Harris laughs when asked question about suffering Ukrainian war refugees

Nice try

She shared a laugh with the Polish President as they couldn’t decide who should answer the question

I agree it's not the evil Illuminati scheme people are trying to make it out to be. But it was still a very clumsy, poor showing on her part. She's representing the United States of America during, and regarding, a very difficult time and a dangerously delicate international crisis. It's just to easy for people too honestly mistake her reaction as some kind of slight against Ukraine. The Vice President of the United States must be better than that.
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I watched that earlier. Harris has an annoying habit or raising the pitch and frequency of her voice at the end of every sentence, as if she's asking a question instead of making a statement. That's a sure signal of her unsteadiness and lack of confidence.
It must be some sort of psychological defense mechanism. Every time she gets a tough question or she is confronted she giggles. If she was a republican she would have been laughed out of town.

Laughter is not an uncommon reaction to nervous energy. Stopping mid-sentence to drink water is a little more uncommon.

On one hand, nervous giggles aren't really any different than a nervously fidgeting with your fingers, so maybe people should be equally as accepting and understanding of the former. On the other hand, nervous giggles are a lot more likely to communicate something negative. So it really is all the more imperative for the speaker to take responsibility for overcoming that subconscious tendency when facing serious matters.
I watched that earlier. Harris has an annoying habit or raising the pitch and frequency of her voice at the end of every sentence, as if she's asking a question instead of making a statement. That's a sure signal of her unsteadiness and lack of confidence.
Nope. That's a regional accent right out of California's San Fernando Valley. It's called uptalk.
Nope. That's a regional accent right out of California's San Fernando Valley. It's called uptalk.

It's annoying as hell, especially coming from one in a position that's supposed to reflect a certain amount of confidence and power associated with the office of VP.

Is Upspeak Unprofessional?​

"Using upspeak in your interactions with colleagues and managers may come across as unprofessional in a workplace environment. The general view toward uptalk is that it lacks conviction and assertiveness, so increasing your tone at the end of a sentence can lead your colleagues to doubt what you’re saying.
However, uptalk may have a positive role in a work setting when you use it appropriately. For instance, incorporating upspeak into your conversation is a polite way to navigate constant interruptions from colleagues. You can also use upspeak to approach a topic in which you are not well-versed. Rather than pretending to understand a subject, use an increasing tonal pattern to demonstrate your willingness to learn and discuss the matter further. Uptalk has an invitational, non-argumentative tone that is productive when you use it moderately."

Nice try

She shared a laugh with the Polish President as they couldn’t decide who should answer the question
Semantics. As you not only take every word a Repub says but break it down to a syllable or consonant to find a reason to double down with vicious attacks against the same. Watch TV for the theatrics. But you know that. This woman is not qualified like so many hires in our nation. But she is of equity. America does not have many years left as top dog.
that uppity black whore needs to be quiet and know her place.....laughing? How evil
Absolutely evil as well as disgusting. The subject was refugees who had already watched loved ones torn apart. A children's hospital had just been bombed. She should have been politely led off the stage and put on an immediate flight back to where she came from.
that uppity black whore needs to be quiet and know her place.....laughing? How evil
At least you recognize that she is an uppity black whore.
Or, as she is referred to overseas, a tragedy.

It must be some sort of psychological defense mechanism. Every time she gets a tough question or she is confronted she giggles. If she was a republican she would have been laughed out of town.
I had the same pattern. When I was asked a tough question, I’d giggle. Some of it was embarrassment that I couldn’t answer, and some was guilt because I knew I SHOULD know it.

I outgrew that by age 12.
Absolutely evil as well as disgusting. The subject was refugees who had already watched loved ones torn apart. A children's hospital had just been bombed. She should have been politely led off the stage and put on an immediate flight back to where she came from.
I believe she should be imprisioned
At least you recognize that she is an uppity black whore.
Or, as she is referred to overseas, a tragedy.

Most black women are uppity whores.....

Which is why we shouldn't allow too many of them to reach levels of power like Kamala....just like that other uppity whore Judge Jackson
Most black women are uppity whores.....

Which is why we shouldn't allow too many of them to reach levels of power like Kamala....just like that other uppity whore Judge Jackson
Your heart is pretty much in the right place. Of course Kumquat Kamala should not be in prison. She should have been taken off the stage and send back here in disgrace. Instead she will continue her vaudeville blackface performance in Romania.
Your heart is pretty much in the right place. Of course Kumquat Kamala should not be in prison. She should have been taken off the stage and send back here in disgrace. Instead she will continue her vaudeville blackface performance in Romania.
She should have been in prison for stealing the election and being against Jesus
Stealing the election perhaps, although she did nothing but give random blow jobs. No one cares what her opinion of Jesus is. Maybe you do.
A person who is against Jesus should be banned from being in office....especially an uppity black whore...black whores have no business being in office...
A person who is against Jesus should be banned from being in office....especially an uppity black whore...black whores have no business being in office...
I appreciate your opinion. Sadly, there are uppity black whores that have not got a single other accomplishment to their name. We end up with a vaudeville production.

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