to reiterate one more time

I think what the sheriff said is true. He did not, however, claim that Rush and company were responsible for the murders. And they aren't...but they do create an atmosphere of hatred that possibly influences the unbalanced. Case in point: Liarbility. A rabid, idiotic hate spewing ditto head.
You didn't even read my post.

Yes, Raving Dishonesty, I did read your bullshit post

You denied reality.

It's what liars like you do.

That picture of that snarling bitch, that was you, right?
The only way Progressives have a shot at being decent people again will be through deprogramming, I just don't see any other way

ha ha

round them up and send them to deprogramming camps....

my my

how NAZI of you

and if that doesn't work....what would you do next, frank....kill them?

(of course you would)

You can take a one way ticket to Cuba North Korea or China
wrycatchter said:
So you've given examples of what should be common knowledge, i.e., that people commit assassinations for REASONS, often political reasons. People go on shooting sprees for reasons. People acquire reasons from their influences.

But apparently, the 800 lb. gorilla of an exception to that must be that it is categorically impossible for anyone to be influenced by the rightwing media to commit any unlawful act.

I don't say it is impossible. I am pointing out there is no relation between right wing rhetoric and the actions of this individual. So far as we know from people who know him, he never involved himself in it. I am protesting here the immediate assumption that he was a right wing loon, and that right wing violent imagery is somehow worse than left wing violent imagery.

Even if he were a fan of Rhandi Rhodes and did this, I would still think the idea of blaming Rhandi for it too much of a reach.

If you want to say x caused y, you have to show some relation between them. And you have to show that if z is very similar to X, only worse, how x is more of an influence than z, and how z was not the problem if X was.

We have had constant posts back and forth about left wing vs right wing violent imagery. Obama is a gold mine of this kind of stuff, with Rush it is a bit of a reach.

Now I have a new disgusting can of worms to open, but how is the relatively mild chatter of talks shows and politiicans compare with such things as Castle Wolfenstien? We do know from his friends that he loved this kind of game. Poeple have been protesting Wolfenstein for ages, and how do we know he was not taking his video game madness to the streets? Even so, millions have played the game, and so far as I know, this is the first one to do this. It still does not show a real connection.

Because Loughner was a busy poster on a message board, we can now see what his mind set was like, and what his concerns were.

Those of you who think you are experts about what went on in that heart of darkness should bring over quotes from him to prove your point. Bring over quotes over how he admired Rush or Hannity or whomever.

I don't recognize the quote as mine. My moniker is Wry Catcher. Please explain.

The source of that quote appears to be Trajan.

This quote that appears here to be NYCarbineer's quote actually goes back to post #50 where NYC doesn't even say that. :eusa_eh: SO I don't know where Trajan got that quote that is now being attributed to you by Baruch Menachem?
Pay no mind to that pos rep. Was supposed to be neg. I'll make up for it.

it must anger you no end that you can only NEG REP me and NOT actually kill me...
No. I'm neither angry nor violent. Where do you get a stupid idea like that? :confused:

Oh, yeah. You've been programmed. How sad that you're utterly incapable of independent thought.

I'm not programmed

I've NEVER been to any liberal meetings
or leftist meetings
or democratic meetings....

I don't watch ANY news shows BUT FOX (for my daily dose of conservative hate speech)

I don't read any lliberal or leftist authors
but I do read lim baugh, coulter, savage etc....just to see the hate and lies they disseminate

you stupid ignorant scumsucking piece of conservative crap (NOT hate...OPINION!
you only THINK I'm a liberal/leftist because I'm not as stupid or deranged as you are...

the truth is that I have SANE and RATIONAL opionions that vary from liberal to conservative (you fukin twatbag (NOT hate...OPINION))

I'm pro-gun ownership
pro STRONG military
very anti chinse/russian communists
pro-death penalty
very anti welfare for life
extremely anti ALL governmental health care proposals
PRO small business
ANTI BIG government

ya ignorant sissy boy ball sucking piece of conservative crap (OPINION! NOT hate speech)

I have opinions very similiar to your own...

the difference is that I am a nice, sane and rational person while you are an ignorant hatefilled scumsucking nazi sissyboy

(opinion....NOT hate speech)
Last edited:
it must anger you no end that you can only NEG REP me and NOT actually kill me...
No. I'm neither angry nor violent. Where do you get a stupid idea like that? :confused:

Oh, yeah. You've been programmed. How sad that you're utterly incapable of independent thought.

