This Would Be Funny....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....if it weren't so tragically sad.

Two stories about what is laughingly known as 'the education system,' which has given up education in favor of indoctrination.

Proof of which is found in this post.

1. " Baltimore Schools' Heating Crisis A 'Day Of Reckoning' For The City And State
...Baltimore city school buildings are less than functional. As many as 85 of public schools in the city suffered heating problems over the course of a week, leaving students needing to wear coats inside classrooms that hovered around 40 degrees inside."
Baltimore Schools' Heating Crisis A 'Day Of Reckoning' For The City And State

Get it? The Baltimore school system can't affort to heat the schools.
Now......get this:

"Baltimore student protests and the $100,000 field trip
...Baltimore will pay as much as $100,000 to hire a fleet of buses to help transport city school students to a planned “March For Our Lives” national gun control protest in Washington, D.C., on March 24. In a different school district or a different time, it might be regarded as an inappropriate use of tax dollars to support what is essentially a political protest. Certainly, it’s not difficult to find $100,000 in unmet needs in city schools, from malfunctioning furnaces to undrinkable water."
Baltimore student protests and the $100,000 field trip

Earlier we learned that the Obama Promise Program was responsible for Nikolas Cruz being able to get the guns, slaughter 17 in Florida....and now the Liberals are gonna protest.....
...not Obama.....
.....but the NRA.....

....and use school funds to do it.....'cause, you know.....they don need no stinkin' education.

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