Time to put pressure on the GOP. . .

Which statement re the President is most accurate for you at this time?

  • I hate President Trump and won't support anything he supports.

  • I strongly dislike the President and will oppose his re-election.

  • I don't hate the President but I oppose most or all of his agenda.

  • I like the President but I oppose most or all of his agenda.

  • I find the President unlikable at times but I support most or all of his agenda.

  • I appreciate the President and I support most or all of his agenda.

  • Other that I have explained in my post.

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139 replies, 1268 views, and not a single member with honesty enough to vote "I hate President Trump and won't support anything he supports."

Yet we all know multiple members here whose posts make it very clear that's exactly how they feel. I've always suspected that many of these TDS wackos really do know, deep down, that they're raging hypocrites. I'd say this proves it.
The poverty gap and the wage gap are also the biggest it's ever been in the country's history.

How come Trumpettes don't talk about that?
He has torn the country apart, and has left it open to it's enemies, and namely one of it's greatest enemies.

Him being there can only lead to disaster.
The poverty gap and the wage gap are also the biggest it's ever been in the country's history.

How come Trumpettes don't talk about that?

Apparently for the same reason the Obamabots didn't during his Presidency.
You do realize that the wealth gap grew both fastest ever and the highest ever then?
Yeah....but who cared then right?
Could you please list them in alphabetical or chronological order?
Let's start w/the first one, before his Presidency even began. The one that set him on the wrong side of black people.

"Obama was born in Kenya."

It was all downhill from there.
Apparently for the same reason the Obamabots didn't during his Presidency.
You do realize that the wealth gap grew both fastest ever and the highest ever then?
Yeah....but who cared then right?
Why are you such a hack?

Did you care about how the same economy was growing the same way as it is now then?

Your words betray you, hack.
I'm glad I decided not to be poor. What in hell does any politician have to do with the choices you make?

So here we have a self-professed Conservative blaming the American voters for their plight.

But wanting to give CREDIT to their improvement whenever it comes, like what's been happening.
He has torn the country apart, and has left it open to it's enemies, and namely one of it's greatest enemies.

Him being there can only lead to disaster.
Puh-leaze! Obama ripped the country apart. I was a 35+ year Democrat and voted for the man. Then he turned his back and demonized his base. Hillary kicked it up a notch with her deplorable bullshit. Trump has done a world of good for every American regardless of color or creed. He's put a hell of a lot more women and people of color to work than Obama ever thought about doing. You need to get the idiot chip off your shoulder and wake the fuck up.
Apparently for the same reason the Obamabots didn't during his Presidency.
You do realize that the wealth gap grew both fastest ever and the highest ever then?
Yeah....but who cared then right?
Why are you such a hack?

Did you care about how the same economy was growing the same way as it is now then?

Your words betray you, hack.
Hardly Troll.
Under Obama it was the best time to be wealthy in American history. No other President even comes close.
Record Stock Market growth, record market profits.... all due to unprecedented free loans provided to these investment banks/firms all the way to 2016. To the tune of $70 Billion a month.
It's easy to make money when you can use someone else's money with no risk.
As well as extraordinary forgiveness and looking the other way to the very same people who created the crash of 08. No one went to Jail. No one. Instead of being held accountable - they were showered with 100% buy backs and free loans.
Indeed - it was great to be rich then.
Puh-leaze! Obama ripped the country apart. I was a 35+ year Democrat and voted for the man. Then he turned his back and demonized his base. Hillary kicked it up a notch with her deplorable bullshit. Trump has done a world of good for every American regardless of color or creed. He's put a hell of a lot more women and people of color to work than Obama ever thought about doing. You need to get the idiot chip off your shoulder and wake the fuck up.
Explain how Obama "demonized his base."

Go for it.
Hardly Troll.
Under Obama it was the best time to be wealthy in American history. No other President even comes close.
Record Stock Market growth, record market profits.... all due to unprecedented free loans provided to these investment banks/firms all the way to 2016. To the tune of $70 Billion a month.
It's easy to make money when you can use someone else's money with no risk.
As well as extraordinary forgiveness and looking the other way to the very same people who created the crash of 08. No one went to Jail. No one. Instead of being held accountable - they were showered with 100% buy backs and free loans.
Indeed - it was great to be rich then.
You were on USMB during that time.

Why haven't I seen a peep from you screaming to arrest the banksters?
Trump never said that.
Why must you effin LIE so much?

14 of Donald Trump's most outrageous 'birther' claims - CNNPolitics

No wonder your dumb-ass loves Trump so much, the lies bind you in common.

At no point did he say in ANY of those statements/incidents that Obama was born in Kenya. He was repeating the controversies--most of which were created by Obama himself with his inadvertent statements--that were floating around all over the country at that time. It was things like Obama saying "my Muslim faith"--something George Stephanopoulous quickly urged him to correct to "Christian faith", the well publicized statement by his Kenyan grandmother that he was born there, the intense secrecy Obama kept about all his birth records, that when he did release them he would only allow a couple of staunch Obama supporters examine and report on them, his secrecy about college admissions, etc. when he could have put the controversies to rest by simply making them available, etc.

I don't blame him for not making those things public but he did invite the controversy to continue. Just as Trump is encouraging speculation about his taxes when he chose not to release them for public scrutiny.

