Trump claims millions voted illegally...

There have been people arrested this election cycle for fraud, so yes, he has every right to say what he did.

Two women busted for election fraud in Miami-Dade

Woman Jailed on Charge of Illegal Voting

many other links about illegal voting arrests out there

You take two people and call it millions?

I never said millions. I also said there were many more links about people being arrested for illegal voting this election. I guess you didn't comprehend what I said.

First link says 2 people, next one says 1. 2 + 1 = 3.

You are defending someone who does not have a grasp on reality. What next? Is he going to claim he is Santa Clause?

You and many others are grasping at straws in hopes of one being a magic wand that will somehow change the election results. Reality is, Trump won and Clinton lost. Illegal voting is a reality and has been before this election.

So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

No, illegal voting is NOT ok, regardless of who the illegal votes are for. Those committing voter fraud should be dealt with by our legal system.
You take two people and call it millions?

I never said millions. I also said there were many more links about people being arrested for illegal voting this election. I guess you didn't comprehend what I said.

First link says 2 people, next one says 1. 2 + 1 = 3.

You are defending someone who does not have a grasp on reality. What next? Is he going to claim he is Santa Clause?

You and many others are grasping at straws in hopes of one being a magic wand that will somehow change the election results. Reality is, Trump won and Clinton lost. Illegal voting is a reality and has been before this election.

So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

No, illegal voting is NOT ok, regardless of who the illegal votes are for. Those committing voter fraud should be dealt with by our legal system.

Ok then...why are people fighting this audit/recount? It looks more and more like courts in North Carolina is going to do a recount as well.
I never said millions. I also said there were many more links about people being arrested for illegal voting this election. I guess you didn't comprehend what I said.

First link says 2 people, next one says 1. 2 + 1 = 3.

You are defending someone who does not have a grasp on reality. What next? Is he going to claim he is Santa Clause?

You and many others are grasping at straws in hopes of one being a magic wand that will somehow change the election results. Reality is, Trump won and Clinton lost. Illegal voting is a reality and has been before this election.

So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

I'm willing to bet that if there were a true recount, as in weeding out illegal aliens who cast ballots, that Hillary would lose in a bigger way. It isn't easy discovering illegal aliens who vote. Literally takes the FBI digging. And that simply is never done.

Ok...let's assume Hillary loses some million illegal votes in states like California that causes her to lose the popular vote, but she gains votes in WI, MI, and PA that makes her win the electoral Vote. you going to accept that?

Hello, pay attention---------------->illegal aliens are in big cities, that is where they are. I mean, you lefties always talk about them being in the shadows. Not to many shadows on the prairie, is there, lol. So therefore, if illegal votes were removed, it would not be just California. It would be Illinois, Penn, and Michigan, that is why they are starting in Wisconsin. They don't want voter rolls gone over where they can be discovered to be faulty or crooked, and Wisconsin would be the least likely to have a large contingent of illegal aliens voting. Can't win there, can't win anywhere, so hang it up before you open a can of worms that prove the Democrats are more crooked than even you thought, lol.
Yes, illegals have been voting in elections, possibly more in this last one. When Obama was asked specifically about illegal aliens voting, he assured them that they will not be investigated. That is all they needed to hear. He made it sound like voting made them citizens.

"In an interview with the Latin-oriented YouTube channel mitu, millennial actress Gina Rodriguez asked Obama:

“Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens – and I call them citizens because the contribute to this country – are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will Immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?”

Obama responded: “Not true, and the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, etc. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential.”

Obama Tells Illegals They Can Vote | Opinion - Conservative
I never said millions. I also said there were many more links about people being arrested for illegal voting this election. I guess you didn't comprehend what I said.

First link says 2 people, next one says 1. 2 + 1 = 3.

You are defending someone who does not have a grasp on reality. What next? Is he going to claim he is Santa Clause?

You and many others are grasping at straws in hopes of one being a magic wand that will somehow change the election results. Reality is, Trump won and Clinton lost. Illegal voting is a reality and has been before this election.

So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

No, illegal voting is NOT ok, regardless of who the illegal votes are for. Those committing voter fraud should be dealt with by our legal system.

Ok then...why are people fighting this audit/recount? It looks more and more like courts in North Carolina is going to do a recount as well.

I don't know anyone personally that is fighting it. I'm all for it. Question is, can the Clinton supporters accept that she lost if the results don't change?
You are defending someone who does not have a grasp on reality. What next? Is he going to claim he is Santa Clause?