I'm not programmed

I've NEVER been to any liberal meetings
or leftist meetings
or democratic meetings....

I don't watch ANY news shows BUT FOX (for my daily dose of conservative hate speech)

I don't read any lliberal or leftist authors
but I do read lim baugh, coulter, savage etc....just to see the hate and lies they disseminate

you stupid ignorant scumsucking piece of conservative crap (NOT hate...OPINION!
you only THINK I'm a liberal/leftist because I'm not as stupid or deranged as you are...

the truth is that I have SANE and RATIONAL opionions that vary from liberal to conservative (you fukin twatbag (NOT hate...OPINION))

I'm pro-gun ownership
pro STRONG military
very anti chinse/russian communists
pro-death penalty
very anti welfare for life
extremely anti ALL governmental health care proposals
PRO small business
ANTI BIG government

ya ignorant sissy boy ball sucking piece of conservative crap (OPINION! NOT hate speech)

I have opinions very similiar to your own...

the difference is that I am a nice, sane and rational person while you are an ignorant hatefilled scumsucking nazi sissyboy

(opinion....NOT hate speech)
You're sane and rational? Do you read your own posts? :confused:
No. I'm neither angry nor violent. Where do you get a stupid idea like that? :confused:

Oh, yeah. You've been programmed. How sad that you're utterly incapable of independent thought.

I'm not programmed

I've NEVER been to any liberal meetings
or leftist meetings
or democratic meetings....

I don't watch ANY news shows BUT FOX (for my daily dose of conservative hate speech)

I don't read any lliberal or leftist authors
but I do read lim baugh, coulter, savage etc....just to see the hate and lies they disseminate

you stupid ignorant scumsucking piece of conservative crap (NOT hate...OPINION!
you only THINK I'm a liberal/leftist because I'm not as stupid or deranged as you are...

the truth is that I have SANE and RATIONAL opionions that vary from liberal to conservative (you fukin twatbag (NOT hate...OPINION))

I'm pro-gun ownership
pro STRONG military
very anti chinse/russian communists
pro-death penalty
very anti welfare for life
extremely anti ALL governmental health care proposals
PRO small business
ANTI BIG government

ya ignorant sissy boy ball sucking piece of conservative crap (OPINION! NOT hate speech)

I have opinions very similiar to your own...

the difference is that I am a nice, sane and rational person while you are an ignorant hatefilled scumsucking nazi sissyboy

(opinion....NOT hate speech)
You're sane and rational? Do you read your own posts? :confused:


I use the same words that you and willow and liability and lonestar and palerider use.....

what's the problem?

do only deranged right wing hatefilled scumsucking sissyboy conservative morons have the right to free speech?
Last edited:
I'm not programmed

I've NEVER been to any liberal meetings
or leftist meetings
or democratic meetings....

I don't watch ANY news shows BUT FOX (for my daily dose of conservative hate speech)

I don't read any lliberal or leftist authors
but I do read lim baugh, coulter, savage etc....just to see the hate and lies they disseminate

you stupid ignorant scumsucking piece of conservative crap (NOT hate...OPINION!
you only THINK I'm a liberal/leftist because I'm not as stupid or deranged as you are...

the truth is that I have SANE and RATIONAL opionions that vary from liberal to conservative (you fukin twatbag (NOT hate...OPINION))

I'm pro-gun ownership
pro STRONG military
very anti chinse/russian communists
pro-death penalty
very anti welfare for life
extremely anti ALL governmental health care proposals
PRO small business
ANTI BIG government

ya ignorant sissy boy ball sucking piece of conservative crap (OPINION! NOT hate speech)

I have opinions very similiar to your own...

the difference is that I am a nice, sane and rational person while you are an ignorant hatefilled scumsucking nazi sissyboy

(opinion....NOT hate speech)
You're sane and rational? Do you read your own posts? :confused:


I use the same words that you and willow and liability and lonestar and palerider use.....

what's the problem?

