Trump encourages Russia to hack Hillary's emails

Nope. First Amendment and all that. Now if you can prove that he let classified information lie around in a poorly secured server for a few years while holding a high ranking position, we can talk.
False Trump could be held on suspicion of aiding the Russian aka spying.
First Amendment or not .
There would have to be a heck of a lot more evidence than this one statement. I mean, we've had Congress critters writing letters to foreign heads of state openly opposing the president and they faced no repercussions. Remember the "Dear Commandante" letter the democrats wrote to Daniel Ortega? You're dreaming if you think Trump will be arrested for treason.
I'm not even speculating ..
But you clowns are circling the wagons .
Why is that if you are so sure it was a joke?

he said that putin should hack Hillary's emails. whether it was a joke or not, dumb Donald is not fit to be president.
Hillary left sensitive classified information sitting on a lightly secured server for years. Intentional or not, crooked Hillary is not fit to be president. Donald made a statement, Hillary took an action. Which is worse?

that's nice,

Donald Trump: ‘I Hope’ Russia Hacked Clinton’s Email Servers

The Republican nominee broke a cardinal rule of American politics: Never root against the United States.

Donald Trump on Wednesday said he hopes Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails have fallen into the hands of Russian hackers.

“If they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do,” Trump said at a press conference at his resort in Doral, Florida.

The Republican presidential nominee was referring to the widely held suspicion that Russia is responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee’s servers, resulting in the leak of tens of thousands of emails just days before the party’s nominating convention in Philadelphia.

Trump said that he hoped the hackers had also accessed Clinton’s private email servers. “They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted.”

Trump then addressed the rogue nation directly, saying “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

By actively hoping that American servers were hacked by another nation, Trump broke an unwritten but cardinal rule of American public office: You don’t root against the United States, even when your political opponent is in power.

More: Donald Trump: 'I Hope' Russia Hacked Clinton's Email Servers

Trump is an evil unAmerican asshole to root for a foreign government to hack U.S. government computer systems - especially for his personal gain.

Sounds like TREASON to me!

How is it treason? Hillary has proven to be a security threat to the U.S.A.and if she were not an elite, the local 7/11 wouldn't even give her security clearance to guard the slurpee machine.

no she isn't a security risk. putz.. but dumb Donald with his finger on the button sure would be.
Inviting a hostile foreign communist nation like Russia to launch cyber attacks against the U.S. government certainly sounds like TREASON to me. That alone should terminate Trump's presidential candidacy. He should immediately be stripped of his Secret Service protection.

Donald Trump: ‘I Hope’ Russia Hacked Clinton’s Email Servers

The Republican nominee broke a cardinal rule of American politics: Never root against the United States.

Donald Trump on Wednesday said he hopes Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails have fallen into the hands of Russian hackers.

“If they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do,” Trump said at a press conference at his resort in Doral, Florida.

The Republican presidential nominee was referring to the widely held suspicion that Russia is responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee’s servers, resulting in the leak of tens of thousands of emails just days before the party’s nominating convention in Philadelphia.

Trump said that he hoped the hackers had also accessed Clinton’s private email servers. “They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted.”

Trump then addressed the rogue nation directly, saying “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

By actively hoping that American servers were hacked by another nation, Trump broke an unwritten but cardinal rule of American public office: You don’t root against the United States, even when your political opponent is in power.

More: Donald Trump: 'I Hope' Russia Hacked Clinton's Email Servers

Trump is an evil unAmerican asshole to root for a foreign government to hack U.S. government computer systems - especially for his personal gain.

Sounds like TREASON to me!

How is it treason? Hillary has proven to be a security threat to the U.S.A.and if she were not an elite, the local 7/11 wouldn't even give her security clearance to guard the slurpee machine.

no she isn't a security risk. putz.. but dumb Donald with his finger on the button sure would be.

It has been proven with out a doubt she is a national security risk, damn if she worked at KFC, bojangles would have gotten the secrete recipe.

Donald Trump: ‘I Hope’ Russia Hacked Clinton’s Email Servers

The Republican nominee broke a cardinal rule of American politics: Never root against the United States.

Donald Trump on Wednesday said he hopes Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails have fallen into the hands of Russian hackers.

