Total Fabrication...Noose's...Really? Give me a Break!


May 23, 2014
With security camera's and other post 9-11 measures they did not capture this on film? Bullshit. If they did it would have shown the Black guy who works at the place trying to stir sentiment for this turd on the Washington DC Mall because it is probably running deep in the red ink. I don't believe any of it. Typical CNN fake news.
Another noose found near DC museum, police say -
CNN reports like a college newspaper. "Noose found near administration building." Probably because the people working there, especially journalism grads, have no life experience and can only reflect on their days working for college newspaper. On campus reporting like this would make a name for you. In real big people adult world no one gives a shit about the LGBTABCDEFG " community" or the Black "community" or the "evil White suburban privileged oppressor of all mankind community ." Grow up boys and about some real big people news?
Campus news editor: " There is going to be a protest today over __________, at the____________. Shamika you want to cover that?" CNN just transfers the amateurism over to a major network.
Who the hell cares.

Flag burning = Free Speech?
Beheading the President = Free Speech?
Black person could be offended = crime?
Who the hell cares.

Flag burning = Free Speech?
Beheading the President = Free Speech?
Black person could be offended = crime?
If someone had spray painted "slaveholder" on Jefferson memorial liberal media would glorify it and want to have a movement to tear it down. Just like removing statues of confederate generals in New Orleans.
We can't have Jefferson memorial on our campus!
Campus news editor: " There is going to be a protest today over __________, at the____________. Shamika you want to cover that?" CNN just transfers the amateurism over to a major network.
CNN is not the network that keeps conservatives dumber than a goldfish.
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
A.) nice also mentioned MSNBC.
B. ) Here is background on the turd that wrote it.
Michael B Kelley
Campus news editor: " There is going to be a protest today over __________, at the____________. Shamika you want to cover that?" CNN just transfers the amateurism over to a major network.
CNN is not the network that keeps conservatives dumber than a goldfish.
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
I listen to it in the car when I need a laugh. It is clearly pitched at low IQ people. But its so crudely put together it is hilarious. Every now and then a living God intones "Fair and balanced" and I have to pull over till I stop laughing.
Campus news editor: " There is going to be a protest today over __________, at the____________. Shamika you want to cover that?" CNN just transfers the amateurism over to a major network.
CNN is not the network that keeps conservatives dumber than a goldfish.
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
A.) nice also mentioned MSNBC.
B. ) Here is background on the turd that wrote it.
Michael B Kelley
So the man who wrote the story has a Masters Degree in journalism and was the front page editor for conservative Business Insider but in your world that makes him a "turd". WTF? Do you insult everybody who has more than a 9th grade education? 2 university studies found that FOX news viewers are seriously uninformed and the same goes for viewers of MSNBC......all 3 of them. See the difference?
Does Fox News Cause Ignorance, or Do Ignorant Viewers Prefer Fox News?
Campus news editor: " There is going to be a protest today over __________, at the____________. Shamika you want to cover that?" CNN just transfers the amateurism over to a major network.
CNN is not the network that keeps conservatives dumber than a goldfish.
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
A.) nice also mentioned MSNBC.
B. ) Here is background on the turd that wrote it.
Michael B Kelley
So the man who wrote the story has a Masters Degree in journalism and was the front page editor for conservative Business Insider but in your world that makes him a "turd". WTF? Do you insult everybody who has more than a 9th grade education? 2 university studies found that FOX news viewers are seriously uninformed and the same goes for viewers of MSNBC......all 3 of them. See the difference?
Does Fox News Cause Ignorance, or Do Ignorant Viewers Prefer Fox News?
That would tie in with this recent study. there have been others I believe.
Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and conservative politics can lead people to be racist | Daily Mail Online

We can see it here being played out on every thread. It explains Trump and Brexit.
Fox reports on everything. They report on the scandals of Obama that the others didn't. MSM still won't mention the Truth behind Benghazi.

No the MSM keeps quoting the same truth that was in 7 Republican lead investigations - no wrong doing, no cover up, no stand down orders, and no lies.

Only FOX kept up the hue and cry over the lies they spread and Republicans did all they could to try to prove them right, but sadly, the facts just did not support FOX.

Undeterred, idiots like you continue to believe the lies.

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