Trump and Conservatives win again

A president with ZERO legislative accomplishments, a GOP Congress known as the do nothing Congress,
No wall, no healthcare success, no help for black people in the cities as promised etc etc.

The truth of this failed presidency is really hard for you sheep to handle so you avoid talking about it.

Illegal immigration way down, deportations up, stock market up, unemployment down.

NOt to mention the courts. All Hail Harry Reid and his getting rid of the filibuster. Smooth move there Harry.

We republicans will take full advantage of it.

172 million are out of the workforce......the most in history

So, you don't deny any of my posted accomplishment?

Good for you.

ANd yes, we need more jobs. Trump needs to move on Trade asap.
Crooked Donnies economy is a disaster
$20 trillion in debt
172 million people not working
A president with ZERO legislative accomplishments, a GOP Congress known as the do nothing Congress,
No wall, no healthcare success, no help for black people in the cities as promised etc etc.

The truth of this failed presidency is really hard for you sheep to handle so you avoid talking about it.

Illegal immigration way down, deportations up, stock market up, unemployment down.

NOt to mention the courts. All Hail Harry Reid and his getting rid of the filibuster. Smooth move there Harry.

We republicans will take full advantage of it.

172 million are out of the workforce......the most in history

A. This occurred on Obama's watch.
B. Americans are lazy & getting worse.
C. Entitlements, which are primarily a liberal ideology.
D. Globalization & technology.
E. Over-population.

Make sense?
Crooked Donnie ran on fixing it....he hasn't

Most debt in history, most people out of work in history
A president with ZERO legislative accomplishments, a GOP Congress known as the do nothing Congress,
No wall, no healthcare success, no help for black people in the cities as promised etc etc.

The truth of this failed presidency is really hard for you sheep to handle so you avoid talking about it.

Congress is passing bill after bill. It's the Senate that's the problem because of the RINO's that are in there.
A president with ZERO legislative accomplishments, a GOP Congress known as the do nothing Congress,
No wall, no healthcare success, no help for black people in the cities as promised etc etc.

The truth of this failed presidency is really hard for you sheep to handle so you avoid talking about it.

Illegal immigration way down, deportations up, stock market up, unemployment down.

NOt to mention the courts. All Hail Harry Reid and his getting rid of the filibuster. Smooth move there Harry.

We republicans will take full advantage of it.

172 million are out of the workforce......the most in history

A. This occurred on Obama's watch.
B. Americans are lazy & getting worse.
C. Entitlements, which are primarily a liberal ideology.
D. Globalization & technology.
E. Over-population.

Make sense?
Crooked Donnie ran on fixing it....he hasn't

Most debt in history, most people out of work in history

WTF are you getting your figures from?
That's our voting public for ya. Unfortunately, many vote for representatives like they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant: how do they look, how do they speak, how do they dress........

It's why I believe not everybody should be allowed to vote. You should have to take a very simple test before voting. Nothing too hard, just questions like who is the VP? What party does he belong to? Who holds the majority in Congress? In the Senate?

If you can't pass the test, you don't get to vote. Republicans would love something like that. Democrats would go ape shit. Democrats heavily rely on the politically ignorant for power. That's why all ghettos vote strictly Democrat.
OK......a voter needs to know which issues he is concerned with and who best represents those issues

How does knowing the political party of the Vice President help your choice?

It shows you are at least aware of what's going on. We have people like the Obama Phone lady voting, the Obama Money lady voting, and these people don't have the slightest clue how our government works.

Most everybody here is a political junkie. We spend most of our day in politics everyday. We can't expect most people to dedicate as much time to politics as we do. But for crying out loud, if you don't know who the VP is or what party they belong to, you shouldn't be allowed to walk past a voting location yet alone participate.

Howard Stern Interviews Obama Supporters 2012 | RealClearPolitics
That's the problem with these bogus voter tests
They are full of facts that have little to do with your voting decision

Their primary purpose is to purge voting roles of those likely to vote against those making the test questions

How is not knowing anything about our government or who it's orchestrated by not having anything to do with your voting decision? It has everything to do with it. You are voting on things you have absolutely no idea about.

A guy living under a highway overpass is entitled to vote for the man best able to get him out from that overpass

Just like the guy who built the overpass is entitled to vote for the guy best able to get him the next overpass job

In other words, vote money out of other people's pockets to give to them.
What's screwed up is the religious judges you're installing are against the 14th amendment of the constitutions. You know that part of the constitutions that says that all Americans are to be treated equally...They need to be impeached if they violate peoples human rights!

Dude. You really think that the liberals are about treating Americans equally?

Wake the fuck up.
We support Truth, Justice and the American Way

Conservatives support the rich

Of course you do, that's why you voted for a candidate under FBI investigation.

Actually, Comey testified it was Trump under FBI investigation

Comey to say he assured Trump he wasn't personally under investigation
A president with ZERO legislative accomplishments, a GOP Congress known as the do nothing Congress,
No wall, no healthcare success, no help for black people in the cities as promised etc etc.

The truth of this failed presidency is really hard for you sheep to handle so you avoid talking about it.

Congress is passing bill after bill. It's the Senate that's the problem because of the RINO's that are in there.
Name a significant bill passed by the GOP led Congress in the last three years
What's screwed up is the religious judges you're installing are against the 14th amendment of the constitutions. You know that part of the constitutions that says that all Americans are to be treated equally...They need to be impeached if they violate peoples human rights!

