CDZ Trump and Narcissism...How is it we've not heard much about this in the news???

Several leading psychologists have asserted that Donald Trump is a narcissist.
It comes as no surprise to me to read that Mr. Trump is a narcissist; just listen to him. It's also not difficult to understand the broad appeal of narcissists. I have no problem with them as entertainers. The question in my mind is this. Would I willfully vote for one to be President of the United States? In a word, NO! Why wold anyone?
The use of the word narcissist when referring to politicians is redundant.

No, it really isn't. This is a psychological term and not related to "egotism", "self confidence" or "boldness". This is a far deeper look into the psyche.

Developed from another thread:

>> if you have narcissistic personality disorder, you may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior (1) You may feel a sense of entitlement (2) — and when you don't receive special treatment, you may become impatient or angry.(3) You may insist on having "the best" of everything (4) — for instance, the best car, athletic club or medical care.

At the same time, you have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. (5) You may have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation. To feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make yourself appear superior. (6) Or you may feel depressed and moody because you fall short of perfection. << -- Mayo Clinic
Connecting the dots:
  • "Losers"? "Disgusting Pigs"? (1)
  • "(The Chinese/women/Mexicans) love me".... "I will be the greatest jobs President that God ever created" (2)
  • Megyn Kelly, Carly Fiorina, the analyst who predicted (correctly) his casino would fail, the author who he sued for understating his net worth.... anyone who brings up his bankruptcies (3)
  • Incessant braggadocio about his erectile functions (buildings) being the "greatest grandest" etc ad nauseum... skipping entire tens of floors to make a building appear bigger than it is... bringing up penis size in a Presidential debate.... (4)

Anyone ever seen O'bama stay up all night sending desperate tweets about somebody who dared criticize him? Ever seen Dubya whine about a reporter with "blood coming out of her wherever"? Ever seen Reagan bring up his penis size in a debate? Ever heard Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter or Richard Nixon say that "if she wasn't my daughter I'd be dating her"?

Here's a shining example of (5) and (6) -- and for that matter (1), (2) and (3) as well. You can't possibly watch this and find a mature adult in here:

Now THAT is obsessed. I don't even know who Rosie O'Donnell is but she apparently lives in his head. And has lots and lots of company there.

That's what Narcissistic Personality Disorder looks like.

Also an interesting level of denial in the video, bringing up a "magazine that failed" considering his own magazine also failed and he's deliberately misrepresenting that failure --- along with Rump Steaks, Rump Vodka etc (failures 3, 8 and 9 here) . Requires a stupefying amount of Doublethink. And this is why we characterize him as a liar and a con artist. Because that's all he is, and all he ever has been.
Several leading psychologists have asserted that Donald Trump is a narcissist.
It comes as no surprise to me to read that Mr. Trump is a narcissist; just listen to him. It's also not difficult to understand the broad appeal of narcissists. I have no problem with them as entertainers. The question in my mind is this. Would I willfully vote for one to be President of the United States? In a word, NO! Why wold anyone?
The use of the word narcissist when referring to politicians is redundant.

No, it really isn't. This is a psychological term and not related to "egotism", "self confidence" or "boldness". This is a far deeper look into the psyche.

Developed from another thread:

>> if you have narcissistic personality disorder, you may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior (1) You may feel a sense of entitlement (2) — and when you don't receive special treatment, you may become impatient or angry.(3) You may insist on having "the best" of everything (4) — for instance, the best car, athletic club or medical care.

At the same time, you have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. (5) You may have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation. To feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make yourself appear superior. (6) Or you may feel depressed and moody because you fall short of perfection. << -- Mayo Clinic
Connecting the dots:
  • "Losers"? "Disgusting Pigs"? (1)
  • "(The Chinese/women/Mexicans) love me".... "I will be the greatest jobs President that God ever created" (2)
  • Megyn Kelly, Carly Fiorina, the analyst who predicted (correctly) his casino would fail, the author who he sued for understating his net worth.... anyone who brings up his bankruptcies (3)
  • Incessant braggadocio about his erectile functions (buildings) being the "greatest grandest" etc ad nauseum... skipping entire tens of floors to make a building appear bigger than it is... bringing up penis size in a Presidential debate.... (4)

Anyone ever seen O'bama stay up all night sending desperate tweets about somebody who dared criticize him? Ever seen Dubya whine about a reporter with "blood coming out of her wherever"? Ever seen Reagan bring up his penis size in a debate? Ever heard Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter or Richard Nixon say that "if she wasn't my daughter I'd be dating her"?

