Trump Briefings - Stupid Questions

Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous

The media wants everyone to focus on irrelevant things such as testing everyone, when tests are normally done on those who have symptoms, negative results doesn't matter at all, only those who SHOW symptoms does.

I never wanted to be tested when I am obviously healthy, why take the test when there are ZERO symptoms?

Too many Americans remain ignorant after 5 months of this test everyone bullshit. It is a waste of time and money for the medical system, who should focus on the sick.

Fucking dangerous idiot...

Have you hear of asymptomatic?
I had COVID I could have tested positive 4 weeks later due to some remnants but not be remotely contagious. It goes both ways. Cannot test everyone daily.
1st post
These reporters could learn a thing or two by viewing one of the best interview questions of all time. It was posed by Roger Mudd to Ted Kennedy for 60 Minutes back in 1979. A simple, "Why do you want to be president?". Nothing controversial about the question, so simple and direct. For a good while now those in media have been making fools of themselves trying to force a blunder of historical note for the sake of their own career.
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Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous

The media wants everyone to focus on irrelevant things such as testing everyone, when tests are normally done on those who have symptoms, negative results doesn't matter at all, only those who SHOW symptoms does.

I never wanted to be tested when I am obviously healthy, why take the test when there are ZERO symptoms?

Too many Americans remain ignorant after 5 months of this test everyone bullshit. It is a waste of time and money for the medical system, who should focus on the sick.

Because you can be asymptomatic, and still be contagious. You didn't know that?

Gawad! the ignorance is astounding!

Asymptomatic patients had the flu bug and many other sicknesses without symptoms for DECADES,, yet they were not important for testing, until this China Virus comes along, suddenly everyone must be tested no matter what, the Medical system never advocate just the a couple of Trump advisors and the media, who attack him for not testing everyone.

There have been reports that possibly over 25=50 MILLION have already been infected, show no symptoms, not get sick. There has been NO explosion of China Virus sickness in recent weeks, it is doing down.

You have been trained well.

There is no current flu bug pandemic at this time. There is a Covid 19 pandemic at this time.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous
Are Pelosi and McConnell getting tested?

That would have been a good question to ask...
They aren't. Was in the news a few days ago.
So if they aren’t why would a random insurance agent in Dallas? Media asks dumb questions. I want deep data dive into the COVID deaths.
When they were told there weren't enough tests for every congress-critter but they could be tested they declined.

It was the right thing to do.
The Sweden model is the right one IMO

You wanna talk about this? Or no?
About what? That you’re a Leftist envious of your more successful Trump supporting brother?

Weird reply, shorty.

You still think we should follow Sweden’s lead? Have you been paying attention?
I do. Let’s examine Sweden after 360 days and every other country on both death and economic tolls.

Oh. You want more time. I understand. Today’s news doesn’t fit that narrative. But that wonderful Senator from KY loves the Swedish model.
I want more time because we don’t have enough statistical data to see if lockdowns work or not. It’s like asking me who the best baseball team after only seeing 10% of the games played. Are you really that stupid? Eventually every country will open up and my guess is % wise deaths will be very similar to Sweden but Sweden’s economy will be in much better shape. Only time will tell if my theory is right or wrong. Duh....

Well then, 148, maybe you shouldn’t declare that you think one model is preferable over another until you have enough data.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous

The media wants everyone to focus on irrelevant things such as testing everyone, when tests are normally done on those who have symptoms, negative results doesn't matter at all, only those who SHOW symptoms does.

I never wanted to be tested when I am obviously healthy, why take the test when there are ZERO symptoms?

Too many Americans remain ignorant after 5 months of this test everyone bullshit. It is a waste of time and money for the medical system, who should focus on the sick.

Because you can be asymptomatic, and still be contagious. You didn't know that?

Gawad! the ignorance is astounding!

Asymptomatic patients had the flu bug and many other sicknesses without symptoms for DECADES,, yet they were not important for testing, until this China Virus comes along, suddenly everyone must be tested no matter what, the Medical system never advocate just the a couple of Trump advisors and the media, who attack him for not testing everyone.

There have been reports that possibly over 25=50 MILLION have already been infected, show no symptoms, not get sick. There has been NO explosion of China Virus sickness in recent weeks, it is doing down.

You have been trained well.

There is no current flu bug pandemic at this time. There is a Covid 19 pandemic at this time.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous
Are Pelosi and McConnell getting tested?

That would have been a good question to ask...
They aren't. Was in the news a few days ago.
So if they aren’t why would a random insurance agent in Dallas? Media asks dumb questions. I want deep data dive into the COVID deaths.
When they were told there weren't enough tests for every congress-critter but they could be tested they declined.

It was the right thing to do.
The Sweden model is the right one IMO

You wanna talk about this? Or no?
About what? That you’re a Leftist envious of your more successful Trump supporting brother?

Weird reply, shorty.