There is NO problem in your willingness to highlight your admission of your glaring blatant hypocrisy and your disingenuous nature.

You're sane and rational? Do you read your own posts? :confused:


I use the same words that you and willow and liability and lonestar and palerider use.....

what's the problem?

There is NO problem in your willingness to highlight your admission of your glaring blatant hypocrisy and your disingenuous nature.


now if we could only get deranged scumbag conservatives like YOU to admit yourOWN hypocrisy, bad behavior and disengeous nature...

but we all know that you are too insane to ever be able to even see what a vile and loathsome piece of conservative crap you really are

even hitler thought he was the good guy.....
Sorry, I can't find that post anymore. I know I got it from this thread.

My apologies for the wrong attribution.

Found it. It was at a long back and forth with many quote levels, so I only brought the statement from NYcarbineer

I will go fix the attribution.

Again, my apologies.
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LIEability, if you so value logic, why resort to ad hominem attacks, profane and course language and avoid offering a logical argument on why you believe the shooter acted?
Even the lower order of animals can be conditioned to react to stimuli; suggesting the shooter acted solely because he is a "nut" ignores reality.
There are events, stimuli, which effect even the most severly mentally ill humans; since there is no evidence offered that Jared Loughner was deaf and sight imparied, one might believe there were other antecedent stimulation which lead to his deadly behavior, beyond his yet undiagnosed mental condition.

I value logic more than you do. That's obvious. I am not, however, afraid to use the spice of a little ad hominem to respond to a nasty piece of shit like you when you resort to it -- almost exclusively -- in your posts. Take that beam outta your own eye, hypocrite.

If you don't like it, you dishonest pussy, then just stop doing it.

The FACT (I know assholes like you HATE facts, but that's your problem, pussy) remains: You have exactly ZERO evidence that anything in the realm of conservative political discourse motivated Jared Loughner in ANY way.

Assholes like the Pima County Sheriff make irresponsible statements and the spineless main stream propaganda ministry dutifully "reports" his irrelevant musings as though they constituted "news." Newsflash: the mere unsupported musings of Sheriff Dipshit do NOT constitute actual news relative to the assassination attempt story. And since it's not actual news, I am content to suggest that the widespread dissemination of the irrelevant unsupported conjecture muttered by Sheriff Dipshit by the Lamestream Media seems to have another purpose behind it. You are free to disagree. I wouldn't expect anything else from someone as utterly un-objective as you.

Krugman and The NY Slimes put up his opinion piece. Krugman even acknowledged that he had no evidence to support his early conjecture, but the mere fact that he spewed it and did so in The Slimes -- itself -- came to be another widely reported "news" item. It's not news. It was, I believe, widely disseminated for OTHER reasons.

And even here on this Board many libs JUMPED on the chance to turn the discussion around to right wing "hate speech." Yeah yeah. When conservatives speak abrasively, it's a horrifying thing undermining our Republic. But when you libs do it, not a peep out of you. You do tend to be unmitigated hypocrites. You have your agenda.

So, yet again, I offer you one rejoinder: I reject YOUR call for "civility." Eat shit. If the day ever comes when YOU guys can actually demonstrate a consistent track record of BEING civil, you will have rounded an important corner. If that glorious day ever comes, you may begin to earn the right to ask for a civil reply to the things you say. But until then, when you start off a discussion with false (or at least unsupported) accusations and with a high degree of sanctimonious condemnation, you kinda LOSE the "right" to demand a civil response. Fuck you.

What you libs are doing (orchestrated and pretty fucking obvious) is demanding civility as a form of censorship. Your ideas suck dead donkey dick in hell. You don't like the withering rejoinders to your horrible ideas. You really hate the fact that, when organized, conservatives tend to win in the arena of politics. So, you try to invoke censorship in one form or another. Well, too bad, so sad. Your application is rejected.

Oh, and fuck yourself. I shouldn't forget to mention that. It's important. Really. Go fuck yourself.

