Trump caves - Supports amnesty for "good" illegals.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Trump you idiot. These illegals come here to steal jobs and govt benefits from the citizens. They are all big criminals and our policy must be - Deport anyone caught here illegally. No exceptions.
Trump it seems favors amnesty Power Line
july 25 2015
Joe Scarborough asked Trump what he would do about the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants living in the country once America secured its southern border. After arguing the real number of illegal immigrants is much higher and saying the first thing America needs to do is “take the bad” illegal immigrants and “get them the hell out,” Trump sounded like he was open to providing some type of pathway to legalization for the remainder.

“And then the other ones — and I’m a very big believer in merit system, I have to tell you,” Trump said. “Because some of these people have been here, they’ve done a good job, you know, in some cases sadly they’ve been living under the shadows.”

“We have to do something,” he continued. “So whether it’s merit or whether it’s whatever, but I’m a believer in the merit system. If somebody’s been outstanding, we try and work something out.”
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How do we determine which illegals are allowed to stay? That's right - a giant bureaucracy will be set up. Fork that sit. Hang all illegals.
How do we determine which illegals are allowed to stay? That's right - a giant bureaucracy will be set up. Fork that sit. Hang all illegals.

People like you are the reason conservatives get tagged as "extreme'".

Trump caves - Supports amnesty for "good" illegals.

B-but but... since they're all "rapists" that must mean there are "good rapists".

It's Todd Akin, come back from the dead! :eek:
He is in line with many of the GOP on this issue. Many will not discuss what to do with the ones here until we secure our borders.

Securing the borders, is the key to the immigration problem. Without it, nothing works.

I've heard Trump say, if he found illegals working for him either directly or through sub contractors............that they NEED TO GO............In other words they are illegal and need deportation.

Enforce the laws on the books is my opinion. That is their job.
Trump you idiot. These illegals come here to steal jobs and govt benefits from the citizens. They are all big criminals and our policy must be - Deport anyone caught here illegally. No exceptions.
Trump it seems favors amnesty Power Line
july 25 2015
Joe Scarborough asked Trump what he would do about the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants living in the country once America secured its southern border. After arguing the real number of illegal immigrants is much higher and saying the first thing America needs to do is “take the bad” illegal immigrants and “get them the hell out,” Trump sounded like he was open to providing some type of pathway to legalization for the remainder.

“And then the other ones — and I’m a very big believer in merit system, I have to tell you,” Trump said. “Because some of these people have been here, they’ve done a good job, you know, in some cases sadly they’ve been living under the shadows.”

“We have to do something,” he continued. “So whether it’s merit or whether it’s whatever, but I’m a believer in the merit system. If somebody’s been outstanding, we try and work something out.”

Looks like he played you boneheads for fools! Not hard to do!!! LOL
Trump will have to cave on a lot of that red meat he's been throwing out to NaziCons - because he knows they can't put him in the White House. It ain't rocket science...
Trump caves - Supports amnesty for "good" illegals.

B-but but... since they're all "rapists" that must mean there are "good rapists".

It's Todd Akin, come back from the dead! :eek:
Stop lying, he never said that.

Oh but he did. It was hilarious. Unless you're Mexican.
Post the video where he said "they're all rapists".

That's not where I put the quotes, is it?

Who da lyah now beeyatch?
Trump caves - Supports amnesty for "good" illegals.

B-but but... since they're all "rapists" that must mean there are "good rapists".

It's Todd Akin, come back from the dead! :eek:
Stop lying, he never said that.

Oh but he did. It was hilarious. Unless you're Mexican.
Post the video where he said "they're all rapists".

That's not where I put the quotes, is it?

Who da lyah now beeyatch?
Can't post it, huh?
Trump caves - Supports amnesty for "good" illegals.

B-but but... since they're all "rapists" that must mean there are "good rapists".

It's Todd Akin, come back from the dead! :eek:
Stop lying, he never said that.

Oh but he did. It was hilarious. Unless you're Mexican.
Post the video where he said "they're all rapists".

That's not where I put the quotes, is it?

Who da lyah now beeyatch?
Can't post it, huh?

Can't post what you axed for. Maybe you should.

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