Warning TSA = DEA


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA

Posted by Becky Akers on January 7, 2011 12:12 PM

The damnable “duties” of the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) perverts frequently overlap those of the DEA’s thugs. The former with their warrantless searches haven’t discovered any terrorists, but they often find drugs that compete with Big Pharma’s for our dollars and which Our Rulers therefore prohibit. Even “paraphernalia” for these disfavored substances earn the victim a fine from the real cops that the TSA’s fake ones summon.

This isn’t anything new. The TSA has always “detained” folks for possession. But dealers apparently move their wares via other transport, because the agency’s usual victim is someone suffering from MS who’s carrying small amounts of medicinal marijuana. These unfortunates suppose they’re in the clear because their state’s dictators may allow certain exemptions to their stupid, heartless laws (little do the serfs know that the TSA’s federal regs trump local ones), and their doctor wrote them the sort of note your mother used to excusing you from school.

The latest such patient and passenger is Montel Williams, a “former talk show host … [who] was cited at Mitchell International Airport on Tuesday for possession of … a pipe commonly used for marijuana.”

Who knew it was illegal to take illicit drugs on an airplane?


Firstly, the federal government has no authority to criminalize any substance.

Secondly, TSA's alleged mission is to "protect the nation's transportation systems so you and your family can travel safely". Nothing there about seizing the travelers' marihuana stash.

Thirdly if an individual is flying within or from a state where it is decriminalized he may not know that he is "breaking" the law.

:lol: Whether or not you agree with the law...it is the law. Interstate and intrastate transport of illicit drugs is illegal.

I don't believe the TSA is arresting anyone...they don't have that power. They can tip off the cops, though.
wait youre stupid enough to do drugs let alone carry them on a plane and you are prevented from doing so and that makes the govt a "thug"?

look i am all for decriminalization and people being able to do drugs smoke snort to your hearts content

but what youve typed above is the most self serving bullshit that you could have ever typed and is no different than bitching about not being able to walk out of the store with stuff that isnt yours or piss on the street since you cant find a bathroom
So you believe that people have a right to use whatever drugs they feel like using. OK, you've got the right to believe that.
His argument, correctly, is that the Federal government doesn't have the Constitutional Authority to ban or take any position on drugs. Ironically the only thing they do have Constitutional authority to do is prevent States from putting up tariffs or taking other steps to prevent inter state transport of drugs. The true meaning of the commerce clause which was written to allow the Federal government so facilitate more commerce. It is not a basis as the Federal government has done to either restrict trade or seize power from the states or ban anything.

I find your point interesting though. You think that anything the Federal government doesn't outlaw is somehow endorsing it? You seriously want to live in a country like that?
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So you believe that people have a right to use whatever drugs they feel like using. OK, you've got the right to believe that.
His argument, correctly, is that the Federal government doesn't have the Constitutional Authority to ban or take any position on drugs. Ironically the only thing they do have Constitutional authority to do is prevent States from putting up tariffs or taking other steps to prevent inter state transport of drugs. The true meaning of the commerce clause which was written to allow the Federal government so facilitate more commerce. It is not a basis as the Federal government has done to either restrict trade or seize power from the states or ban anything.

I find your point interesting though. You think that anything the Federal government doesn't outlaw is somehow endorsing it? You seriously want to live in a country like that?

No, I did not say that or even hint at it.

However, I do believe that the vast majority of drug laws are a good thing and are there for the protection of the people. Sorry if you think otherwise. Not my problem. It becomes my problem when some asshole sells drugs to one of my grandchildren.
wait youre stupid enough to do drugs let alone carry them on a plane and you are prevented from doing so and that makes the govt a "thug"?

crim·i·nal (krm-nl)
1. Of, involving, or having the nature of crime: criminal abuse.
2. Relating to the administration of penal law.
a. Guilty of crime.
b. Characteristic of a criminal.


Posted by Becky Akers on January 7, 2011 12:12 PM

The damnable “duties” of the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) perverts frequently overlap those of the DEA’s thugs. The former with their warrantless searches haven’t discovered any terrorists, but they often find drugs that compete with Big Pharma’s for our dollars and which Our Rulers therefore prohibit. Even “paraphernalia” for these disfavored substances earn the victim a fine from the real cops that the TSA’s fake ones summon.

This isn’t anything new. The TSA has always “detained” folks for possession. But dealers apparently move their wares via other transport, because the agency’s usual victim is someone suffering from MS who’s carrying small amounts of medicinal marijuana. These unfortunates suppose they’re in the clear because their state’s dictators may allow certain exemptions to their stupid, heartless laws (little do the serfs know that the TSA’s federal regs trump local ones), and their doctor wrote them the sort of note your mother used to excusing you from school.

The latest such patient and passenger is Montel Williams, a “former talk show host … [who] was cited at Mitchell International Airport on Tuesday for possession of … a pipe commonly used for marijuana.”


I am all for legalizing the Mary Jane. However, if you try to sneak drugs or drug "paraphernalia" through an airport, you are a fucking moron.

Equating the TSA to the DEA for detaining people carrying drugs makes about as much sense as equating your local sheriff to the DEA when he makes a drug bust.
Who knew it was illegal to take illicit drugs on an airplane?


Firstly, the federal government has no authority to criminalize any substance.

Secondly, TSA's alleged mission is to "protect the nation's transportation systems so you and your family can travel safely". Nothing there about seizing the travelers' marihuana stash.

Thirdly if an individual is flying within or from a state where it is decriminalized he may not know that he is "breaking" the law.

:lol: Whether or not you agree with the law...it is the law. Interstate and intrastate transport of illicit drugs is illegal.

I don't believe the TSA is arresting anyone...they don't have that power. They can tip off the cops, though.

Actually, the charge was "Having Drug Paraphernalia At Mitchell International Airport". So not only are the fuckers USURPING the authority to control drugs they are also controlling devices.


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