You and many others are grasping at straws in hopes of one being a magic wand that will somehow change the election results. Reality is, Trump won and Clinton lost. Illegal voting is a reality and has been before this election.

So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

No, illegal voting is NOT ok, regardless of who the illegal votes are for. Those committing voter fraud should be dealt with by our legal system.

Ok then...why are people fighting this audit/recount? It looks more and more like courts in North Carolina is going to do a recount as well.

I don't know anyone personally that is fighting it. I'm all for it. Question is, can the Clinton supporters accept that she lost if the results don't change?


Then you aren't paying attention. Hell there are like three threads about the audit/recounts and in every one of them Trump supporters are whining about it. Trump even sent out a tweet today whining about it.
I never said millions. I also said there were many more links about people being arrested for illegal voting this election. I guess you didn't comprehend what I said.

First link says 2 people, next one says 1. 2 + 1 = 3.

You are defending someone who does not have a grasp on reality. What next? Is he going to claim he is Santa Clause?

You and many others are grasping at straws in hopes of one being a magic wand that will somehow change the election results. Reality is, Trump won and Clinton lost. Illegal voting is a reality and has been before this election.

So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

No, illegal voting is NOT ok, regardless of who the illegal votes are for. Those committing voter fraud should be dealt with by our legal system.

Ok then...why are people fighting this audit/recount? It looks more and more like courts in North Carolina is going to do a recount as well.
Who's fighting it?
You and many others are grasping at straws in hopes of one being a magic wand that will somehow change the election results. Reality is, Trump won and Clinton lost. Illegal voting is a reality and has been before this election.

So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

No, illegal voting is NOT ok, regardless of who the illegal votes are for. Those committing voter fraud should be dealt with by our legal system.

Ok then...why are people fighting this audit/recount? It looks more and more like courts in North Carolina is going to do a recount as well.

I don't know anyone personally that is fighting it. I'm all for it. Question is, can the Clinton supporters accept that she lost if the results don't change?


Then you aren't paying attention. Hell there are like three threads about the audit/recounts and in every one of them Trump supporters are whining about it. Trump even sent out a tweet today whining about it.
You are defending someone who does not have a grasp on reality. What next? Is he going to claim he is Santa Clause?

You and many others are grasping at straws in hopes of one being a magic wand that will somehow change the election results. Reality is, Trump won and Clinton lost. Illegal voting is a reality and has been before this election.

So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

No, illegal voting is NOT ok, regardless of who the illegal votes are for. Those committing voter fraud should be dealt with by our legal system.

Ok then...why are people fighting this audit/recount? It looks more and more like courts in North Carolina is going to do a recount as well.
Who's fighting it?

Who's fighting it? This board is full of whining Trump supporters who say they shouldn't be allowed to do it.. that it is a waste of money... yadda yadda yadda.
You and many others are grasping at straws in hopes of one being a magic wand that will somehow change the election results. Reality is, Trump won and Clinton lost. Illegal voting is a reality and has been before this election.

So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

No, illegal voting is NOT ok, regardless of who the illegal votes are for. Those committing voter fraud should be dealt with by our legal system.

Ok then...why are people fighting this audit/recount? It looks more and more like courts in North Carolina is going to do a recount as well.
Who's fighting it?

Who's fighting it? This board is full of whining Trump supporters who say they shouldn't be allowed to do it.. that it is a waste of money... yadda yadda yadda.
Where? It is a waste of money
You are defending someone who does not have a grasp on reality. What next? Is he going to claim he is Santa Clause?

You and many others are grasping at straws in hopes of one being a magic wand that will somehow change the election results. Reality is, Trump won and Clinton lost. Illegal voting is a reality and has been before this election.

So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

No, illegal voting is NOT ok, regardless of who the illegal votes are for. Those committing voter fraud should be dealt with by our legal system.

Ok then...why are people fighting this audit/recount? It looks more and more like courts in North Carolina is going to do a recount as well.

I don't know anyone personally that is fighting it. I'm all for it. Question is, can the Clinton supporters accept that she lost if the results don't change?
I accept she lost already. What's your point? That some accept it while others don't? That's true of supporters of almost all candidates who lose an election.
I agree with Trump.

When Democrats talk about their vaunted "Ground Game" they are talking about the Dead and the Illegal Alien Voter....particularly in states with no voter I. D. Laws.

Fuck California.

