Too Funny- Gallup Poll- Papa Obama behind Generic Republican

You must have gotten that from Fox news or something

No, it's in my personal archives. I am a long LONG time dedicated media watcher, and I don't miss many memorable sound bites. :)

so you have all the good Bush ones as well?

Yeah...she quotes the founding fathers as well. Apparently the 40-200 (depending on what you call a founding father) never disagreed on anything and spoke with one voice. Just ask her; she'll tell you what they thought of space travel, ethnic cleansing in Darfur, riverboat gambing, and the Yankees v. Red Sox.
You must have gotten that from Fox news or something

No, it's in my personal archives. I am a long LONG time dedicated media watcher, and I don't miss many memorable sound bites. :)

Hope You know
I was teasing because of the last poster's statement and video I posted right after

Oh sure. The Left is sooooooo out of ammo on this stuff. Attacking Fox News or Republicans or even going back to bash President Bush seems to be the game plan these days. They simply don't have enough stuff to actually debate the issue in any way other than the way the conservative Republicans are debating it.

But keeping track of this stuff in the back of one's mind and being aware of what was said does yield some interesting stuff. Take this bit re Sheila Jackson Lee and President Obama and flashback to 2006 :):
What it really comes down to is the 10 or so crucial states. Obama is already in serious trouble in all three tri-fector states, and if Rick Perry runs,and wins, Obama can kiss North Carolina and Colorado goodbye as well!!!
and isn't it surprising that all the lefty commentators are denying the polls, yet when Obama is ahead of any GOP by 10 points, They are ALL OVER IT! especially Bob Beckel and Jaun Dickhead, they dont take the Gallop poll seriously when Obama is at 39/40%,,,,,but agree when Obama is around 55%?? Hmm.
What it really comes down to is the 10 or so crucial states. Obama is already in serious trouble in all three tri-fector states, and if Rick Perry runs,and wins, Obama can kiss North Carolina and Colorado goodbye as well!!!

In trouble against who? Obama has solid backing, a strong political base and incredible funding. He is still a popular incumbent

Romney is a middleweight, Perry lacks stature, every other candidate is a sideshow

Easy Obama win in 2012
What it really comes down to is the 10 or so crucial states. Obama is already in serious trouble in all three tri-fector states, and if Rick Perry runs,and wins, Obama can kiss North Carolina and Colorado goodbye as well!!!

Good points

Look at Ohio - Papa Obama is in real trouble in that state
Too Funny- Gallup Poll- Papa Obama behind Generic Republican

But I thought Obama got Osama bin Laden?

Yes he did and congrats to him

But, the way things are going
it might be the only thing he has to run with....

Too Funny- Gallup Poll- Papa Obama behind Generic Republican

But I thought Obama got Osama bin Laden?

Well, the Navy Seals did despite Obama taking full credit for it, but it is properly noted that it happened under Obama's watch.

But again, Romney is polling ahead of Obama in Florida and is dead even with Obama in Pennsylvania that Obama won by 10 pts. I'm pretty sure we will see the gaps narrowing between Obama and other GOP candidates over the next months as well unless Obama gets a clue. He sure isn't helping himself when he says 80% of Americans favor raising taxes (meaning on those evil corporate jet owners) when the most recent polls are clear that a majority of Americans don't want taxes raised until spending is cut and the budget balanced. His press conference yesterday was embarrassing.

Seriously people, do you honestly think that raising the debt ceiling is for ANY purpose other than kicking the debt can on down the road?
That is really funny

The only problem is that Obama beats the shit out of any Republican with a name

There's problems with that premise.

He beats them, but rarely in these polls does he actually peak over 50%. So when voters are asked, "Obama vs. Perry", they ask, "Who the hell is Perry?"

Also, there are so many thinks that can happen in the next 15 months that can torpedo Obama and frankly, not a lot that can help him. Anything like another dip in the recession, a spike in unemployment after states have to lay off a bunch of workers, etc. a successful terrorist attack, will just make him look a little worse.
In trouble against who? Obama has solid backing, a strong political base and incredible funding. He is still a popular incumbent

Romney is a middleweight, Perry lacks stature, every other candidate is a sideshow

Easy Obama win in 2012

Wishful thinking.