Here's a shining example of (5) and (6) -- and for that matter (1), (2) and (3) as well. You can't possibly watch this and find a mature adult in here:

Now THAT is obsessed. I don't even know who Rosie O'Donnell is but she apparently lives in his head. And has lots and lots of company there.

That's what Narcissistic Personality Disorder looks like.

Also an interesting level of denial in the video, bringing up a "magazine that failed" considering his own magazine also failed and he's deliberately misrepresenting that failure --- along with Rump Steaks, Rump Vodka etc (failures 3, 8 and 9 here) . Requires a stupefying amount of Doublethink. And this is why we characterize him as a liar and a con artist. Because that's all he is, and all he ever has been.

More from the Mayo Clinic link above -- somewhat redundant but condensed into handy list form:

DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
It's a bit of a fool's errand to bold the parts that apply to Rump --- the entire list could be bolded.

What causes NPD is not known/agreed upon but I keep going back to the term "entitlement". Donald Rump, handed millions by his father, has never held an actual job in his life. That is, has never put himself in a position where he would have to submit to a higher authority, meet somebody else's expectations, engage in any kind of sacrifice. Never been an employee, a soldier, a teammate, an underling. I suspect this is what happens when one is shielded from any such character-building challenge. Or at least what happens to the inherently weak of character who can't work their way out of it.
Did you vote for Obama? Will you be voting for Hillary?

I will not answer the first question because it's none of your business.

I don't know for whom I'll vote in the upcoming Presidential election. I'm a registered Independent and thus not eligible to vote in the primaries.

Do you classify Obama and Hillary as narcissists?

Did you read the content found at the link in the edit I posted to my OP? If you did, you know what I think about their being or not being narcissists.

Please answer a simple direct question. I repeat; do you classify Obama and Hillary as narcissists?

Just reading from the beginning here --- there seem to be a number of readers unfamiliar with the clinical term "narcissist" and what it really means. Mayhaps we can work on that. Hope my last links helped. Suffice to say there's a "yuuuuge" difference between calling attention to oneself as a leader or would-be leader, and being a Narcissist. Neither one automatically leads to the other.

Obvious Example of a non-Narcissist leader: Ghandi
Obvious Example of a non-leader Narcissist: WWE "wrestlers"
I will not answer the first question because it's none of your business.

I don't know for whom I'll vote in the upcoming Presidential election. I'm a registered Independent and thus not eligible to vote in the primaries.

Do you classify Obama and Hillary as narcissists?

Did you read the content found at the link in the edit I posted to my OP? If you did, you know what I think about their being or not being narcissists.

Please answer a simple direct question. I repeat; do you classify Obama and Hillary as narcissists?

I believe both of them, along with several GOP candidates, are healthy narcissists, because as Dr. Malkin points out, they "inspire without undermining; they lead with conviction not cruelty; they bring out the best, not the worst in people around them."

As I wrote in the edit to my OP, I recognize that a great many Presidential hopefuls and other leaders are narcissists; thus it's important to understand the distinction between an healthy one and an unhealthy one.

The recognition that I'd not originally articulated that distinction, engendered by the initial comments posted after my OP, made it clear to me that a meaningful share of the audience here may not be aware that there are types of narcissism. That is why I feel obliged to include the edit to my OP.

That's a load of nonsense. Narcissism by definition turns off people. It alienates. You can claim degrees of narcissism. But there's no such thing as healthy narcissism. You made a fake argument against Trump basically. You're not mad that he's a narcissist. You're mad that he isn't your narcissist.

I'll agree halfway --- nobody likes a Narcissist. They are by definition obnoxious assholes. I can't see the OP's point in the second sentence that declares "it's not hard to understand the broad appeal of narcissists" --- to the contrary, I find it very hard to understand. They're outright repulsive. And I concur that there's no "healthy degree" of such a repulsion.

But that position automatically cancels out your ending sentence, which I assume is there only for comic effect (?).
Boss is making the point, like someone else has, that narcissism is a trait that in some way most Presidents will have. It was in recognition of that reality that I added the "Edit" to my OP and again in post #9.

Now as to why he chose to cite Mr. Obama rather than any other recent President for whom I was eligible to vote (I was born in 1959.), well I have no idea.

Because I don't agree and that wasn't the point I made. Obama is a narcissist. Most presidents are not. Most presidents, whether they do so while in office or not, admit their errors and faults. They also credit their staff and the people around them for their success and they thank the Americans who supported them and believed in what they were doing.