“If they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do,” Trump said at a press conference at his resort in Doral, Florida.

The Republican presidential nominee was referring to the widely held suspicion that Russia is responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee’s servers, resulting in the leak of tens of thousands of emails just days before the party’s nominating convention in Philadelphia.

Trump said that he hoped the hackers had also accessed Clinton’s private email servers. “They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted.”

Trump then addressed the rogue nation directly, saying “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

By actively hoping that American servers were hacked by another nation, Trump broke an unwritten but cardinal rule of American public office: You don’t root against the United States, even when your political opponent is in power.

More: Donald Trump: 'I Hope' Russia Hacked Clinton's Email Servers

Trump is an evil unAmerican asshole to root for a foreign government to hack U.S. government computer systems - especially for his personal gain.

Sounds like TREASON to me!

How is it treason? Hillary has proven to be a security threat to the U.S.A.and if she were not an elite, the local 7/11 wouldn't even give her security clearance to guard the slurpee machine.

no she isn't a security risk. putz.. but dumb Donald with his finger on the button sure would be.
Interesting that you should come to that conclusion based on his words vs her actions.

Donald Trump: ‘I Hope’ Russia Hacked Clinton’s Email Servers

The Republican nominee broke a cardinal rule of American politics: Never root against the United States.

Donald Trump on Wednesday said he hopes Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails have fallen into the hands of Russian hackers.

“If they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do,” Trump said at a press conference at his resort in Doral, Florida.

The Republican presidential nominee was referring to the widely held suspicion that Russia is responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee’s servers, resulting in the leak of tens of thousands of emails just days before the party’s nominating convention in Philadelphia.

Trump said that he hoped the hackers had also accessed Clinton’s private email servers. “They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted.”

Trump then addressed the rogue nation directly, saying “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

By actively hoping that American servers were hacked by another nation, Trump broke an unwritten but cardinal rule of American public office: You don’t root against the United States, even when your political opponent is in power.

More: Donald Trump: 'I Hope' Russia Hacked Clinton's Email Servers

Trump is an evil unAmerican asshole to root for a foreign government to hack U.S. government computer systems - especially for his personal gain.

Sounds like TREASON to me!

We all saw the same press conference. Trump was being stupid as always and being a blowhard, but even in the quote YOU put up, he says "if they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails." He obviously is not asking them to hack anyone, he's saying if they have 'em, they should release them. You Hillarybots have started screaming about this to distract from MacAullife's admission that she's going to end up supporting TPP. It's not going to work.
Let's see...encouraging foreign espionage. Gee, Donnie has another talent to add to the list. He may have worked himself up to a Felony this time,

The man has a serious metal issue. I just hope his cult members will realize it before it is too late.

Donald Trump: ‘I Hope’ Russia Hacked Clinton’s Email Servers

The Republican nominee broke a cardinal rule of American politics: Never root against the United States.

Donald Trump on Wednesday said he hopes Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails have fallen into the hands of Russian hackers.

“If they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do,” Trump said at a press conference at his resort in Doral, Florida.

The Republican presidential nominee was referring to the widely held suspicion that Russia is responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee’s servers, resulting in the leak of tens of thousands of emails just days before the party’s nominating convention in Philadelphia.

Trump said that he hoped the hackers had also accessed Clinton’s private email servers. “They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted.”

Trump then addressed the rogue nation directly, saying “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

By actively hoping that American servers were hacked by another nation, Trump broke an unwritten but cardinal rule of American public office: You don’t root against the United States, even when your political opponent is in power.

More: Donald Trump: 'I Hope' Russia Hacked Clinton's Email Servers

Trump is an evil unAmerican asshole to root for a foreign government to hack U.S. government computer systems - especially for his personal gain.

Sounds like TREASON to me!

We all saw the same press conference. Trump was being stupid as always and being a blowhard, but even in the quote YOU put up, he says "if they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails." He obviously is not asking them to hack anyone, he's saying if they have 'em, they should release them. You Hillarybots have started screaming about this to distract from MacAullife's admission that she's going to end up supporting TPP. It's not going to work.
They don't seem to understand that, by doing this, they're just drawing more attention to the emails themselves.

Donald Trump: ‘I Hope’ Russia Hacked Clinton’s Email Servers

The Republican nominee broke a cardinal rule of American politics: Never root against the United States.

