Trey Gowdy to Trump: ‘When you are innocent … act like it’


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
I guess Gowdy is an undercover leftist too.

Gowdy to Trump: ‘When you are innocent … act like it’

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) urged President Donald Trump and his lawyer on Sunday to stop flailing at special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation and to let the probe continue unimpeded.

"When you are innocent … act like it," Gowdy said on “Fox News Sunday“ when asked about Trump's repeated Twitter attacks on Mueller, whose probe has become increasingly perilous to the president and his inner circle. "If you’ve done nothing wrong, you should want the investigation to be as fulsome and thorough as possible."
Hey Trey...when he is innocent the government should act like it...this has been going on too damn long...wake up Mr. Swamper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hey Trey...when he is innocent the government should act like it...this has been going on too damn long...wake up Mr. Swamper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The amount of time spent on this investigation is not unprecedented at all. Trump and his sycophants are running scared. "Please, PLEASE SOMEBODY FIRE THAT MAN ALREADY!!!"
The amount of time spent on this investigation is not unprecedented at all. Trump and his sycophants are running scared. "Please, PLEASE SOMEBODY FIRE THAT MAN ALREADY!!!"
If anyone is scared it's the idiots in the FBI that tried to frame Trump with a made up's going to come crashing down around them now and it will lead right to Obama's door...
I guess Gowdy is an undercover leftist too.

Gowdy to Trump: ‘When you are innocent … act like it’

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) urged President Donald Trump and his lawyer on Sunday to stop flailing at special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation and to let the probe continue unimpeded.

"When you are innocent … act like it," Gowdy said on “Fox News Sunday“ when asked about Trump's repeated Twitter attacks on Mueller, whose probe has become increasingly perilous to the president and his inner circle. "If you’ve done nothing wrong, you should want the investigation to be as fulsome and thorough as possible."

There goes his chance to be a SCOTUS Justice
I guess Gowdy is an undercover leftist too.

Gowdy to Trump: ‘When you are innocent … act like it’

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) urged President Donald Trump and his lawyer on Sunday to stop flailing at special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation and to let the probe continue unimpeded.

"When you are innocent … act like it," Gowdy said on “Fox News Sunday“ when asked about Trump's repeated Twitter attacks on Mueller, whose probe has become increasingly perilous to the president and his inner circle. "If you’ve done nothing wrong, you should want the investigation to be as fulsome and thorough as possible."

None of these elites are innocent of everything, that is basically the point.

If you dig long enough, YOU WILL uncover something.

But the point here is, Mueller knows now he isn't guilty of collusion with the Russians.

Now he is just digging till he finds something. And, as I heard one of these die hard wing nut radio talk show hosts basically admit the other day, they will probably find something. It was kind of funny actually.

How would the Democrats have reacted if on the day Barack was elected, and investigation was opened into his background until they found something they could impeach him on?

And if Mueller finds something based on this line of investigation, does anyone seriously think the mood of the nation will be to have the Senate convict? How safe do you think those Senators would be in their seats after that?
I guess Gowdy is an undercover leftist too.

Gowdy to Trump: ‘When you are innocent … act like it’

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) urged President Donald Trump and his lawyer on Sunday to stop flailing at special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation and to let the probe continue unimpeded.

"When you are innocent … act like it," Gowdy said on “Fox News Sunday“ when asked about Trump's repeated Twitter attacks on Mueller, whose probe has become increasingly perilous to the president and his inner circle. "If you’ve done nothing wrong, you should want the investigation to be as fulsome and thorough as possible."

Gowdy has seen the intel....he knows he's not innocent. That's why he's leaving Congress.
I guess Gowdy is an undercover leftist too.

Gowdy to Trump: ‘When you are innocent … act like it’

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) urged President Donald Trump and his lawyer on Sunday to stop flailing at special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation and to let the probe continue unimpeded.

"When you are innocent … act like it," Gowdy said on “Fox News Sunday“ when asked about Trump's repeated Twitter attacks on Mueller, whose probe has become increasingly perilous to the president and his inner circle. "If you’ve done nothing wrong, you should want the investigation to be as fulsome and thorough as possible."

There goes his chance to be a SCOTUS Justice
LOLOL so true
I guess Gowdy is an undercover leftist too.

Gowdy to Trump: ‘When you are innocent … act like it’

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) urged President Donald Trump and his lawyer on Sunday to stop flailing at special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation and to let the probe continue unimpeded.

"When you are innocent … act like it," Gowdy said on “Fox News Sunday“ when asked about Trump's repeated Twitter attacks on Mueller, whose probe has become increasingly perilous to the president and his inner circle. "If you’ve done nothing wrong, you should want the investigation to be as fulsome and thorough as possible."

There goes his chance to be a SCOTUS Justice

He was already on the outs for not helping the GOP protect Trump's fragile ego..Gowdy breaks from GOP committee, says Russia worked to undermine Clinton
I guess Gowdy is an undercover leftist too.

Gowdy to Trump: ‘When you are innocent … act like it’

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) urged President Donald Trump and his lawyer on Sunday to stop flailing at special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation and to let the probe continue unimpeded.

"When you are innocent … act like it," Gowdy said on “Fox News Sunday“ when asked about Trump's repeated Twitter attacks on Mueller, whose probe has become increasingly perilous to the president and his inner circle. "If you’ve done nothing wrong, you should want the investigation to be as fulsome and thorough as possible."
He also said that McCabe & THE LEFT should stop whining about his firing. He pointed out that the left are disingenuously blaming Trump for his firing when it was his own colleages at the FBI that recommended he be fired.

Goudy being a former prosecutor will of course defend the process his whole life is built upon.
Hey Trey...when he is innocent the government should act like it...this has been going on too damn long...wake up Mr. Swamper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The amount of time spent on this investigation is not unprecedented at all. Trump and his sycophants are running scared. "Please, PLEASE SOMEBODY FIRE THAT MAN ALREADY!!!"

fire that man...boggles the mind that someone with a third grade mentality, posts as much as Confounding.
Maybe the left's fantasy of reversing the election is still out there but don't lefties see that Soros's tax exempt Media Matters "we monitor (only) conservative speech" feeds them with false hope every freaking day with selected quotes? Face it lefties, Trump is going to be around for the next three years and probably four years more.
Maybe the left's fantasy of reversing the election is still out there but don't lefties see that Soros's tax exempt Media Matters "we monitor (only) conservative speech" feeds them with false hope every freaking day with selected quotes? Face it lefties, Trump is going to be around for the next three years and probably four years more.
Who cares about Soros and who goes to Media Matters???? Most Democrats have no idea who soros is or who media matters is.....
You know Trump is innocent when the Fake News went hard onto the piss story made up by some comedians. Now they act like they didn't go hard for that piss story dossier. They're full of shit. And not to mention how this hoax has been dragging on for nearly 2 years.
You know Trump is innocent when the Fake News went hard onto the piss story made up by some comedians. Now they act like they didn't go hard for that piss story dossier. They're full of shit. And not to mention how this hoax has been dragging on for nearly 2 years.
quote) that story and a thousand others coming from both sides, truth be dammed, winning is all that counts.

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