Then you are as clueless as he is. The US is in big trouble. We will have a delusional leader in January.

Delusional in what sense?

Trump is the most down to earth guy in politics in ages.

Really? Have you been listening to this man though his campaign? He makes statements that are either outfight lies or incredibly confused fabrications. He claims he want to drain the swamp and then he goes out and puts a bunch of billionaires, lobbiest, and DC animals in his administration.

I expect him to veto any attempt by the GOP to kill the ACA. Welcome to Progressive Land.
I agree with Trump.

When Democrats talk about their vaunted "Ground Game" they are talking about the Dead and the Illegal Alien Voter....particularly in states with no voter I. D. Laws.

Fuck California.

Then you are as clueless as he is. The US is in big trouble. We will have a delusional leader in January.

Delusional in what sense?

Trump is the most down to earth guy in politics in ages.

Really? Have you been listening to this man though his campaign? He makes statements that are either outfight lies or incredibly confused fabrications. He claims he want to drain the swamp and then he goes out and puts a bunch of billionaires, lobbiest, and DC animals in his administration.

I expect him to veto any attempt by the GOP to kill the ACA. Welcome to Progressive Land.

He promised to make America great, and he will do exactly that.

ACA likely won't die, it will just be made better. Which is at least an improvement.
You take two people and call it millions?

I never said millions. I also said there were many more links about people being arrested for illegal voting this election. I guess you didn't comprehend what I said.

First link says 2 people, next one says 1. 2 + 1 = 3.

You are defending someone who does not have a grasp on reality. What next? Is he going to claim he is Santa Clause?

You and many others are grasping at straws in hopes of one being a magic wand that will somehow change the election results. Reality is, Trump won and Clinton lost. Illegal voting is a reality and has been before this election.

So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

No, illegal voting is NOT ok, regardless of who the illegal votes are for. Those committing voter fraud should be dealt with by our legal system.

So he knows there was illegal voting like he way thousands celebrating 911 and how he saw people jumping from the building a couple miles away. It is hard to figure out if he is just lying or he really believes what he is saying.

You and many others are grasping at straws in hopes of one being a magic wand that will somehow change the election results. Reality is, Trump won and Clinton lost. Illegal voting is a reality and has been before this election.

So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

No, illegal voting is NOT ok, regardless of who the illegal votes are for. Those committing voter fraud should be dealt with by our legal system.

Ok then...why are people fighting this audit/recount? It looks more and more like courts in North Carolina is going to do a recount as well.

I don't know anyone personally that is fighting it. I'm all for it. Question is, can the Clinton supporters accept that she lost if the results don't change?
I accept she lost already. What's your point? That some accept it while others don't? That's true of supporters of almost all candidates who lose an election.
Can you believe Republicans elected this to be president:


He's such a pu$$y.
So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

No, illegal voting is NOT ok, regardless of who the illegal votes are for. Those committing voter fraud should be dealt with by our legal system.

Ok then...why are people fighting this audit/recount? It looks more and more like courts in North Carolina is going to do a recount as well.
Who's fighting it?

Who's fighting it? This board is full of whining Trump supporters who say they shouldn't be allowed to do it.. that it is a waste of money... yadda yadda yadda.
Where? It is a waste of money

It's a waste of money to check the accuracy and validity of a Presidential Election? Gotcha... now say that out loud and apply that to the previous years that people complained about Democrats cheated to make Obama win the election.
Trump whines like a 13 year old girl on Twitter. It's always drama with him. Loads of exclamation points, using the word "Sad!" over and over, always playing the victim card. He's a 70-year old baby.
You and many others are grasping at straws in hopes of one being a magic wand that will somehow change the election results. Reality is, Trump won and Clinton lost. Illegal voting is a reality and has been before this election.

So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

No, illegal voting is NOT ok, regardless of who the illegal votes are for. Those committing voter fraud should be dealt with by our legal system.

Ok then...why are people fighting this audit/recount? It looks more and more like courts in North Carolina is going to do a recount as well.

I don't know anyone personally that is fighting it. I'm all for it. Question is, can the Clinton supporters accept that she lost if the results don't change?


Then you aren't paying attention. Hell there are like three threads about the audit/recounts and in every one of them Trump supporters are whining about it. Trump even sent out a tweet today whining about it.

Like I said, I don't know anyone personally that is fighting the vote audit/recount. I do not know anyone on this message board in real life. What others whine about is not my problem. If you let it become yours, that's on you.

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