Donald Trump on Wednesday said he hopes Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails have fallen into the hands of Russian hackers.

“If they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do,” Trump said at a press conference at his resort in Doral, Florida.

The Republican presidential nominee was referring to the widely held suspicion that Russia is responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee’s servers, resulting in the leak of tens of thousands of emails just days before the party’s nominating convention in Philadelphia.

Trump said that he hoped the hackers had also accessed Clinton’s private email servers. “They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted.”

Trump then addressed the rogue nation directly, saying “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

By actively hoping that American servers were hacked by another nation, Trump broke an unwritten but cardinal rule of American public office: You don’t root against the United States, even when your political opponent is in power.

More: Donald Trump: 'I Hope' Russia Hacked Clinton's Email Servers

Trump is an evil unAmerican asshole to root for a foreign government to hack U.S. government computer systems - especially for his personal gain.

Sounds like TREASON to me!

We all saw the same press conference. Trump was being stupid as always and being a blowhard, but even in the quote YOU put up, he says "if they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails." He obviously is not asking them to hack anyone, he's saying if they have 'em, they should release them. You Hillarybots have started screaming about this to distract from MacAullife's admission that she's going to end up supporting TPP. It's not going to work.
They don't seem to understand that, by doing this, they're just drawing more attention to the emails themselves.

Yeah, we should just ignore that Trump committed TREASON, right?
Could Trump be prosecuted for treason?
Nope. First Amendment and all that. Now if you can prove that he let classified information lie around in a poorly secured server for a few years while holding a high ranking position, we can talk.
False Trump could be held on suspicion of aiding the Russian aka spying.
First Amendment or not .
There would have to be a heck of a lot more evidence than this one statement. I mean, we've had Congress critters writing letters to foreign heads of state openly opposing the president and they faced no repercussions. Remember the "Dear Commandante" letter the democrats wrote to Daniel Ortega? You're dreaming if you think Trump will be arrested for treason.
I'm not even speculating ..
But you clowns are circling the wagons .
Why is that if you are so sure it was a joke?
Because it's fun to watch the hyperventilating coming from the fever swamps. You guys are so self righteous and so sure of yourselves that we can't resist rattling your cages.
speaking of hyperventilating that's all you guys do .
dump says something he thinks is a joke, that in realty as president could get him and us in some deep shit. and you clowns treat it as if it's your cousin who has Tourette's syndrome .
Just an suggestion to all you Trump fans out there who have no problem with the publication of hacked private emails...

Post your own username/password to your private email account. lol
Trump has a great, wicked sense of humor and knows how to send the Moonbats frothing
dump has the same sense of humor as a grade school bully not the best quality for an adult running for president .
then again it's the most likely reason you asshats can relate to him.
he's never really grown up either,

Donald Trump: ‘I Hope’ Russia Hacked Clinton’s Email Servers

The Republican nominee broke a cardinal rule of American politics: Never root against the United States.

Donald Trump on Wednesday said he hopes Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails have fallen into the hands of Russian hackers.

“If they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do,” Trump said at a press conference at his resort in Doral, Florida.

The Republican presidential nominee was referring to the widely held suspicion that Russia is responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee’s servers, resulting in the leak of tens of thousands of emails just days before the party’s nominating convention in Philadelphia.

Trump said that he hoped the hackers had also accessed Clinton’s private email servers. “They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted.”

Trump then addressed the rogue nation directly, saying “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

By actively hoping that American servers were hacked by another nation, Trump broke an unwritten but cardinal rule of American public office: You don’t root against the United States, even when your political opponent is in power.

More: Donald Trump: 'I Hope' Russia Hacked Clinton's Email Servers

Trump is an evil unAmerican asshole to root for a foreign government to hack U.S. government computer systems - especially for his personal gain.

Sounds like TREASON to me!

We all saw the same press conference. Trump was being stupid as always and being a blowhard, but even in the quote YOU put up, he says "if they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails." He obviously is not asking them to hack anyone, he's saying if they have 'em, they should release them. You Hillarybots have started screaming about this to distract from MacAullife's admission that she's going to end up supporting TPP. It's not going to work.
They don't seem to understand that, by doing this, they're just drawing more attention to the emails themselves.
sure it is.....bhahahahah.

