Trump blames Obama for London embassy move..............


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Wow................every day it seems that Trump just can't seem to get facts right anymore.

He's decided to cancel his London visit which was supposed to be for the ribbon cutting on the new embassy. He's refusing because he thinks that the old embassy was in a great location as well as seems to be a bit butt hurt that it was moved (he thinks) because of Obama.

Only problem is, they decided to move the embassy under Jr. when they figured out that the old embassy was in a place that could be attacked easily.

But, Trump keeps on with blaming Obama. Guess the reason is because it plays so well to his racist base to keep blaming the black man. Just when you thought he couldn't become any more petty, he sets the bar lower still.

Trump cancels London trip, blames Obama for embassy deal

LONDON — President Donald Trump has canceled a trip to London to open the new U.S. Embassy, blaming the Obama administration for selling the old building in the city for "peanuts."

He criticized the move from "perhaps the best located and finest embassy," even though the relocation was initiated under the George W. Bush administration in 2008 amid wider security concerns after terror attacks such as the 1998 embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya.

Trump's decision was greeted with relief by London's Mayor Sadiq Khan, who said the president had "finally got the message" that he was not welcome in the British capital.

He said on Twitter: "Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for 'peanuts,' only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars. Bad deal."

An embassy statement said the cost of the new building had been funded entirely from the proceeds of the sale of other U.S. government properties in London and "not through appropriated funds."
ok with me but this this is an unimportant issue but might as well blame 'hussein obama' , why not !!
Sounds like diplomacy to me.

Openly admitting that the US UK alliance can't withstand a US president that isn't politically correct, would be a serious and negative milestone.

It is true, but openly admitting it would be problematic.

The UK is fucked up.
You guys aren't worried about Trump getting his "facts" wrong concerning why the embassy was moved?

If he got his facts right on it, would it have mattered to you?

I expect a person who is leading this country to ALWAYS have their facts straight. I also expected that of every commanding officer I ever worked for. Most of them were decent officers, but I have worked for some idiots that I had to correct on a regular basis.

Trump is worse than those crappy officers.

If he got his facts right and said a real reason why he wasn't going, I'd have no problem.

I have a problem with his lying while trying to save face. Britain doesn't want him, and he doesn't want to go to a place he's not going to be fawned over. He should have cited security concerns (would have been more believable), but no, he had to say the reason he's not going is because Obama moved the embassy to a worse location (he didn't, it was Jr, and it was because of security concerns), and sold the building for peanuts. None of that is true in the least.
Maybe he's mad because London didn't name the embassy after him like Jerusalem did the train station.
You guys aren't worried about Trump getting his "facts" wrong concerning why the embassy was moved?

If he got his facts right on it, would it have mattered to you?

I expect a person who is leading this country to ALWAYS have their facts straight. I also expected that of every commanding officer I ever worked for. Most of them were decent officers, but I have worked for some idiots that I had to correct on a regular basis.

Trump is worse than those crappy officers.

If he got his facts right and said a real reason why he wasn't going, I'd have no problem.

I have a problem with his lying while trying to save face. Britain doesn't want him, and he doesn't want to go to a place he's not going to be fawned over. He should have cited security concerns (would have been more believable), but no, he had to say the reason he's not going is because Obama moved the embassy to a worse location (he didn't, it was Jr, and it was because of security concerns), and sold the building for peanuts. None of that is true in the least.

Nothing in that post implies in anyway, that it would have mattered to you if Trump got his facts right on the embassy move.

If it is insignificant to you, why would you expect it to be significant to anyone else?

Or are you just driven to complain about EVERYTHING that Trump does or doesn't do?
You guys aren't worried about Trump getting his "facts" wrong concerning why the embassy was moved?

If he got his facts right on it, would it have mattered to you?

I expect a person who is leading this country to ALWAYS have their facts straight. I also expected that of every commanding officer I ever worked for. Most of them were decent officers, but I have worked for some idiots that I had to correct on a regular basis.

Trump is worse than those crappy officers.

If he got his facts right and said a real reason why he wasn't going, I'd have no problem.

I have a problem with his lying while trying to save face. Britain doesn't want him, and he doesn't want to go to a place he's not going to be fawned over. He should have cited security concerns (would have been more believable), but no, he had to say the reason he's not going is because Obama moved the embassy to a worse location (he didn't, it was Jr, and it was because of security concerns), and sold the building for peanuts. None of that is true in the least.

Nothing in that post implies in anyway, that it would have mattered to you if Trump got his facts right on the embassy move.

If it is insignificant to you, why would you expect it to be significant to anyone else?

Or are you just driven to complain about EVERYTHING that Trump does or doesn't do?

I already said that if he canceled and cited security concerns, I would have said, oh......okay, he's got concerns. Matter of fact, he could have used that as a way to rail against the Muslims even more.

I'm more concerned that he feels the need to lie about crap that is easily verified by checking up on it. And blaming Obama for something that Obama never did shows what kind of an idiot he is.

Like I said, he blames Obama for everything because that is what plays to his racist base.
well , it does play to his base and thats cool and a good tactic B.S..
Wow................every day it seems that Trump just can't seem to get facts right anymore.

He's decided to cancel his London visit which was supposed to be for the ribbon cutting on the new embassy. He's refusing because he thinks that the old embassy was in a great location as well as seems to be a bit butt hurt that it was moved (he thinks) because of Obama.

Only problem is, they decided to move the embassy under Jr. when they figured out that the old embassy was in a place that could be attacked easily.

But, Trump keeps on with blaming Obama. Guess the reason is because it plays so well to his racist base to keep blaming the black man. Just when you thought he couldn't become any more petty, he sets the bar lower still.

Trump cancels London trip, blames Obama for embassy deal

LONDON — President Donald Trump has canceled a trip to London to open the new U.S. Embassy, blaming the Obama administration for selling the old building in the city for "peanuts."

He criticized the move from "perhaps the best located and finest embassy," even though the relocation was initiated under the George W. Bush administration in 2008 amid wider security concerns after terror attacks such as the 1998 embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya.

Trump's decision was greeted with relief by London's Mayor Sadiq Khan, who said the president had "finally got the message" that he was not welcome in the British capital.

He said on Twitter: "Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for 'peanuts,' only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars. Bad deal."

An embassy statement said the cost of the new building had been funded entirely from the proceeds of the sale of other U.S. government properties in London and "not through appropriated funds."
American DID get peanuts for UK embassy like Trump said | Daily Mail Online
The documents also show that the deal was finalized under Barack Obama's administration, although it was the Bush White House which had started the move and sale. It is unknown if the amount had been settled before Obama came to power.

Apologies are accepted any time you want OP. Thanks!
Christian Warman, director of central London estate agency Tedworth Property, said that US may have 'sold the family silver' when it comes to leaving the site in Grosvenor Square for the Nine Elms site criticised by President Trump - but that they had sold high and bought low.

'Grosvenor Square is one of London's finest addresses and the embassy was very prominent and hugely well connected to businesses and professionals who live and work in the area,' Mr Warman told MailOnline.

'However, the site is very small and the security around it required can be disruptive to people and traffic in the area.

Read more: American DID get peanuts for UK embassy like Trump said | Daily Mail Online
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Jeez....BILLIONS in building a new and quite ugly building,less secure etc etc....
None of this matters.

In less than 6 months Britain will have a Communist government (they'll call it "Labour") with Red Jeremy as PM and there will be no need for an embassy.

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