To win POTUS, the Left must save Biden, and even that is not a slam dunk!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
True statement IF the only Democrats running for President are what they now have!

Why you say? Polls say this, that, and the other. They tell us Trump will lose to this one, that one, and the other one.

Ummmmm, no he won't...……...and here is why---------------->

Ever watch those videos of people being interviewed on the street who have no idea what is actually going on? That is because unlike us, they do NOT pay attention to every little thing that goes on politically. We political junkes…….as it were...… from both sides of the aisle, just can not believe some of their answers, and how uninformed they actually are. So as of now when you ask these people Trump or any Democratic nominee, you get the polls we now witness.

But then, here is the thing--------------> when you ask the same people who know little another question, over 65% answer one way. What is that question? Socialism or Capitalism, and they answer in the affirmative for Capitalism, and in fact want NOTHING to do with Socialism! In fact, somewhere in the neighborhood of 50% of Democrats want NOTHING to do with Socialism.

Now then----------> the Left is going to try and paint 2020 as a choice between Trump, and (insert Democratic nominee). That will NOT work as all of the Lefts candidates have opened their mouth on basically doing Socialist plans, and have created wonderful advertisements for all Republican candidates. All of their plans cost TRILLIONS, upon TRILLIONS, and they are going to have to tell America where the money is coming from, lol. We are going to witness the Left trying to sell a SOCIALIST agenda to an America, that over 60% of Americans do not want!

Now, the Leftist pointy heads on here are going to tell you that young people are all for it. The thing they won't tell you is------------->their parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and virtually everyone over 35 or 40 are going to say no, hell no; and even those people who do NOT pay attention are going to find out where the Left is going through this election cycle, listening to their own words they have already spoken.

Add to that the Green new deal, lol. Wait until autoworkers, truck drivers, coal miners, oil workers, dairy farmers, plastic makers, Mcdonalds….Wendy's......Burger King.....White Castle.....etc franchise owners all find out their jobs, businesses, and income are gone! Many people are not aware of this as of yet, but they will be, lol.

We on this board from BOTH sides, go back and forth, round, and round. But, it is not WE who will elect the President in 2020, it will be the people who are NOT yet paying attention to what is going on. When THOSE people do start paying attention and find out what the Democrats want to do, over 60% of them will reject it.

This is NOT Trump versus another candidate, this is Capitalism, versus Socialism. And while the Left will do everything in their power to try and make it the former, the words of ALL the Democratic candidates have already painted the picture of the political battlefield this race will be fought on. These words will be played back across the nation regularly; so much so that when the voter enters the booth, it won't be Trump versus anyone. Rather, it will be--------------->capitalism versus Socialism, and good luck with that you Leftist loons!
Biden is done. The Progs running the Party don't want him.

Bernie's not happening. He's just a cranky old fart.

Warren the Shrill will be the nominee. There is no one else in the current lineup with any energy to speak of.

I'm lightly predicting an all-female Democrat ticket, and an overwhelming defeat for it.
"Not a slam dunk"? It's not even on the same street as the game. Personally I hope Biden stays in the race because he is so damn entertaining but sometimes I feel sorry for him. Maybe that's the new democrat base, the sympathy vote.
Biden is done. The Progs running the Party don't want him.

Bernie's not happening. He's just a cranky old fart.

Warren the Shrill will be the nominee. There is no one else in the current lineup with any energy to speak of.

I'm lightly predicting an all-female Democrat ticket, and an overwhelming defeat for it.

It is going to be extremely interesting if Biden does not get the nomination. All over this board, you will start seeing the Left try to define their nominee as a DEMOCRATIC Socialist. Won't work! As we heard in the last few days, the former head of Sweden proclaimed that his country is NOT Socialist, and that Socialism destroys.

So the Left will be back to Cuba, Venezuela, all failures.

The key is to insure that it is shown how their plans are SOCIALISM. They will get California, New York, and Illinois, everything else would be up for grabs, lol.

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