Torturer-in-chief: Bush

wake up and wipe off your stomach.

Stop spitting cumm on my stomach, ya ho. You are supposed to swallow.

I don't know what "cumm" is, you illiterate dipshit.

You don't? With all of my sperm guppies swimming in your mouth, you should have a good idea elboho. LOL!

You have been entertaining, but I have other dumb asses like you to go play with. see you tomorrow ho!:lol:
Stop spitting cumm on my stomach, ya ho. You are supposed to swallow.

I don't know what "cumm" is, you illiterate dipshit.

You don't? With all of my sperm guppies swimming in your mouth, you should have a good idea elboho. LOL!

You have been entertaining, but I have other dumb asses like you to go play with. see you tomorrow ho!:lol:

you may want to learn how to spell first.
I can't imagine a human being so stupid as Bush is. He tarnishes America, waves his fist againt humanity & ineternational laws like a fucking mobster, and acts like raping, torturing and murdering innocent chained & detained POWs is something to brag about. Your rightys turn my stomach, every fucking one of you that supported that serial killer.

In a memoir to be released next week, former US President George W. Bush boasts of having personally given the order to the CIA to employ the torture method of waterboarding.

The book, titled Decision Points, includes Bush’s recounting that when asked by the CIA whether it could subject Khalid Sheik Mohammed, an alleged leader in the September 11, 2001, terror plot, he gave the reply, “Damn right.” The former president added that he would do the same thing again to “save lives.”

The passage constitutes an even more explicit admission than Bush’s flip statement in a speech to an audience of businessmen in Grand Rapids, Michigan, last June. The ex-president then declared: “Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. I’d do it again to save lives.”

Torturer-in-chief: Bush brags about waterboarding

Oh get real -just about any liberal is MUCH more stupid than Bush. Your STUPID characterization of Bush's comments after he already had done the soul searching necessary to make them is just YOUR desire to continue demonizing a man who took his Constitutional duties a hell of a lot more seriously than YOU have proven you would do if President. Thank God that you weren't then because your own words prove that protecting the lives of Americans and this nation a President is first charged with under the Constitution it is a duty you would be unwilling to do! Its pretty easy then to sit back and constantly slam the person who stepped up to the plate -when YOU didn't and wouldn't. I'm always amazed at you history re-writing assholes -who seem to think if they distort, lie and re-write other people will never be able to find the truth out there. You have a softened brain and inability to comprehend anything that doesn't fit in neatly into your preconceived notion about how you think the world should be. ONLY in the diseased mind of a liberal has Bush "tarnished" this country. What a sick joke bubba. I know you liberals thought Bush wasted the "sympathy" of the world after 9/11 -that incredibly disappeared as soon as the US refused to lay down and wallow in victimhood, proving it was superficial and meaningless. Unless you think its normal to turn against the victim if he gets up and fights back of course! Being a liberal you probably do switch your sympathies to the criminal if his victim fights back!

The international definition of torture is any act that carries a substantial risk of loss of life, permanent maiming or loss of a limb. THAT'S IT. Perhaps you didn't know that the Geneva Conventions does NOT prevent harsh treatment and interrogation of those believed to hold vital information that could save lives OR shorten a war. Not at all -in fact getting that kind of information in order to save lives or shorten the war effort is considered MORE humane than NOT getting it! Under the Geneva Conventions, harsh treatment and harsh interrogations are to be reserved for individuals believed to have such information -while the rank and file soldier just doing his job should NOT receive that same harsh treatment. You liberals seem to think the Geneva Conventions were written in order to tie the hands of those engaged in war. NOT TRUE. It was intended to try and better protect the lives of civilians caught in the war while SPECIFICALLY allowing for lots of acts intended to bring about victory and therefore the end of conflict for one side or the other. The idea being that the shorter the war, the more HUMANE IT IS for all parties. It was NOT intended to make it more difficult for signatory nations to wage war than it is for nonsignatory nations -but the exact opposite!

