Trump calls US murderers


Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
In defending the murderous thug Putin, Trump says we are murderers & our government does the same stuff that Putin does.

What the fuck is wrong with the steaming pile of crap Trump?

This is a great country where we do not imprison political adversaries, we have the right to speak our mind. And then Trump says this?
I am sure all the Trumpettes will rush in to defend Trump becaude they are too embarrassed to admit they elected a total asshole as President.
In defending the murderous thug Putin, Trump says we are murderers & our government does the same stuff that Putin does.

What the fuck is wrong with the steaming pile of crap Trump?

This is a great country where we do not imprison political adversaries, we have the right to speak our mind. And then Trump says this?
I am sure all the Trumpettes will rush in to defend Trump becaude they are too embarrassed to admit they elected a total asshole as President.
Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens | Glenn Greenwald
Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens
The Toll Of 5 Years Of Drone Strikes: 2,400 Dead | The Huffington Post
The U.S. drone program under President Barack Obama reached its fifth anniversary on Thursday having tallied up an estimated death toll of at least 2,400 people.

As the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, a U.K.-based non-profit, details on its website, five years ago the CIA conducted the first drone strikes of the Obama presidency. Although there were reports of suspected “militants” killed, at least 14 civilians also died that day.
Maybe what Trump is saying is true. But you libtard never pulled your head out of Uranus and realized what was going on for the last 8 years.

In defending the murderous thug Putin, Trump says we are murderers & our government does the same stuff that Putin does.

What the fuck is wrong with the steaming pile of crap Trump?

This is a great country where we do not imprison political adversaries, we have the right to speak our mind. And then Trump says this?
I am sure all the Trumpettes will rush in to defend Trump becaude they are too embarrassed to admit they elected a total asshole as President.

Moron......every single left winger agreed with what Trump said....until he said it......Trump is simply a product of hanging around too many left wing assholes who push this stuff in hollywood, our schools in in our press........

The difference with Trump...if you explain how he is wrong he will understand the difference....we have been trying to explain the difference between America and the rest of the world for years now, and we get no where with you left wing morons...
In defending the murderous thug Putin, Trump says we are murderers & our government does the same stuff that Putin does.

What the fuck is wrong with the steaming pile of crap Trump?
WTF is wrong with you? You tell a stupid obvious lie like that and think it will fly?

If Obama had said that he would be heralded for the courage.
In defending the murderous thug Putin, Trump says we are murderers & our government does the same stuff that Putin does.

What the fuck is wrong with the steaming pile of crap Trump?

This is a great country where we do not imprison political adversaries, we have the right to speak our mind. And then Trump says this?
I am sure all the Trumpettes will rush in to defend Trump becaude they are too embarrassed to admit they elected a total asshole as President.
In defending the murderous thug Putin, Trump says we are murderers & our government does the same stuff that Putin does.

What the fuck is wrong with the steaming pile of crap Trump?

This is a great country where we do not imprison political adversaries, we have the right to speak our mind. And then Trump says this?
I am sure all the Trumpettes will rush in to defend Trump becaude they are too embarrassed to admit they elected a total asshole as President.

That's not what he said...that's what you chose to hear.
Perhaps we should go out and round up men in the Military that were and are just following orders in Iraq and previously , also all Vets that killed in WWII, Nam, etc,

like the Jews have been doing since WWII.
Perhaps we should go out and round up men in the Military that were and are just following orders in Iraq and previously , also all Vets that killed in WWII, Nam, etc,

like the Jews have been doing since WWII. are an anti semite....good to believe all the left wing lies about Israel...good to know....
In defending the murderous thug Putin, Trump says we are murderers & our government does the same stuff that Putin does.

What the fuck is wrong with the steaming pile of crap Trump?

This is a great country where we do not imprison political adversaries, we have the right to speak our mind. And then Trump says this?
I am sure all the Trumpettes will rush in to defend Trump becaude they are too embarrassed to admit they elected a total asshole as President.

Moron......every single left winger agreed with what Trump said....until he said it......Trump is simply a product of hanging around too many left wing assholes who push this stuff in hollywood, our schools in in our press........

The difference with Trump...if you explain how he is wrong he will understand the difference....we have been trying to explain the difference between America and the rest of the world for years now, and we get no where with you left wing morons...

I never said or thought we were as bad as Russia. US has made mistakes. But Putin is a tyrant. He oppresses minority groups like homosexuals , silences his political opponents or those who dare to challenge him. Many Russia people are unhappy with Putin and their country but can't do anything about it. There is a reason why you see Russians looking for work outside of Russia. Why many women makes themselves into mail in brides to get away from there.