Can presidents SEEM to be a bit narcissistic sometimes? Of course! I think it comes with the territory and is part of politics. But narcissism is often confused with confidence. Most presidents have a lot of self confidence, that's how they won the presidency. That does not make them narcissists.

Presidents are natural BS'ers. Narcissism tends to go hand and hand with that. But yes, someone like Obama is probably the most narcissistic president we've ever had.

See "Roosevelt, Theodore", to name one. Specifically 1912, which itself contains many parallels to this election.

Might want to check "Jackson, Andrew" while you're at it.
Grew up feeling superior, having grandiose fantasies, needing to be admired, and lacking empathy. Is unkind, greedy, arrogant, and callously exploits others. Not due to a medical or substance use disorder.

Trump is everything he claims to be. He's wildly successful and is admired. Trump is philanthropic. He's a hard-nosed business man in a tough business and he's dealing with some ruthless people who may deserve to be exploited.

Cruz clearly is an arrogant bastard. He's hated by every Republican senator. Cruz was willing the shut down the government to fulfill his own ego. Cruz has never in his life done anything for anyone but Ted Cruz whereas Trump has created many jobs and his dream is for a great America. Cruz is the most insincere low life in the GOP.


Lasts For Years/Lifetime
  • Works poorly with others (self-centered, can't tolerate criticism or defeat)
Trump works well with others because if he couldn't he would not have the success he's had. Sure he hates losing but so do most competitive people.

Cruz is the most hated man in Washington. He's loves creating train wrecks and then denying he caused them. Cruz in unable to work with members of his own party. Hopefully when Cruz loses he'll eat a gun.

Cooperation (Antagonistic, Suspicious):

  • False Sense Of Superiority:
  • Arrogant; feels superior to others; has snobbish or patronizing attitudes
  • Has a grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
  • Believes that he or she is "special" and should associate with other high-status people
  • Requires excessive admiration
  • Has a sense of entitlement
  • Is often envious of others
Trump gets stuff done and he has his entire adult life. Trump is a winner. Trump worked smart and hard for everything he has. While he get admiration and why wouldn't he? He built a real estate empire by working hard working smart and working well with others.

Cruz is very Hitleresque much like that douchebag Huckabee and that other liar Ben Carson. Trump's book, The Art of the Deal was not an auto biography like Huckabee's and Carson's or Cruz's modern day Mien Kampf.

Cruz has done nothing. Cruz is a career politician.

Cruz just beams when he thinks he's made some point like when he put down New Yorkers. Trump was genuinely hurt having been there during 911 and seeing and admiring the bravery of New Yorkers. Only a POS narcissist would insult the brave and decent people on NYC. Cruz would not run into the WTC but guys like Trump would.

Justice (Careless, Irresponsible):

  • Irresponsibility:

    Trump takes a great deal of responsibility and his successful proves it.
  • Cruz shut down the government and refused to cooperate even with members of his own party. That is the epitome of careless and irresponsible

  • Is interpersonally exploitative
  • Lacks empathy

I have to presume this post is satire Taken straight, it, as the saying goes, shoots itself in the back forty-seven times, pausing only once to reload.

Just to take one aspect -- the inability to take criticism... a functioning mature adult doesn't melt down into an endless barrage of tweets whining because a debate moderator asked a pointed question, or threatening the owner of a baseball team because they support his opposition. A mature adult doesn't sue a financial analyst and get him fired for daring to predict his casino would fail (and he was right). A mature adult doesn't sue Palm Beach County -- three times --- because there are planes flying over his estate :gay: and he didn't do his homework before buying the place. A mature adult doesn't sue another writer for estimating his net worth as lower than his own fantasies. A mature adult doesn't completely fail to ever man up to admitting any failure, mistake or shortcoming whatsoever....

As in 1:58 here --- where he lapses into petulant denialism SIX TIMES....

And of course we could add bringing up penis size in a Presidential debate....

We could go on and on stating the obvious. And in time we will do just that.
America is a narcissistic nation today so asking why Trump is, is like asking why is America narcissistic? Are we not the greatest? Are we not always right? Are we not perfect? Come on folks, even our youth today know more than their teachers or elders. Every republican candidate wishes the greatness were even more and better greatness. No time now, but consider the revisionist history of a nation that can't face its own problems past and present and it should occur to you that narcissism defines America.

"In the so-called age of narcissism, it's been said that empathy is declining - and some research has shown that social media is causing us to become more self-obsessed than ever before. But whether or not selfishness is actually on the rise, it's safe to say that we need compassion more than ever." If We Could All Tap Into This Quality (Which We Can), The World Would Be A Better Place

These are excellent observations in themselves, quite aside from Donald Rump, and they deserve further development, if not here then somewhere. Nobody knows this national trait better than Europe. And certain parts of Latin America. And Canada. And Vietnam.
The use of the word narcissist when referring to politicians is redundant.

