Trinity College Takes No Action On Professor Calling for Negligent Murder of Whites


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This guy is a complete Nazi-lite Identity Politics loon, but still he remains on the faculty of Trinity College.


That PoS institution was taken over by Marxists a long time ago and needs to die a slow lingering death.

After prof calls white people "inhuman a**holes," college offers STUNNING statement

“Two days prior, Williams had shared a Medium article titled “Let Them F**king Die” in which the anonymous author suggests that “bigots,” such as those numbered among the victims of the congressional shooting, should be left for dead.

“What does it mean, in general, when victims of bigotry save the lives of bigots?” the author begins by asking, later saying that his black peers “imagine…that by becoming a shining example of this ‘righteous’ behavior, we might, somehow, guide these cannibals into becoming upright beings capable of following the very rules they enforce upon us.”
The author goes on to offer a litany of life-ending situations the aforementioned “bigots” could find themselves in, advising his readers to “do nothing” in the way of helping.

“If you see them drowning. If you see them in a burning building. If they are bleeding out in an emergency room. If the ground is crumbling beneath them. If they are in a park and they turn their weapons on each other: do nothing,” the article instructs readers.

“Least of all put your life on the line for theirs, and do not dare think doing so, putting your life on the line for theirs, gives you reason to feel celestial. Save the life of those that would kill you is the opposite of virtuous. Let. Them. Fucking. Die. And smile a bit when you do,” the author concludes, in a post that was later shared by Williams.”

In response Trinity College had nothing to say on the matter.

Trinity College offered no statement regarding the professor’s action. Instead, the Hartford institution reiterated its right on Facebook to “remove comments that are deemed inappropriate, profane, defamatory, or disrespectful to users of the page and/or members of the greater Trinity College community.”
But apparently that does not include hatred toward white people.
white people.jpg
Oh well. If the school powers that be start seeing a drop in how many kids want anything more to do with the place, they will have no one to blame but themselves.

God bless you and the kids always!!!

Oh well. If the school powers that be start seeing a drop in how many kids want anything more to do with the place, they will have no one to blame but themselves.

God bless you and the kids always!!!

Most universities are not really about liberal education any more.

Our universities are not much more than farm systems for the NBA and NFL.

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