With all due respect and civility,

your pal,


LOL. You are so like the punks who express their manhood from the cage in the back seat of a patrol car. For someone who claims to value reason it is readily apparent you're controlled by your emotions as this most recent post suggests.
In all seriousness, I suggest you find a therapist. For by taking the anger which controls you out into the street, you put yourself and others at risk.
I hope you're not a gun owner, for sometimes anger is self directed and the risk is to others and yourself.
Get help.
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I use the same words that you and willow and liability and lonestar and palerider use.....

what's the problem?

There is NO problem in your willingness to highlight your admission of your glaring blatant hypocrisy and your disingenuous nature.


now if we could only get deranged scumbag conservatives like YOU to admit yourOWN hypocrisy, bad behavior and disengeous nature...

but we all know that you are too insane to ever be able to even see what a vile and loathsome piece of conservative crap you really are

even hitler thought he was the good guy.....

See how confused you are?

YOU are the scumbag. Not me.

It was EASY for me to expose your hypocrisy. You contradicted yourself all in one thread. You are a poseur and fundamentally dishonest.

If I had been a "hypocrite" as you now falsely claim, it should have been relatively easy for you to back up that empty claim.

But you cannot.

I AM a conservative. I am proud of it. And there's no equivalence between the word "conservative" and either of the words "scumbag" or "vile." That's just more of your hollow, baseless rhetorical bleating.
LIEability, if you so value logic, why resort to ad hominem attacks, profane and course language and avoid offering a logical argument on why you believe the shooter acted?
Even the lower order of animals can be conditioned to react to stimuli; suggesting the shooter acted solely because he is a "nut" ignores reality.
There are events, stimuli, which effect even the most severly mentally ill humans; since there is no evidence offered that Jared Loughner was deaf and sight imparied, one might believe there were other antecedent stimulation which lead to his deadly behavior, beyond his yet undiagnosed mental condition.

I value logic more than you do. That's obvious. I am not, however, afraid to use the spice of a little ad hominem to respond to a nasty piece of shit like you when you resort to it -- almost exclusively -- in your posts. Take that beam outta your own eye, hypocrite.

If you don't like it, you dishonest pussy, then just stop doing it.

The FACT (I know assholes like you HATE facts, but that's your problem, pussy) remains: You have exactly ZERO evidence that anything in the realm of conservative political discourse motivated Jared Loughner in ANY way.

Assholes like the Pima County Sheriff make irresponsible statements and the spineless main stream propaganda ministry dutifully "reports" his irrelevant musings as though they constituted "news." Newsflash: the mere unsupported musings of Sheriff Dipshit do NOT constitute actual news relative to the assassination attempt story. And since it's not actual news, I am content to suggest that the widespread dissemination of the irrelevant unsupported conjecture muttered by Sheriff Dipshit by the Lamestream Media seems to have another purpose behind it. You are free to disagree. I wouldn't expect anything else from someone as utterly un-objective as you.

Krugman and The NY Slimes put up his opinion piece. Krugman even acknowledged that he had no evidence to support his early conjecture, but the mere fact that he spewed it and did so in The Slimes -- itself -- came to be another widely reported "news" item. It's not news. It was, I believe, widely disseminated for OTHER reasons.

And even here on this Board many libs JUMPED on the chance to turn the discussion around to right wing "hate speech." Yeah yeah. When conservatives speak abrasively, it's a horrifying thing undermining our Republic. But when you libs do it, not a peep out of you. You do tend to be unmitigated hypocrites. You have your agenda.

So, yet again, I offer you one rejoinder: I reject YOUR call for "civility." Eat shit. If the day ever comes when YOU guys can actually demonstrate a consistent track record of BEING civil, you will have rounded an important corner. If that glorious day ever comes, you may begin to earn the right to ask for a civil reply to the things you say. But until then, when you start off a discussion with false (or at least unsupported) accusations and with a high degree of sanctimonious condemnation, you kinda LOSE the "right" to demand a civil response. Fuck you.

What you libs are doing (orchestrated and pretty fucking obvious) is demanding civility as a form of censorship. Your ideas suck dead donkey dick in hell. You don't like the withering rejoinders to your horrible ideas. You really hate the fact that, when organized, conservatives tend to win in the arena of politics. So, you try to invoke censorship in one form or another. Well, too bad, so sad. Your application is rejected.

