. Stand behind him and speak out against the witch hunt. These GOP aren't taking this investigation personal, and they should.

Most of the politicians don't know economics, the people in America do.
Economics is not a right or left thing.
Trump knows economics just like President Kennedy did.
You know why Kennedy and his brother did?
His parents sent them to a ranch in Ariz. to learn what it was like to work and how a business was run.
every saturday & every sunday, trump goes on a twitter rant. here's today's....


That's funny. I just posted in another thread that he's a drama queen, has to be the center of attention and that's why he posts new lies almost every Sunday.

Is he just now noticing the Rs are out for themselves? And have not a damn thing in 50 years?

The best part of this is they're screwed. Whether they support him and genuflect or if they have a smattering of integrity and question his actions - they're screwed. They own this pile of orange sleaze.

every saturday & every sunday, trump goes on a twitter rant. here's today's....

No worries. All those who have not been 100% behind President Trump - including all those names that will be added who don't vote to repeal Obamacare - are going to be voted out of office in the next election. The American people are going to have those names given to them and they won't forget the reason for why they must go.

Paul Ryan first. He's an embarrassment to this state.

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