Regarding Trump, I'm not even sure his issue is the kind of narcissism that we see in politicians. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the issues go much deeper.

He tries so damn hard, so passionately, to impress, to be accepted. There has to be more to it than just ego.
I can't see the OP's point in the second sentence that declares "it's not hard to understand the broad appeal of narcissists" --- to the contrary, I find it very hard to understand.

That "broad appeal" is found when the narcissists put their "malady" to use to entertain. For example, Trump doesn't bother me as a comedian, only as a U.S. President do I find him contemptible. So I can understand liking Trump; however, I can't understand liking him for President.
I can't see the OP's point in the second sentence that declares "it's not hard to understand the broad appeal of narcissists" --- to the contrary, I find it very hard to understand.

That "broad appeal" is found when the narcissists put their "malady" to use to entertain. For example, Trump doesn't bother me as a comedian, only as a U.S. President do I find him contemptible. So I can understand liking Trump; however, I can't understand liking him for President.

A comedian (generally) doesn't use narcissism to make his point, except in the case of a fake narcissism (e.g. Steve Martin, Stephen Colbert) where they're actually mocking the trait with satire. Comedy involves pain and relief; the comedian either puts himself/herself in a painful circumstance, or invokes a pain the audience can relate to, and then defuses it.

The only way I can see a relation between comedy and narcissism would be something like a WWE "wrestler" -- but in that case we're laughing AT the comedian rather than WITH him. Even then it's arguable that the WWE goon is also mocking the idea, and simply taking it to the extreme.

The difference is, Rump isn't mocking the idea. It's not an act; it's real.

So bottom line, no I still don't understand the concept of "liking" a narcissist in any setting. The trait is inherently negative; there's nothing there to admire or be attracted to --- there can only be a "laughing at".
The only way I can see a relation between comedy and narcissism would be something like a WWE "wrestler" -- but in that case we're laughing AT the comedian rather than WITH him.

Bingo! Laughing at or with, either way, people find it entertaining.

Requiring a very broad definition of "entertaining" then. But this is a minor tangent, not worth further furrow.
Several leading psychologists have asserted that Donald Trump is a narcissist.
It comes as no surprise to me to read that Mr. Trump is a narcissist; just listen to him. It's also not difficult to understand the broad appeal of narcissists. I have no problem with them as entertainers. The question in my mind is this. Would I willfully vote for one to be President of the United States? In a word, NO! Why wold anyone?

I should have included above that I recognize that narcissism exists in many Presidents and candidates. It's not as much about whether they are or not as it is about whether it is a healthy narcissism. What does that seemingly oxymoronic term mean? Well for the answer to that click here.

Trump is not a narcissist. Unlike narcissists like Bush, Carson, Rubio, Christie, Romney and Cruz, Trump has empathy for people. Generally narcissists don't care about anyone but themselves.

Trump would never close a bridge like Christie because Trump would consider the consequences for people.

Trump raised good kids unlike Bush whose kids are all convicted felons.

Trump shows up for work unlike Rubio who thinks its OK to shirk his responsibilities.

Carson's autobiography is text book narcissism.

Romney is a pathological liar who has no empathy for anyone. His 46% comments and his destruction of companies prove that.
I was raised by a flaming narcissist, so I recognize some of the traits and see some big misunderstandings here about what a narcissistic personality disorder is. What I see with Trump that immediately sets off warning bells: an inability to take responsibility for mistakes or accept even a hint of criticism. No apologizing--he will deny he said it or, much more likely, immediately attack the person who criticized him. Also, I have seen many of his speeches/rallies on C-Span. He routinely spends at least half the time talking about himself and bragging about his accomplishments; at some rallies it has been most of the time.. This isn't just to educate folks about him, it is because to him, he is the most fascinating and important topic anywhere. A lot of narcissists show sympathy toward others, but understanding how others actually feel? Not so much.
Does this preclude him from being President? Not in itself--it's not like schizophrenia or anything--but being incapable of taking criticism or taking responsibility for mistakes? That could get him/us into some deep do-do.
Several leading psychologists have asserted that Donald Trump is a narcissist.
It comes as no surprise to me to read that Mr. Trump is a narcissist; just listen to him. It's also not difficult to understand the broad appeal of narcissists. I have no problem with them as entertainers. The question in my mind is this. Would I willfully vote for one to be President of the United States? In a word, NO! Why wold anyone?