Oh, and fuck yourself. I shouldn't forget to mention that. It's important. Really. Go fuck yourself.

With all due respect and civility,

your pal,


LOL. You are so like the punks who express their manhood from the cage in the back seat of a patrol car. For someone who claims to value reason it is readily apparent you're controlled by your emotions as this most recent post suggests.
In all seriousness, I suggest you find a therapist. For by taking the anger which controls you out into the street, you put yourself and others at risk.
I hope you're not a gun owner, for sometimes anger is self directed and the rish is to others and yourself.
Get help.

he's a gun owner

and he uses pictures of hillary and obama for target practice

he's drooling right now at the thought of killing some liberals

and, oddly enough, he has a hard on.....

all 3 inches......
There is NO problem in your willingness to highlight your admission of your glaring blatant hypocrisy and your disingenuous nature.


now if we could only get deranged scumbag conservatives like YOU to admit yourOWN hypocrisy, bad behavior and disengeous nature...

but we all know that you are too insane to ever be able to even see what a vile and loathsome piece of conservative crap you really are

even hitler thought he was the good guy.....

See how confused you are?

YOU are the scumbag. Not me.

It was EASY for me to expose your hypocrisy. You contradicted yourself all in one thread. You are a poseur and fundamentally dishonest.

If I had been a "hypocrite" as you now falsely claim, it should have been relatively easy for you to back up that empty claim.

But you cannot.

I AM a conservative. I am proud of it. And there's no equivalence between the word "conservative" and either of the words "scumbag" or "vile." That's just more of your hollow, baseless rhetorical bleating.


you truly are stupid...

do you have to be retrained every day on how to use the broom to sweep floors?

every conservative who routinely demonizes liberals with words like "scumbag" is a "scumbag"

and lonestar
and palerider
and liability
and so many others on this board
CONSTANTLY refer to liberals (or even rational people with conservative opinions who do NOT buy into the hateful rhetoric of scumbags like you and coulter and savage)
as (among so many other undeserved insults) "scumbags"

that makes YOU a hypocrite AND a scumbag

and a conservative piece of crap

and a dangerously deranged moron

and unAmerican
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Progressives will get something for free from President Palin, a free one way ticket to the Socialist workers paradise of their dream. You pick it boys, Cuba, China, North Korea, Laos, Angola, how the fuck can you say no? Think of the Hope and Change!
LIEability, if you so value logic, why resort to ad hominem attacks, profane and course language and avoid offering a logical argument on why you believe the shooter acted?
Even the lower order of animals can be conditioned to react to stimuli; suggesting the shooter acted solely because he is a "nut" ignores reality.
There are events, stimuli, which effect even the most severly mentally ill humans; since there is no evidence offered that Jared Loughner was deaf and sight imparied, one might believe there were other antecedent stimulation which lead to his deadly behavior, beyond his yet undiagnosed mental condition.

I value logic more than you do. That's obvious. I am not, however, afraid to use the spice of a little ad hominem to respond to a nasty piece of shit like you when you resort to it -- almost exclusively -- in your posts. Take that beam outta your own eye, hypocrite.

If you don't like it, you dishonest pussy, then just stop doing it.

The FACT (I know assholes like you HATE facts, but that's your problem, pussy) remains: You have exactly ZERO evidence that anything in the realm of conservative political discourse motivated Jared Loughner in ANY way.

Assholes like the Pima County Sheriff make irresponsible statements and the spineless main stream propaganda ministry dutifully "reports" his irrelevant musings as though they constituted "news." Newsflash: the mere unsupported musings of Sheriff Dipshit do NOT constitute actual news relative to the assassination attempt story. And since it's not actual news, I am content to suggest that the widespread dissemination of the irrelevant unsupported conjecture muttered by Sheriff Dipshit by the Lamestream Media seems to have another purpose behind it. You are free to disagree. I wouldn't expect anything else from someone as utterly un-objective as you.

Krugman and The NY Slimes put up his opinion piece. Krugman even acknowledged that he had no evidence to support his early conjecture, but the mere fact that he spewed it and did so in The Slimes -- itself -- came to be another widely reported "news" item. It's not news. It was, I believe, widely disseminated for OTHER reasons.

