Too Scientist: Fauci is an “empty head” “serial liar”, “dolt”.

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You Trump asseaters need to get your story straight. First this pandemic was China's fault now it's Fauci. Make up your mind. Fauci should tell all of you assholes to piss off & go find yourselves another whipping boy.

Start with that orange turd you worship if you have any balls, which I doubt.
who the fuck said anything about trump?

you got issues, dude.
More Trump obsession. Anything on topic?
Sick of Trump? Be careful before the cult finds out or you'll need a security detail like Fauci does to shield him from idiot cult members.
I could do a whole thread about gov't employees using Fraudchi as an example as well as DOZENS of DOD employees I suffered the acquaintance of.

During many of our pub crawls we would discuss how people who simply did their jobs as best they could never seemed to get moved, because they performed well and supervisors didn't want to employ a new guy and train them. Pieces of shit got moved around and sometimes promoted to jobs they weren't qualified to do in other depts or even cities.

Then there were the complete fuck ups. People who fucked up so bad they got stuck into positions because someone had leverage on them. There was a term we used and everyone who has worked in gov't has said it...

"When you fuck up, you move up".

I had a Readiness NCO in the Army SFC Tyler that was totally unreachable. My Prayers to Jesus got better responses than my phone calls, requests for documents, equipment, and training. When my Platoon LT wanted to crush my ass for not having all my TA-50, I was at least able to show her on my old flip phone how many times I called the unit phone and got no answer. There were dozens of soldiers with similar problems and FINALLY someone decided to investigate. The Brigade CSM drove to the unit HQ one morning, found it empty, and then went to SFC Tyler's house parked a few doors down and called her. She told him that she was stuck in traffic on the way to Division HQ to do some bureaucratic bullshit. When asked where the Supply SGT and all the other office personnel were, she claimed they were all busy at their posts as far as she knew. After the phone call ended the CSM observed her running out of her house still getting dressed.

Initially she was looking at a Title 32 hearing, but the next thing we found out, and never got an excuse for, she ended up as a MSG with a job at Division HQ, but at least she had to show up every day. There was a lot of speculation about why this happened, and only in whispered circles was it noted that out of almost everyone involved, only the CSM was white. I'll leave it at that.

It’s nice to see actual scientists start to call out the fraud Fauci for all his hackery and bullshit lies.
Sure thing, Simpleton. Try to blame Trump for all he bullshit Fraudci says. :laugh:
I watched you Trump asseating lackeys go from supporting Fauci to the shit you're doing now to him all because he doesn't bow to the orange shit slinger.

You've been exposed.

Did you check out this scientist? This isn't his first anti-government screed. He's also batshit crazy on the subject of biological warfare and the government has been fending him off as a loon since at least 2004

And then, of course, you've funnelled it through your usual "Questionable Sources". One would think you'd know better by now. Quoting crazy people and questionable sources makes you the board joke.

More trusted than Trump? By who? The left maybe because their hatred for Trump blinded them for 4 years.

Hard to trust someone who says:

1. Don't wear a mask
2. Wear a mask
3. Wear 2 masks
4. Masks don't stop you from spreading Covid
5. Get the vaccine to help stop the spread
6. Vaccines don't stop the spread.
7. The Omicron is a bad variant.
8. Omicron has mild symptoms.

Every time the SOB opens his mouth he contradicts something he's said previously and you people call him "trusted?"
They actually enjoy being gaslighted.
I watched you Trump asseating lackeys go from supporting Fauci to the shit you're doing now to him all because he doesn't bow to the orange shit slinger.

You've been exposed.
Feel free to quote any post by me supporting Fraudci, Troll.

My money says you can’t Clipper
Did you check out this scientist? This isn't his first anti-government screed. He's also batshit crazy on the subject of biological warfare and the government has been fending him off as a loon since at least 2004

And then, of course, you've funnelled it through your usual "Questionable Sources". One would think you'd know better by now. Quoting crazy people and questionable sources makes you the board joke.

You question sources, then use the NYTs?

Dumbass. :laugh:
Fauci did not stop funding to China for the dangerous crap the communists were playing with that caused the Covid in the first place. Not only did he try to dismiss the possibility of a lab leak,,,he knew damn well where it came from, and his role in that. And then,,, he is put forth as the "doctor that can lead us through this", How freaking ironic is that? Wake up people, because if you are awakened you will see how Fauci's evil, corrupt, lying ass has killed hundreds of thousands of people. Watch him laugh, and know for a fact that he is evil.
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Fauci loves attention and playing the victim.
He is involved in both creating the disease and then creating the cure.
He might be a total munchausen knuttjob.
The Left is treating him like a superhero, and he loves it.



You question sources, then use the NYTs?

Dumbass. :laugh:

They can pass a fact check, unlike the Daily Wire. Notice the difference between the two descriptions of these outlets. Notice how one is credible the other is a joke - just like you. Promoting lies, propaganda and conspiracy theories.

  • Overall, we rate the New York Times Left-Center biased based on word and story selection that moderately favors the left but highly factual and considered one of the most reliable sources for news information due to proper sourcing and well-respected journalists/editors. The failed fact checks that occurred were on Op-Ed’s and not straight news reporting.

  • Overall, we rate The Daily Wire Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that align with the conservative right. We also rate Questionable due to the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

They can pass a fact check, unlike the Daily Wire. Notice the difference between the two descriptions of these outlets. Notice how one is credible the other is a joke - just like you. Promoting lies, propaganda and conspiracy theories.

  • Overall, we rate the New York Times Left-Center biased based on word and story selection that moderately favors the left but highly factual and considered one of the most reliable sources for news information due to proper sourcing and well-respected journalists/editors. The failed fact checks that occurred were on Op-Ed’s and not straight news reporting.

  • Overall, we rate The Daily Wire Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that align with the conservative right. We also rate Questionable due to the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

Seriously, STFU you KKKanadian fuckwit.
More unfocused Orange Klown Kar Krap about Tony? Sheeeesh ! You guys gotta get some new material...
Hilarious considering Trump has been living in your tiny skulls for about five or six years now.
You're too stupid to even see the massive inherent hypocrisy in your dim witted comment.
No matter how smart Fauci is, I can not imagine a more stupider thing to do than give China money to do research on bat viruses. And when the virus escaped???? Fauci was all in on calling anyone that pondered the Wuhan lab as the source as a "conspiracy nut".. Let that sink in. Now consider his role (to this day) in combating the very effective treatments, widely used in other countries, that could have saved countless American lives....Yep Folks,, Fauci is directly responsible for many many deaths....That is the truth.
Hilarious considering Trump has been living in your tiny skulls for about five or six years now.
You're too stupid to even see the massive inherent hypocrisy in your dim witted comment.
You're pissed off because Fauci can't be bought off by Trump & his hatchetmen & hasen't bowed down from the attacks you lowlifes level at him.

Anyone who isn't in the Trump cult is subjected to this. You people really are sick in the fucking head. All this over an ex game show host & a half assed ex failed president who's as crazy as a shithouse rat.
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