The Conventions do NOT allow ANY nation that is not a signatory nation to claim its protections. Period. That is to encourage nations to sign it -not reward those who refuse yet demand its protections anyway. And it doesn't allow combatants from nonsignatory nations to claim its protections or combatants from signatory nations who enter the conflict on behalf of a nonsignatory party to claim its protections either. It also says hiding among civilians does NOT provide ANY protection to combatants -and instead has made a LEGITIMATE military target out of those civilians! Whether those combatants are from signatory nations or not. Same is true if they use schools, mosques, churches or hospitals from which to continue waging war or hide. There are no "safe areas" in war for combatants where the enemy is suddenly required to back off! Hiding among traditionally non-combatant institutions or populations ONLY makes a legitimate military target of them all and does not EVER extend the protections afforded to civilians to any combatants hiding among them The ONLY way for combatants to get out of the war is to be killed, so seriously wounded pulling the trigger is impossible - or surrender. Retreating doesn't make any difference at all because a retreating army is ALWAYS a legitimate military target too. I heard that dumb ass reporter ask Rumsfeld why our army continued to attack Saddam's when they were retreating -it left my jaw on the floor. Only in the world of a fucking moron liberal insist that if the other side retreats, we are obligated to back off and give them time to regroup and recoup! So that maybe the next time they'll have better luck and defeat us I guess. Who is more stupid than Bush? Just about any liberal on any given day of the week. Including you.

So back to waterboarding -an act the UK has been doing for decades and isn't something the US invented in case you didn't know that. I know liberals assume the US is the source of all they have claimed to be "evil" but waterboarding as a highly effective alternative to real torture has existed for decades now. The British helped train the few Americans who carried it out and first waterboarded THEM! And the UK has been doing it all this time because it really doesn't violate the Geneva Conventions even if it gets the panties of liberals in a bunch. Its why no nation is going to formally accuse the US of violating the Geneva Conventions -in case you were wondering why none have. The only nations that would love to see the US humiliated by being formally accused of torture - are guilty of using REAL torture themselves. Maybe you didn't know this either -but the Geneva Conventions says we can keep a captured combatant until the end of all hostilities with NO time limit because war is not EVER expected to be over on some kind of time schedule! According to the Geneva Conventions, returning combatants so they rejoin the war is considered to be an INHUMANE PRACTICE because it makes war last longer! Prisoner exchanges are DISCOURAGED under the Geneva Conventions for the same reason and warring parties urged to keep captured combatants until all hostilities are over -with NO need to charge any with any crime whatsoever and NO need to charge those who actually did commit crimes until after hostilities have ended. That means we can LEGALLY keep all captured Al Qaeda until all hostilities are over and wait until THEN to charge any of them with any criminal acts. No nation is required to charge captured combatants with a crime in order to continue keeping them! That is MADE UP LIBERAL STUPIDITY AND BULLSHIT!