I should have included above that I recognize that narcissism exists in many Presidents and candidates. It's not as much about whether they are or not as it is about whether it is a healthy narcissism. What does that seemingly oxymoronic term mean? Well for the answer to that click here.

Trump is not a narcissist. Unlike narcissists like Bush, Carson, Rubio, Christie, Romney and Cruz, Trump has empathy for people. Generally narcissists don't care about anyone but themselves.

Trump would never close a bridge like Christie because Trump would consider the consequences for people.

Trump raised good kids unlike Bush whose kids are all convicted felons.

Trump shows up for work unlike Rubio who thinks its OK to shirk his responsibilities.

Carson's autobiography is text book narcissism.

Romney is a pathological liar who has no empathy for anyone. His 46% comments and his destruction of companies prove that.
I was raised by a flaming narcissist, so I recognize some of the traits and see some big misunderstandings here about what a narcissistic personality disorder is. What I see with Trump that immediately sets off warning bells: an inability to take responsibility for mistakes or accept even a hint of criticism. No apologizing--he will deny he said it or, much more likely, immediately attack the person who criticized him. Also, I have seen many of his speeches/rallies on C-Span. He routinely spends at least half the time talking about himself and bragging about his accomplishments; at some rallies it has been most of the time.. This isn't just to educate folks about him, it is because to him, he is the most fascinating and important topic anywhere. A lot of narcissists show sympathy toward others, but understanding how others actually feel? Not so much.
Does this preclude him from being President? Not in itself--it's not like schizophrenia or anything--but being incapable of taking criticism or taking responsibility for mistakes? That could get him/us into some deep do-do.

As another poster (props to aaronleland) put it---

I'll build a wall! I'll deport Muslims! I'll take on Putin! I'll show China! I'll.... is that Megyn Kelly? :scared1:

Several leading psychologists have asserted that Donald Trump is a narcissist.
It comes as no surprise to me to read that Mr. Trump is a narcissist; just listen to him. It's also not difficult to understand the broad appeal of narcissists. I have no problem with them as entertainers. The question in my mind is this. Would I willfully vote for one to be President of the United States? In a word, NO! Why wold anyone?

I should have included above that I recognize that narcissism exists in many Presidents and candidates. It's not as much about whether they are or not as it is about whether it is a healthy narcissism. What does that seemingly oxymoronic term mean? Well for the answer to that click here.

Trump is not a narcissist. Unlike narcissists like Bush, Carson, Rubio, Christie, Romney and Cruz, Trump has empathy for people. Generally narcissists don't care about anyone but themselves.

Trump would never close a bridge like Christie because Trump would consider the consequences for people.

Trump raised good kids unlike Bush whose kids are all convicted felons.

Trump shows up for work unlike Rubio who thinks its OK to shirk his responsibilities.

Carson's autobiography is text book narcissism.

Romney is a pathological liar who has no empathy for anyone. His 46% comments and his destruction of companies prove that.
I was raised by a flaming narcissist, so I recognize some of the traits and see some big misunderstandings here about what a narcissistic personality disorder is. What I see with Trump that immediately sets off warning bells: an inability to take responsibility for mistakes or accept even a hint of criticism. No apologizing--he will deny he said it or, much more likely, immediately attack the person who criticized him. Also, I have seen many of his speeches/rallies on C-Span. He routinely spends at least half the time talking about himself and bragging about his accomplishments; at some rallies it has been most of the time.. This isn't just to educate folks about him, it is because to him, he is the most fascinating and important topic anywhere. A lot of narcissists show sympathy toward others, but understanding how others actually feel? Not so much.
Does this preclude him from being President? Not in itself--it's not like schizophrenia or anything--but being incapable of taking criticism or taking responsibility for mistakes? That could get him/us into some deep do-do.

Feel free to list anytime Obama has taken responsibility for a mistake.

Or what about Hillary blaming DeBlasio for the "colored time" joke? LOL you people are so partisan
Several leading psychologists have asserted that Donald Trump is a narcissist.
It comes as no surprise to me to read that Mr. Trump is a narcissist; just listen to him. It's also not difficult to understand the broad appeal of narcissists. I have no problem with them as entertainers. The question in my mind is this. Would I willfully vote for one to be President of the United States? In a word, NO! Why wold anyone?

I should have included above that I recognize that narcissism exists in many Presidents and candidates. It's not as much about whether they are or not as it is about whether it is a healthy narcissism. What does that seemingly oxymoronic term mean? Well for the answer to that click here.

