Trump corruption in real time

None of that matters. The Trump party refuses to accept that Trump has ever done anything wrong. Jesus could appear floating near the ceiling, and then come down and present stone tablets with a transcript of Trump describing his every unethical action, and the Trumpsters would call it fake news.
That's rich....considering the fact that you have a permanent impression of Obama's sphincter on your face.

None of that matters. The Trump party refuses to accept that Trump has ever done anything wrong. Jesus could appear floating near the ceiling, and then come down and present stone tablets with a transcript of Trump describing his every unethical action, and the Trumpsters would call it fake news.

I really don't care whatever Trump has perceived to have done "wrong" in your eyes. What he has accomplished far outweighs whatever animosity and ill will you people have against him. Want to talk about "Promises made, promises kept"? President Trump has far outperformed himself as far as his accomplishments.

Sure, you idiots can drag up the old "...and Mexico will pay for it.." bullshit. But at this point, I don't care if they have or haven't, because President Trump has delivered far more than he promised me in 2016

And that's the "dagger" right there.

That is why you lame schmucks will lose the 2020 election, because results and accomplishment are the only things that count. Remember that when you sit cold, lonely, sad, and bewildered the morning after the 2020 election, wondering why you lost. The American people only care about results and accomplishments, which are a few of the things that no Democratic candidate has a clue how to offer this country.
Does anyone really watch this impeachment BS? Everyone knows what everyone is going to say already so it seems like a pretty big waste of time to watch. Better you just skip 2-3 days and just buy the cliff notes.

None of that matters. The Trump party refuses to accept that Trump has ever done anything wrong. Jesus could appear floating near the ceiling, and then come down and present stone tablets with a transcript of Trump describing his every unethical action, and the Trumpsters would call it fake news.

I really don't care whatever Trump has perceived to have done "wrong" in your eyes. What he has accomplished far outweighs whatever animosity and ill will you people have against him. Want to talk about "Promises made, promises kept"? President Trump has far outperformed himself as far as his accomplishments.

Sure, you idiots can drag up the old "...and Mexico will pay for it.." bullshit. But at this point, I don't care if they have or haven't, because President Trump has delivered far more than he promised me in 2016

And that's the "dagger" right there.

That is why you lame schmucks will lose the 2020 election, because results and accomplishment are the only things that count. Remember that when you sit cold, lonely, sad, and bewildered the morning after the 2020 election, wondering why you lost. The American people only care about results and accomplishments, which are a few of the things that no Democratic candidate has a clue how to offer this country.

Trump was barely elected last time, and even though his base is still strongly involved, it hasn't grown since the election. His opposition has grown, a lot.

None of that matters. The Trump party refuses to accept that Trump has ever done anything wrong. Jesus could appear floating near the ceiling, and then come down and present stone tablets with a transcript of Trump describing his every unethical action, and the Trumpsters would call it fake news.

I really don't care whatever Trump has perceived to have done "wrong" in your eyes. What he has accomplished far outweighs whatever animosity and ill will you people have against him. Want to talk about "Promises made, promises kept"? President Trump has far outperformed himself as far as his accomplishments.

Sure, you idiots can drag up the old "...and Mexico will pay for it.." bullshit. But at this point, I don't care if they have or haven't, because President Trump has delivered far more than he promised me in 2016

And that's the "dagger" right there.

That is why you lame schmucks will lose the 2020 election, because results and accomplishment are the only things that count. Remember that when you sit cold, lonely, sad, and bewildered the morning after the 2020 election, wondering why you lost. The American people only care about results and accomplishments, which are a few of the things that no Democratic candidate has a clue how to offer this country.

Trump was barely elected last time, and even though his base is still strongly involved, it hasn't grown since the election. His opposition has grown, a lot.

His "growing opposition" is only something your lying media overlords want you to believe. How about a little reality? 90% of the Republicans approve of his job performance, as well as 35% of the black voters, 38% of the Hispanic voters, and 40% of the Asian voters.

