Trump asked Saudi King for $4billion so US troops can leave Syria


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Trump Asked Saudi King For $4 Billion So US Troops Can Leave Syria
The Washington Post has revealed that President Trump attempted to extricate US troops from Syria by asking ally Saudi Arabia to foot the bill for postwar reconstruction and “stabilization” projects in the area of northeast Syria currently occupied by US coalition forces, to the tune of $4 billion. The deal would involve US allies like Saudi Arabia moving into a lead position regarding coalition policy in Syria, while hastening a US exit.

Well i'm not quite suer what to say aobut this one beings WASHINGTONG POST has it out there first. Coming from them they're getting to much like CNN.
good idea. Can that plan include a bullet in the head or Assad?
No, it can´t. So Phrump wants to sell eastern Syria to Saudi Arabia, so he has not to do the dirty redeploying ISIS job? Phrump, Saudi King, Netanyahu, Erdogan, that´s all the same shit. A bullet in this heads and the world has peace.
good idea. Can that plan include a bullet in the head or Assad?

Gee a Zionist hates Assad, what is new about this?

gee----a piece of shit likes a mass murdering Baathist pig-----
Did you cry when his doppelganger Saddam Hussein was
hanged? no more dead Kurdish babies for you to
dance upon? Zionists hated Pol Pot and Idi Amin too.

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