Whenever somebody says something can't be done--like getting Obama's birth records--that is like waving a flag in front of a bull to Donald Trump, then and now. He loves a challenge and he loves accomplishing things that people say he can't done or that can't be done. I am pretty sure that was his motive for going after Obama's birth records.

And ultimately it was Donald Trump who put the matter to rest with his unequivocable and firm statement that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii.
He has torn the country apart, and has left it open to it's enemies, and namely one of it's greatest enemies.

Him being there can only lead to disaster.

Prior to Obama, the racial tensions were the lowest in decades. After Obama racial tensions were highest in decades.

Obama has torn the country apart. Trump is a result of Obama. Obama did more to elect Trump, than Trump did.


In fact, if you look at the numbers, it clearly shows that when a Republican is in office, racial tensions are low. (1980 -1991), and when Democraps take over, Racial tensions explode (1992 to 2000).

Under Bush, racial tensions were extremely low.

Under Obama racial tensions drastically increased.
He has torn the country apart, and has left it open to it's enemies, and namely one of it's greatest enemies.

Him being there can only lead to disaster.

LMAO For a torn apart country its doing damned well. A great economy. UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs everywhere.

If that's your idea of torn apart then your in the wrong country.

Oh and I don't see any disasters yet. You??

The country is so much more than the economy, and the economy really isn't that great right now. Wages are not rising very quickly. Tax revenues are way, way down, and the public isn't spending.

Trump's constant need for an adversary, someone to take on and defeat, means he uses everything at his disposal to create "enemies". The Democrats, the refugees, the Muslims. It's hateful and divisive. It's not building up anything, just tearing everything apart.

The NY Times, Washington Post, et al, no friends of the President, and others of the MSM concede wages are rising at the fastest rate that they have in a decade but at a rate that isn't impacting inflation. And those who most need that increase the most are doing better than the higher paid people. When you have full employment, it is a seller's market for labor. Also family income/wealth that had declined under Obama is again rising.

Trump does not go looking for adversaries. He has adversaries because he poses such a threat to the permanent political class and a socialist and/or Marxist agenda pushed by the Democrats. He is the first President in a very long time willing to put himself out there to solve real problems and actually accomplish good things for America and the American people. And he is demonstrating in spades how ineffective and nonproductive their policies have been for so long.

But yes the country is so much more than the economy. But without the ability to earn a living and take care of yourself and your family, nothing much else matters all that much.

What makes you say Trump does not go looking for adversaries? He seems to do exactly that to me. I get the feeling he is more comfortable with someone to point to and say, "They are the bad guy!" You also say he is the first president in a long time to put himself out there to solve real problems and accomplish good things. What measures are you using to come to that conclusion? It sounds to me more like he is the first president in a long time who is promoting policies you agree with. That is not the same thing.
At no point did he say in ANY of those statements/incidents that Obama was born in Kenya. He was repeating the controversies--most of which were created by Obama himself with his inadvertent statements--that were floating around all over the country at that time. It was things like Obama saying "my Muslim faith"--something George Stephanopoulous quickly urged him to correct to "Christian faith", the well publicized statement by his Kenyan grandmother that he was born there, the intense secrecy Obama kept about all his birth records, that when he did release them he would only allow a couple of staunch Obama supporters examine and report on them, his secrecy about college admissions, etc. when he could have put the controversies to rest by simply making them available, etc.

I don't blame him for not making those things public but he did invite the controversy to continue. Just as Trump is encouraging speculation about his taxes when he chose not to release them for public scrutiny.

Whenever somebody says something can't be done--like getting Obama's birth records--that is like waving a flag in front of a bull to Donald Trump, then and now. He loves a challenge and he loves accomplishing things that people say he can't done or that can't be done. I am pretty sure that was his motive for going after Obama's birth records.

And ultimately it was Donald Trump who put the matter to rest with his unequivocable and firm statement that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii.

Thank you for outing yourself a totally crazy nutjob.
Prior to Obama, the racial tensions were the lowest in decades. After Obama racial tensions were highest in decades.

Obama has torn the country apart. Trump is a result of Obama. Obama did more to elect Trump, than Trump did.


In fact, if you look at the numbers, it clearly shows that when a Republican is in office, racial tensions are low. (1980 -1991), and when Democraps take over, Racial tensions explode (1992 to 2000).

Under Bush, racial tensions were extremely low.

Under Obama racial tensions drastically increased.
1. Has racial tensions increased or decreased under Ze Trumpenführer?

b. What exactly did Obamado to increase these racial tensions?
Hardly Troll.
Under Obama it was the best time to be wealthy in American history. No other President even comes close.
Record Stock Market growth, record market profits.... all due to unprecedented free loans provided to these investment banks/firms all the way to 2016. To the tune of $70 Billion a month.
It's easy to make money when you can use someone else's money with no risk.
As well as extraordinary forgiveness and looking the other way to the very same people who created the crash of 08. No one went to Jail. No one. Instead of being held accountable - they were showered with 100% buy backs and free loans.
Indeed - it was great to be rich then.
You were on USMB during that time.

Why haven't I seen a peep from you screaming to arrest the banksters?

Who are you Captain Deflection?
You bitched about the wealth gap under Trump, when the Wealth gap was made so wide, and so fast during Obama's years... I make a very valid point in saying it is a bit disingenuous to complain now as if Trump has anything to do with it in such a short period of time, when the gap became the Grand Canyon under Obama.

Puh-leez... you are a Troll. That is all you ever do here.

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