Trump is not a narcissist. Unlike narcissists like Bush, Carson, Rubio, Christie, Romney and Cruz, Trump has empathy for people. Generally narcissists don't care about anyone but themselves.

Trump would never close a bridge like Christie because Trump would consider the consequences for people.

Trump raised good kids unlike Bush whose kids are all convicted felons.

Trump shows up for work unlike Rubio who thinks its OK to shirk his responsibilities.

Carson's autobiography is text book narcissism.

Romney is a pathological liar who has no empathy for anyone. His 46% comments and his destruction of companies prove that.
I was raised by a flaming narcissist, so I recognize some of the traits and see some big misunderstandings here about what a narcissistic personality disorder is. What I see with Trump that immediately sets off warning bells: an inability to take responsibility for mistakes or accept even a hint of criticism. No apologizing--he will deny he said it or, much more likely, immediately attack the person who criticized him. Also, I have seen many of his speeches/rallies on C-Span. He routinely spends at least half the time talking about himself and bragging about his accomplishments; at some rallies it has been most of the time.. This isn't just to educate folks about him, it is because to him, he is the most fascinating and important topic anywhere. A lot of narcissists show sympathy toward others, but understanding how others actually feel? Not so much.
Does this preclude him from being President? Not in itself--it's not like schizophrenia or anything--but being incapable of taking criticism or taking responsibility for mistakes? That could get him/us into some deep do-do.

Feel free to list anytime Obama has taken responsibility for a mistake.

Ironic post considering all the threads endlessly whining about his "apologizing for America tour" and shit.

Here's the first thing that comes up on a Google search --
Obama Apologizes for Airstrike on Afghan Hospital

President calls head of Doctors Without Borders before U.S. completes probe of deadly attack

Search took 0.53 seconds.

Meanwhile my challenge for anyone to document any time Donald Rump ever took responsibility for, literally anything, still stands unmolested.

The fact is, a POTUS --- any POTUS, past present or future --- has got to take responsibility for his failures, and this is something Rump has literally never in his life exhibited a capacity to do. Megyn Kelly, perfect example. Rather than take responsibility for his own documented words, he melts down into a Twitter whine fest and then plays "I'm gonna hold my breath 'til I turn blue" with the next debate that involves her. That's not the stuff of a mature adult, let alone a President. It's the mark of a Narcissist.

Which inevitably and immediately begs the question, if this is how he reacts to a simple observation from a Fox News moderator, how the hell is he going to deal with the Putins and the Dim Dongs and the Khameneis.... or even the David Camerons or the Justin Trudeaus? How is such a fragile ego going to get Mexico to pay for a cheeseburger, let alone a wall?
Last edited:
Several leading psychologists have asserted that Donald Trump is a narcissist.
It comes as no surprise to me to read that Mr. Trump is a narcissist; just listen to him. It's also not difficult to understand the broad appeal of narcissists. I have no problem with them as entertainers. The question in my mind is this. Would I willfully vote for one to be President of the United States? In a word, NO! Why wold anyone?

I should have included above that I recognize that narcissism exists in many Presidents and candidates. It's not as much about whether they are or not as it is about whether it is a healthy narcissism. What does that seemingly oxymoronic term mean? Well for the answer to that click here.

Trump is not a narcissist. Unlike narcissists like Bush, Carson, Rubio, Christie, Romney and Cruz, Trump has empathy for people. Generally narcissists don't care about anyone but themselves.

Trump would never close a bridge like Christie because Trump would consider the consequences for people.

Trump raised good kids unlike Bush whose kids are all convicted felons.

Trump shows up for work unlike Rubio who thinks its OK to shirk his responsibilities.

Carson's autobiography is text book narcissism.

Romney is a pathological liar who has no empathy for anyone. His 46% comments and his destruction of companies prove that.
I was raised by a flaming narcissist, so I recognize some of the traits and see some big misunderstandings here about what a narcissistic personality disorder is. What I see with Trump that immediately sets off warning bells: an inability to take responsibility for mistakes or accept even a hint of criticism. No apologizing--he will deny he said it or, much more likely, immediately attack the person who criticized him. Also, I have seen many of his speeches/rallies on C-Span. He routinely spends at least half the time talking about himself and bragging about his accomplishments; at some rallies it has been most of the time.. This isn't just to educate folks about him, it is because to him, he is the most fascinating and important topic anywhere. A lot of narcissists show sympathy toward others, but understanding how others actually feel? Not so much.
Does this preclude him from being President? Not in itself--it's not like schizophrenia or anything--but being incapable of taking criticism or taking responsibility for mistakes? That could get him/us into some deep do-do.

