Troops Want to Stay In Iraq is definitely not surrender.

and I call you on it when you misconstrue and improperly define words. Speak with precision as I do and we wouldn't have as many problems.

It is not surrender if you want the terrorists to win

As far as speaking clearly, Sen Durbin did very well

"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beings".
It is not surrender if you want the terrorists to win

As far as speaking clearly, Sen Durbin did very well

"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beings".

I do not want the terrorists to win. Why must you spew crap like that? If all you care to do is insult me, I really have no desire to continue.

Durbin believed that the way we were treating prisoners is not the way that America should treat prisoners. I happen to agree. I think that some of the methods we use are indeed more similar to those employed by totalitarian regimes in the past than I would prefer them to be.
I do not want the terrorists to win. Why must you spew crap like that? If all you care to do is insult me, I really have no desire to continue.

Durbin believed that the way we were treating prisoners is not the way that America should treat prisoners. I happen to agree. I think that some of the methods we use are indeed more similar to those employed by totalitarian regimes in the past than I would prefer them to be.

If you support tying the hands of the US military to kill the enemy - you must want the terrorists to win

As far as Sen Turbin - there is nothing new in smearing the troops, libs have done that for the last 30 years

Much like John Kerry - “You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”
If you support tying the hands of the US military to kill the enemy - you must want the terrorists to win

As far as Sen Turbin - there is nothing new in smearing the troops, libs have done that for the last 30 years

Much like John Kerry - “You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

I don't support tying the military's hands. I support putting the onus on Iraq to solve their own problems. We should not put our troops in the middle of a civil war between sunnis and shiites where BOTH sides think we are the enemy as well.

And again...I have never smeared the troops.... and Kerry is not a very adept comedian....and a terrible ad libber.
I don't support tying the military's hands. I support putting the onus on Iraq to solve their own problems. We should not put our troops in the middle of a civil war between sunnis and shiites where BOTH sides think we are the enemy as well.

And again...I have never smeared the troops.... and Kerry is not a very adept comedian....and a terrible ad libber.

Civil war? the people of Iraq do not think thier is a civil war going on. Only the liberal media and the Defeatocrats

Kerry is just terrible - and a traitor

You are the biggest liberal ass kisser and an embarrassment to the armed forces of the US
Civil war? the people of Iraq do not think thier is a civil war going on. Only the liberal media and the Defeatocrats

Kerry is just terrible - and a traitor

You are the biggest liberal ass kisser and an embarrassment to the armed forces of the US

if all you want to do is insult me, I won't play that game either.

calling me an embarrassment to the armed forces is really not anything you are qualified to judge. My record stands for itself and I never had one superior officer ever offer anything other than high praise for my performance. Nobody I ever knew in uniform found me an embarrassment. I wonder how or why you would think you are qualified to make such a slanderous statement?
if all you want to do is insult me, I won't play that game either.

calling me an embarrassment to the armed forces is really not anything you are qualified to judge. My record stands for itself and I never had one superior officer ever offer anything other than high praise for my performance. Nobody I ever knew in uniform found me an embarrassment. I wonder how or why you would think you are qualified to make such a slanderous statement?

Because you blindly support those who are underming the war effort, Pres Bush, and the troops all for political reasons

For a man (and I use that term loosly) who bellows he loves the US military how can you support the Dems who on a dialy basis show they have no desire to win the war or support the troops?

Much like this fuck...........

I don't agree with that. But I think what we need to do is recognize what we all agree on, which is, you've got to begin to set benchmarks for accomplishment; you've got to begin to transfer authority to the Iraqis, and there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the -- of -- of -- of -- historical customs, religious customs, whether you like it or not. - John Kerry
Because you blindly support those who are underming the war effort, Pres Bush, and the troops all for political reasons

For a man (and I use that term loosly) who bellows he loves the US military how can you support the Dems who on a dialy basis show they have no desire to win the war or support the troops?

Much like this fuck...........

I don't agree with that. But I think what we need to do is recognize what we all agree on, which is, you've got to begin to set benchmarks for accomplishment; you've got to begin to transfer authority to the Iraqis, and there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the -- of -- of -- of -- historical customs, religious customs, whether you like it or not. - John Kerry

1. I don't "blindly support" anyone.

2. I disagree with your characterization of democrats as not supporting the troops. I think they do. and I told you and I am really running out of patience not continue to insult me.

3. if a band of armed men who spoke a foreign language and did not understand mine broke into MY home in the dead of night, I am absolutely certain that my wife and children would be terrorized. Wouldn't you?
1. I don't "blindly support" anyone.

