Debate Now Transgenderism is Just A Figment Of The Imagination

You are not in your non-biology biology class ran by your leftist/activist professor.
You can't even tell me what a woman is.
What I have noticed over the years here, no matter the discussion, is that more a person invokes "science" in an appeal to authority, the less grounding they actually have in it.

Most of these idiots have never taken an upper-level science course in their lifetime.
What's "self evident" is that you have bupkis.
No, that is how you justify your opinion.
You are exercising one of man's basic fallacies... to constantly seek out ways to justify their bad behavior as well as to support a failed belief system.
Religions can't exist without that.
And you are most certainly a member of a religion.
What I have noticed over the years here, no matter the discussion, is that more a person invokes "science" in an appeal to authority, the less grounding they actually have in it.

Most of these idiots have never taken an upper-level science course in their lifetime.
Don't hesitate to list iam's sources...

Iam won't.
No, that is how you justify your opinion.
You are exercising one of man's basic fallacies... to constantly seek out ways to justify their bad behavior as well as to support a failed belief system.
Religions can't exist without that.
And you are most certainly a member of a religion.
What "religion" is that?
What I have noticed over the years here, no matter the discussion, is that more a person invokes "science" in an appeal to authority, the less grounding they actually have in it.

Most of these idiots have never taken an upper-level science course in their lifetime.
And, sadly due to the state of our higher education system, never will.
They are the new religion. Replacing science, facts with a belief system.
And, once again, you so succinctly make my point.
Well... I have had my coffee and mornings entertainment... thanks for that.
Although it is a bit sad, as you are a very good example of why the American higher education system is so thoroughly fucked.
What are your qualifications?
So here's how this transgenders in Female sports will play out ultimately........

Out of necessity and to appease BOTH sides, a "Transgender Athletes" category will be created so that transgenders only compete against other transgenders.

However, in an ironic twist, transgender athletes will decry this as sexist, biased and (omg) "unfair!"
No one will care who wins or competes in these transgender events and this will be the way transgenders competing against biological females will be put to rest finally.
In his intellectually arrested world, "qualifications" = a piece of paper from one institution or another....A variation on the appeal to authority fallacy.
We now live in a world where that old Emperor is riding around naked as a jaybird.

Pointing out that he is naked not only takes normal intelligence (while we are clearly above that), but also a mind capable of observation.

These fundamentalists all believe what their masters tell them, not what they see.

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