Feel free to list anytime Obama has taken responsibility for a mistake.

Ironic post considering all the threads endlessly whining about his "apologizing for America tour" and shit.

Here's the first thing that comes up on a Google search --
Obama Apologizes for Airstrike on Afghan Hospital

President calls head of Doctors Without Borders before U.S. completes probe of deadly attack

Search took 0.53 seconds.

Meanwhile my challenge for anyone to document any time Donald Rump ever took responsibility for, literally anything, still stands unmolested.

LOL neither of those is Obama apologizing for something HE did. Of course you knew that.
Several leading psychologists have asserted that Donald Trump is a narcissist.
It comes as no surprise to me to read that Mr. Trump is a narcissist; just listen to him. It's also not difficult to understand the broad appeal of narcissists. I have no problem with them as entertainers. The question in my mind is this. Would I willfully vote for one to be President of the United States? In a word, NO! Why wold anyone?

I should have included above that I recognize that narcissism exists in many Presidents and candidates. It's not as much about whether they are or not as it is about whether it is a healthy narcissism. What does that seemingly oxymoronic term mean? Well for the answer to that click here.

Trump is not a narcissist. Unlike narcissists like Bush, Carson, Rubio, Christie, Romney and Cruz, Trump has empathy for people. Generally narcissists don't care about anyone but themselves.

Trump would never close a bridge like Christie because Trump would consider the consequences for people.

Trump raised good kids unlike Bush whose kids are all convicted felons.

Trump shows up for work unlike Rubio who thinks its OK to shirk his responsibilities.

Carson's autobiography is text book narcissism.

Romney is a pathological liar who has no empathy for anyone. His 46% comments and his destruction of companies prove that.
I was raised by a flaming narcissist, so I recognize some of the traits and see some big misunderstandings here about what a narcissistic personality disorder is. What I see with Trump that immediately sets off warning bells: an inability to take responsibility for mistakes or accept even a hint of criticism. No apologizing--he will deny he said it or, much more likely, immediately attack the person who criticized him. Also, I have seen many of his speeches/rallies on C-Span. He routinely spends at least half the time talking about himself and bragging about his accomplishments; at some rallies it has been most of the time.. This isn't just to educate folks about him, it is because to him, he is the most fascinating and important topic anywhere. A lot of narcissists show sympathy toward others, but understanding how others actually feel? Not so much.
Does this preclude him from being President? Not in itself--it's not like schizophrenia or anything--but being incapable of taking criticism or taking responsibility for mistakes? That could get him/us into some deep do-do.

Feel free to list anytime Obama has taken responsibility for a mistake.

Ironic post considering all the threads endlessly whining about his "apologizing for America tour" and shit.

Here's the first thing that comes up on a Google search --
Obama Apologizes for Airstrike on Afghan Hospital

President calls head of Doctors Without Borders before U.S. completes probe of deadly attack

Search took 0.53 seconds.

Meanwhile my challenge for anyone to document any time Donald Rump ever took responsibility for, literally anything, still stands unmolested.

LOL neither of those is Obama apologizing for something HE did. Of course you knew that.

Correct, it's much more. It's taking responsibility for what you represent. Which is, again, part and parcel of the job of POTUS.

Since The Obama is to us an abstract public figure, we are not privy to his personal interactions. Rump on the other hand has spent his entire life bellowing his personal interactions to anyone who has the misfortune to be in earshot at the time. So take the challenge, and find me anywhere he's apologized or taken the heat, or even ADMITTED to a fuckup. Be the first.

Bring up his bankruptcies and watch how fast he falls all over himself to deflect to "I wasn't in charge" or "I'm allowed to do that, therefore I'm smart".
Trump is not a narcissist. Unlike narcissists like Bush, Carson, Rubio, Christie, Romney and Cruz, Trump has empathy for people. Generally narcissists don't care about anyone but themselves.

Trump would never close a bridge like Christie because Trump would consider the consequences for people.

Trump raised good kids unlike Bush whose kids are all convicted felons.

Trump shows up for work unlike Rubio who thinks its OK to shirk his responsibilities.

Carson's autobiography is text book narcissism.