You still think we should follow Sweden’s lead? Have you been paying attention?
I do. Let’s examine Sweden after 360 days and every other country on both death and economic tolls.

Oh. You want more time. I understand. Today’s news doesn’t fit that narrative. But that wonderful Senator from KY loves the Swedish model.
I want more time because we don’t have enough statistical data to see if lockdowns work or not. It’s like asking me who the best baseball team after only seeing 10% of the games played. Are you really that stupid? Eventually every country will open up and my guess is % wise deaths will be very similar to Sweden but Sweden’s economy will be in much better shape. Only time will tell if my theory is right or wrong. Duh....

Well then, 148, maybe you shouldn’t declare that you think one model is preferable over another until you have enough data.
Why not. It is my opinion. Not a fact. Never said it was a fact. Maybe I should talk to your smarter sibling instead of you?
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous

The media wants everyone to focus on irrelevant things such as testing everyone, when tests are normally done on those who have symptoms, negative results doesn't matter at all, only those who SHOW symptoms does.

I never wanted to be tested when I am obviously healthy, why take the test when there are ZERO symptoms?

Too many Americans remain ignorant after 5 months of this test everyone bullshit. It is a waste of time and money for the medical system, who should focus on the sick.

Because you can be asymptomatic, and still be contagious. You didn't know that?

Gawad! the ignorance is astounding!

Asymptomatic patients had the flu bug and many other sicknesses without symptoms for DECADES,, yet they were not important for testing, until this China Virus comes along, suddenly everyone must be tested no matter what, the Medical system never advocate just the a couple of Trump advisors and the media, who attack him for not testing everyone.

There have been reports that possibly over 25=50 MILLION have already been infected, show no symptoms, not get sick. There has been NO explosion of China Virus sickness in recent weeks, it is doing down.

You have been trained well.

There is no current flu bug pandemic at this time. There is a Covid 19 pandemic at this time.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous
Are Pelosi and McConnell getting tested?

That would have been a good question to ask...
They aren't. Was in the news a few days ago.
So if they aren’t why would a random insurance agent in Dallas? Media asks dumb questions. I want deep data dive into the COVID deaths.
When they were told there weren't enough tests for every congress-critter but they could be tested they declined.

It was the right thing to do.
The Sweden model is the right one IMO

You wanna talk about this? Or no?
About what? That you’re a Leftist envious of your more successful Trump supporting brother?

Weird reply, shorty.

You still think we should follow Sweden’s lead? Have you been paying attention?
I do. Let’s examine Sweden after 360 days and every other country on both death and economic tolls.

Oh. You want more time. I understand. Today’s news doesn’t fit that narrative. But that wonderful Senator from KY loves the Swedish model.
I want more time because we don’t have enough statistical data to see if lockdowns work or not. It’s like asking me who the best baseball team after only seeing 10% of the games played. Are you really that stupid? Eventually every country will open up and my guess is % wise deaths will be very similar to Sweden but Sweden’s economy will be in much better shape. Only time will tell if my theory is right or wrong. Duh....

Well then, 148, maybe you shouldn’t declare that you think one model is preferable over another until you have enough data.
Why not. It is my opinion. Not a fact. Never said it was a fact. Maybe I should talk to your smarter sibling instead of you?

Maybe you shouldn’t shoot your mouth off before the data is in, 148. You seemed very sure of yourself for someone who doesn’t have the data.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous

The media wants everyone to focus on irrelevant things such as testing everyone, when tests are normally done on those who have symptoms, negative results doesn't matter at all, only those who SHOW symptoms does.

I never wanted to be tested when I am obviously healthy, why take the test when there are ZERO symptoms?

Too many Americans remain ignorant after 5 months of this test everyone bullshit. It is a waste of time and money for the medical system, who should focus on the sick.

Because you can be asymptomatic, and still be contagious. You didn't know that?

Gawad! the ignorance is astounding!

Asymptomatic patients had the flu bug and many other sicknesses without symptoms for DECADES,, yet they were not important for testing, until this China Virus comes along, suddenly everyone must be tested no matter what, the Medical system never advocate just the a couple of Trump advisors and the media, who attack him for not testing everyone.

There have been reports that possibly over 25=50 MILLION have already been infected, show no symptoms, not get sick. There has been NO explosion of China Virus sickness in recent weeks, it is doing down.

You have been trained well.

There is no current flu bug pandemic at this time. There is a Covid 19 pandemic at this time.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous
Are Pelosi and McConnell getting tested?

That would have been a good question to ask...
They aren't. Was in the news a few days ago.
So if they aren’t why would a random insurance agent in Dallas? Media asks dumb questions. I want deep data dive into the COVID deaths.
When they were told there weren't enough tests for every congress-critter but they could be tested they declined.

It was the right thing to do.
The Sweden model is the right one IMO

You wanna talk about this? Or no?
About what? That you’re a Leftist envious of your more successful Trump supporting brother?