Donald Trump: ‘I Hope’ Russia Hacked Clinton’s Email Servers

The Republican nominee broke a cardinal rule of American politics: Never root against the United States.

Donald Trump on Wednesday said he hopes Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails have fallen into the hands of Russian hackers.

“If they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do,” Trump said at a press conference at his resort in Doral, Florida.

The Republican presidential nominee was referring to the widely held suspicion that Russia is responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee’s servers, resulting in the leak of tens of thousands of emails just days before the party’s nominating convention in Philadelphia.

Trump said that he hoped the hackers had also accessed Clinton’s private email servers. “They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted.”

Trump then addressed the rogue nation directly, saying “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

By actively hoping that American servers were hacked by another nation, Trump broke an unwritten but cardinal rule of American public office: You don’t root against the United States, even when your political opponent is in power.

More: Donald Trump: 'I Hope' Russia Hacked Clinton's Email Servers

Trump is an evil unAmerican asshole to root for a foreign government to hack U.S. government computer systems - especially for his personal gain.

Sounds like TREASON to me!

We all saw the same press conference. Trump was being stupid as always and being a blowhard, but even in the quote YOU put up, he says "if they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails." He obviously is not asking them to hack anyone, he's saying if they have 'em, they should release them. You Hillarybots have started screaming about this to distract from MacAullife's admission that she's going to end up supporting TPP. It's not going to work.
They don't seem to understand that, by doing this, they're just drawing more attention to the emails themselves.

Yeah, we should just ignore that Trump committed TREASON, right?

We should NEVER ignore treason. We should not let your hysterical hand-wring and screaming about that which was stupid, but not treasonous, to deflect us from realizing that the lying corporate whore is lying about opposing TPP just to get elected. People like you will be the ones that get Trump elected because you picked a lying corporate whore instead of Bernie.
The many problems with Donald Trump’s call for Russia to spy on Hillary Clinton

FBI Director James B. Comey said in rebuking Clinton's use of the email server earlier this month that it's indeed possible the server had been accessed — but that there was no evidence yet that it had happened.

"Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton's personal email account," he said.


If Russia hacked the DNC, and released what they found, why wouldn't they release Hillary's emails. Because she was never hacked.

Now, after Trump's invite, if Russia did hack US systems, then can you call it hacking? Seems more like an invitation.

Donald Trump: ‘I Hope’ Russia Hacked Clinton’s Email Servers

The Republican nominee broke a cardinal rule of American politics: Never root against the United States.

Donald Trump on Wednesday said he hopes Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails have fallen into the hands of Russian hackers.

“If they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do,” Trump said at a press conference at his resort in Doral, Florida.

The Republican presidential nominee was referring to the widely held suspicion that Russia is responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee’s servers, resulting in the leak of tens of thousands of emails just days before the party’s nominating convention in Philadelphia.

Trump said that he hoped the hackers had also accessed Clinton’s private email servers. “They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted.”

Trump then addressed the rogue nation directly, saying “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

By actively hoping that American servers were hacked by another nation, Trump broke an unwritten but cardinal rule of American public office: You don’t root against the United States, even when your political opponent is in power.

More: Donald Trump: 'I Hope' Russia Hacked Clinton's Email Servers

Trump is an evil unAmerican asshole to root for a foreign government to hack U.S. government computer systems - especially for his personal gain.

Sounds like TREASON to me!

We all saw the same press conference. Trump was being stupid as always and being a blowhard, but even in the quote YOU put up, he says "if they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails." He obviously is not asking them to hack anyone, he's saying if they have 'em, they should release them. You Hillarybots have started screaming about this to distract from MacAullife's admission that she's going to end up supporting TPP. It's not going to work.
They don't seem to understand that, by doing this, they're just drawing more attention to the emails themselves.

Yeah, we should just ignore that Trump committed TREASON, right?

We should NEVER ignore treason. We should not let your hysterical hand-wring and screaming about that which was stupid, but not treasonous, to deflect us from realizing that the lying corporate whore is lying about opposing TPP just to get elected. People like you will be the ones that get Trump elected because you picked a lying corporate whore instead of Bernie.
thanks captain melodrama !

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