Time to put politics back on the kitchen table.


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2018
Chesapeake Va
I was at a bar last night and I said something political to the table. Everyone said no talking politics at the bar. I said we need to stop not talking about politics because that allows the democrats to control the message. Because you refuse to talk about the what, whys, and wheres with each other the stories never come to the surface. It is time to stand up and voice your opinion freely. Stop being afraid.
I was at a bar last night and I said something political to the table. Everyone said no talking politics at the bar. I said we need to stop not talking about politics because that allows the democrats to control the message. Because you refuse to talk about the what, whys, and wheres with each other the stories never come to the surface. It is time to stand up and voice your opinion freely. Stop being afraid
I make a point not to hang around with people who disagree with me ideologically and politically. It makes things much simpler. Especially since I have a short fuse and am generally carrying at least one weapon.
I make a point not to hang around with people who disagree with me ideologically and politically. It makes things much simpler. Especially since I have a short fuse and am generally carrying at least one weapon.
Don't you think that it could be part of the problem though? If you are exposed to only people who agree with your view it is never challenged. I think that is not healthy for the nation.
I was at a bar last night and I said something political to the table. Everyone said no talking politics at the bar. I said we need to stop not talking about politics because that allows the democrats to control the message. Because you refuse to talk about the what, whys, and wheres with each other the stories never come to the surface. It is time to stand up and voice your opinion freely. Stop being afraid.
You were at a bar with a bunch of Democrats? I thought you didn't like Democrats.
on't you think that it could be part of the problem though? If you are exposed to only people who agree with your view it is never challenged. I think that is not healthy for the nation
I don’t give a fuck about the nation. The America I believe in died in 1861.

My viewpoints will not be changed. That doesn’t mean someone might not piss me off sufficiently to catch 4” of serrated steel or two 158 grain copper coated lead nuggets. It’s better this way. Trust me.
I don't go to bars. Being unarmed makes me nervous and the Wife would be displeased.
Stupid, isn't it? I don't go to bars for the same reason, not allowed to be armed in bars. I don't get it. I would never shoot anybody that was shooting or trying to physically harm me and mine, but now worth losing my carry permit or my right to continually carry even in my own state, so I don't go much.
It is time to stand up and voice your opinion freely. Stop being afraid.
What good is it going to do? You have plenty of opportunity to discuss politics here - what good does it do???

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I've probably learned far more from people I disagree with than from people I agree with.

Our regular watering hole has a rather conservative clientele. It would be an ugly scene if someone rolled into the parking lot with a "Biden '24" sticker on their car.

Politics, religion and alcohol simply don't mix...
You can wear any kind of head gear practically anywhere you go but you can get killed for wearing a MAGA hat in some areas. What does that tell you about the left's political anger?
It tells everyone that you're very susceptible to stupid propaganda.

But then, you're in the Trump cult, so we already knew that. Your masters keep you hysterical to keep you obedient.
It is time to stand up and voice your opinion freely. Stop being afraid.
Do you understand that Democrats don't engage you in public mainly out of pity?

You'll no doubt learn.

My suggestion? After every stupid thing you say gets laughed at, just mumble something about "the liberal media" and "fake news". It's not like you can win based on facts.
It was a mixed crowd. I'm a constitutional Libertarian myself. I want the government out of my life as much as possible.
There is way too much sensitivity to discussing politics in person, in groups of friends and family. I have Republican relatives and friends that do not want to discuss it also. Hell, back in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s even our elected politicians went to dinner together and did in fact often discuss politics. Now for the most part, I don't think they can even be on speaking terms socially, less they get primaried.
I was at a bar last night and I said something political to the table. Everyone said no talking politics at the bar. I said we need to stop not talking about politics because that allows the democrats to control the message. Because you refuse to talk about the what, whys, and wheres with each other the stories never come to the surface. It is time to stand up and voice your opinion freely. Stop being afraid.
Sure, talking divisive politics in an alcohol fueled environment. Nothing bad would happen there. :)
Sorry, we avoid politics altogether when we (rarely) go to a bar to drink.

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