Trump camp attorney advocates suppressing college kids from voting

I consider any place that I live for four or more years to be my permanent residence
Okay. Where should I have voted in 1992… I was a freshman college student living in a dorm in Cranston, RI. I grew up in a city of 50K people in central CT, where my parents still lived and where most of my possessions were stored.
What part of the 26th amendment do Republicans not understand?

The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.

Why do they want to make it harder for college kids to vote?

Oh, they tend to vote liberal. ahhh, that's the reason.


No wonder they are now claiming 'America is not a democracy', which they are claiming now (especially since they haven't been winning the popular vote) in order to feel good about suppressing the vote, because, after all, America is not a democracy, anyway, right?


This is a huge red flag for conservatives. If your policy positions, perspectives and platforms are so unpersuasive that you have to try and LIMIT VOTING, you've got a serious structural problem.
The idea isn't to stop college students from voting, but instead to have them vote at their permanent residencies. If someone is a resident of Mahoning County, Ohio, but they attend college in Cattaraugus County NY, why should they cast a vote in New York? They are only there for their eduction.
The right’s war on the right to vote continues.
You had better get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady, Mike Pillow and the rightwing nutters nuz pronto. They are in immediate need of it!

They already know about it.

The FBI silenced major social media. Polls after the election revealed 16% of Biden voters would not have voted for him if they only knew about the laptop scandal. So between the FBI and the MSM, they changed our election. You can't get more of an assault on democracy than that. Even Hitler didn't use those kinds of tactics.
Democrats don't use gerrymandering to the extent Republicans do. The only blue state that was heavily gerrymandered was Illinois. Gerrymandered maps in NY and Maryland were overturned by state judges. Democrats complied with those decisions. Nearly every red state is heavily gerrymandered. in Ohio, Republicans ignored the state Supreme Court's attempt to enforce a constitutional ban on gerrymandering, They then found a crooked federal judge who ignored the state Supreme Court.
For DECADES, one of the most-gerrymandered districts in the COUNTRY was district 4 in ultra-liberal Massachusetts. (Represented for many years by Barney Frank.)
I wonder we call guys in dresses women. They sure are ruining this country for normal people..
If the guy in a dress actually looks sufficiently like a woman I might accidentally refer to him as “her.” But, quite often, if I see a guy in a dress, I immediately wonder if that guy thinks anyone doesn’t see him for what he is.

In the real world, in a polite setting, I may be a bit hypocritical and refer to him as a “she.” But on a damn message board? Nah. No point in supporting the delusion.

A guy in a dress is still a guy. And I refer to such guys as “him.”

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