You really should read the Conventions instead of assuming it is some liberal touchy-feely document -because it sure as hell is NOT. It is a document intended to encourage both sides to wage a viciously fast war in order to bring it to a victorious conclusion for one side or the other -while trying to provide greater protections to noncombatant civilians. No war is going to keep civilians from being caught in the crossfire but it is intended to help reduce their risk -not totally eliminate it because that can't be done. It is NOT a document intended to prevent war altogether. Which is why combatants hiding among civilians in the hopes their protection will protect them -are guilty of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. But NOT safe from attack. Gee, Islamic terrorists ROUTINELY hide among civilians for the specific purpose of trying to exploit THEIR civilian protections for themselves -and sometimes EVILLY do it for the specific purpose of trying to get their civilians killed for the PR tool it provides for their side. You know -so they can accuse their opponents of slaughtering innocent civilians that THEY deliberately put in harm's way. A useful tool because STUPID LIBERAL morons like you always fall for it and start screeching about "US war criminals" instead of PROPERLY condemning THEM for hiding among them and thereby making LEGITIMATE military targets out of those civilians! The idea being if you see there is no advantage by hiding among civilians because it results in their deaths -you'll stop doing it! There is no safe refuge for combatants by hiding among civilians which under the Conventions only makes a legitimate military target of those civilians. But of course our enemy demands it anyway and most times we give it -even knowing it only rewards them for what is a CRIME and only encourages them to KEEP ON DOING IT -because assholes like YOU condemn the wrong party here EVERY TIME! Even knowing these same criminals deliberately target OUR civilians for mass murder on the grounds that since we vote it makes us all legitimate military targets. So again -our enemy not only does not abide by any part of the GC -but still demands its protections for THEMSELVES that they refuse to extend to us. Because the STUPID ASS LIBERALS they play to would rather give a bunch of mass murdering butchers shouting religious crap in Arabic while slaughtering as many as they can or the mass murdering genocidal thug Saddam Hussein EVERY benefit of the doubt over our own President. But it is our President who deserved it -not these thugs. And the reason you did is because -tell the truth here because we all know this to be true -all because the man has the wrong initial of "R" instead of a "D" after his name. NO WAY would you say any of these things if the man just had a "D" after his name -and WE ALL KNOW IT.

Your misguided beliefs about how the US is supposed to wage an asymmetric war is nauseating. NO captured US soldier has even survived being captured. NOT ONE. But that bothers STUPID LIBERALS not at all. I know this because the demands from the left to our enemy to provide BASIC, MINIMAL treatment of those they capture is......nonexistent. Not even a suggestion that they first try to live up to OUR standards as they exist before you insist we raise ours to a level that doesn't exist for any nation on the planet or in history. So you whine, wail and screech about waterboarding THREE HIGH LEVEL AL QAEDA members all of whom provided accurate information that prevented and thwarted ongoing plots for further attacks for the purpose of slaughtering thousands more US civilians? And you wonder why others have such low opinions of liberals? LOL

Your claim that Bush was bragging about raping and murdering is a LIE. He did no such thing and it IMMEDIATELY means nothing else you say can be taken at face value because you have an agenda -and you PROVED that truth isn't part of it. Armies are a microcosm of the greater society they come from because that is where every soldier comes from -our own society. Do you know of ANY society in history that was crime-free? Even one? This is why there has never been a crime free war waged in history either -with criminals in the armies committing personal crimes whether it is rape, theft, looting or murder. Not one. Some nations have a policy of committing war crimes as part of the war strategy -we don't. We only have a few soldiers who commit personal criminal act. The ONLY telling mark about the nature of the nation that criminal soldier has come from is WHAT THEY DO ABOUT IT. Saddam Hussein would applaud and promote the filth in his army. We prosecute, imprison and execute them depending on their crimes. Probably has something to do with why any honest person admits they would rather surrender to the US military than the military of any other nation on earth. You know of one that does it better? There is none. It is also a FACT that the rate of criminal activity committed by OUR soldiers during this war has been THE lowest for ANY previous war in history. Not just for the wars we have been in -but the wars any nation has ever been in. We demand a level of behavior from our soldiers that is NOT demanded by other nations of their own. So FUCK YOU and your LYING ASS for claiming Bush was bragging about rape and murder when your LYING ASS knows he did no such thing. Those accused of wrong doing or committing crimes have been PROSECUTED and you have to be a STUPID LIBERAL to even suggest the former President of the US as Commander-in-Chief was bragging about the unsanctioned criminal activity of a few thugs who are NOT representative of the normal behavior of our military. Just because you claim all sorts of lying ass bullshit -does not make it true although I know liberals believe if they say something often enough, it will make it true. Like global warming and how a traitor is really a patriot and how Bush tarnished the US. Oh sure -like we will all pretend that anti-American sentiment in the world didn't sharply rise after the collapse of the USSR and everyone was holding hands and singing Kumbaya until Bush. MORON.

