Titanic was an inside job

You people don't know what you are talking about. Look at this picture. Ice absolutely CAN melt steel.

View attachment 287899

I am surrounded by morons

Steel melts at 2750 degrees F while ice is 32 degrees F
No way ice can melt steel

You crazy Truthers! You deny what you see with your own eyes? What do you think melted that steel? A cutting torch? Don’t be absurd!
You people don't know what you are talking about. Look at this picture. Ice absolutely CAN melt steel.

View attachment 287899

I am surrounded by morons

Steel melts at 2750 degrees F while ice is 32 degrees F
No way ice can melt steel

You crazy Truthers! You deny what you see with your own eyes? What do you think melted that steel? A cutting torch? Don’t be absurd!
Thermite my friend.....
I heard some of the lifeboats sank as well. That could only be a result of a controlled demolition.
No way the Titanic was sunk by an iceberg

Titanic was made of iron which is stronger than ice
Your right! if it was sunk by an iceberg there would still be pieces of it laying by the Titanic.

If a ship the size of the Titanic were to hit an iceberg, the iceberg would sink
So why aren't there pieces of ice around the remains?
There is no ice, only Thermite
Who did it in your opinion rightwinger? Who do you think the perpetrators were? :eusa_think:
No way the Titanic was sunk by an iceberg

Titanic was made of iron which is stronger than ice
Your right! if it was sunk by an iceberg there would still be pieces of it laying by the Titanic.

If a ship the size of the Titanic were to hit an iceberg, the iceberg would sink
So why aren't there pieces of ice around the remains?
There is no ice, only Thermite
Who did it in your opinion rightwinger? Who do you think the perpetrators were? :eusa_think:

Probably liberals
Why do you fools keep bringing back this old dead buried thread? :uhoh3: none of you obviously are aware of his history posting in this section.plus since the troll who brought back this old thread is obviously for some reason has the warped mind to be interested in his old threads,you should have bothered to look at one of his other old threads as well called Oswald shot jfk and 9/11 was not an inside job.had you bothered to do thst,you would have known this thread was being sarcastic:uhoh3: you all are obviously not aware either that he is a disinformation agent shill from Langley that has penetrated this site as well:uhoh3:
Why do you fools keep bringing back this old dead buried thread? :uhoh3: none of you obviously are aware of his history posting in this section.plus since the troll who brought back this old thread is obviously for some reason has the warped mind to be interested in his old threads,you should have bothered to look at one of his other old threads as well called Oswald shot jfk and 9/11 was not an inside job.had you bothered to do thst,you would have known this thread was being sarcastic:uhoh3: you all are obviously not aware either that he is a disinformation agent shill from Langley that has penetrated this site as well:uhoh3:

Another Titanic coverup as paid troll LARAMFAN tries to silence those who expose his evil deeds?

Question LARAMFAN: Where were you on night of April 14, 1912?
One of the biggest coverups in history was the myth that the Titanic somehow sank after hitting an iceberg. How stupid do they think people are?

Ice is FROZEN WATER it is not stronger than metal. If the Titanic really struck an iceberg, the iceberg would have sank.

If you don't believe me, try an experiment at home. Take a block of ice out of your freezer and hit it with a hammer. What breaks? The hammer or the ice?
That is ridiculous lol
Iceberg is a massive object and you only see the tiny top
It would easily smash and slice the cheap iron that was used
The side hull would be sliced like a tomato
That is ridiculous lol
Iceberg is a massive object and you only see the tiny top
It would easily smash and slice the cheap iron that was used
The side hull would be sliced like a tomato
I can tell you ONE that was no accident. USS Liberty. But the chosen(self chosen) can do no wrong
That is ridiculous lol
Iceberg is a massive object and you only see the tiny top
It would easily smash and slice the cheap iron that was used
The side hull would be sliced like a tomato

You are a moron

Ice is just frozen water. The Titanic was made of metal.
Lets do an experiment. You have an ice cycle and I have an iron sword. Let’s see who wins

The Titanic was not a submarine. It could not hit submerged ice.

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