True conservatives are pro-choice

But if you use sentience as a yardstick, we can off all brain dead humans with no legal ramifications, because then they should have no more protections than the flower in your example.


If my brain [or whatever other compnents might become incorporated into and come to constitute the underlying physical system from which my sentient mind arises] no longer functions, then I cease to exist. I, the sentient mind, cease to be. There is no reason beyond the sentimental to keep the other tissues alive. Use what you can for transplants/research and then I simply hope you dispose of my body in a tasteful manner.

As I said, life is neither necessary for sufficient.
But if you use sentience as a yardstick, we can off all brain dead humans with no legal ramifications, because then they should have no more protections than the flower in your example.


If my brain [or whatever other compnents might become incorporated into and come to constitute the underlying physical system from which my sentient mind arises] no longer functions, then I cease to exist. I, the sentient mind, cease to be. There is no reason beyond the sentimental to keep the other tissues alive. Use what you can for transplants/research and then I simply hope you dispose of my body in a tasteful manner.

As I said, life is neither necessary for sufficient.

So "life" (or IT) for you is sentience.

To me, life is that plus the physical act of being.
I have YET to see a compelling argument that defends on a logical, scientific and factual level the contention that a pre-born baby (zygote, embryo, whatever), after conception, is "not" a human life.

This needs a thread. I would give you the opportunity to define what "human Life" is determined by physically and mentally.

It may benefit from a thread. I'm not at all convinced that I can give THE definition. And I have not made that claim. Ever.

I have a view point on the topic and if it hasn't become obvious over time, I don't mind acknowledging something up front. My conclusions are entirely mine. I have never claimed that -- on the abortion topic -- I am in possession of "sole" truth or ANY truth. I am quite unsure of how to determine the truth value of some of the most basic premises.

My philosophy stems from the observation that WE, as a whole, simply don't know and, for the most part, we cannot know. However, that fact comes with consequences. Where, as here, we don't know, we probably have an obligation to default on the side of life.

Why wouldn't that be the proper default conclusion?
To say that a human egg upon fertilization is a person is like saying that the blueprint for a building is a building.

For your edification, here's a tidbit of reality you evidently never learned:

Analogies are supposed to be predicated on analogs.

Well if you want to argue that 2 human cells are a person, feel free.
Argue that your multi cells are an arm or a leg...they disgust you...LOP them off.
To say that a human egg upon fertilization is a person is like saying that the blueprint for a building is a building.

Uh-huh...nevermind the building process that has been mapped by the Blueprint of DNA.

Idiots as you are clueless...and destroy to suit your whim...regardless.

So I guess one human sperm cell and one human egg cell are a person, simply waiting to be assembled.
only social "conservaties" want to control such things. they are nothign short of fascists, wanting to bend the world under their views or else
I have YET to see a compelling argument that defends on a logical, scientific and factual level the contention that a pre-born baby (zygote, embryo, whatever), after conception, is "not" a human life.

This needs a thread. I would give you the opportunity to define what "human Life" is determined by physically and mentally.

It may benefit from a thread. I'm not at all convinced that I can give THE definition. And I have not made that claim. Ever.

I have a view point on the topic and if it hasn't become obvious over time, I don't mind acknowledging something up front. My conclusions are entirely mine. I have never claimed that -- on the abortion topic -- I am in possession of "sole" truth or ANY truth. I am quite unsure of how to determine the truth value of some of the most basic premises.

My philosophy stems from the observation that WE, as a whole, simply don't know and, for the most part, we cannot know. However, that fact comes with consequences. Where, as here, we don't know, we probably have an obligation to default on the side of life.

Why wouldn't that be the proper default conclusion?
No matter which definition of life anyone chooses to use a human being meets the definition through asll stages of developement.

life (biology) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

science defines an embryo as a distinct and individual life, only in the law is this life not considered a "person", as if it could be anythiung else.
To say that a human egg upon fertilization is a person is like saying that the blueprint for a building is a building.

Uh-huh...nevermind the building process that has been mapped by the Blueprint of DNA.

Idiots as you are clueless...and destroy to suit your whim...regardless.

So I guess one human sperm cell and one human egg cell are a person, simply waiting to be assembled.

BOTH CELLS are Live are what makes YOU what you are.

I suggest I don't like how your nose agree with me and Lop it off...have it manipulated despite the Blueprint contained from that sperm and egg...

Just do us a favour and get RID of it.
Conservative meaning of Pro-Choice is LIBERTY and the choice of the Individual at their whim as their needs dictate.

That's actually why true liberals are also pro-choice.

But thanks for your 'contributions.'


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