Trial of federal agent Astarita who lied and hid evidence of Finicum shooting


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Opening arguments were made today.
Supposedly, 6 shots were fired at the ambush. Initially, the press and the LEO involved (including federal agents and state troopers) lied and said that nobody shot at the vehicles upon approach of the illegal ambushes.

However that was exposed as blatant from inside the vehicles and subsequent revelations from the feds and other law enforcement (notably, the sheriff of a neighboring county) established that in fact the vehicles were fired upon approach at both of the ambush sites.

At the site of the 2nd (and fatal) ambush, it was asserted by those involved that there were only a total of 6 shots fired. They changed this number based on the fact that everybody could see the hillsides crawling with snipers who were firing. But only 2 casings were retrieved. The prosecutors maintain that Astarita and his goons picked up the remaining six..and then lied about shooting at the vehicle as it approached.

Astarita is now on trial.

The Bundys have been completely vindicated in both standoffs with federal agents as it has been revealed over, and over, and over again that the feds behaved aggressively and in a way that would make any reasonable person not only fear for their lives, but feel justified in arming themselves against attack.

Astarita Trial – BOMBSHELL Opening Statements - Redoubt News

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