No president has gotten re-elected since World War II with unemployment this high. $4.00 a gallon gasoline. 5% inflation. Home values have dropped 7% this year alone.

I don't underestimate Obama because incumbancy brings certain advantages. But when it comes to the things Americans are upset about, Obama is in the company of Bush-41, Carter and Ford, more than Reagan or Clinton.
In trouble against who? Obama has solid backing, a strong political base and incredible funding. He is still a popular incumbent

Romney is a middleweight, Perry lacks stature, every other candidate is a sideshow

Easy Obama win in 2012

Wishful thinking.

No president has gotten re-elected since World War II with unemployment this high. $4.00 a gallon gasoline. 5% inflation. Home values have dropped 7% this year alone.

I don't underestimate Obama because incumbancy brings certain advantages. But when it comes to the things Americans are upset about, Obama is in the company of Bush-41, Carter and Ford, more than Reagan or Clinton.

How about before WWII? FDR had unemployment above 20% and got reelected three times. Why? Because the voters knew that the Republicans had created the Great Depression and that FDR was doing his best to clean up their mess

Sound familoiar?
If you don't reduce your can't DO anything but serve your new master.
In trouble against who? Obama has solid backing, a strong political base and incredible funding. He is still a popular incumbent

Romney is a middleweight, Perry lacks stature, every other candidate is a sideshow

Easy Obama win in 2012

Wishful thinking.

No president has gotten re-elected since World War II with unemployment this high. $4.00 a gallon gasoline. 5% inflation. Home values have dropped 7% this year alone.

I don't underestimate Obama because incumbancy brings certain advantages. But when it comes to the things Americans are upset about, Obama is in the company of Bush-41, Carter and Ford, more than Reagan or Clinton.

How about before WWII? FDR had unemployment above 20% and got reelected three times. Why? Because the voters knew that the Republicans had created the Great Depression and that FDR was doing his best to clean up their mess

Sound familoiar?

Of course the Left wishes for FDR but it does appear they are stuck with


sound familiar?
Obama's actual approval rate is closer to 35-38%, Perry will kick his ass!!!! the south wont wont for a racisit President!

Perry is a lightweight nationally. He hardly polls at all outside of Texas

The entire GOP field is the weakest in a generation. There are no republicans outside of Paul and Palin who have a fanatical following
Great let's elect someone with fanatical backers. It worked so well last time.
No president has gotten re-elected since World War II with unemployment this high. $4.00 a gallon gasoline. 5% inflation. Home values have dropped 7% this year alone.

I don't underestimate Obama because incumbancy brings certain advantages. But when it comes to the things Americans are upset about, Obama is in the company of Bush-41, Carter and Ford, more than Reagan or Clinton.

How about before WWII? FDR had unemployment above 20% and got reelected three times. Why? Because the voters knew that the Republicans had created the Great Depression and that FDR was doing his best to clean up their mess

Sound familoiar?

Uh, no, not really.

First, in the case of FDR, the Recession had been raging for 3 1/2 years and unemployment was at 25% when he took office. this was at a time when most women didn't work. So getting it down to 16% by 1936 (the first time he stood for re-election) probably seemed like a real accomplishment by most people's eyes. By 1940, it was down to 14%, but at that point, WWII was already strangling world trade and everyone knew we were going to get into it sooner or later. By 1944, they were down to 1.2 unemployment.

In the case of Obama, he inherited an unemployment rate that was still below 7% when he got elected, and sprang it up to 10%, and it hasn't gotten much below 9%.

Second, FDR was dealing with at GOP that had been largely eviserated over the last four election cycles (it didn't start making signifigant comebacks until 1938). Obama has managed to infuse new life into the GOP.

Third, FDR was truly a leader. He didn't defer to congress, appoint commissions to tackle tough problems, etc. He got out there and took charge. Obama... meh.

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