And even here on this Board many libs JUMPED on the chance to turn the discussion around to right wing "hate speech." Yeah yeah. When conservatives speak abrasively, it's a horrifying thing undermining our Republic. But when you libs do it, not a peep out of you. You do tend to be unmitigated hypocrites. You have your agenda.

So, yet again, I offer you one rejoinder: I reject YOUR call for "civility." Eat shit. If the day ever comes when YOU guys can actually demonstrate a consistent track record of BEING civil, you will have rounded an important corner. If that glorious day ever comes, you may begin to earn the right to ask for a civil reply to the things you say. But until then, when you start off a discussion with false (or at least unsupported) accusations and with a high degree of sanctimonious condemnation, you kinda LOSE the "right" to demand a civil response. Fuck you.

What you libs are doing (orchestrated and pretty fucking obvious) is demanding civility as a form of censorship. Your ideas suck dead donkey dick in hell. You don't like the withering rejoinders to your horrible ideas. You really hate the fact that, when organized, conservatives tend to win in the arena of politics. So, you try to invoke censorship in one form or another. Well, too bad, so sad. Your application is rejected.

Oh, and fuck yourself. I shouldn't forget to mention that. It's important. Really. Go fuck yourself.

With all due respect and civility,

your pal,


LOL. You are so like the punks who express their manhood from the cage in the back seat of a patrol car. For someone who claims to value reason it is readily apparent you're controlled by your emotions as this most recent post suggests.
In all seriousness, I suggest you find a therapist. For by taking the anger which controls you out into the street, you put yourself and others at risk.
I hope you're not a gun owner, for sometimes anger is self directed and the rish is to others and yourself.
Get help.

And what you just posted is exactly what you pretend to criticize me for.

You are a liar and a hypocrite. You have no integrity.

If your worthless life depended on it, you could not post a reasonable syllogism in support of any important topic and premise that logic on supported facts.

But hurry back again, Fly Catcher, and vent your spleen a bit more. Maybe you can find a couple of other mindless liberal clacquers to give you a high five or two for your angry rhetoric despite your transparent pretense.
now if we could only get deranged scumbag conservatives like YOU to admit yourOWN hypocrisy, bad behavior and disengeous nature...

but we all know that you are too insane to ever be able to even see what a vile and loathsome piece of conservative crap you really are

even hitler thought he was the good guy.....

See how confused you are?

YOU are the scumbag. Not me.

It was EASY for me to expose your hypocrisy. You contradicted yourself all in one thread. You are a poseur and fundamentally dishonest.

If I had been a "hypocrite" as you now falsely claim, it should have been relatively easy for you to back up that empty claim.

But you cannot.

I AM a conservative. I am proud of it. And there's no equivalence between the word "conservative" and either of the words "scumbag" or "vile." That's just more of your hollow, baseless rhetorical bleating.


you truly are stupid...

do you have to be retrained every day on how to use the broom to sweep floors?

every conservative who routinely demonizes liberals with words like "scumbag" is a "scumbag"

and lonestar
and palerider
and liability
and so many others on this board
CONSTANTLY refer to liberals (or even rational people with conservative opinions who do NOT buy into the hateful rhetoric of scumbags like you and coulter and savage)
as (among so many other undeserved insults) "scumbags"

that makes YOU a hypocrite AND a scumbag

and a conservative piece of crap

and a dangerously deranged moron

and unAmerican

Golly gee willikers. You truly are a stupid shit. :lol:

You do the very things you pretend to criticize and are incapable of grasping how much of a hypocrite you thus prove yourself to be.

No. I am not remotely unAmerican. Your childish taunts have no power because you have zero ability to support any of the bile you spew. You are worthless.

I'd say "nice try, though" except I don't like to be dishonest as you tend to be. Your effort, in fact, was atrocious.
I value logic more than you do. That's obvious. I am not, however, afraid to use the spice of a little ad hominem to respond to a nasty piece of shit like you when you resort to it -- almost exclusively -- in your posts. Take that beam outta your own eye, hypocrite.

If you don't like it, you dishonest pussy, then just stop doing it.

