True socialism a simple poll to middle class Americans

True socicialism a simple poll to middle class American's

  • If we went to true socicalism, hell no I would quit my job and just live off the state

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • I would keep my job, and get paid as much as the janitor

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am stupid as hell and dont know what socialism means

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
I would definitely quit my job and say fuck it, I won't tell you anything I know about the 30 years plus being in a industrial injection molding maintenance guy
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

Very few people on either side of the political spectrum use the exact definition of socialism. In almost every case, each politician, or pundit, or spin doctor uses a modified version of socialism.

Your complaint is petty and irrelevant.
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

Very few people on either side of the political spectrum use the exact definition of socialism. In almost every case, each politician, or pundit, or spin doctor uses a modified version of socialism.

Your complaint is petty and irrelevant.

LOL, stop being such a self righteous clown.
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

Very few people on either side of the political spectrum use the exact definition of socialism. In almost every case, each politician, or pundit, or spin doctor uses a modified version of socialism.

Your complaint is petty and irrelevant.

LOL, stop being such a self righteous clown.

Fuck off and get educated.
Are there socialist countries where everyone, no matter what job, janitor or skilled craftsman gets the same pay and people who don't even work get that pay also. That seems to be what the poll questions are implying.
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

Very few people on either side of the political spectrum use the exact definition of socialism. In almost every case, each politician, or pundit, or spin doctor uses a modified version of socialism.

Your complaint is petty and irrelevant.

LOL, stop being such a self righteous clown.

Fuck off and get educated.


I am happy to educate you any time but I doubt I will succeed in doing anything but angering you considering how worked up you are getting over me criticizing this lame thread.
Are there socialist countries where everyone, no matter what job, janitor or skilled craftsman gets the same pay and people who don't even work get that pay also. That seems to be what the poll questions are implying.

I don't believe that that is true. There are socialist countries where people do not work and their lifestyles aren't that far less than the lifestyles of those who do work. Why would one work if not working won't hurt you all that much?
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

Very few people on either side of the political spectrum use the exact definition of socialism. In almost every case, each politician, or pundit, or spin doctor uses a modified version of socialism.

Your complaint is petty and irrelevant.

LOL, stop being such a self righteous clown.

Fuck off and get educated.


I am happy to educate you any time but I doubt I will succeed in doing anything but angering you considering how worked up you are getting over me criticizing this lame thread.

That's a lame assed attempt to save face moron.
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

Very few people on either side of the political spectrum use the exact definition of socialism. In almost every case, each politician, or pundit, or spin doctor uses a modified version of socialism.

Your complaint is petty and irrelevant.

LOL, stop being such a self righteous clown.

Fuck off and get educated.


I am happy to educate you any time but I doubt I will succeed in doing anything but angering you considering how worked up you are getting over me criticizing this lame thread.

That's a lame assed attempt to save face moron.

I don't need to save face, this thread was won before I even posted. I think it is hilarious my comments pissed you off so much. The original question and possible answers were ignorant nonsense and I pointed it out. Your rebuttal was whiny irrelevant BS.

It is not my fault you are mad and failing to keep up.
Are there socialist countries where everyone, no matter what job, janitor or skilled craftsman gets the same pay and people who don't even work get that pay also. That seems to be what the poll questions are implying.
true socialism always = no one wants to work =communism evatualy

We already tried it

I won't work in a true socialist country, which never one ever exisited.

I know exactly what the pure utopia of a true socialist country means.
Very few people on either side of the political spectrum use the exact definition of socialism. In almost every case, each politician, or pundit, or spin doctor uses a modified version of socialism.

Your complaint is petty and irrelevant.

LOL, stop being such a self righteous clown.

Fuck off and get educated.


I am happy to educate you any time but I doubt I will succeed in doing anything but angering you considering how worked up you are getting over me criticizing this lame thread.

That's a lame assed attempt to save face moron.

I don't need to save face, this thread was won before I even posted. I think it is hilarious my comments pissed you off so much. The original question and possible answers were ignorant nonsense and I pointed it out. Your rebuttal was whiny irrelevant BS.