What he said is that given the same circumstances, he would order the waterboarding of KSM again. Only THREE PEOPLE WERE EVER WATERBOARDED -and he was one of them. Have you EVER bothered to find out how long these people were waterboarded or what was meant by "session"? Ever find out how those doing it were trained? Those trained to waterboard were forced to endure it themselves. So as the amoral liberal you are, obviously you only think it counts as "torture" only when it ISN"T being done to a US soldier! Nothing was done to these three men that our own soldiers had not been forced to endure themselves. Every time water was poured it was counted as a session. KSM agreed to spill the beans on a plot he knew the details about as one of the master planners after 11 "sessions" -in other words, he had water poured on his only 11 times and it was done all during the same waterboarding event. And he was the longest hold out -the other two agreed to talk after 6 or 7. Waterboarding is used because it WORKS and isn't necessary to inflict prolonged discomfort to get someone to talk. Liberals keep yammering about how "torture doesn't work because people will confess to anything" but these people weren't waterboarded for confessions -but for INFORMATION and that information was verified as true. It worked for ALL THREE.

Secondly, KSM held out the longest of the three men who were waterboarded. He lasted SIX MINUTES before agreeing to talk. During those six minutes he had water poured on him 11 times. SIX MINUTES of being made to feel like he was drowning but when his life was never in danger at all. And everyone involved agrees that the information they got from him saved the lives of hundreds and possibly thousands because it thwarted MORE THAN ONE plot already underway.

So I have a couple of questions for you and let's see if you can answer them honestly. First -do you love anyone on this planet? Actually care about the life of anyone else besides your own stupid ass? Is the VALUE of that one life worth six minutes of the TEMPORARY DISCOMFORT of someone else? Or do you REALLY believe the US is obligated to let our enemy slaughter your loved one rather than make the guy with the information that can prevent the murder of your loved UNCOMFORTABLE for all of six minutes? The life of any of my loved ones is absolutely worth six minutes of a terrorist's TEMPORARY DISCOMFORT for the information that will save that life. At the end of it BOTH still have their lives. YOUR way only one does. If the life of YOUR loved one is worth those six minutes -then where do you get off saying the lives of everyone else saved is NOT worth it?

Let me pose another one -we capture someone we know for a fact knows the location and time for the detonation of a nuke that has been sneaked into a city of millions. How far do you think it should go to pry that information from someone? Did you know there isn't a nation on the planet that wouldn't kill that person if that is what it takes to get it? NOT ONE. Not even ours -because unlike dumb ass liberals, normal people do NOT think the life of someone plotting to slaughter millions is worth more than those millions of lives. EVERY President has the authority to authorize ANY means to get that kind of information and always has had it. So does every nation on the planet and no one would argue that the life of the individual trying to murder millions is more valuable the millions he seeks to kill. The duty of OUR government, like the duty of all other governments -is to PROTECT THE LIVES OF ITS CITIZENS. NOT to give greater value to the life of those seeking to slaughter them. Protecting citizens and this nation from enemies is THE very first duty for the President listed in our Constitution. What do you think the reaction of Americans would be if they knew we had someone in our custody that absolutely knew the vital details needed to prevent a nuke attack --yet failed to do everything possible to pry that information from him in order to save the lives of MILLIONS?? I'd want the head of any President on a platter who did not authorize doing whatever it took. But I feel pretty safe saying you would only want it if that President had an "R" behind his name -because you hold Presidents to different standards based on their political party. AND WE ALL KNOW IT. Look how many STUPID LIBERALS insisted a report Bush would never have gotten at all if he hadn't asked for a background report on Al Qaeda titled "Al Qaeda determined to strike inside US again" somehow should have led Bush to just miraculously KNOW what our own 26 or so different intelligence agencies didn't And just miraculously KNOW the nature and timing of the next attempt from what was just a background report about the group and NOT an intelligence briefing! As if that title gave away something that was previously UNKNOWN until then! ROFL No one in their right mind thinks liberals would have insisted a DEMOCRAT President would miraculously know the nature and timing of the next attack from that background report when none of our intelligence agencies knew about it. They just demand a Republican one should actually know MORE than our intelligence agencies when no President can know more than they do since they are the ones who TELL THE PRESIDENT!

