Top 5 Most Outrageous 2020 Doomsday Predictions From Environazis


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
They wonder why we point at them laughing.

1. The U.S. may warm 6 degrees F from 1990 to 2020

2. Oil will effectively run out by 2020

3. By 2020, no glaciers will be left on Mt. Kilimanjaro

4. A billion people will starve due to missing the tech revolution

5. By 2020, "millions will die" from climate change

Top 5 most outrageous 2020 doomsday predictions that didn't pan out

And it isn't enough that they failed miserably in their predictions, in their panic, rather than backing off, they are doubling down on their craziness...
You can't create panic if you don't make apocalyptic predictions. No panic no money rolling in.

But seriously. We are attempting to take a very short span of a multi million time period and make predictions of a system that we don't fully understand. We can't tell anyone with absolute certainty that it will rain next week, or that an area won't. We have no way to even go a month farther out with our predictions. Yet people are claiming to know years from now.
We are using more sensitive measuring equipment then we had fifty years ago. Some areas that were taking readings years ago in a field are now surrounded by buildings adding their heat into the equation.

I remember a failed presidential candidate running around making doomsday predictions while everyone was laughing. Now suddenly that there is money and prestige to be had many are jumping on the bandwagon. Yet no one has conclusively proven that any changes are man made and not part of the normal changing of the planet. No one has conclusively proven that we can change the planet.

That being said should we take better care of the planet? Yes. Should we bankrupt every country trying to change things? No.
Mt Kiliminjaro Dec 3

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