It is not my fault you are mad and failing to keep up.

Go away loser.
Are there socialist countries where everyone, no matter what job, janitor or skilled craftsman gets the same pay and people who don't even work get that pay also. That seems to be what the poll questions are implying.
true socialism always = no one wants to work =communism evatualy

We already tried it

I won't work in a true socialist country, which never one ever exisited.

I know exactly what the pure utopia of a true socialist country means.

No, you know nothing of socialism whether we are dealing with theoretical socialism or the practical application of it throughout history or how to relate that back to everything we call socialism in modern politics. Everything you said is a confused mess of ignorance and propaganda.
We already seen the history of it at the new world. Ie ....America....true socialism collapses , that's why they had to go to capitalism.
LOL, stop being such a self righteous clown.

Fuck off and get educated.


I am happy to educate you any time but I doubt I will succeed in doing anything but angering you considering how worked up you are getting over me criticizing this lame thread.

That's a lame assed attempt to save face moron.

I don't need to save face, this thread was won before I even posted. I think it is hilarious my comments pissed you off so much. The original question and possible answers were ignorant nonsense and I pointed it out. Your rebuttal was whiny irrelevant BS.

It is not my fault you are mad and failing to keep up.

Go away loser.

I am winning and you are just mad. Learn to keep score.
Are there socialist countries where everyone, no matter what job, janitor or skilled craftsman gets the same pay and people who don't even work get that pay also. That seems to be what the poll questions are implying.
true socialism always = no one wants to work =communism evatualy

We already tried it

I won't work in a true socialist country, which never one ever exisited.

I know exactly what the pure utopia of a true socialist country means.

No, you know nothing of socialism whether we are dealing with theoretical socialism or the practical application of it throughout history or how to relate that back to everything we call socialism in modern politics. Everything you said is a confused mess of ignorance and propaganda.
it's world history, no nation on earth had pure socialism except the first American colonys
Are there socialist countries where everyone, no matter what job, janitor or skilled craftsman gets the same pay and people who don't even work get that pay also. That seems to be what the poll questions are implying.
true socialism always = no one wants to work =communism evatualy

We already tried it

I won't work in a true socialist country, which never one ever exisited.

I know exactly what the pure utopia of a true socialist country means.
What do you mean "We already tried it". Who is "We" and when was it tried. You followed up that statement with one that said " never existed.". I agree that a purist form of socialism has never existed. So, what is this thread about?
All Fringe-Loons are Socialists...most are too stupid to realize it, and some pretend they are not because they have not yet called for the takeover of private enterprise by the all-caring Federal Government.

But, that is only because such a transition is necessarily a slow dismantle the greatest society thus far established on this orb....they have to keep bringing in illegal aliens and get them moved onto the Federal Government Plantation and get them the vote, legally or otherwise, before they can truly do what they want.

But, all Fringe-Loons are potential Socialists, and under Obama, all Democrats have become Fringe-Loons.

Therefore all Democrats are potential Socialists.

Traditional Americans are not really welcome in the Democratic Party anymore...they don't need us, thank you...they have made true believers out of illegal aliens; of people content to live frugally, but stress free and without bosses...on the Federal Government Plantation; Homosexuals and Muslims; and the real bloodsuckers--Public Employee Unions who literally steal from us the Taxpayers;.......and the otherwise mentally ill loons and pinheads like the ones who believed Al Gore when he said in 2003 that the polar ice caps will be gone by 2015.

I say the Democrats can "nuance" the definition of Socialism all they want; they can call me an idiot and a rube all they want....but------ALL Fringe-Loon Democrats today are budding Socialists.

We already seen the history of it at the new world. Ie ....America....true socialism collapses , that's why they had to go to capitalism.

The idea that the choice we have is socialism or capitalism is itself a lie that you were sold. There isn't a major economy in the world today that isn't based on both capitalism and government involvement. Socialism isn't even the major economic issue of the day. It is actually global trade and modern forms of mercantilism.

Even Bernie Sanders who will refer to himself as a democratic socialist models his views off of economies where the means of production are owned by private parties and the economies are not planned.

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