Trump: Dow went down because Moulton dropped out.........


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Wow.................stock market drops and Trump decides to joke about it. How many other sitting presidents would joke about a 600 point drop in the Dow? The reason the stock market dropped was because of his ignorant tweet about telling businesses to boycott China, as well as asking if his Fed chairman was a bigger threat to the USA than Xi.

Trump quips Dow dropped because of Moulton's exit from 2020 race

President Trump on Friday joked about a precipitous drop in the stock market following a series of tweets lashing out at China, quipping that it was perhaps spurred by Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) dropping out of the Democratic presidential primary.

"The Dow is down 573 points perhaps on the news that Representative Seth Moulton, whoever that may be, has dropped out of the 2020 Presidential Race!" Trump tweeted.

The Dow is down 573 points perhaps on the news that Representative Seth Moulton, whoever that may be, has dropped out of the 2020 Presidential Race!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 23, 2019
Moulton, a former Marine and three-term congressman, announced Friday morning he would no longer seek the Democratic nomination. He told reporters in response to Trump's tweet that he's "glad [Trump] thinks I have more influence on the Dow than he does."
Do you guys think it is appropriate for the president to make jokes about a market that drops through the floor, after he was the one that made the comments that caused the crash in the first place?
I love having a president that can easily troll bed wetting regressive pukes like A PillowBiter Sailor.

BTW puke...

When your meat puppet faggot messiah was elected the dow was around 9K, the 500 points it dropped the day after he/she/it was elected was significant.

With the dow around 26000 a 500 point drop is a fart.

Trump is the slowest fucking learner ever to occupy the WH. If he STFU he wins, if he tweets or talks he loses. So WTF does the stupid fuck do? If people pull money out of the stock market and that triggers a recession he loses. He's doing a good thing taking on China, but he isn't managing well. He keeps blowing up the stock market for no reason, when he should be smoothing the bumps due to the trade war. What a stupid undisciplined ego maniac. He's lucky he's better than any of the democrats running.
Only trouble is kyzr, Trump doesn't have the discipline to stop talking. He thinks every word out of his mouth is gold.

Same with his tweets, and his staff are powerless to stop him.
Wow.................stock market drops and Trump decides to joke about it. How many other sitting presidents would joke about a 600 point drop in the Dow? The reason the stock market dropped was because of his ignorant tweet about telling businesses to boycott China, as well as asking if his Fed chairman was a bigger threat to the USA than Xi.

Trump quips Dow dropped because of Moulton's exit from 2020 race

President Trump on Friday joked about a precipitous drop in the stock market following a series of tweets lashing out at China, quipping that it was perhaps spurred by Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) dropping out of the Democratic presidential primary.

"The Dow is down 573 points perhaps on the news that Representative Seth Moulton, whoever that may be, has dropped out of the 2020 Presidential Race!" Trump tweeted.

The Dow is down 573 points perhaps on the news that Representative Seth Moulton, whoever that may be, has dropped out of the 2020 Presidential Race!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 23, 2019
Moulton, a former Marine and three-term congressman, announced Friday morning he would no longer seek the Democratic nomination. He told reporters in response to Trump's tweet that he's "glad [Trump] thinks I have more influence on the Dow than he does."
It will be back up by Monday afternoon. It has been doing this for months. Jeez Leweez, is there nothing else to crab about today? Apparently not.
Only trouble is kyzr, Trump doesn't have the discipline to stop talking. He thinks every word out of his mouth is gold.

Same with his tweets, and his staff are powerless to stop him.
Exactly. Someone needs to take his fucking tweet account from him until after the 2020 election.
Only trouble is kyzr, Trump doesn't have the discipline to stop talking. He thinks every word out of his mouth is gold.

Same with his tweets, and his staff are powerless to stop him.

Do you guys think it is appropriate for the president to make jokes about a market that drops through the floor, after he was the one that made the comments that caused the crash in the first place?

It was a joke, dope.
He's having fun as President. That's why the office hasn't aged him.
Wow.................stock market drops and Trump decides to joke about it. How many other sitting presidents would joke about a 600 point drop in the Dow? The reason the stock market dropped was because of his ignorant tweet about telling businesses to boycott China, as well as asking if his Fed chairman was a bigger threat to the USA than Xi.