2. I disagree with your characterization of democrats as not supporting the troops. I think they do. and I told you and I am really running out of patience not continue to insult me.

3. if a band of armed men who spoke a foreign language and did not understand mine broke into MY home in the dead of night, I am absolutely certain that my wife and children would be terrorized. Wouldn't you?

Form your posts - you kiss the asses of Dems while hating every breath Pres Bush takes

Libs continue to show their lack of support for the troops and you continue to support them. What does that tell about you?

Keep defedning the slimball Kerry and his smearing of the troops. Again your "patriotism" is showing through loud and clear
if a band of armed men who spoke a foreign language and did not understand mine broke into MY home in the dead of night, I am absolutely certain that my wife and children would be terrorized. Wouldn't you?

yes or no?
if a band of armed men who spoke a foreign language and did not understand mine broke into MY home in the dead of night, I am absolutely certain that my wife and children would be terrorized. Wouldn't you?

yes or no?

Not if they got rid of Saddam

Of cousre that is NOT what Kerry was saying - he has a long history of insulting the US military

That is Kerry being the real Kerry
Not if they got rid of Saddam

Of cousre that is NOT what Kerry was saying - he has a long history of insulting the US military

That is Kerry being the real Kerry

so you are saying that if you were awakened in the dead of night by an armed band of men speaking a foreign language, you would not be afraid?

Kerry said what he said....he said that women and children were terrorized by being awakened in the dead of night by armed men speaking a foreign language.

If you say you would not be afraid at such an intrusion, I do not believe you.

And these people were not the friends of America...these were the homes of suspected insurgents.... do you honestly think that they were all pro-America because we got rid of Saddam?
so you are saying that if you were awakened in the dead of night by an armed band of men speaking a foreign language, you would not be afraid?

Kerry said what he said....he said that women and children were terrorized by being awakened in the dead of night by armed men speaking a foreign language.

If you say you would not be afraid at such an intrusion, I do not believe you.

And these people were not the friends of America...these were the homes of suspected insurgents.... do you honestly think that they were all pro-America because we got rid of Saddam?

Kerry was calling the troops terrorists - much like he called them murders and uneducated.

Once again the polls of the Iraq people disagree with you. They want the US to finsish the job, they do not think their is a civil war, and they are happy to see the terrorists losing the battle

Of cousre, they also see how the libs are fucking things up and they are afriad of what will happen if the libs get their way
Kerry was calling the troops terrorists - much like he called them murders and uneducated.

Once again the polls of the Iraq people disagree with you. They want the US to finsish the job, they do not think their is a civil war, and they are happy to see the terrorists losing the battle

Of cousre, they also see how the libs are fucking things up and they are afriad of what will happen if the libs get their way

no...he was NOT calling the troops terrorists... your failings with language are noteworthy.
no...he was NOT calling the troops terrorists... your failings with language are noteworthy.

Lets see, he says US troops BREAK into homes and TERRORIZE women and children

Yes, he WAS calling them TERRORISTS

Reminds me of another great Kery moment, "I actually voted for the $87 billion - before I voted against it"
Lets see, he says US troops BREAK into homes and TERRORIZE women and children

Yes, he WAS calling them TERRORISTS

Reminds me of another great Kery moment, "I actually voted for the $87 billion - before I voted against it"

no... he said they terrorized women and children. the word "terrorize" has a different and distinct meaning from "terrorist" Bullies terrorize a school yard... that does not make them terrorists. Curt Schilling terrorized left handed batters with his high inside fastball...that does not make him a terrorist. Like i said, your lack of comprehension of the nuance of language is pretty appalling.
Lets see, he says US troops BREAK into homes and TERRORIZE women and children

Yes, he WAS calling them TERRORISTS

Reminds me of another great Kery moment, "I actually voted for the $87 billion - before I voted against it"

and you are aware that his quote about the $87B had to do with two different forms of the legislation - one where the money was a grant and the other where it was a loan?
no... he said they terrorized women and children. the word "terrorize" has a different and distinct meaning from "terrorist" Bullies terrorize a school yard... that does not make them terrorists. Curt Schilling terrorized left handed batters with his high inside fastball...that does not make him a terrorist. Like i said, your lack of comprehension of the nuance of language is pretty appalling.

Only in your world will you bellow how you support the troops while bowing before the very people who smear them every chance they get

There were some troops who had a great response to Mr Kerry


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Only in your world will you bellow how you support the troops while bowing before the very people who smear them every chance they get

There were some troops who had a great response to Mr Kerry

are you saying that terrorize and terrorist mean the same thing?

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