The FACT (I know assholes like you HATE facts, but that's your problem, pussy) remains: You have exactly ZERO evidence that anything in the realm of conservative political discourse motivated Jared Loughner in ANY way.

Assholes like the Pima County Sheriff make irresponsible statements and the spineless main stream propaganda ministry dutifully "reports" his irrelevant musings as though they constituted "news." Newsflash: the mere unsupported musings of Sheriff Dipshit do NOT constitute actual news relative to the assassination attempt story. And since it's not actual news, I am content to suggest that the widespread dissemination of the irrelevant unsupported conjecture muttered by Sheriff Dipshit by the Lamestream Media seems to have another purpose behind it. You are free to disagree. I wouldn't expect anything else from someone as utterly un-objective as you.

Krugman and The NY Slimes put up his opinion piece. Krugman even acknowledged that he had no evidence to support his early conjecture, but the mere fact that he spewed it and did so in The Slimes -- itself -- came to be another widely reported "news" item. It's not news. It was, I believe, widely disseminated for OTHER reasons.

And even here on this Board many libs JUMPED on the chance to turn the discussion around to right wing "hate speech." Yeah yeah. When conservatives speak abrasively, it's a horrifying thing undermining our Republic. But when you libs do it, not a peep out of you. You do tend to be unmitigated hypocrites. You have your agenda.

So, yet again, I offer you one rejoinder: I reject YOUR call for "civility." Eat shit. If the day ever comes when YOU guys can actually demonstrate a consistent track record of BEING civil, you will have rounded an important corner. If that glorious day ever comes, you may begin to earn the right to ask for a civil reply to the things you say. But until then, when you start off a discussion with false (or at least unsupported) accusations and with a high degree of sanctimonious condemnation, you kinda LOSE the "right" to demand a civil response. Fuck you.

What you libs are doing (orchestrated and pretty fucking obvious) is demanding civility as a form of censorship. Your ideas suck dead donkey dick in hell. You don't like the withering rejoinders to your horrible ideas. You really hate the fact that, when organized, conservatives tend to win in the arena of politics. So, you try to invoke censorship in one form or another. Well, too bad, so sad. Your application is rejected.

Oh, and fuck yourself. I shouldn't forget to mention that. It's important. Really. Go fuck yourself.

With all due respect and civility,

your pal,


LOL. You are so like the punks who express their manhood from the cage in the back seat of a patrol car. For someone who claims to value reason it is readily apparent you're controlled by your emotions as this most recent post suggests.
In all seriousness, I suggest you find a therapist. For by taking the anger which controls you out into the street, you put yourself and others at risk.
I hope you're not a gun owner, for sometimes anger is self directed and the rish is to others and yourself.
Get help.

And what you just posted is exactly what you pretend to criticize me for.

You are a liar and a hypocrite. You have no integrity.

If your worthless life depended on it, you could not post a reasonable syllogism in support of any important topic and premise that logic on supported facts.

But hurry back again, Fly Catcher, and vent your spleen a bit more. Maybe you can find a couple of other mindless liberal clacquers to give you a high five or two for your angry rhetoric despite your transparent pretense.


you are one amazingly deranged moron...

I've seen YOUR posts

you ALWAYS post the most vicious insults and personal attacks on the people you percieve to be "liberal"

(and your deranged hatefilled conservative friends high five you wit htheir thanks for your uncivil hate speech.....)

as has been evident for a long time...
cons accuse their enemies of their own crimes.....

