TRICKY TRICKY! Look what President Obama is sticking in his 3.7Billion request! (pret


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
they should start calling him, tricky DICKey


I was reading about President Obama’s request for 3.7Billion to address some of the problems at the border and noted this:

“….As part of the emergency spending request, about $625 million would go to fight wildfires in Western states. CLICK HERE

Why put wildfires in this? What does this have to do with immigration? So that no Republican Senator or Member of the House can complain about the 3.7Billion and vote against it. If he or she does, you can be sure the political ad come November will be “….voted AGAINST funds to help fight wildfires here at home…”

These should be two separate bills ..wildfires…and immigration…and then vote on each.

ALL of it here:
TRICKY TRICKY! Look what President Obama is sticking in his 3.7Billion request! (pretty shrewd!) | Gretawire
The corruption inherent to the system of business in DC is so out of control that it's hard to believe there has not been a new Revolution by now. This corruption magnifies with each increase in control the government takes from The People, leading me to believe that progressives and leftists truly are mentally ill to support more government power.

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