Dude. You really think that the liberals are about treating Americans equally?

Wake the fuck up.
We support Truth, Justice and the American Way

Conservatives support the rich

Of course you do, that's why you voted for a candidate under FBI investigation.

Actually, Comey testified it was Trump under FBI investigation

Comey to say he assured Trump he wasn't personally under investigation
Trump was whimpering like a little bitch

You are not under investigation until you was Trump who was under investigation in Nov 2016
A president with ZERO legislative accomplishments, a GOP Congress known as the do nothing Congress,
No wall, no healthcare success, no help for black people in the cities as promised etc etc.

The truth of this failed presidency is really hard for you sheep to handle so you avoid talking about it.

Congress is passing bill after bill. It's the Senate that's the problem because of the RINO's that are in there.
The Senate is part of the Congress
The House passed 50 repeal Obamacare did that work out?
Obama had approvals above 50 percent and finished above 60
He was also popularly elected by 10 million votes

People voted DumBama in because they liked him personally. They voted a Republican led Congress to stop his policies.

How could any Democrat or left-leaning Republican not vote for Obama?

"The first black President? Sure, my friends said they're voting for him so I want them to like me..."

How stupid it is to choose a leader, based primarily on his color. As stupid as choosing one based on the fact that she's a woman. I have no problem with a black or female President, but it's as glaring as the sun, those who supported Obama and Hillary knew or cared nothing as to who or what they really were.

That's our voting public for ya. Unfortunately, many vote for representatives like they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant: how do they look, how do they speak, how do they dress........

It's why I believe not everybody should be allowed to vote. You should have to take a very simple test before voting. Nothing too hard, just questions like who is the VP? What party does he belong to? Who holds the majority in Congress? In the Senate?

If you can't pass the test, you don't get to vote. Republicans would love something like that. Democrats would go ape shit. Democrats heavily rely on the politically ignorant for power. That's why all ghettos vote strictly Democrat.

Hell, I'd be happy if we just had a national voter ID law. That would cut out most of the fraudulent voting by illegals and leftists.
All you have to do is keep them from registering
Once they are registered, ID will not help

Nobody wants to prevent any legal voter from registering to vote. We just don't want our voted cancelled out by fraudulent voting. Voter fraud is a crime against my my constitutional right to choose my elected officials, as it prevents my vote from having any effect on the election.
A president with ZERO legislative accomplishments, a GOP Congress known as the do nothing Congress,
No wall, no healthcare success, no help for black people in the cities as promised etc etc.

The truth of this failed presidency is really hard for you sheep to handle so you avoid talking about it.

Congress is passing bill after bill. It's the Senate that's the problem because of the RINO's that are in there.
The Senate is part of the Congress
The House passed 50 repeal Obamacare did that work out?

Deflection. We were talking about bills passed since Trump took over.
Dude. You really think that the liberals are about treating Americans equally?

Wake the fuck up.
We support Truth, Justice and the American Way

Conservatives support the rich

Of course you do, that's why you voted for a candidate under FBI investigation.

Actually, Comey testified it was Trump under FBI investigation

Comey to say he assured Trump he wasn't personally under investigation
Trump was whimpering like a little bitch

You are not under investigation until you was Trump who was under investigation in Nov 2016

No.......he wasn't. Comey said so himself.
A president with ZERO legislative accomplishments, a GOP Congress known as the do nothing Congress,
No wall, no healthcare success, no help for black people in the cities as promised etc etc.

The truth of this failed presidency is really hard for you sheep to handle so you avoid talking about it.

Congress is passing bill after bill. It's the Senate that's the problem because of the RINO's that are in there.
Name a significant bill passed by the GOP led Congress in the last three years

Nothing too major but definitely not a "do nothing" Congress. The major legislation is being stopped by RINO's in the Senate.
A president with ZERO legislative accomplishments, a GOP Congress known as the do nothing Congress,
No wall, no healthcare success, no help for black people in the cities as promised etc etc.

The truth of this failed presidency is really hard for you sheep to handle so you avoid talking about it.

A president with ZERO legislative accomplishments.....
no healthcare success, no help for black people in the cities as promised etc etc.

Stop bringing up Obama!!!
Congress is passing bill after bill. It's the Senate that's the problem because of the RINO's that are in there.

Donald "I want to be time person of the year" Trump said he was a great deal maker. That he could sit down with congress and get them to make a great deal.
Nobody wants to prevent any legal voter from registering to vote. We just don't want our voted cancelled out by fraudulent voting. Voter fraud is a crime against my my constitutional right to choose my elected officials, as it prevents my vote from having any effect on the election.

Why aren't you against gerrymandering, like the republicans have been doing so much the supreme court had to step in to limit it in several states. That's a bigger assault on the right to vote than the tiny tiny tiny number of illegal votes.
Republicans have every reason to gloat

They stole a Supreme Court seat and blocked lower level nominations for years. Now they are abandoning long held traditions to ram through their choices

But they will have to live through the consequences as the same tactics will now be used against them in future

Huh? It was Harry Reid who caused back is a botch

And we warned you guys
Huh? It was Harry Reid who caused back is a botch

And we warned you guys

Trump is nominating people to the federal bench who have no experience, and who got a FAIL rating from the bar. Yet Trump claims he only hires the best people. Even those rated at totally unqualified.

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