So Bush ordered KSM to be waterboarded and he and others in the know claimed it saves hundreds if not thousands of American lives by doing so. Six minutes of TEMPORARY DISCOMFORT where his life and limb were never in danger -versus the very existence and LIVES of these people. And look which side you came down on and you think it means YOU took the moral high ground when it means the exact opposite. You make me want to puke. Unless it was someone YOU loved who lost their life because a President, especially a Republican one, refused to do all he could to prevent the murder of YOUR loved one and placed more value on the temporary discomfort of the enemy that lasted mere minutes -over the LIFE of your loved one who was permanently dead. THEN you'd be singing a different tune. AND WE ALL KNOW IT. I'd be the one saying the same thing whether it was the life of MY loved one -or that of anyone else. TEMPORARY discomfort and permanently dead are NOT moral equivalents. Except to a STUPID LIBERAL.
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Of course waterboarding is torture.

Denying that is just silly.

Some of you are okay with that, some of us not.

But this sort of thing will visit itself on the Americanpeople if we allow our goverment to do it to foreign nationals.

That's the nature of evil.

Hell we already torture people in prisons.

Of course we call that isolation.

But make no mistake about it, that is ALSO torture.

This nation isn't as far along in the scale of humanity as we like to tell ourselves.
Yep so why does the right hate Obama so much? So far outside of health care reform he is pretty much a 3rd Bush term president.

Why you ask? How many time mustr this question be answered?

I can't imagine a human being so stupid as Bush is. He tarnishes America, waves his fist againt humanity & ineternational laws like a fucking mobster, and acts like raping, torturing and murdering innocent chained & detained POWs is something to brag about. Your rightys turn my stomach, every fucking one of you that supported that serial killer.

In a memoir to be released next week, former US President George W. Bush boasts of having personally given the order to the CIA to employ the torture method of waterboarding.

The book, titled Decision Points, includes Bush’s recounting that when asked by the CIA whether it could subject Khalid Sheik Mohammed, an alleged leader in the September 11, 2001, terror plot, he gave the reply, “Damn right.” The former president added that he would do the same thing again to “save lives.”

The passage constitutes an even more explicit admission than Bush’s flip statement in a speech to an audience of businessmen in Grand Rapids, Michigan, last June. The ex-president then declared: “Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. I’d do it again to save lives.”

Torturer-in-chief: Bush brags about waterboarding

Another liberal cries for "rights" of terrorists.

How touching!

LOL at the Bush haters still chasing their dreams.

Wonder what they're going to say about Boehner, Palin, and Gingrich when their terms have passed as well.
gee, waterboarding doesnt cause any permanent damage, first of all.

second...we only waterboarded people we KNEW had information that could SAVE LIVES.

Gee....make one guy uncomfortable for a few hours for a few save hundreds maybe thousands of lives? No fucking brainer.

Also, they were not POWs like the OP says. POWs only exist in wars that are declared and have geneva convention protection. Fighting insurgency is completely different.

You left wing loons are insane. If we didn't waterboard the 9/11 mastermind and the bastards found a way to fly planes into the white house, I bet you would blame Bush for not getting the intel.

In conclusion, you left wingers have no stances, you flip and flop to whatever is convenient for your own twisted and morally corrupt ideology and THAT my friends, is why shintao wants Americans dead, apparently. Thanks for showing your colors, now get the fuck out.
I can't imagine a human being so stupid as Bush is. He tarnishes America, waves his fist againt humanity & ineternational laws like a fucking mobster, and acts like raping, torturing and murdering innocent chained & detained POWs is something to brag about. Your rightys turn my stomach, every fucking one of you that supported that serial killer.

