To the White Republicans here


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Thoughts from an Independent:

White Republicans: I understand your views folks...up to a point. As a 64 year old white male I've lost job opportunities due to affirmative action, I've been accused of racism where none was intended or existed. I've been branded as "the enemy" by blacks, latino's and other members of America's beloved minority community. What I've learned though is my actions speak louder than my words.

If you want to change people's minds (and voting habits) you'll have much more success being the quiet one who soldiers on, works steadily, saves at least 10% of your pay and builds a nest egg, makes smart food choices for yourself, exercises daily, and treats others with respect etc. People will notice your lifestyle, and they'll want to become more like you. They'll be times you'll want to lash out in anger at some verbal vomiting idiot who richly deserves a fist in the face, but people will notice your reaction to those morons as well. Lead by example and you'll change people's point of view.

Good things sometimes take time. :bye1:
In the end we only hurt ourselves with anger.

Thoughts from an Independent:

White Republicans: I understand your views folks...up to a point. As a 64 year old white male I've lost job opportunities due to affirmative action, I've been accused of racism where none was intended or existed. I've been branded as "the enemy" by blacks, latino's and other members of America's beloved minority community. What I've learned though is my actions speak louder than my words.

If you want to change people's minds (and voting habits) you'll have much more success being the quiet one who soldiers on, works steadily, saves at least 10% of your pay and builds a nest egg, makes smart food choices for yourself, exercises daily, and treats others with respect etc. People will notice your lifestyle, and they'll want to become more like you. They'll be times you'll want to lash out in anger at some verbal vomiting idiot who richly deserves a fist in the face, but people will notice your reaction to those morons as well. Lead by example and you'll change people's point of view.

Good things sometimes take time. :bye1:

So in other words, go back to being the "silent majority"?

I'll pass. I'm enjoying Trump's brash and straight-forward style too much. It's way past time that someone gave the left back what they've been giving us, otherwise you end up with another Jeb Bush or a Kashich running the country.

No thanks.
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Thoughts from an Independent:

White Republicans: I understand your views folks...up to a point. As a 64 year old white male I've lost job opportunities due to affirmative action, I've been accused of racism where none was intended or existed. I've been branded as "the enemy" by blacks, latino's and other members of America's beloved minority community. What I've learned though is my actions speak louder than my words.

If you want to change people's minds (and voting habits) you'll have much more success being the quiet one who soldiers on, works steadily, saves at least 10% of your pay and builds a nest egg, makes smart food choices for yourself, exercises daily, and treats others with respect etc. People will notice your lifestyle, and they'll want to become more like you. They'll be times you'll want to lash out in anger at some verbal vomiting idiot who richly deserves a fist in the face, but people will notice your reaction to those morons as well. Lead by example and you'll change people's point of view.

Good things sometimes take time. :bye1:

I commend you for making such rational and logical sense....However, the LefTarded we're dealing with today is like never seen before, they can't be dealt with using logic, common sense, decency...etc...They hate all of the aforementioned and they only envy filth and the lowest grade. Today's Left must be sucker-punched and treated like the filthy pieces of nasty shit they are as often as possible.
Dealing with the tactics of the left is like dealing with terrorists. You have to bring their terror back to them and make them eat it if you want to defeat them. You won't do it by being passive.
Thoughts from an Independent:

White Republicans: I understand your views folks...up to a point. As a 64 year old white male I've lost job opportunities due to affirmative action, I've been accused of racism where none was intended or existed. I've been branded as "the enemy" by blacks, latino's and other members of America's beloved minority community. What I've learned though is my actions speak louder than my words.

If you want to change people's minds (and voting habits) you'll have much more success being the quiet one who soldiers on, works steadily, saves at least 10% of your pay and builds a nest egg, makes smart food choices for yourself, exercises daily, and treats others with respect etc. People will notice your lifestyle, and they'll want to become more like you. They'll be times you'll want to lash out in anger at some verbal vomiting idiot who richly deserves a fist in the face, but people will notice your reaction to those morons as well. Lead by example and you'll change people's point of view.

Good things sometimes take time. :bye1:

No thanks. We're done being silent. But we're we're still working hard and saving.

God Bless President Trump
To the WHITE Republicans? Isn’t that like all of them?

I can understand you hating on Republicans, you being a libtard/leftist/Democrat/socialist, and all that.

But harboring that much hatred against white people, especially when you yourself are white? Isn't that like some sort of masochism or something?

Do you also stick yourself with pins and practice "cutting", because you hate your own whiteness?

You're a sicko, dude.
Thoughts from an Independent:

White Republicans: I understand your views folks...up to a point. As a 64 year old white male I've lost job opportunities due to affirmative action, I've been accused of racism where none was intended or existed. I've been branded as "the enemy" by blacks, latino's and other members of America's beloved minority community. What I've learned though is my actions speak louder than my words.

If you want to change people's minds (and voting habits) you'll have much more success being the quiet one who soldiers on, works steadily, saves at least 10% of your pay and builds a nest egg, makes smart food choices for yourself, exercises daily, and treats others with respect etc. People will notice your lifestyle, and they'll want to become more like you. They'll be times you'll want to lash out in anger at some verbal vomiting idiot who richly deserves a fist in the face, but people will notice your reaction to those morons as well. Lead by example and you'll change people's point of view.

Good things sometimes take time. :bye1:
So, you want them to just shut up?

None of what you recommend will do SHIT to stop the fake, false accusations of racism.

People who notice their lifestyle will call it white privilege and STILL blame whitey.