Romney is a pathological liar who has no empathy for anyone. His 46% comments and his destruction of companies prove that.
I was raised by a flaming narcissist, so I recognize some of the traits and see some big misunderstandings here about what a narcissistic personality disorder is. What I see with Trump that immediately sets off warning bells: an inability to take responsibility for mistakes or accept even a hint of criticism. No apologizing--he will deny he said it or, much more likely, immediately attack the person who criticized him. Also, I have seen many of his speeches/rallies on C-Span. He routinely spends at least half the time talking about himself and bragging about his accomplishments; at some rallies it has been most of the time.. This isn't just to educate folks about him, it is because to him, he is the most fascinating and important topic anywhere. A lot of narcissists show sympathy toward others, but understanding how others actually feel? Not so much.
Does this preclude him from being President? Not in itself--it's not like schizophrenia or anything--but being incapable of taking criticism or taking responsibility for mistakes? That could get him/us into some deep do-do.

Feel free to list anytime Obama has taken responsibility for a mistake.

Ironic post considering all the threads endlessly whining about his "apologizing for America tour" and shit.

Here's the first thing that comes up on a Google search --
Obama Apologizes for Airstrike on Afghan Hospital

President calls head of Doctors Without Borders before U.S. completes probe of deadly attack

Search took 0.53 seconds.

Meanwhile my challenge for anyone to document any time Donald Rump ever took responsibility for, literally anything, still stands unmolested.

LOL neither of those is Obama apologizing for something HE did. Of course you knew that.

Correct, it's much more. It's taking responsibility for what you represent. Which is, again, part and parcel of the job of POTUS.

Since The Obama is to us an abstract public figure, we are not privy to his personal interactions. Rump on the other hand has spent his entire life bellowing his personal interactions to anyone who has the misfortune to be in earshot at the time. So take the challenge, and find me anywhere he's apologized or taken the heat, or even ADMITTED to a fuckup. Be the first.

Bring up his bankruptcies and watch how fast he falls all over himself to deflect to "I wasn't in charge" or "I'm allowed to do that, therefore I'm smart".

LOL what a childish tactic, just as how do we know Obama hasn't apologized in private, how do we know Trump hasn't? In fact, I'd say there is a pretty good chance that he apologized to Megyn Kelly in private.

Just because he doesn't go on tax payers funded trips around the world to bleed out of his vagina like your boy Obama doesn't mean he can't own up to his mistakes.
Several leading psychologists have asserted that Donald Trump is a narcissist.
It comes as no surprise to me to read that Mr. Trump is a narcissist; just listen to him. It's also not difficult to understand the broad appeal of narcissists. I have no problem with them as entertainers. The question in my mind is this. Would I willfully vote for one to be President of the United States? In a word, NO! Why wold anyone?

I should have included above that I recognize that narcissism exists in many Presidents and candidates. It's not as much about whether they are or not as it is about whether it is a healthy narcissism. What does that seemingly oxymoronic term mean? Well for the answer to that click here.

Trump is not a narcissist. Unlike narcissists like Bush, Carson, Rubio, Christie, Romney and Cruz, Trump has empathy for people. Generally narcissists don't care about anyone but themselves.

Trump would never close a bridge like Christie because Trump would consider the consequences for people.

Trump raised good kids unlike Bush whose kids are all convicted felons.

Trump shows up for work unlike Rubio who thinks its OK to shirk his responsibilities.

Carson's autobiography is text book narcissism.

Romney is a pathological liar who has no empathy for anyone. His 46% comments and his destruction of companies prove that.
I was raised by a flaming narcissist, so I recognize some of the traits and see some big misunderstandings here about what a narcissistic personality disorder is. What I see with Trump that immediately sets off warning bells: an inability to take responsibility for mistakes or accept even a hint of criticism. No apologizing--he will deny he said it or, much more likely, immediately attack the person who criticized him. Also, I have seen many of his speeches/rallies on C-Span. He routinely spends at least half the time talking about himself and bragging about his accomplishments; at some rallies it has been most of the time.. This isn't just to educate folks about him, it is because to him, he is the most fascinating and important topic anywhere. A lot of narcissists show sympathy toward others, but understanding how others actually feel? Not so much.
Does this preclude him from being President? Not in itself--it's not like schizophrenia or anything--but being incapable of taking criticism or taking responsibility for mistakes? That could get him/us into some deep do-do.

Feel free to list anytime Obama has taken responsibility for a mistake.

Or what about Hillary blaming DeBlasio for the "colored time" joke? LOL you people are so partisan

Once again, Fair&Balanced you show that you are neither and benighted with regard to what has and has not actually transpired. I don't know why that is, but of late, I see daily evidence that it is.

Would this be enough times for you?
In addition to taking onus for his mistakes, he's, unlike his predecessor, done so while in office, not some decade later.

You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.
-- Daniel Patrick Moynihan​

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