truely...... cons have defective brains....
I wait patiently for you, LIEability, to post one logical argument to support your conclusion. You conclude, I believe, the shooter's action had one and only one cause, his mental illness. You conclude there was no other simuli, no antecedent events, no cause but that one.
If that is not correct, please correct me and suggest what other causes, direct or indirect, did or have influenced his murderous behavior.
You and others on the right continue to suggest I'm a liar and a hypocrite. Post evidence of lies or hypocrisy and I will offer the members of this message board a sincere mea culpa. Until then I remain convinced you and the others who make these allegations recognize the weakness inherent in the ideology you claim, and choose a course of willfully ignorance. For to question dogma exposes you and the others of the echo chamber to an unknown, and one common characteristic of a RW conservative is fear. Fear of change, fear of the unkown and fear of the future. Hence you are wrong, you are not a conservative, you are a reactionary. To claim otherwise offends true conservatives.
I wait patiently for you, LIEability, to post one logical argument to support your conclusion. You conclude, I believe, the shooter's action had one and only one cause, his mental illness. You conclude there was no other simuli, no antecedent events, no cause but that one.
If that is not correct, please correct me and suggest what other causes, direct or indirect, did or have influenced his murderous behavior.
You and others on the right continue to suggest I'm a liar and a hypocrite. Post evidence of lies or hypocrisy and I will offer the members of this message board a sincere mea culpa. Until then I remain convinced you and the others who make these allegations recognize the weakness inherent in the ideology you claim, and choose a course of willfully ignorance. For to question dogma exposes you and the others of the echo chamber to an unknown, and one common characteristic of a RW conservative is fear. Fear of change, fear of the unkown and fear of the future. Hence you are wrong, you are not a conservative, you are a reactionary. To claim otherwise offends true conservatives.

As always, Fly Catcher, when the truth becomes inconvenient to you, you lie.

So, I will deign to publicly correct you yet again.

What I have said -- several times and without any contradiction -- is that WE have NO idea what Jared Loughner's motivation was.

We DO have reason to believe that he didn't even listen to conservative talk radio. We DO have reason to believe that he didn't watch TV News or watch conservative TV programming. We have ZERO evidence that he ever saw the Gov. Palin campaign "ads" which placed "targets" on certain candidates ripe for taking -- politically.

Therefore, what I have said is that at least so far there is NO VALID BASIS to argue, claim, suggest or imply that Jared Loguhner's criminal actions can be attributed to right wing political discourse.

And while I have suggested that there is SOME evidence that Jared Loughner is possibly insane, I have never argued that he is or that he has a viable legal defense on that basis. I suspect that some version of "mental disease or defect" WILL be a part of his criminal defense. The evidence suggesting that Loughner MIGHT have severe mental illness is found in the stuff he posted to the web.

IF you have evidence that he ever so much as SAW Gov. Palin's ad, post it. IF you have evidence that he ever listened to Rush, or beck, or Levin or anybody else, share it.

Otherwise, you SHOULD be man enough to be able to acknowledge that the complete LACK of evidence along those lines makes any claim about the Arizona shooting tragedy -- directed against conservative political discourse -- very much groundless and quite irresponsible.

The balance of your post is just another sample of your tendency to engage in ad hominem bullshit with no truthful basis. You remain hostile to honesty. That is one of your more notable defects.
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LOL. You are so like the punks who express their manhood from the cage in the back seat of a patrol car. For someone who claims to value reason it is readily apparent you're controlled by your emotions as this most recent post suggests.
In all seriousness, I suggest you find a therapist. For by taking the anger which controls you out into the street, you put yourself and others at risk.
I hope you're not a gun owner, for sometimes anger is self directed and the rish is to others and yourself.
Get help.

And what you just posted is exactly what you pretend to criticize me for.

You are a liar and a hypocrite. You have no integrity.

If your worthless life depended on it, you could not post a reasonable syllogism in support of any important topic and premise that logic on supported facts.

But hurry back again, Fly Catcher, and vent your spleen a bit more. Maybe you can find a couple of other mindless liberal clacquers to give you a high five or two for your angry rhetoric despite your transparent pretense.


you are one amazingly deranged moron...

I've seen YOUR posts

you ALWAYS post the most vicious insults and personal attacks on the people you percieve to be "liberal"

(and your deranged hatefilled conservative friends high five you wit htheir thanks for your uncivil hate speech.....)

as has been evident for a long time...
cons accuse their enemies of their own crimes.....

truely...... cons have defective brains....

There's no need for you to post to simply reconfirm that which we all already realize about you. You have no ability to reply to the substance of a critique. You are able to resort only to your pathetic version of ad hominem.

When you guys demonstrate a consistent and true inclination to BE civil, I will only then start to give any additional consideration to your braying demands that you be accorded civility. You are transparently dishonest in the meanwhile.

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