President Reagan only got 9% of the African American vote in 1984. That’s the same 9% GOP presidential candidates have averaged ever since, which means Trump is breaking new ground.

Anyone who doesn't see what's coming down the pipe in 2020, is in for a major disappointment.
gee, evidence

Yahoo fake news.....nuff said.
The problem with all of this is the hit job on Biden.
Somebody released his video bragging about bribery.....this cock&bull story surfaces about why Trump wanted to wait till he talked to the Ukrainian president before releasing the aid. Democrats claim that it was all about Biden....which it wasn't. Trump had till Sept 30th to release the aid or veto it. The hold was only a few days....unit Trump could talk with the new president and get assurances he wasn't as corrupt as the previous president....who was dealing with the Obama Administration.

BTW, where is the law that a president cannot investigate wrongdoing by he political competition?
Can they just declare that they're running for president and be above the law forever??????
No they cannot.
Lol, it was all about the hit job on Biden.

That video is out if context and meaningless.

I'm sure you can explain how and why the video was out of context therefore rendered meaningless.

We'll wait.
gee, evidence

Yahoo fake news.....nuff said.
The problem with all of this is the hit job on Biden.
Somebody released his video bragging about bribery.....this cock&bull story surfaces about why Trump wanted to wait till he talked to the Ukrainian president before releasing the aid. Democrats claim that it was all about Biden....which it wasn't. Trump had till Sept 30th to release the aid or veto it. The hold was only a few days....unit Trump could talk with the new president and get assurances he wasn't as corrupt as the previous president....who was dealing with the Obama Administration.

BTW, where is the law that a president cannot investigate wrongdoing by he political competition?
Can they just declare that they're running for president and be above the law forever??????
No they cannot.
Lol, it was all about the hit job on Biden.

That video is out if context and meaningless.

I'm sure you can explain how and why the video was out of context therefore rendered meaningless.

We'll wait.
You already know.
The problem with all of this is the hit job on Biden.
Somebody released his video bragging about bribery.....this cock&bull story surfaces about why Trump wanted to wait till he talked to the Ukrainian president before releasing the aid. Democrats claim that it was all about Biden....which it wasn't. Trump had till Sept 30th to release the aid or veto it. The hold was only a few days....unit Trump could talk with the new president and get assurances he wasn't as corrupt as the previous president....who was dealing with the Obama Administration.

BTW, where is the law that a president cannot investigate wrongdoing by he political competition?
Can they just declare that they're running for president and be above the law forever??????
No they cannot.
Lol, it was all about the hit job on Biden.

That video is out if context and meaningless.
Well either Biden was being honest and he's guilty of bribery and extortion...or he was doing a comedy act.
Which is it?

None of that matters. The Trump party refuses to accept that Trump has ever done anything wrong. Jesus could appear floating near the ceiling, and then come down and present stone tablets with a transcript of Trump describing his every unethical action, and the Trumpsters would call it fake news.

I really don't care whatever Trump has perceived to have done "wrong" in your eyes. What he has accomplished far outweighs whatever animosity and ill will you people have against him. Want to talk about "Promises made, promises kept"? President Trump has far outperformed himself as far as his accomplishments.

Sure, you idiots can drag up the old "...and Mexico will pay for it.." bullshit. But at this point, I don't care if they have or haven't, because President Trump has delivered far more than he promised me in 2016

And that's the "dagger" right there.

That is why you lame schmucks will lose the 2020 election, because results and accomplishment are the only things that count. Remember that when you sit cold, lonely, sad, and bewildered the morning after the 2020 election, wondering why you lost. The American people only care about results and accomplishments, which are a few of the things that no Democratic candidate has a clue how to offer this country.

Trump was barely elected last time, and even though his base is still strongly involved, it hasn't grown since the election. His opposition has grown, a lot.
304-232 is barely?
Everyone hate The Democrat Party and this is getting worse for your corrupt party every day.


