Today is MEMORIAL Day not Veterans day


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
UGH. I am so tired of the post on Face book thanking vets for this day. THIS IS NOT what this day is about it is for those who have FALLEN. I feel you should thank the military every day but they do have a day it is Veterans day !! Sorry but had to get this off my chest :tongue:
What? We should only remember those who died? Do you really think they are the only ones who have paid a heavy price for your freedom? Sounds kinda mean spirited to me.
9thIDdoc, et al,

Yes, it is confusing, especially if you have served.

What? We should only remember those who died? Do you really think they are the only ones who have paid a heavy price for your freedom? Sounds kinda mean spirited to me.

I know it is hard for me to remember those empty chairs, without remember those of us who made it through.

Any day is a good day to remember those that served; those that lived and those that died. But, Memorial Day is that special day when we remember to toast those that didn't come back when the they answered our nations call.

Most Respectfully,
What? We should only remember those who died? Do you really think they are the only ones who have paid a heavy price for your freedom? Sounds kinda mean spirited to me.
That is why we have VETERANS day.. Memorial day is for those who made the ultimate sacrifice .. Although you should thank the VETS every day ..
I believe most people are aware that Memorial Day is a day for those who have died for our freedom. However, it also reminds people that those who currently serve or have served put their life on the line for us.

My Facebook was filled with remembrance for those who've died, as well as people thanking my husband for his service.

I don't have a problem with it.
What? We should only remember those who died? Do you really think they are the only ones who have paid a heavy price for your freedom? Sounds kinda mean spirited to me.
That is why we have VETERANS day.. Memorial day is for those who made the ultimate sacrifice .. Although you should thank the VETS every day ..

I don't think the dead would mind sharing their day with the bind and those missing limbs and other body parts. And, yes. I do think they deserve more recognition than someone who served two years in peace as a clerk.
Frankly I just don't understand how to remember the dead without remembering the maimed; but maybe that's just me. Do it your own way. My attitude is unlikely to change.

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