In a memoir to be released next week, former US President George W. Bush boasts of having personally given the order to the CIA to employ the torture method of waterboarding.

The book, titled Decision Points, includes Bush’s recounting that when asked by the CIA whether it could subject Khalid Sheik Mohammed, an alleged leader in the September 11, 2001, terror plot, he gave the reply, “Damn right.” The former president added that he would do the same thing again to “save lives.”

The passage constitutes an even more explicit admission than Bush’s flip statement in a speech to an audience of businessmen in Grand Rapids, Michigan, last June. The ex-president then declared: “Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. I’d do it again to save lives.”

Torturer-in-chief: Bush brags about waterboarding

Yet you sat silent while democrats placed an American on the kill list, with no trial or jury.
I wonder if the Socialist Intelligentsia knows that Hitler, well, was a Socialist?

Clueless twits.
I can't imagine a human being so stupid as Bush is. He tarnishes America, waves his fist againt humanity & ineternational laws like a fucking mobster, and acts like raping, torturing and murdering innocent chained & detained POWs is something to brag about. Your rightys turn my stomach, every fucking one of you that supported that serial killer.

In a memoir to be released next week, former US President George W. Bush boasts of having personally given the order to the CIA to employ the torture method of waterboarding.

The book, titled Decision Points, includes Bush’s recounting that when asked by the CIA whether it could subject Khalid Sheik Mohammed, an alleged leader in the September 11, 2001, terror plot, he gave the reply, “Damn right.” The former president added that he would do the same thing again to “save lives.”

The passage constitutes an even more explicit admission than Bush’s flip statement in a speech to an audience of businessmen in Grand Rapids, Michigan, last June. The ex-president then declared: “Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. I’d do it again to save lives.”

Torturer-in-chief: Bush brags about waterboarding

More Blithering Idiocy from the World Socialist Web Site....:lol:

How sad it must be to be the most unsuccessful model of civilization, yet spend so much time and effort examining it.

No comment huh? No emboldening the enemy remarks? No biblical quotations. No patriotic mumblings. nadda.............. Apparently you can only attack the source & not the facts. Sad indeed, you live in the most unsuccessful model of civilization and don't recognize it, Loser!

OK the fact is, you and your socialist simpletons have a tantrum every time you're idiotic programs fail.

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I can't imagine a human being so stupid as Bush is. He tarnishes America, waves his fist againt humanity & ineternational laws like a fucking mobster, and acts like raping, torturing and murdering innocent chained & detained POWs is something to brag about. Your rightys turn my stomach, every fucking one of you that supported that serial killer.

In a memoir to be released next week, former US President George W. Bush boasts of having personally given the order to the CIA to employ the torture method of waterboarding.

The book, titled Decision Points, includes Bush’s recounting that when asked by the CIA whether it could subject Khalid Sheik Mohammed, an alleged leader in the September 11, 2001, terror plot, he gave the reply, “Damn right.” The former president added that he would do the same thing again to “save lives.”

The passage constitutes an even more explicit admission than Bush’s flip statement in a speech to an audience of businessmen in Grand Rapids, Michigan, last June. The ex-president then declared: “Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. I’d do it again to save lives.”

Torturer-in-chief: Bush brags about waterboarding

Bush was GREAT!!obama is a fascist and a racist.
The first eight posters on page 4 do not deserve the privilage of calling yourselves Americans. You are all morons that piss on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Constitution and The BOR's does not make exception for when halfwits get their feelings hurt. You all should be arrested by ICE and have your citizenship revoked. You should be forced to read these documents and tested for their contents before being allowed back in as American citizens. It is sad when recent immigrants know more about our founding documents than these so called Americans.
The first eight posters on page 4 do not deserve the privilage of calling yourselves Americans. You are all morons that piss on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Constitution and The BOR's does not make exception for when halfwits get their feelings hurt. You all should be arrested by ICE and have your citizenship revoked. You should be forced to read these documents and tested for their contents before being allowed back in as American citizens. It is sad when recent immigrants know more about our founding documents than these so called Americans.