Weird reply, shorty.

You still think we should follow Sweden’s lead? Have you been paying attention?
I do. Let’s examine Sweden after 360 days and every other country on both death and economic tolls.

Oh. You want more time. I understand. Today’s news doesn’t fit that narrative. But that wonderful Senator from KY loves the Swedish model.
I want more time because we don’t have enough statistical data to see if lockdowns work or not. It’s like asking me who the best baseball team after only seeing 10% of the games played. Are you really that stupid? Eventually every country will open up and my guess is % wise deaths will be very similar to Sweden but Sweden’s economy will be in much better shape. Only time will tell if my theory is right or wrong. Duh....

Well then, 148, maybe you shouldn’t declare that you think one model is preferable over another until you have enough data.
Why not. It is my opinion. Not a fact. Never said it was a fact. Maybe I should talk to your smarter sibling instead of you?

Maybe you shouldn’t shoot your mouth off before the data is in, 148. You seemed very sure of yourself for someone who doesn’t have the data.
Data is in. We still have cases while the economy is in the toilet. We have near violent demonstrations and politicians keep throwing debt at the problem. Lockdowns didn't work sans getting our hospitals more ready and they are struggling with revenue as majority of it is comprised of elective surgeries, which aren't happening. Open up and those who are still scared don't have to go out. Pretty simple and logical.
5th post
Originally Posted by Sandy Shanks View Post

The coronavirus model used by the White House has come under fire for its flawed projections.

The University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) first estimated in late March that there would be fewer than 161,000 deaths total in the US. In early April, it revised its projections to say the total death toll through August was “projected to be 60,415."

The IHME on April 29 released a new update raising its estimates for total deaths to 72,433, but that, too, looks likely to be proved an underestimate as soon as next week.

As of today, there were 27,250 new cases in one day for a total of 1,158,280 cases in the U.S. In one day there were 1,532 new deaths for a total of 67,285, and that is with a strong suspicion that the governors of Georgia, Texas, Florida, Tennessee, and other states are under reporting coronavirus deaths.[Written ten days ago]

Originally Posted by Sandy Shanks View Post

The Times reports, "As Trump presses for states to reopen their economies, his administration is privately projecting a steady rise in the number of coronavirus cases and deaths over the next several weeks.

The model preferred by the White House, which is provided by the Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, with its estimate of 72,000 deaths by early August was beginning to look absurd. The current death toll is nearly 70,000. What are they smoking in the White House?[Written 8 days ago]

Written today, the key coronavirus model often cited by the White House has again raised its coronavirus death projection, now predicting 147,000 deaths in the US by August 4.

Dr. Christopher Murray, director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, tied the earlier increase to “explosive increases in mobility in a number of states.”

IHME said exact reasons for the changes vary by state. IHME also pointed to the easing of social distancing policies, but said “the full potential effects of recent actions to ease social distancing policies, especially if robust containment measures have yet to be fully scaled up, may not be fully known for a few weeks due to the time periods between viral exposure, possible infection, and full disease progression.”

On May 2, there were 1,158,280 cases and 67,285 deaths. There are now 1,408,073 cases, that is an increase of 249,793 caes in ten days. There are now 83,368 deaths, an increase of 16,083 American lives in ten days. United States Coronavirus: 1,408,155 Cases and 83,377 Deaths - Worldometer

Trump pushed Monday for Pennsylvania to reopen its economy faster, escalating a fight already roiling the state. “The great people of Pennsylvania want their freedom now, and they are fully aware of what that entails. The Democrats are moving slowly, all over the USA, for political purposes. They would wait until November 3rd if it were up to them. Don’t play politics. Be safe, move quickly!
So by your own post the lockdown is ineffective. Thank you.
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous

Cause the media has gotten lazy and soft in the brain.. Question the WH pool on what THEY know -- and we'd have a true comedy show.. Stupid questions are lazy questions..

Next question?? LOL....
Why are the questions so damn stupid? Trump will obviously get tested more than any average person as he is the Commander in Chief. Why are the idiot reporters asking him why an accountant in Utah cannot get the same testing. 90% of the questions are idiotic. Is this the best we have in terms of media?

Truly Ridiculous

Cause the media has gotten lazy and soft in the brain.. Question the WH pool on what THEY know -- and we'd have a true comedy show.. Stupid questions are lazy questions..

Next question?? LOL....
We as voters deserve better but we don't vote for the media. Therein lies the problem.
You know, the only problem with the Sweden model is that it is looking for herd immunity, meaning that most people come down with the virus once, then are immune and that helps to keep other people safe.

Only problem is, they still aren't sure if you can catch it again after you have had it once. There are cases all over the planet where people have caught it, got over it, and then got it again.

Oh.......................and that little fantasy of kids being safe or immune? That also is a fantasy, there are many kids who have caught it and died of complications caused by COVID 19, namely Kawasaki syndrome.

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