Putin has always been an evil man. If you ask me, The US should have had sanctions on Russia years ago.
Either some folks get up REALLY early to smoke crack or they've stayed up. All night doing it.
Perhaps we should go out and round up men in the Military that were and are just following orders in Iraq and previously , also all Vets that killed in WWII, Nam, etc,

like the Jews have been doing since WWII.
Maybe you should round up your Dear Leader, who is responsible for a bomb dropping at a rate of one every 20 minutes, for the entire eight years of his presidency.

Trump spoke a truth that makes both the neocons and the Obama ass lickers lose their shit. He must be onto something.
In defending the murderous thug Putin, Trump says we are murderers & our government does the same stuff that Putin does.

What the fuck is wrong with the steaming pile of crap Trump?

This is a great country where we do not imprison political adversaries, we have the right to speak our mind. And then Trump says this?
I am sure all the Trumpettes will rush in to defend Trump becaude they are too embarrassed to admit they elected a total asshole as President.

Moron......every single left winger agreed with what Trump said....until he said it......Trump is simply a product of hanging around too many left wing assholes who push this stuff in hollywood, our schools in in our press........

The difference with Trump...if you explain how he is wrong he will understand the difference....we have been trying to explain the difference between America and the rest of the world for years now, and we get no where with you left wing morons...

I never said or thought we were as bad as Russia. US has made mistakes. But Putin is a tyrant. He oppresses minority groups like homosexuals , silences his political opponents or those who dare to challenge him. Many Russia people are unhappy with Putin and their country but can't do anything about it. There is a reason why you see Russians looking for work outside of Russia. Why many women makes themselves into mail in brides to get away from there.

Putin has always been an evil man. If you ask me, The US should have had sanctions on Russia years ago. decades of standing up to the Soviet Union, trying to keep them from expanding their reach and took Trump becoming President to get the left to stand up to the KGB thugs in Russia......again, Trump is winning and he probably doesn't even know it...
In defending the murderous thug Putin, Trump says we are murderers & our government does the same stuff that Putin does.

What the fuck is wrong with the steaming pile of crap Trump?

This is a great country where we do not imprison political adversaries, we have the right to speak our mind. And then Trump says this?
I am sure all the Trumpettes will rush in to defend Trump becaude they are too embarrassed to admit they elected a total asshole as President.
Should have been a clue when Drumplethinskin campaigned on the US not being great.
Perhaps we should go out and round up men in the Military that were and are just following orders in Iraq and previously , also all Vets that killed in WWII, Nam, etc,

like the Jews have been doing since WWII.
Maybe you should round up your Dear Leader, who is responsible for a bomb dropping at a rate of one every 20 minutes, for the entire eight years of his presidency.

Trump spoke a truth that makes both the neocons and the Obama ass lickers lose their shit. He must be onto something.

Why don't we start with who started Iraq , and Cheney and his Zionist can be behind bars. Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld and the rest of the little group.
Why don't we start with who started Iraq , and Cheney and his Zionist can be behind bars. Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld and the rest of the little group.
Actually, that was Bush 41, and Clinton continued the policy. The 1991 war was never declared to be over.

Best check those three fingers pointing back at yourself.
Perhaps we should go out and round up men in the Military that were and are just following orders in Iraq and previously , also all Vets that killed in WWII, Nam, etc,

like the Jews have been doing since WWII.
Oh, now we are trying to divert the issue that Obama was a killer. Yes FDR was a killer, yes Truman was a killer who dropped the A bomb on Japan, and took US to war in Korea. JFK and Johnson were killers for the Viet Nam war. What is the big deal, in war there is collateral damage. It is you liberal pussies that end up getting a burr up your butt when the liberal lickspittle lapdog media comes out and says children have been killed and it is Bush's fault. Then it is found out that the Terrorists have killed the child and used its death as propaganda, which you totally fall for. That is why you are so stupid.

Photos Of Dead Syrian Children Used As Propaganda For Palestinian Plight Sparks Outrage
But her comments don’t match the reality. The figures for the dead and injured were produced by Hamas as part of their propaganda war and bear little relation to the truth.
I am sure all the Trumpettes will rush in to defend Trump becaude they are too embarrassed to admit they elected a total asshole as President.

I don't defend it and I didn't like it.

There are no "Trumpettes" in this forum and no, we didn't elect an asshole. You did that 8 years ago. You are a total phony. FAKEDAVE

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