Trump quips Dow dropped because of Moulton's exit from 2020 race

President Trump on Friday joked about a precipitous drop in the stock market following a series of tweets lashing out at China, quipping that it was perhaps spurred by Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) dropping out of the Democratic presidential primary.

"The Dow is down 573 points perhaps on the news that Representative Seth Moulton, whoever that may be, has dropped out of the 2020 Presidential Race!" Trump tweeted.

The Dow is down 573 points perhaps on the news that Representative Seth Moulton, whoever that may be, has dropped out of the 2020 Presidential Race!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 23, 2019
Moulton, a former Marine and three-term congressman, announced Friday morning he would no longer seek the Democratic nomination. He told reporters in response to Trump's tweet that he's "glad [Trump] thinks I have more influence on the Dow than he does."
well it could be? right?
Only trouble is kyzr, Trump doesn't have the discipline to stop talking. He thinks every word out of his mouth is gold.

Same with his tweets, and his staff are powerless to stop him.
Don't forget he's a narcissist who has to be the center of attention. He is completely rewarded by the media and social media for everything he says, and it doesn't matter to him if it's negative or positive attention. It keeps him center stage and he's addicted to it. It will also get him reelected if we aren't careful.
I thought it was funny. Watching people sell in unison only to by back and make money is part of the beast that is the market.
Wow.................stock market drops and Trump decides to joke about it. How many other sitting presidents would joke about a 600 point drop in the Dow? The reason the stock market dropped was because of his ignorant tweet about telling businesses to boycott China, as well as asking if his Fed chairman was a bigger threat to the USA than Xi.

Trump quips Dow dropped because of Moulton's exit from 2020 race

President Trump on Friday joked about a precipitous drop in the stock market following a series of tweets lashing out at China, quipping that it was perhaps spurred by Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) dropping out of the Democratic presidential primary.

"The Dow is down 573 points perhaps on the news that Representative Seth Moulton, whoever that may be, has dropped out of the 2020 Presidential Race!" Trump tweeted.

The Dow is down 573 points perhaps on the news that Representative Seth Moulton, whoever that may be, has dropped out of the 2020 Presidential Race!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 23, 2019
Moulton, a former Marine and three-term congressman, announced Friday morning he would no longer seek the Democratic nomination. He told reporters in response to Trump's tweet that he's "glad [Trump] thinks I have more influence on the Dow than he does."

He trolls all the time, and I don't blame him.

Markets go up and down. Seeing the look on Dictator Xi's face when Trump hits him with more tariffs or tells U.S companies to abandon China is priceless.

Look, you guys know where I stand. Any paper loss is temporary, you have to hold indexes until the end of time. If America doesn't confront China, THEN we ALL have problems.
Do you guys think it is appropriate for the president to make jokes about a market that drops through the floor, after he was the one that made the comments that caused the crash in the first place?
I thought is was Obama's economy?
Well, many of us know one thing, if Hillary had been elected, the market would've been floundering between 11k-15k, AND China would be marching vigorously towards achieving their goal of becoming the World's #1 economic power.
Do you guys think it is appropriate for the president to make jokes about a market that drops through the floor, after he was the one that made the comments that caused the crash in the first place?
I thought is was Obama's economy?

You guys gotta lay off with that crap. When Trump got his tax plan passed by Congress, it was at that point the economy became his. It was further cemented as his when he started his trade war.
Do you guys think it is appropriate for the president to make jokes about a market that drops through the floor, after he was the one that made the comments that caused the crash in the first place?
I thought is was Obama's economy?

You guys gotta lay off with that crap. When Trump got his tax plan passed by Congress, it was at that point the economy became his. It was further cemented as his when he started his trade war.
It's very confusing. Sometimes it's the Obama economy, like when the DOW increased 30% in two years but then when there;s an occasional plunge it quickly reverts to a Trump economy. However, the record employment rates remain Obama:s doing.

Very strange indeed!
Trump is the slowest fucking learner ever to occupy the WH. If he STFU he wins, if he tweets or talks he loses. So WTF does the stupid fuck do? If people pull money out of the stock market and that triggers a recession he loses. He's doing a good thing taking on China, but he isn't managing well. He keeps blowing up the stock market for no reason, when he should be smoothing the bumps due to the trade war. What a stupid undisciplined ego maniac. He's lucky he's better than any of the democrats running.

So, talking about what he is going to do with tariffs is bad. On the occasion when he follows through and raises tariffs and that also tanks the market is good. OK, whatever.

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