Where did this idea come from that white males work hard and save but others don't? Women do this. People who aren't white do this. What is going on? Is there somebody special here?
Thoughts from an Independent:

White Republicans: I understand your views folks...up to a point. As a 64 year old white male I've lost job opportunities due to affirmative action, I've been accused of racism where none was intended or existed. I've been branded as "the enemy" by blacks, latino's and other members of America's beloved minority community. What I've learned though is my actions speak louder than my words.

If you want to change people's minds (and voting habits) you'll have much more success being the quiet one who soldiers on, works steadily, saves at least 10% of your pay and builds a nest egg, makes smart food choices for yourself, exercises daily, and treats others with respect etc. People will notice your lifestyle, and they'll want to become more like you. They'll be times you'll want to lash out in anger at some verbal vomiting idiot who richly deserves a fist in the face, but people will notice your reaction to those morons as well. Lead by example and you'll change people's point of view.

Good things sometimes take time. :bye1:

Lol. . .

When my oldest daughter was preparing to leave for college I had her get on the college website and do a search for white scholarships and then for black scholarships. Not a whole lot of commentary required. Early life lesson.
Any of you can try it as well. See what you find.
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Thoughts from an Independent:

White Republicans: I understand your views folks...up to a point. As a 64 year old white male I've lost job opportunities due to affirmative action, I've been accused of racism where none was intended or existed. I've been branded as "the enemy" by blacks, latino's and other members of America's beloved minority community. What I've learned though is my actions speak louder than my words.

If you want to change people's minds (and voting habits) you'll have much more success being the quiet one who soldiers on, works steadily, saves at least 10% of your pay and builds a nest egg, makes smart food choices for yourself, exercises daily, and treats others with respect etc. People will notice your lifestyle, and they'll want to become more like you. They'll be times you'll want to lash out in anger at some verbal vomiting idiot who richly deserves a fist in the face, but people will notice your reaction to those morons as well. Lead by example and you'll change people's point of view.

Good things sometimes take time. :bye1:

Poor guy. I'm 10 years behind you and I've never had any of that horrible shit happen to me. How awesome! You overcame affirmative action and
made something of yourself!
Where did this idea come from that white males work hard and save but others don't? Women do this. People who aren't white do this. What is going on? Is there somebody special here?

Not what I heard. Laziness and especially the ability to save money is by nature directly proportional to Gender and Skin Tone.
The sad reality is being silent and leading by example really doesn’t work anymore when you look at both parties it’s not the quiet humble people who get attention it’s the loud extreme ones who do.
It seems the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Thoughts from an Independent:

White Republicans: I understand your views folks...up to a point. As a 64 year old white male I've lost job opportunities due to affirmative action, I've been accused of racism where none was intended or existed. I've been branded as "the enemy" by blacks, latino's and other members of America's beloved minority community. What I've learned though is my actions speak louder than my words.

If you want to change people's minds (and voting habits) you'll have much more success being the quiet one who soldiers on, works steadily, saves at least 10% of your pay and builds a nest egg, makes smart food choices for yourself, exercises daily, and treats others with respect etc. People will notice your lifestyle, and they'll want to become more like you. They'll be times you'll want to lash out in anger at some verbal vomiting idiot who richly deserves a fist in the face, but people will notice your reaction to those morons as well. Lead by example and you'll change people's point of view.

Good things sometimes take time. :bye1:

Here's a piece that I think might apply to you --

Read it.

Or not. Couldn't care less

Ace of Spades HQ

The best characteristic of President Donald Trump is his willingness to fight. Actually, he doesn't really fight, he fights back. If someone goes after him, he goes back at them twice as hard. He doesn't let decorum or politeness get in his way, he gives people a dose of their own medicine. He may not win every battle, but damn it, he fights and wins more than he loses. Republicans need to learn this lesson or just give up now so they can be replaced by people who will.


Unfortunately, Republicans, and specifically conservatives, tend to go in the opposite direction. They don't respond in kind the way Trump does. They have a history of trying to "make nice" with people attacking them, or ignore the attacks completely.

There's something to be said for not punching down, far too many people respond to every criticism against them on social media like it's an affront to their very lives. They make themselves look smaller in the process, though most aren't all that bright to begin with. You have to pick your battles. But conservatives have a history of not picking any battles, of taking hits and walking away. That can't continue to happen.

By the way, Derek's daily podcast is really good.

Edge: Speaking of spineless, wannabe, nevertrump, gutless RINO traitors --

But if I had one criticism: Not enough babybabble about superhero movies and funtime hobbies to pursue while your wife is entertaining a Gentleman F***er on her elbows and knees. But then, there are plenty of those. Every cuck has decided he's an electrifying enough presence to justify a podcast.

And by the way: All these cucks do is appear on each other's podcasts. Literally. Hey, did you hear who Charlie Sykes has on this week? David French and Noah Rothman!!! And say, who was on David French's podcast last week? Why, Charlie Sykes and Noah Rothman!

What the f*** do these sad, fat losers have remaining to say to one another? It's like two merry-go-rounds side by side but spinning in opposite directions where one cuck says "Did you hear, Orangemanbad?" as he passes another and the other responds, "Oh yes, Orangemanbad. Also, Virtue Good." And then the next guy says, "Virtue Good, I is Virtue," and the next guy agrees, "Virtue Good, Me Have Virtue, Praise Me for Virtue."

And the next guy goes, "My wife is sleeping with her entire Wine Tasting Club and I've lost the will to live." And the next guy just cries and says, "Me Also. But also, Orangemanbad."

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