The first eight posters on page 4 do not deserve the privilage of calling yourselves Americans. You are all morons that piss on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Constitution and The BOR's does not make exception for when halfwits get their feelings hurt. You all should be arrested by ICE and have your citizenship revoked. You should be forced to read these documents and tested for their contents before being allowed back in as American citizens. It is sad when recent immigrants know more about our founding documents than these so called Americans.


You really didn't need to waste your time with this glib reply. It is clear from your previous posts that you don't give a damn about the Constitution or The Bill of Rights or those that have faught and died to allow you the freedoms and priviledge of pissing on them.
Yet you sat silent while democrats placed an American on the kill list, with no trial or jury.

It's the same old theme every time. Partisans on both parties are always up in arms protesting the current administration, and often protesting for good things. You know, it's like Democrats go around screaming about human rights and overseeing corporate power, republicans clamour for balanced budgets and privacy and limited government.

But of course, once their party is in power, the bases just sort of sit down and shut the fuck up. "Everything's solved, everything's ok now that ____ is in power." And of course, the only time they stand up is to defend whatever their guy is doing. That's why we see no peep from the Democrats when Obama actively targets even American citizens for assassination without trial, or why this ridiculous "Tea Party" was not even a distant dream while Bush totally rammed the economy into the ground and shoved the country deeper and deeper into the red. No, no, no, NOW is the time when the Republicans make noise and the Democrats sit down and shut the fuck up. And when a Republican gets swept into office in 2012, it'll be the same thing, all this tea party bullshit is going to totally end, and the Democrats are going to start making a lot of useless noise.

It's pathetic.
Yet you sat silent while democrats placed an American on the kill list, with no trial or jury.

It's the same old theme every time. Partisans on both parties are always up in arms protesting the current administration, and often protesting for good things. You know, it's like Democrats go around screaming about human rights and overseeing corporate power, republicans clamour for balanced budgets and privacy and limited government.

But of course, once their party is in power, the bases just sort of sit down and shut the fuck up. "Everything's solved, everything's ok now that ____ is in power." And of course, the only time they stand up is to defend whatever their guy is doing. That's why we see no peep from the Democrats when Obama actively targets even American citizens for assassination without trial, or why this ridiculous "Tea Party" was not even a distant dream while Bush totally rammed the economy into the ground and shoved the country deeper and deeper into the red. No, no, no, NOW is the time when the Republicans make noise and the Democrats sit down and shut the fuck up. And when a Republican gets swept into office in 2012, it'll be the same thing, all this tea party bullshit is going to totally end, and the Democrats are going to start making a lot of useless noise.

It's pathetic.

Is there anything more useless than a regular Canadian?...Ya...A French Canadian..:lol: :lol::lol:

No disrespect to the French ..Without them we would have lost the Revolutioanry war and be speaking English to this very day...:lol:
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Another liberal cries for "rights" of terrorists.

How touching!


Yeah, I realize you enjoy a hard cock shoved up your **** while being raped, but innocent detained & chained ME women and children have more class than you do.

More Blithering Idiocy from the World Socialist Web Site....:lol:

How sad it must be to be the most unsuccessful model of civilization, yet spend so much time and effort examining it.

No comment huh? No emboldening the enemy remarks? No biblical quotations. No patriotic mumblings. nadda.............. Apparently you can only attack the source & not the facts. Sad indeed, you live in the most unsuccessful model of civilization and don't recognize it, Loser!

OK the fact is, you and your socialist simpletons have a tantrum every time you're idiotic programs fail.

I think you are posting on the wrong thread. This is about innocent chained detained POWs being raped, murdered & tortured.

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