To save the country close the colleges.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
College educated people are destroying our country and our world and we need to get them out of positions of leadership before they finish the job. Colleges and universities have proliferated in America to the point where they no longer prepare humans to think critically but instead indoctrinate them to follow blindly.

The tragic consequences of too many college educated people began in 1957 when the Russians launched sputnik, the first Earth satellite, into orbit. This triggered the "Sputnik Crisis" and soon after every idiot in every corner of the country was borrowing money to go to college. A quick examination of the morbid shape this country is in will demonstrate the results of this travesty. Who’s been running the country?-college educated people.

There is a stark contrast in public perception between Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Millions of college educated Americans flocked to polls in 2008 in what can only be described as a giddy fog to hand the keys to the White House to a cardboard cutout of political correctness.

Obama was sold to the masses as a splendored example of academic achievement and the gullible, college educated multitudes greedily swallowed the spiel like fish in a barrel attacking a brightly colored fish lure. With serious questions about national origins and an esoteric past that produced no one who even remembered him as a body in a chair let alone a promising student, Obama soon to be festooned with a Cracker-Jacks-box Nobel Peace Prize, cakewalked into the president's seat practically unopposed.

If you think it’s normal and acceptable that Bill and Hillary Clinton who were broke when they left the White House, made ends meet by taking to the streets with a suitcase full of uranium samples for sale then you probably have a college education that that is indistinguishable from serious brain damage.

The only thing saving the country is the fact that all the academically undamaged normal working people put Donald Trump on Pennsylvania Avenue. With Bill Clinton’s North Korean and Barack Obama’s Iranian missiles aimed at us Trump now has to clean up the mess made by College educated politicians that threaten our very survival.

The only thing that will save America is to close about eighty percent of the liberal arts colleges and let them fall into disrepair like the US industry that has disappeared. Then Trump can return us to economic and cultural prosperity.
Yes, a sixth grade education is all anyone needs. A nation of Jethro Bodines may be a dream of conservatives.

Well, hell, we elected a president that makes Jethro look like a true double knot spy.
College educated people are destroying our country and our world and we need to get them out of positions of leadership before they finish the job. Colleges and universities have proliferated in America to the point where they no longer prepare humans to think critically but instead indoctrinate them to follow blindly.

Like the OP wants you to do....Follow him blindly and destroy all institutions of higher education....
This post is comical. So we want the majority of people with no college degree so that there is a major surplus of blue collar laborers making a pittance wage. Utopia. Lol. China is not the model we want to follow in any manner. My kids had one choice upon high school tech school, no hanging around, no working a job for 15 bucks an hour, no military, only college. All of them have high paying jobs because of it. Once they had their degrees they had choices.
This post is comical. So we want the majority of people with no college degree so that there is a major surplus of blue collar laborers making a pittance wage. Utopia. Lol. China is not the model we want to follow in any manner. My kids had one choice upon high school tech school, no hanging around, no working a job for 15 bucks an hour, no military, only college. All of them have high paying jobs because of it. Once they had their degrees they had choices.
The OP doesn't like them new fangled devices like VCRs either...What will the clergy do without fresh recruits for their ministry what with no degree?
College educated people are destroying our country and our world and we need to get them out of positions of leadership before they finish the job. Colleges and universities have proliferated in America to the point where they no longer prepare humans to think critically but instead indoctrinate them to follow blindly.

The tragic consequences of too many college educated people began in 1957 when the Russians launched sputnik, the first Earth satellite, into orbit. This triggered the "Sputnik Crisis" and soon after every idiot in every corner of the country was borrowing money to go to college. A quick examination of the morbid shape this country is in will demonstrate the results of this travesty. Who’s been running the country?-college educated people.

There is a stark contrast in public perception between Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Millions of college educated Americans flocked to polls in 2008 in what can only be described as a giddy fog to hand the keys to the White House to a cardboard cutout of political correctness.

Obama was sold to the masses as a splendored example of academic achievement and the gullible, college educated multitudes greedily swallowed the spiel like fish in a barrel attacking a brightly colored fish lure. With serious questions about national origins and an esoteric past that produced no one who even remembered him as a body in a chair let alone a promising student, Obama soon to be festooned with a Cracker-Jacks-box Nobel Peace Prize, cakewalked into the president's seat practically unopposed.

If you think it’s normal and acceptable that Bill and Hillary Clinton who were broke when they left the White House, made ends meet by taking to the streets with a suitcase full of uranium samples for sale then you probably have a college education that that is indistinguishable from serious brain damage.

The only thing saving the country is the fact that all the academically undamaged normal working people put Donald Trump on Pennsylvania Avenue. With Bill Clinton’s North Korean and Barack Obama’s Iranian missiles aimed at us Trump now has to clean up the mess made by College educated politicians that threaten our very survival.

The only thing that will save America is to close about eighty percent of the liberal arts colleges and let them fall into disrepair like the US industry that has disappeared. Then Trump can return us to economic and cultural prosperity.

Take the government out of the student loan business and you will see participation rates drop in kind. Either that or limit the degree category which the government will pay for to STEM.
Once the government stops paying >$50K for B.A. degrees in Psychology you will see the rolls drop.
Take the government out of the student loan business and you will see participation rates drop in kind. Either that or limit the degree category which the government will pay for to STEM.
Once the government stops paying >$50K for B.A. degrees in Psychology you will see the rolls drop.
I take it you failed that section of study..
Not surprisingly political satire is not recognized or comprehended. Must be all that education that discourages skepticism and a questioning mind.

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