Transgender Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Spanish Minister of Equality says the quite part out loud.

Spanish Minister of Equality argues that children have the right to sex with whomever they want regardless of age.

Minister of EQUALITY.
The purpose of morality is to prevent humans from reverting back to being amoral animals.
Morality's purpose is to sustain a functional, happy, prosperous society.
Morality makes it possible for people to live with each other peacefully.
The Left sees morality as hate and oppression.
The Left is regressive.
The purpose of morality is to prevent humans from reverting back to being amoral animals.
Morality's purpose is to sustain a functional, happy, prosperous society.
Morality makes it possible for people to live with each other peacefully.
The Left sees morality as hate and oppression.
The Left is regressive.
If you know the Bible you know what’s going on.
Mainstreaming and accepting fags was the start.

Our society is always pushing for more and more. Once we let fags be accepted and get married and shoved them into mainstream acceptance then being a fag wasn't enough, then trannies followed and trannies skyrocketed very quickly. But much like fags, once they stopped being the cool and trendy thing then the trannies had to one up them, but now that trannies are becoming mainstream society will need to one up them, so the next logical perversity will be kids being fags and trannies, then after that it will be sex with kids.

Once you let a perversity become normal all that means is you're allowing the next perversity to step up to the plate.

If you know the Bible you know what’s going on.

Yeah, we're going slowly back to being Sodom and Gomorrah.
Pure evil has swallowed our world, that much is evident. Such evil will continue to reign until valiant men and women get off their asses and kill it. It is that simple.

Sure big boy, when are you going to get around to doing that?

I think the more obvious examples of grooming and certainly the ones with the most verifiable instances of grooming are the Catholic Church, which taught young boys and girls to kneel in front of robed old men, hold their hand out and their mouths open to accept the body of Christ. The Mormon Church, who taught young women it was pious for you to share your husband with sister wives, some of whom might be your actual sister. And the Evangelical Christian Church that teaches all its young women that they are subservient to their husbands. Anyone detecting a pattern here? If that ain't grooming I don't know what is.
The purpose of morality is to prevent humans from reverting back to being amoral animals.
Morality's purpose is to sustain a functional, happy, prosperous society.
Morality makes it possible for people to live with each other peacefully.
The Left sees morality as hate and oppression.
The Left is regressive.
I see morality as subjective but I also recognize violence and the mistreatment of women declining along with religious fundamentalism.

Sure big boy, when are you going to get around to doing that?

I think the more obvious examples of grooming and certainly the ones with the most verifiable instances of grooming are the Catholic Church, which taught young boys and girls to kneel in front of robed old men, hold their hand out and their mouths open to accept the body of Christ. The Mormon Church, who taught young women it was pious for you to share your husband with sister wives, some of whom might be your actual sister. And the Evangelical Christian Church that teaches all its young women that they are subservient to their husbands. Anyone detecting a pattern here? If that ain't grooming I don't know what is.


Do you agree with that Spanish Minister or not?

Do you agree with that Spanish Minister or not?
1. I don't read Right Wing news and if I happen to by accident I certainly don't take anything reported on Right Wing news sights as credible until verified by a reputable news source. That goes double for HotAir.

2. That said let's pretend for a second that it is exactly as reported and this guy said children should be able to have sex with whomever they want. Do I support that? Of course not.

3. You also dodged. Are you going to deny that the largest instances of grooming in this country have come from religious institutions?
1. I don't read Right Wing news and if I happen to by accident I certainly don't take anything reported on Right Wing news sights as credible until verified by a reputable news source. That goes double for HotAir.

2. That said let's pretend for a second that it is exactly as reported and this guy said children should be able to have sex with whomever they want. Do I support that? Of course not.

3. You also dodged. Are you going to deny that the largest instances of grooming in this country have come from religious institutions?

I'm talking about the OP, your doing whataboutism.
I'm talking about the OP, your doing whataboutism.
Not at all. In fact I said all groomers where pieces of shit. Being transgender has nothing to do with sleeping with children and anyone suggesting so is derailing the topic. Go cry about them. I'm actually discussing real groomers you sick sonofabitch. Why don't you care about actual victims of sex assault?
Not at all. In fact I said all groomers where pieces of shit. Being transgender has nothing to do with sleeping with children and anyone suggesting so is derailing the topic. Go cry about them. I'm actually discussing real groomers you sick sonofabitch. Ego don't you care about actual victims or sex assault?

It's all the same movement.
John Money, the founding father of Democrats' queer ideology, participated in debates on pedophilia. He asserted that "affectional pedophilia" was about love and not sex.

'In the case of a boy aged ten or eleven then I would not call it pathological in any way,' said Money.

Money held the view that "affectional pedophilia" is not a behavioral disorder. Rather, he took the position that heterosexuality is an example of a societal and therefore superficial, ideological concept

Money, a "sexologist," first used the term “gender” as a human characteristic. Money introduced the terms gender identity, gender role and sexual orientation.

Money established the first clinic in the United States to perform sexual reassignment surgeries on both infants and adults.
It's not and while you assclowns are worried about people just trying to live their best lives you ignore acts of child sex abuse in your own sacred institutions. You all are sick as fuck. But the world sees you.

Those are being punished.

ironically if it wasn't for the religious aspect some in the LGBT+ community would be OK with it. It's basically NAMBLA with Roman collars. Pederasty, not pedophilia.

Look up Harry Hay to educate yourself.
Pure evil has swallowed our world, that much is evident. Such evil will continue to reign until valiant men and women get off their asses and kill it. It is that simple.
Well.....that leaves out the conservative Right then......
So it's up to Progressives to fix themselves.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

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