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None of that matters. The Trump party refuses to accept that Trump has ever done anything wrong. Jesus could appear floating near the ceiling, and then come down and present stone tablets with a transcript of Trump describing his every unethical action, and the Trumpsters would call it fake news.

I really don't care whatever Trump has perceived to have done "wrong" in your eyes. What he has accomplished far outweighs whatever animosity and ill will you people have against him. Want to talk about "Promises made, promises kept"? President Trump has far outperformed himself as far as his accomplishments.

Sure, you idiots can drag up the old "...and Mexico will pay for it.." bullshit. But at this point, I don't care if they have or haven't, because President Trump has delivered far more than he promised me in 2016

And that's the "dagger" right there.

That is why you lame schmucks will lose the 2020 election, because results and accomplishment are the only things that count. Remember that when you sit cold, lonely, sad, and bewildered the morning after the 2020 election, wondering why you lost. The American people only care about results and accomplishments, which are a few of the things that no Democratic candidate has a clue how to offer this country.

Trump was barely elected last time, and even though his base is still strongly involved, it hasn't grown since the election. His opposition has grown, a lot.

His "growing opposition" is only something your lying media overlords want you to believe. How about a little reality? 90% of the Republicans approve of his job performance, as well as 35% of the black voters, 38% of the Hispanic voters, and 40% of the Asian voters.

President Reagan only got 9% of the African American vote in 1984. That’s the same 9% GOP presidential candidates have averaged ever since, which means Trump is breaking new ground.

Anyone who doesn't see what's coming down the pipe in 2020, is in for a major disappointment.

So he lost 10% of republicans. If you think he has 35% of black voters and 38% of Hispanic voters, you're nuts, but we already knew that.

None of that matters. The Trump party refuses to accept that Trump has ever done anything wrong. Jesus could appear floating near the ceiling, and then come down and present stone tablets with a transcript of Trump describing his every unethical action, and the Trumpsters would call it fake news.

I really don't care whatever Trump has perceived to have done "wrong" in your eyes. What he has accomplished far outweighs whatever animosity and ill will you people have against him. Want to talk about "Promises made, promises kept"? President Trump has far outperformed himself as far as his accomplishments.

Sure, you idiots can drag up the old "...and Mexico will pay for it.." bullshit. But at this point, I don't care if they have or haven't, because President Trump has delivered far more than he promised me in 2016

And that's the "dagger" right there.

That is why you lame schmucks will lose the 2020 election, because results and accomplishment are the only things that count. Remember that when you sit cold, lonely, sad, and bewildered the morning after the 2020 election, wondering why you lost. The American people only care about results and accomplishments, which are a few of the things that no Democratic candidate has a clue how to offer this country.

Trump was barely elected last time, and even though his base is still strongly involved, it hasn't grown since the election. His opposition has grown, a lot.
304-232 is barely?


None of that matters. The Trump party refuses to accept that Trump has ever done anything wrong. Jesus could appear floating near the ceiling, and then come down and present stone tablets with a transcript of Trump describing his every unethical action, and the Trumpsters would call it fake news.

I really don't care whatever Trump has perceived to have done "wrong" in your eyes. What he has accomplished far outweighs whatever animosity and ill will you people have against him. Want to talk about "Promises made, promises kept"? President Trump has far outperformed himself as far as his accomplishments.

Sure, you idiots can drag up the old "...and Mexico will pay for it.." bullshit. But at this point, I don't care if they have or haven't, because President Trump has delivered far more than he promised me in 2016

And that's the "dagger" right there.

That is why you lame schmucks will lose the 2020 election, because results and accomplishment are the only things that count. Remember that when you sit cold, lonely, sad, and bewildered the morning after the 2020 election, wondering why you lost. The American people only care about results and accomplishments, which are a few of the things that no Democratic candidate has a clue how to offer this country.

Trump was barely elected last time, and even though his base is still strongly involved, it hasn't grown since the election. His opposition has grown, a lot.
304-232 is barely?


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